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四种净水工艺对水源水微量有机物去除的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以UV254和CODMn代表饮用水源水中有机物替代指标.对常规处理、生物陶粒预处理、生物滤池、生物活性炭(BAC)、颗粒活性炭(GAC)、纳滤和光催化氧化进行组合,形成不同的处理流程,研究各流程对UV254和CODMn的去除效果.结果表明,各工艺流程都有一定的处理效率,其中以生物滤池和纳滤为主的组合流程处理效果最佳.此流程对UV254的去除率接近100%,CODMn的去除率达到78.6%,大大提高了饮用水的安全性.  相似文献   

Ozone fluxes over various plant ecosystems in Italy: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among air pollutants, ozone is the most important stressor to vegetation, which undergoes damage and biomass reduction after penetration of ozone molecules into the leaf tissues through the stomata. Stomatal ozone fluxes are considered the governing factor needed to assess risk to plant health due to ozone. Although this parameter may be calculated by modeling, direct measurements are scarce. Moreover, southern European situations, especially regarding Italy, require special attention due to the decoupling between ozone concentrations and fluxes. This work reviews ozone flux measurements made during the last 15 years through Italy.  相似文献   

研究了以A江水、B河水为原水的常规处理工艺和以C湖水为原水的两种深度处理工艺对有机污染物的去除效果.对水样的AOC、TOC和UV254进行了分析,结果表明,4个工艺对AOC的去除率分别是63.6%、-97.9% 、84.2%和94.7% ;对TOC的去除率分别是61%、6.6%、66.7%和75% ;对UV254的去除率分别是17.9%、25.6%、83.3%和95.1% ,与深度处理工艺相比,常规处理工艺不能保证饮用水的生物稳定性.  相似文献   

- A previously unknown pollutant in river water was identified to be 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (2-MBT) by interpretation and simulation of its GC/LRMS spectrum. Further GC/HRMS measurement of the isotope composition of the molecular ion verified this structure. 2-MBT is a well-known agent for corrosion inhibition and a stable metabolite of several other benzothiazoles. The present 2-MBT trace was most probably a metabolite of the wood preservative TCMTB which leaked from an upstream sawmill. The metabolite had been detected earlier in urine of the sawmill workers, but now was identified in the recipient water environment for the first time.  相似文献   

Soil carbon pools and fluxes in urban ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transformation of landscapes from non-urban to urban land use has the potential to greatly modify soil carbon (C) pools and fluxes. For urban ecosystems, very little data exists to assess whether urbanization leads to an increase or decrease in soil C pools. We analyzed three data sets to assess the potential for urbanization to affect soil organic C. These included surface (0-10 cm) soil C data from unmanaged forests along an urban-rural gradient, data from "made" soils (1 m depth) from five different cities, and surface (0-15 cm) soil data of several land-use types in the city of Baltimore. Along the urban-rural land-use gradient, we found that soil organic matter concentration in the surface 10 cm varied significantly (P=0.001). In an analysis of variance, the urban forest stands had significantly (P=0.02) higher organic C densities (kg m(-2) to 1 m depth) than the suburban and rural stands. Our analysis of pedon data from five cities showed that the highest soil organic C densities occurred in loamy fill (28.5 kg m(-2)) with the lowest occurring in clean fill and old dredge materials (1.4 and 6.9 kg m(-2), respectively). Soil organic C densities for residential areas (15.5 +/- 1.2 kg m(-2)) were consistent across cities. A comparison of land-use types showed that low density residential and institutional land-uses had 44 and 38% higher organic C densities than the commercial land-use type, respectively. Our analysis shows that as adjacent land-use becomes more urbanized, forest soil C pools can be affected even in stands not directly disturbed by urban land development. Data from several "made" soils suggests that physical disturbances and inputs of various materials by humans can greatly alter the amount C stored in these soils.  相似文献   

张怡  刘本洪  刘蕾  杨春 《环境工程学报》2021,15(12):3875-3882
将富营养水体治理与硬质河岸改造相结合,能够提高水体与河岸的交互能力,恢复河流生态系统的自净能力.以位于四川省天府新区眉山片区中心城区的柴桑河河段(长度1.5km,宽度80~100m,水深约1.85m)为例,通过铺设护岸专用基料、设置滴灌系统和播撒花草种子对硬质河岸进行生态重建,通过向水体中施用除磷剂、微生物菌剂及采用生...  相似文献   

Assessing the long-term exchange of trace gases and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is an important priority of the current climate change research. In this regard, it is particularly significant to provide valid data on simultaneous fluxes of carbon, water vapor and pollutants over representative ecosystems. Eddy covariance measurements and model analyses of such combined fluxes over a subalpine coniferous forest in southern Wyoming (USA) are presented. While the exchange of water vapor and ozone are successfully measured by the eddy covariance system, fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) are uncertain. This is established by comparing measured fluxes with simulations produced by a detailed biophysical model (FORFLUX). The bias in CO(2) flux measurements is partially attributed to below-canopy advection caused by a complex terrain. We emphasize the difficulty of obtaining continuous long-term flux data in mountainous areas by direct measurements. Instrumental records are combined with simulation models as a feasible approach to assess seasonal and annual ecosystem exchange of carbon, water and ozone in alpine environments. The viability of this approach is demonstrated by: (1) showing the ability of the FORFLUX model to predict observed fluxes over a 9-day period in the summer of 1996; and (2) applying the model to estimate seasonal dynamics and annual totals of ozone deposition and carbon, and water vapor exchange at our study site. Estimated fluxes above this subalpine ecosystem in 1996 are: 195 g C m(-2) year(-1) net ecosystem production, 277 g C m(-2) year(-1) net primary production, 535 mm year(-1) total evapo-transpiration, 174 mm year(-1) canopy transpiration, 2.9 g m(-2) year(-1) total ozone deposition, and 1.72 g O(3) m(-2) year(-1) plant ozone uptake via leaf stomata. Given the large portion of non-stomatal ozone uptake (i.e. 41% of the total annual flux) predicted for this site, we suggest that future research of pollution-vegetation interactions should relate plant response to actively assimilated ozone by foliage rather than to total deposition. In this regard, we propose the Physiological Ozone Uptake Per Unit of Leaf Area (POUPULA) as a practical index for quantifying vegetation vulnerability to ozone damage. We estimate POUPULA to be 0.614 g O(3) m(-2) leaf area year(-1) at our subalpine site in 1996.  相似文献   

河流水环境中的非突发性水质风险模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把影响水质模型的随机因素看成一个具有零均值的维纳过程,建立一个研究非突发性水质风险的随机微分动态模型,并对该维纳过程强度进行了估值。研究表明,水环境中的随机因素是引起非突发性风险的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

In recent years, new advanced oxidation processes based on the electrochemical technology, the so-called electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs), have been developed for the prevention and remediation of environmental pollution, especially focusing on water streams. These methods are based on the electrochemical generation of a very powerful oxidizing agent, such as the hydroxyl radical (?OH) in solution, which is then able to destroy organics up to their mineralization. EAOPs include heterogeneous processes like anodic oxidation and photoelectrocatalysis methods, in which ?OH are generated at the anode surface either electrochemically or photochemically, and homogeneous processes like electro-Fenton, photoelectro-Fenton, and sonoelectrolysis, in which ?OH are produced in the bulk solution. This paper presents a general overview of the application of EAOPs on the removal of aqueous organic pollutants, first reviewing the most recent works and then looking to the future. A global perspective on the fundamentals and experimental setups is offered, and laboratory-scale and pilot-scale experiments are examined and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new direct method for measuring water and contaminant fluxes in porous media. The method uses a passive flux meter (PFM), which is essentially a self-contained permeable unit properly sized to fit tightly in a screened well or boring. The meter is designed to accommodate a mixed medium of hydrophobic and/or hydrophilic permeable sorbents, which retain dissolved organic/inorganic contaminants present in the groundwater flowing passively through the meter. The contaminant mass intercepted and retained on the sorbent is used to quantify cumulative contaminant mass flux. The sorptive matrix is also impregnated with known amounts of one or more water soluble 'resident tracers'. These tracers are displaced from the sorbent at rates proportional to the groundwater flux; hence, in the current meter design, the resident tracers are used to quantify cumulative groundwater flux. Theory is presented and quantitative tools are developed to interpret the water flux from tracers possessing linear and nonlinear elution profiles. The same theory is extended to derive functional relationships useful for quantifying cumulative contaminant mass flux. To validate theory and demonstrate the passive flux meter, results of multiple box-aquifer experiments are presented and discussed. From these experiments, it is seen that accurate water flux measurements are obtained when the tracer used in calculations resides in the meter at levels representing 20 to 70 percent of the initial condition. 2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanol (DMP) is used as a surrogate groundwater contaminant in the box aquifer experiments. Cumulative DMP fluxes are measured within 5% of known fluxes. The accuracy of these estimates generally increases with the total volume of water intercepted.  相似文献   

Kang JH  Kondo F 《Chemosphere》2002,49(5):493-498
Total 15 surface river waters were collected from thirteen different rivers to investigate a relationship of bacterial counts and temperature to the degradation of bisphenol A (BPA). Autoclaved and non-autoclaved river water samples were spiked with 0.2 mg/l BPA. The spiked samples were placed at temperatures of 4, 20, and 30 degrees C and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. BPA was degraded at all temperatures in the non-autoclaved samples. However, BPA in the autoclaved samples was not changed at all temperatures for 20 d. These results show that the primary factor of BPA degradation in river water is bacteria. Moreover, three groups [group A (> 10000 CFU/ml), group B (2000-10000 CFU/ml), and group C (< 2000 CFU/ml)], were made on the basis of bacterial counts of the samples. Half-lives for BPA degradation in groups A, B, and C were 2, 3, and 6 d at 30 degrees C and were 4, 5, and 7 d at 20 degrees C, respectively. But at 4 degrees C, the loss of BPA was about 40%, 20%, and 10% in groups A, B, and C for 20 d, respectively. Bacterial counts exerted an influence on BPA degradation in river water with temperature. Our results also show that BPA-degrading bacteria are widely distributed in river waters.  相似文献   

Much attention is being directed to the measurement and modeling of surface-atmosphere exchanges of CO2 for different surface types. However, as yet, few measurements have been conducted in cities, even though these environments are widely acknowledged to be major sources of anthropogenic CO2. This paper highlights some of the challenges facing micrometeorologists attempting to use eddy covariance techniques to directly monitor CO2 fluxes in urban environments, focusing on the inherent variability within and between urban areas, and the importance of scale and the appropriate height of measurements. Results from a very short-term study of CO2 fluxes, undertaken in Chicago, Illinois in the summer of 1995, are presented. Mid-afternoon minimum CO2 concentrations and negative fluxes are attributed to the strength of biospheric photosynthesis and strong mixing of local anthropogenic sources in a deep mixed layer. Poor night-time atmospheric mixing, lower mixed layer depths, biospheric respiration, and continued missions from mobile and fixed anthropogenic sources, account for the night-time maxima in CO2 concentrations. The need for more, longer-term, continuous eddy covariance measurements is stressed.  相似文献   

为了阐明水源水库沉积物营养盐释放对水体富营养化的贡献,以周村水库为研究对象,探讨沉积物间隙水中氮、磷营养盐的分布特征,同时采用Fick第一定律对沉积物-水界面营养盐的扩散通量进行了估算。周村水库表层沉积物间隙水中NH4+-N的浓度为6.47 to 16.82 mg·L-1,PO43--P的浓度在0.13 to 0.56 mg·L-1之间,均远高于上覆水中的营养盐浓度,表明周村水库表层沉积物具有很大的营养盐释放潜能。Fick第一定律的计算结果表明,沉积物-水界面NH4+-N与PO43--P的扩散通量分别为62.831 to 133.231和0.364 to 1.271 mg·(m2·d)-1,研究区域中间隙水中的营养盐均由沉积物向上覆水扩散,沉积物是底层水体营养盐的重要来源。  相似文献   

Organic compounds in Mississippi river water were collected using a teflon disc to obtain surface film samples and a submerged bottle to collect water column samples. These organics were analyzed and characterized by high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The presence of n-alkanes, polynuclear aromatics and chlorinated hydrocarbons was established, with the more hydrophobic compounds found in greater quantities at the air-water interface as compared to the sub-surface water column.  相似文献   

Many rivers in China and other newly industrialized countries have suffered from severe degradation of water quality in the context of rapid economic growth. An accounting method was developed to investigate the source and mass fluxes of the main contaminants in the Ziya River, a severely polluted and heavily modified river in a semiarid area of the North China Plain, where chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) were the most important indicators of pollution. The results showed that the urban sewage with high concentration of COD and NH4-N dominated the streams, contributing to 80.7 % of the streamflow, 92.2 % of COD, and 94.5 % of NH4-N. The concentrations of COD and NH4-N in streams varied from 24.0–195.0 to 5.8–43.8 mg/L, respectively. Mass fluxes of COD and NH4-N of all pathways were quantified. Much of the polluted water was diverted to irrigation, and some eventually flowed into the Bohai Sea. Installation of adequate wastewater treatment facilities and making strict discharge standards can help improve the water quality. Our findings imply that a simple accounting method provides an extremely well-documented example for load estimation and can be useful for intervention strategies in heavily polluted and modified rivers in newly industrialized countries.  相似文献   


The Parati River contributes to the Babitonga Bay water complex, but the contents of the bay also influence the river during periods of inverted currents. In this study, the water quality along four stretches of the Parati River and Babitonga Bay was evaluated using chemical (physico-chemical and chromatographic analysis), microbiological (fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis) and ecotoxicological (Lumistox) methods to assess the reciprocal influence of the waters of this river-bay system. In addition, the most appropriate type of analysis for the monitoring of the estuarine region of the Parati River was identified. The results of six sampling campaigns showed that the type of contaminants and their levels varied temporally and spatially and thus the water quality also changed. Anthropogenic activity, such as banana cultivation and the release of sewage into the water system, is the primary cause of the contamination that affects the quality of the water in the Parati River estuary, which is a crucial ecological niche for the reproduction of various marine species. The ecotoxicity tests with Aliivibrio fischeri conducted to evaluate the water quality showed an integrative response, and the ecotoxicity data indicated that the Parati River does not have a significant influence on the water quality of Babitonga Bay.  相似文献   

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