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K. Hollertz 《Marine Biology》2002,140(5):959-969
This study of the burrowing heart urchin Brissopsis lyrifera includes measurements on feeding and food selection, ingestion rate, absorption efficiency, ventilation and respiration. B. lyrifera regulated feeding depth, ingestion rate and absorption efficiency in relation to food source. When food was added to the top layer of sediment, B. lyrifera burrowed closer to the surface and ingested mainly enriched surface material, whereas it burrowed deeper and ingested deep-seated sediment in the controls. In non-enriched sediment, the feeding rate was 0.04 g sediment DW h-1 ind.-1, and, in macro- and microalga-enriched sediment the feeding rate was 0.06 and 0.08 g sediment DW h-1 ind.-1, respectively. Absorption efficiency of TOC was about 43% in non-enriched sediment and in microalga-enriched sediment, but was significantly lower (34%) in macroalga-enriched sediment. Absorption efficiency of N varied between 48% and 55%, and was independent of food source. B. lyrifera feed selectively, enriching the gut TOC content about 2-fold and N content about 2.5-fold. The C/N ratio was therefore lower within the gut compared to the surrounding sediment, while the faecal C/N ratio was almost equal to the surrounding sediment. The faeces were, however, slightly richer in TOC and N compared to the surrounding sediment. For 3-5 cm long B. lyrifera, water current rate varied between 4 and 24 ml water h-1, with a mean of 11 ml h-1. Mean respiration rate was 205 µl O2 h-1 ind.-1. The water current rate was not sufficient for B. lyrifera to sustain itself by filter feeding only. However, organic-rich particles from the surface are suggested to be an important contribution to the diet. A carbon budget was calculated for B. lyrifera from measured values of consumption, absorption efficiency and respiration, in order to estimate annual production of B. lyrifera. Compared to literature values, growth was overestimated about tenfold in the budget. A large proportion of the absorbed carbon was suggested to leave the animal as dissolved carbon, through mucus production or through anaerobic pathways, either by the heart urchin or by micro-organisms in the gut.  相似文献   

Sediment reworking rates of Axiothella rubrocincta (Johnson, 1901) (Polychaeta: Maldanidae) were measured in situ in Tomales Bay, California (USA), from August, 1969 through July, 1970. On the average, each adult worm (approximate fresh weight=1 g) reworks about 5 g dry sediment d-1 at a mean temperature of 13.4°C and a mean salinity of 31.8.Reworking rates are positively correlated with temperature and salinity, and negatively with sediment organic carbon, sedimentation rates and grain size. An inverse correlation exists between sediment reworking rates (g dry sediment g-1 wet wt of worm d-1) and g wet weight of worm. Sediment parameters deseribing unworked sediments are not significantly different from those for fecal sediments. Although these data suggest this species to be a non-selective deposit-feeder, it is more likely that it is faculatively selective.  相似文献   

M. S. Thorsen 《Marine Biology》1998,132(3):423-433
Microbial activity in the gut of the detrivore irregular sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant) was studied by measurements of oxygen profiles, fermentation end products, C/N ratios, pH and concentrations of sulphide and sulphate in the gut segments, including the nodules of the intestinal caecum. The highest oxygen flux and consumption, and highest concentrations of short-chained fatty acids, and the lowest pH values occurred in the anterior stomach segments, including the anterior caecum. The C/N ratios indicate synthesis of microbial biomass in the caeca. The concentration of sulphate was high in the anterior stomach segments, whereas sulphide was only detectable in the nodules of the intestinal caecum. The anterior and intestinal caeca were the major sites for microbial activity, and oxidation of acetate and propionate produced in the two caeca corresponded to at least 9% of the total respiration of the sea urchin. Microbial fermentation, especially in the anterior caecum, seems to be important for the metabolism of E. cordatum, allowing the sea urchin to utilise refractile carbohydrates. The functions of the intestinal caecum are probably both residual fermentation and oxidation of accumulated sulphide. Received: 25 February 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

Sediment produced by parrotfishes (family Scaridae) may comprise new bioeroded material and/or reworked sediment. The relative contribution of the two components was examined in two bioeroding Chlorurus species, C. gibbus and C. sordidus, from Lizard Island in the Northern Great Barrier Reef. The relative importance of reworked sediment was determined based on direct estimates of sediment ingestion. In C. gibbus, 2.4% of the sediment produced is reworked. In C. sordidus, reworking contributes 27.2%. Comparisons of sediment size-distributions in epilithic algal communities, gut contents and defaecation sites suggest that both C. gibbus and C. sordidus markedly decrease the particle size of sediment as a result of ingestion and trituration in the pharyngeal apparatus.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the sub-Antarctic spatangoid sea urchin, Abatus cavernosus, was examined during a 2-year period in southern Patagonia, Argentina. The population studied is the northernmost known coastal population in the austral oceans, and is influenced by a greater annual range of seawater temperature than other Abatus species. The sex ratio of the overall A. cavernosus population did not differ significantly from 1:1, but was not homogeneous across size classes. A clearly defined annual reproductive cycle was found. Spawning occurred from May to July and was synchronous between sexes. Females were observed to be brooding within a 9-month period, from May to February. Juveniles were released during the austral summer, from January to February. The length at which 50% of the females were brooding occurred at a test length of 25.9 mm. A. cavernosus had a large egg size (mean diameter = 1.4 mm) and low fecundity (maximum = 57 eggs per female) compared to closely related species. The number of eggs within each brood pouch was highest in larger anterior brood pouch, which is close to two gonopores, as opposed to the other anterior and two smaller posterior pouches. Significant interannual variation was observed in gonad cycles, fecundity, and embryo development such as: brood size decreased during 2001; adjusted gonad dry weight and fecundity were higher during 2003. Hypotheses concerning the gonadal and brooding cycles and fecundity of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Schizasteridae are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A sample of 227Brissopsis lyrifera were collected in the Gulf of Lions in the Mediterranean Sea between 60 and 1000 m depth over a 21/2-yr period (June 1983 to November 1985). Males and females were sexually mature at the end of summer. After a period of gonadal inactivity during winter, gametogenesis resumed at the beginning of spiring. The cycle was synchronous over the entire bathymetric range studied. Variations in environmental conditions may be one factor inducing gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fishery is intensively practiced in several areas of the Mediterranean basin. In Sardinia, as well as other Mediterranean countries, sea urchin is a basic ingredient for several dishes due to the delicacy of its gonads (roe), and demand is constantly increasing. Restrictions have been implemented in order to minimise the risk of overexploitation, however, these measures might jeopardize economic convenience in sea urchin harvesting. This paper estimates economic convenience within the edible sea urchin fishery in Sardinia. It aims to determine whether both profitability and sustainability, in terms of the preservation of sea urchin stock, can be guaranteed by actual policy regulation. We found high variability in terms of captures and profitability among firms, and a considerable degree of this variability is the result of technological differences between fishing methods. Analysis also suggests that a slight increase in allowed captures should generate a more than proportional increase in profits. This evidence gives some useful suggestions for improving the efficacy of policies in affecting the economic and environmental sustainability of the Mediterranean sea urchin fishery.  相似文献   

The morphometry of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus from habitats of contrasting algal abundance but of similar urchin density was examined at two localities in southern New Zealand during 1993. Populations from habitats of high algal abundance (Dusky Sound) had similar relationships of demipyramid (jaws) to test diameter, but individuals had significantly smaller jaws relative to their test diameter than those from a locality where algal abundance was low (Arapawa Island). The body wall mass (in relation to total wet weight) was similar for populations from both localities but, for Dusky Sound populations, individuals from exposed sites had greater relative body mass than those from sheltered sites. The ratios of gonad weight:total weight were similar between localities. However, E. chloroticus from Arapawa Island reached reproductive maturity at a smaller size than those from Dusky Sound. Growth rates of E. chloroticus varied among localities in Dusky Sound. Growth was modelled by the Tanaka function, which allows for rapid early growth until reproductive maturity is reached and declining growth rates thereafter. The results show that sea urchins respond to low resource availability by increasing the size of the food-gathering apparatus, maturing at a smaller size, and growing to a smaller size than individuals from food-rich habitats. Received: 3 December 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

This study documents the annual reproductive cycle of the Temnopleurid echinoid Holopneustes purpurascens near Sydney. H. purpurascens reached sexual maturity between 11 and 26 mm diameter and was gonochoristic. The sequence of oogenesis was similar to previously described echinoids. However, the proportion of eggs at each stage showed no temporal pattern in abundance, suggesting that vitellogenesis is continuous throughout the year. Spermatogenesis was also similar to other echinoids and showed a significant increase in the proportion of partially spawned testes in spring, followed by a similar increase in the proportion of partially spawned testes in late spring and summer. Gonad indices showed a peak in weight from late winter to mid-spring (9.10ǃ.47 for females; 6.28ǂ.43 for males; mean-SE), then a decline for both sexes. Although spawning was variable over time, there was a peak in the proportion of spawning from late winter to early summer that correlated with the observed peaks in gonad indices and gametogenic cycles. The demographic implications of this reproductive pattern are that new recruits can enter the population through synchronous spawning during the breeding period, and smaller haphazard spawning events at other times of the year.  相似文献   

J. Dafni  J. Erez 《Marine Biology》1987,95(2):275-287
A comprehensive study on skeletal calcification in the regular echinoid Tripneustes gratilla elatensis was carried out between 1979 and 1981 in the northern Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea), employing size measurement, allometry and radiotracer techniques. Uptake rates of the isotope 45Ca were used to estimate the calcification rate of whole tests. Calcification rates of the different skeletal parts and the 45Ca uptake along the sutural margins of individual plates were also measured. Whole-test calcification rates for juvenile individuals, 11 to 13 mm in diameter, relative to their skeletal Ca dry weight, calculated using the allometric relationship between skeletal dry weight and diameter, were 1.5 to 1.8% d-1 for 4 to 8 h of incubation, while calcification rates obtained from periodical size measurements and allometrical constants amounted to 2.75% d-1. The apparent discrepancy between these results is explained partly by the short duration of the incubations, during which the internal calcium pools, apparently in the coelom, were not fully saturated with the radioactive tracer. This discrepancy decreased when longer radioactive incubations were used, or when a post-incubational deposition of 45Ca from these pools was allowed. The size of these pools is roughly 10 mol Ca per 13-mm individual, and it resides probably in the coelom where Ca concentration is 3 times higher than in seawater. The calcification rates given as percentage of skeleton added per day, both for the radioactive and allometric methods, decreased with the urchins' size. The calcification patterns of various components of the skeleton generally fitted their allometrical trends — a relative decrease in the size of the spines, apical plates and lantern. The teeth calcify rapidly to compensate for the constant erosion of their tips. Calcification per plate decreased exponentially from the apex to the peristome. Plate-edge calcification patterns of both interambulacral and ambulacral plates fitted patterns derived from size increment measurements, using natural growth-lines. Typically, most plates grow more horizontally (latitudinally) than vertically. It is suggested that the vertical vs horizontal calcification ratio (v/h) determines the individual plate growth and affects the whole test morphology.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of ultraviolet radiation-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) by Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller) was determined in specimens maintained on MAA-rich and MAA-deficient diets. Individuals were fed either the red alga Mastocarpus stellatus (Stackhouse), which has a high concentration of the MAA shinorine (6.98 nmolmg–1 dry wt), and trace amounts of the MAAs porphyra-334, asterina-330 and palythine, or the brown alga Laminaria saccharina (Lamouroux), which contains no detectable MAAs. Reproductively spent urchins were fed ad libitum during a 9 mo period in 1992 to 1993 until they were once again gravid. To monitor accumulation, samples of urchin tissues and ingested food were taken throughout the 9 mo period from males and females maintained on each diet, and the concentrations of MAAs determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Urchins maintained on a diet of M. stellatus showed an ovarian shinorine concentration (8.33 nmol mg–1 dry wt) 25 times higher than those fed L. saccharina. There was no change in MAA content of testes or somatic tissues in either feeding group. More than 99% of the MAAs present in an experimental meal of M. stellatus were removed during passage through the gut. Previous studies have inferred dietary accumulation of MAAs by comparing MAAs present in animal tissues with the consumer's potential diet in the field. This is the first study to have monitored MAA accumulation in animal tissues in conjunction with a controlled diet having a known MAA composition. Concentrating MAAs in the ovaries may provide eggs released into the water column with protection from damaging solar ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Synchronous underwater audio–video recordings and a passive acoustic detector were used to study the behaviour of Dascyllus flavicaudus. These damselfish produced sounds during six different behaviours and showed three different colour patterns while doing so. These sounds can be grouped into three classes: sounds associated with (1) fighting; (2) mating/visiting and (3) chasing and signal jumps. Moreover, the evolution of the different kinds of sound is discussed: the first calls could be a single pulse originating in teeth snapping. Modifications in the rhythm and number of pulses allowed the fish to build new messages. Daily recordings showed that sound production rates were higher at sunrise and sunset than during the day and that no sound was produced during the night. However, the kinds of call were different: sunrise sounds seemed mainly associated with mating/visiting, whereas the sounds associated with chasing and to signal jumps were mainly found at sunset.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the toxicity of total ammonia towards sea urchin bioassays, in order to elucidate the role of ammonia as confounding factor in sediment quality assessment studies. New toxicity data, expressed as EC50, NOEC and LOEC are reported for Paracentrotus lividus based on experiments at differing pH values. Results confirmed that sperm cell toxicity test is not very sensitive to ammonia, while total ammonia embryotoxicity is strictly pH dependent. Accurate observations of embryotoxic effects at increasing total ammonia concentrations evidenced progressive shifts from malformed plutei to gastrula and blastula blockages. Toxicity data obtained for P. lividus are comparable with previous results with other echinoid species.  相似文献   

This study presents metal levels in the sediments of the Bakar Bay, with its main goal to evaluate recent anthropogenic influence, as well as over previous decades. Sediment profiles at 7 sampling points were taken. Chemical contents in bulk sediment were obtained using ICP, ICP-MS, and AAS methodologies, and 20 most significant elements were presented. Concentrations of selected elements were evaluated by factor statistical analyses to identify their source. Also, metal enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index were calculated, and spatial distribution maps for three sediment layers were constructed. Measured metal concentrations in sediment were compared with concentrations in other sediments from the Adriatic Sea. In addition, a set of sediment quality guidelines were also applied in order to predict the probability of adverse biological effects on the benthic community: This was found not to be very serious. Factor analysis clearly demonstrates the segregation between metals of natural origin resulted from soil and bedrock weathering (Li, Al, Cr, Sc), and with two anthropogenic sources originating from the city of Bakar and bulk cargo terminal (Hg, Pb, Zn, Ag, Sn, and Fe). Mercury (max 0.65 μg g?1) is found to be the heaviest contaminant, followed by lead (max 71.5 μg g?1), copper (89.3 μg g?1), and zinc (156 μg g?1). However, this study shows that Bakar Bay is considerably less polluted with toxic metals than it was believed.  相似文献   

Summary Computerized screening of all the positions recorded during a synodic month on 120 individually marked chitons (Acanthopleura gemmata) pinpointed their preferential resting points. Unlike the majority of intertidal chitons so far studied, A. gemmata rests in well-defined homes actively dug in the rock. Homes proved to be not strictly individual and periodically interchangeable. A complex aggressive behaviour was recorded in the field when two animals came in contact at home. When competing for ownership of a resting site rival chitons may suppress their nocturnal feeding activity. Despite its strong home-related territoriality A. gemmata showed no mutual exclusion on the feeding area. The highly specialized resting habits clearly protects A. gemmata from its most important predator, the toad fish Arothron immaculatus. The behaviour of A. gemmata is compared to that of other chitons and gastropods, and the current hypotheses concerning the adaptive value of the homing behaviour in littoral molluscs are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous stranding events of the euphausiid Nyctiphanes australis Sars on the coast of south-east Tasmania during the winter months of 1984/1985 are documented. The krill were at a reproductive stage of their life cycle. Strandings almost always occurred on calm, sunny days on beaches with a northerly aspect. Typically, barometric pressure was greater than and wind speed was less than the monthly average. No significant differences were found between stranded euphausiids and those from surface swarms, and the relationship between the two forms of behaviour in this area is discussed. A new form of behaviour termed matting was observed, in which the euphausiids aggregate dorsal-side down on the substrate in shallow water. Matting usually occurs synchronously with stranding. Laboratory experiments showed that N. australis responds to changes in both the plane of polarization and intensity of light with behaviour typical of that observed in stranding and matting events. Light appears to be a key factor mediating these types of behaviour. Hypotheses for the relationship between stranding and matting are offered.  相似文献   

Levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in water and sediment from Aiba reservoir (Southwestern Nigeria) have been assessed. The aim of the study was to investigate the pollution status of the reservoir water and the bottom sediment. Analytical measurements were carried out for 20 OCPs using standard literature methods. The results showed higher levels of OCPs in the bottom sediment than the water. Significant positive correlations at p<0.05 level were observed for OCPs compounds in water except γ-BHC and endosulfan III, whereas in sediments α-chlordane, dieldrin, endosulfan II, pp-DDT, endrin ketone and methoxychlor did not show any correlation, and aldrin was negatively correlated with pp-DDD. The mean levels of OCPs in both water and sediments were higher, in most cases, than recommended levels for drinking water. Owing to possible toxicity and bioaccumulation tendency of OCPs by the aquatic habitats, the levels of OCPs detected in water and sediment samples could be a source of future health problems. Environmental monitoring of the reservoir is highly recommended.  相似文献   

A mass synchronous spawning of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) was observed in situ in Doubtful Sound, a large New Zealand fiord. Spawning occurred between 17:30 hrs and 18:30 hrs on 27 January 1994 and coincided with a full moon, spring tides and a period of decreasing sea temperatures. During spawning, the sea urchins formed a dense spawning aggregation of both sexes, with >90% of the urchins observed spawning at the time. Spawned gametes clouded the water column, and some were eaten by small labrid fish species. The spawning, which may have been as widespread as 40 km, marked a 42 to 50% decrease in gonad indices and resulted in a widespread, dense cohort of  E. chloroticus larvae within the fiord. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary In October 1984 foraging areas and foraging behaviour of the rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, were studied around a nursery colony on the hill slopes of Sri Lanka. The bats only foraged in dense forest and were not found in open woodlands (Fig. 1). This strongly supports the hypothesis that detection of fluttering prey is by pure tone echolocation within or close to echo-cluttering foliage. During a first activity period after sunset for about 30–60 min, the bats mainly caught insects on the wing. This was followed by a period of inactivity for another 60–120 min. Thereafter the bats resumed foraging throughout the night. They mainly alighted on specific twigs and foraged in flycatcher style. Individual bats maintained individual foraging areas of about 20x20 m. They stayed in this area throughout the night and returned to the same area on subsequent nights. Within this area the bats generally alighted on twigs at the same spots. Foraging areas were not defended against intruders. The bats echolocated throughout the night at an average repetition rate of 9.6±1.4 sounds/s. While hanging on twigs they scanned the surrounding area for flying prey by turning their bodies continuously around their legs. On average they performed one brief catching flight every 2 min and immediately returned to one of their favourite vantage points. Echolocation sounds may consist of up to three parts, a brief initial frequency-modulated (FM) component, a long constant frequency (CF) part lasting for about 40–50 ms, and a final FM part again (Fig. 4b, c). Adult males and females emitted pure tone frequencies in separate bands, the males from 73.5–77 kHz and the females from 76.5–79 kHz (Fig. 5). During scanning for prey from vantage points, the bats mostly emitted pure tones without any FM component (Fig. 4a). The last few pure tones emitted before take-off were prolonged to about 60 ms duration. The final FM part was therefore not an obligatory component of the echolocation signals in horseshoe bats. During flight and especially during emergence from the cave, most sounds consisted of a pure tone and loud initial and final FM sweeps. We therefore suggest that the initial FM part might also be relevant for echolocation. From our observations we conclude that the FM components are especially important during obstacle avoidance. In most sounds emitted in the field a fainter first harmonic was present. It was usually up to 30 dB fainter than the second harmonic, but in some instances it was as loud or even distinctly louder than the second one (Fig. 6a). Even within one sound the intensity relationship between the two harmonics may be reversed. We therefore suggest that the first harmonic is an integral part of the signal and relevant for information analysis in echolocation.  相似文献   

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