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Lichens Cladoniaalpestris collected in the northern part of Sweden were analyzed over a 10-year period for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Results show a delay of 2–3 years between the production of PCBs and the deposition of these compounds in the lichen. They confirm the low solubility of PCBs in water and the predominance of atmospheric transport of these chlorinated compounds far away from industrialized areas.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate phases of rain samples were analysed over a three month period in a coastal station of the Mediterranean sea. Results show that dry deposition seems to be more important for the input of chlorinated compounds than wet deposition. Fluxes to the western Mediterranean sea are estimated through this experiment.  相似文献   

The equilibrium composition of product gases from the combustion of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) has been studied for varying ratios of C, H, Cl, and O under stoichiometric to fuel-rich conditions. An interactive, PC-compatible FORTRAN program, STANJAN, was utilized in conjunction with thermochemical data sources to calculate equilibrium compositions of gas mixtures as a function of temperature. The predicted results, when judiciously interpreted, assist in the understanding of the potential for formation of residual organic substance emissions (ROSEs) in post-flame environments of an incinerator. Arguments are presented for the potential formation of chlorinated species, which are stable at ambient temperature, if locally fuel-rich mixtures penetrate into the lower temperature zones of an incinerator. ROSEs that have been observed in field tests of incinerators burning chlorinated compounds are predicted to form under the fuel-rich condition. Furthermore, when the equivalence ratio is greater than unity by even a slight amount, the degree of chlorination of product gases increases markedly when the Cl/H ratio also exceeds unity. In that case, time, temperature, turbulence and an overall fuel-lean stoichiometry may not be sufficient to guarantee elimination of measurable levels of chlorinated products. Possible implications of the equilibrium calculations are discussed. Further systematic studies with additional CHCs, nitrogen-, sulfur-, and heavy metal-bearing compounds are recommended as well as continued efforts to carry out kinetic studies.  相似文献   

Barry G. Oliver 《Chemosphere》1985,14(8):1087-1106
The desorption of 20 chlorinated organics from sediments has been studied using a nitrogen purge/Tenax trap system for separating the “dissolved” and “sorbed” fractions in sediment/water slurries. The desorption partition coefficient, KD, was found to decrease with increasing temperature and suspended sediment concentration. While some differences in KD and desorption rates were observed for the study chemicals, considering their wide range of physical/chemical properties such as KOW, these changes were small. Desorption half-lives averaged about 60d at 4°C, 40d at 20°C and 10d at 40°C under continuous gaseous purging. Estimates of the loadings of chemicals via desorption from bottom sediments in Lake Ontario are compared to loadings of these chemicals to the lake from the Niagara River.  相似文献   

Pilot-scale experiments were carried out to study the formation of chlorinated hydrocarbons through combustion of PVC. Vinyl chloride, dichloro-, trichloro-, tetrachloro-, pentachloro-, and hexachlorobenzenes were determined by GC/ECD. Furthermore, some peaks in the chromatogram were tentatively assigned to octachlorostyrene and PCB. The total amount of lipophilic organochlorinated compounds was determined by neutron activation analysis. The results indicate that incineration of PVC is not a major source of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the environment.  相似文献   

Oaks (Quercus velutina Lam.) growing over a shallow aquifer contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons were studied to determine if it was possible to estimate the approximate year that contamination began. The annual rings of some trees downgradient from the contaminant release site contained elevated concentrations of chloride possibly derived from dechlorination of contaminants. Additionally, a radial-growth decline began in these trees at approximately the same time that chloride became elevated. Growth did not decline in trees that contained smaller concentrations of chloride. The source of elevated chloride and the corresponding reductions in tree growth could not be explained by factors other than contamination. On the basis of tree-ring evidence alone, the release occurred in the late 1960s or early 1970s. Contaminant release at a second location apparently occurred in the mid- to late 1970s, suggesting that the area was used for disposal for at least 5 years and possibly longer.  相似文献   

Ohura T  Amagai T  Makino M 《Chemosphere》2008,70(11):2110-2117
The photochemical degradation of 11 chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ClPAHs) and the corresponding 5 parent PAHs was examined to simulate the compound’s fate on aerosol surfaces. All the ClPAHs and PAHs decayed according to the first-order reaction rate kinetics. The photolysis rates of ClPAHs varied greatly according to the skeleton of PAHs; the rates of chlorophenanthrenes (ClPhes) and 1-chloropyrene were higher than those of corresponding parent PAHs, whereas chlorofluoranthenes, 7-chlorobenz[a]anthracene and 6-chlorobenzo[a]pyrene were more stable under irradiation compared to respective parent PAH. Considering the photoproducts of ClPhes detected, the oxidation could occur immediately at positions of the highest frontier electron density. Finally, the quantitative structure-property relationship models were developed for direct photolysis half-lives and average quantum yields of the ClPAHs and parent PAHs, in which the significant factors affecting photolysis were ELUMO+1, total energy and surface area, and ELUMO, ELUMO − EHOMO and total energy, respectively.  相似文献   

The reactions of chlorine atoms and activated carbon have been studied over the temperature range of 200-400 degrees C using an isothermal flow reactor in conjunction with 337 nm laser photolysis of Cl2. These studies have shown that carbon tetrachloride is the major product, with chloroform, methylene chloride, and methyl chloride being formed in progressively decreasing yields. Trace quantities of methane, ethane, and dichloroethylenes were also observed. Mechanisms of carbon fragmentation by successive addition of chlorine atoms are proposed. The formation of small chlorinated hydrocarbons by the direct reaction of chlorine with carbon may be a key link in both the de novo and precursor pathways of formation of PCDD/F.  相似文献   

A field sampling device to study the transport of aromatic, persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons from water to air was constructed. It was tested in large, outdoor artificial ponds contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The PCB compounds volatilised to air at a rate of 0.9 to 9.6 ng m(-2) h(-1) depending on levels of PCBs in the water and water temperature.  相似文献   

Wang D  Xu X  Chu S  Zhang D 《Chemosphere》2003,53(5):495-503
Chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Cl-PAHs) released from combustion of polyvinylchloride (PVC) at different furnace temperatures were investigated. A laboratory-scale tube-type furnace with electric heating was utilized to control combustion conditions. Glass fabric filters and adsorbents were used to collect the combustion emissions. Following Soxhlet extraction, concentration and column chromatography purification, isomers separation, selective detection and identification of Cl-PAHs were performed on GC/MS system on the basis of retention data and mass spectra. Their quantification was accomplished by using external standard calibration technique. About 18 Cl-PAHs were determined, most of which were monochlorinated derivatives of naphthalene, biphenyl, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene. Only two dichlorophenanthrenes or anthracenes were identified. The possible positions of chlorine atoms attached to the aromatic rings are predicted by quantitative structure-property relationship. The levels of these compounds were in the range of 0.30-29.08 microg/g PVC. The relationship between the formation of Cl-PAHs and PAHs was discussed.  相似文献   

Baek K  Yang JW 《Chemosphere》2004,57(9):1091-1097
Feasibility of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration for the mixed waste that is consisted of chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrate, and chromate was investigated using a cationic surfactant. The co-presence of nitrate and chromate did not significantly affect the removal of chlorobenzenes, and the co-presence of chlorobenzenes did not affect the removal of nitrate and chromate because chlorobenzenes were solubilized at the hydrophobic interior of the micelles by hydrophobic interaction, but nitrate and chromate were bound to the outer shell by electrostatic interaction. Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration can be applied to treat the mixed wastes.  相似文献   

We have numerically modeled the breakdown of small quantities of several chlorinated hydrocarbons (CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3, CCl4, C2H3Cl, and C2H5Cl) in a lean mixture of combustion products between 800 and 1480 K. This simulates the fate of poorly atomized waste in a liquid-injection incinerator. Kinetics calculations were performed using the CHEMKIN and SENKIN programs, with a reaction mechanism that was developed at Louisiana State University to model flat-flame burner experiments. A 99.99-percent destruction efficiency was attained in one second at temperatures ranging from 1280 to 960 K, with CCl4 requiring the highest temperature for destruction and C2H5Cl the lowest. For all compounds except C2H5Cl, there was a range of temperatures at which byproducts accounted for several percent of the elemental chlorine at the outlet. The more heavily chlorinated compounds formed more byproducts even though the amount of elemental chlorine was the same in all cases. The sensitivity of results to residence time, equivalence ratio, temperature profile, and the presence of additional chlorine, was examined for the case of CHCl3.  相似文献   

We analysed needles of Pinus radiata along three transects through the South Island of New Zealand for chlorinated hydrocarbons ( alpha- and gamma-HCH, HCB and PCB) and PAH (fluoranthene, 3,4-benzopyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene and indenopyrene). At rural sites we also collected samples of moss (Wijkia extenuata) and lichens (Usnea sp.) in order to compare the pollutant concentrations within these plants. A principal component analysis confirmed findings from moss and snow studies in Europe that the PAH concentrations vary regionally in the same way. The pattern of the principal component loadings of the chlorinated hydrocarbons reflects their heterogeneous immission and their different chemodynamics. The regional pattern indicates an increase of gamma-HCH from remote areas to those used intensively for agriculture and gardening, followed by a decrease towards the inner city of Christchurch. In contrast, PCB and PAH show their highest levels of contamination in the city. The regional distribution of PAH in Christchurch correlates well with traffic density, and particularly with the pattern of smoke from domestic fires. Our study demonstrates that needles of P. radiata can be better monitors of atmospheric pollution in New Zealand than mosses or lichens.  相似文献   

Field biogeochemical characterization and laboratory microcosm studies were performed to assess the potential for future biotransformation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and toluene in a plume containing petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda, MI. In situ terminal electron accepting processes (TEAPs), contaminant composition and microbial phylogeny were studied at a plume transect 100 m downgradient of the source. The presence of reduced electron acceptors, relevant microbial communities, and elevated dissolved methane and carbon dioxide concentrations at the transect, as well as downgradient accumulation of BTEX metabolites and dechlorination products, indicated that past or current reductive dechlorination at the transect was likely driven by BTEX biodegradation in the methanogenic zone. However, TCE and toluene mineralization in sediment-groundwater microcosms without added electron acceptors did not exceed 5% during 300 days of incubation and was nearly invariant with original sediment TEAP, even following amendments of nitrogen and phosphorus. Mineralization rates were on the order of 0.0015-0.03 mumol/g day. After 8 months, microcosms showed evidence of methanogenesis, but CH4 and CO2 production arose from the degradation of contaminants other than toluene. Cis-dichloroethylene was observed in only one methanogenic microcosm after more than 500 days. It appears likely that spatially and temporally dynamic redox zonation at the plume transect will prevent future sustained reductive dehalogenation of highly chlorinated solvents, for during the course of a year, the predominant TEAP at the highly contaminated water table shifted from methanogenesis to iron- and sulfate-reduction. It is recommended that biotransformation studies combine considerations of long-term, spatially relevant changes in redox zonation with laboratory-scale studies of electron donor utilization and cometabolic substrate transformation to yield a more accurate assessment of natural bioattenuation of specific pollutants in aquifers contaminated by undefined organic waste mixtures.  相似文献   

A method is described for near-quantitative extraction of micromolar concentrations of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAHs) from water for determination of chlorine (Cl) isotope ratios. A low pressure, carrier-gas procedure of extraction was proven to be applicable to CH2Cl2, CCl4, C2H2Cl2, and C2HCl3. The pH of the water was adjusted with NaOH to prevent extraction of CO2 from air and/or dissolved inorganic carbonate species. Recoveries of CAH samples (approximately 15 mumol), added to and extracted from approximately 340 ml of water, averaged approximately 96%. Average changes in the delta 37Cl values of the CAHs, attributable to the extraction process, were -0.01 +/- 0.06@1000. Significant isotopic fractionation of Cl was measured during partial extraction of C2CHCl3 from water, indicating that near-quantitative extraction is required for reliable stable Cl isotope analysis of CAHs. This method is also suitable for the extraction of dissolved CAH for gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometric measurements of hydrogen and carbon.  相似文献   

Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of C11bC3 chlorinated hydrocarbons and the underlying mechanisms are described and discussed in the light of recent results.  相似文献   

For the purpose of understanding the transport and deposition mechanisms and the air–water distribution of some volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHCs), their atmosphere/aquatic environment concentration ratio was evaluated. In addition, for the purpose of differentiating VCHC behaviour in a temperate climate from its behaviour in a polar climate, the atmosphere/aquatic environment concentration ratio evaluated in matrices from temperate zones was compared with the concentration ratio evaluated in Antarctic matrices.In order to perform air samplings also at rigid Antarctic temperatures, the sampling apparatus, consisting of a diaphragm pump and canisters, was suitably modified.Chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene were measured in air, water and snow using specific techniques composed of a purpose-made cryofocusing-trap-injector (for air samples) and a modified purge-and-trap injector (for aqueous samples) coupled to a gas chromatograph with mass spectrometric detection operating in selected ion monitoring mode. The VCHCs were retrieved in all the investigated matrices, both Italian and Antarctic, with concentrations varying from tens to thousands of ng m−3 in air and from digits to hundreds of ng kg−1 in water and snow.The atmosphere/aquatic environment concentration ratios were always found to be lower than 1. In particular, the Italian air/water concentration ratios were smaller than the Antarctic ones, by reason of the higher atmospheric photochemical activity in temperate zones. On the other hand, the Antarctic air/snow concentration ratios proved to be largely in favour of snow with respect to the Italian ratios, thus corroborating the hypothesis of a more efficient VCHC deposition mechanism and accumulation on Antarctic snow.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope analysis of chlorinated aliphatic compounds was performed at an in situ biostimulation pilot test area (PTA) at a site where 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and trichloroethene (TCE) were present in groundwater. Chlorinated products of TCE reductive dechlorination (cis-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC)) were present at concentrations of 17.5 to 126.4 micromol/L. Ethene, a potential degradation product of both 1,2-DCA dihaloelimination and TCE reductive dechlorination was also present in the PTA. Emulsified soybean oil and lactate were added as electron donors to stimulate anaerobic dechlorination in the PTA. Stable carbon isotope analysis provided evidence that dechlorination was occurring in the PTA during biostimulation, and a means of monitoring changes in dechlorination efficiency over the 183 day monitoring period. Stable carbon isotope analysis was also used to determine if ethene production in the PTA was due to dechlorination of TCE, 1,2-DCA, or both. Fractionation factors (alpha) were determined in the laboratory during anaerobic biotransformation of 1,2-DCA via a dihaloelimination reaction in four separate enrichment cultures. These alpha values (as well as the previously published ranges of alpha for the dechlorination of TCE, cDCE and 1,2-DCA) were used, along with isotopic values measured during the pilot test, to derive quantitative estimates of biotransformation during the pilot test. Dechlorination was found to account for 10.7 to 35.9%, 21.9 to 74.9%, and 54.4 to 67.8% of 1,2-DCA, TCE and cDCE concentration loss respectively in the PTA. Stable carbon isotope analysis indicates that dechlorination of 1,2-DCA, TCE and cDCE were all significant processes during the pilot test, while ethene production during the pilot test was dominated by 1,2-DCA dihaloelimination. This study demonstrates how stable carbon isotope analysis can provide more conservative estimates of the extent of biotransformation than do conventional protocols. In addition, in a complex mixed plume such as this, compound specific isotope analysis is shown to be one of the few methods available for clarifying dominant biotransformation pathways where breakdown products are non-exclusive (i.e. ethene).  相似文献   

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