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Summary We used intensive livetrapping to examine natal dispersal and philopatry in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). The majority of male (70.0%) and female prairie voles (75.1 %) remained at the natal nest until death. Those males and females that did disperse left home at about the same age (45–55 days) and moved similar distances (28–33 m). Dispersal was more common (1) from small natal groups than from large natal groups, (2) following disappearance of parents, (3) during the breeding period than during the nonbreeding period, and (4) at low population densities than at high densities. Dispersal was not associated with level of competition for mates within natal groups, and dispersers did not differ from nondispersers in body weight. Our data do not support competition for mates or resources as important factors influencing natal dispersal in prairie voles. The absence of sex differences in dispersal tendency or distance, and our fording that more than half of dispersers had become reproductive before leaving the natal nest, lead us to suggest that inbreeding avoidance is not a primary function of dispersal in this species. Dispersal was, however, more common when potential mates within the natal group were relatives than when they were nonrelatives. Although not tested here, if family members avoid mating with one another through patterns of mate choice, then some animals may leave home in search of mates. The precise benefits associated with philopatry in prairie voles remain to be identified. Correspondence to: B. McGuire at her present address  相似文献   

In order to understand why animals are social and how group members interact with each other it is important to know their relatedness. However, few studies have investigated the genealogy in complete social groups of free-living animals with low reproductive skew. This holds particularly true for bats. Although almost all bat species are social, their sociobiology is not well understood. Because they are volant, nocturnal and have a rather cryptic life-style, bats are difficult to observe in the wild. Furthermore females are generally gregarious making genetic parent-offspring assignment a challenging task. We used genetic markers in combination with knowledge about age and colony membership of individually marked bats to construct pedigrees in completely sampled maternity colonies of Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Despite considerable fluctuations in population size, no immigration occurred over 5 years in four colonies living in close proximity. Additionally, confrontation tests showed that females of one maternity colony were able to detect and attempted to prevent the intrusion of foreign females into a roost they occupy. Although colonies were absolutely closed, and 75% of the colony members lived together with close relatives (rS=0.25), mean colony relatedness was nearly zero (0.02). Average relatedness therefore is a poor estimator for the potential of kin selection in Bechstein's bat colonies and may be misleading when attempting to understand the social structure of animals living in groups where many members breed. Based on our results we discuss the potential adaptive value of living in closed societies with low reproductive skew.  相似文献   

Resource availability may affect both individual fitness and population demography and the effects can interact. We used two experiments to test how breeding resource abundance and its spatial distribution, combined with female abundance, affected male reproductive behavior, population spawning rate, and embryo development and recruitment in the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), a small cyprinid fish that lays its eggs in living unionid mussels. In the first experiment, we found that at the population level the abundance of breeding resources (freshwater mussels) was more important for bitterling recruitment than resource spatial distribution (clumped or regular). In contrast at the individual level, (variability in reproductive success) the spatial distribution of resources was more important, but only when resource abundance was not limiting. Territorial males obtained almost exclusive access to fertilizations when resources were abundant and distributed regularly, but were unable to defend large clusters of resources (when rival abundance was always high) and abandoned territoriality. Surprisingly, territorial males remained aggressive and successfully defended their territories when resources were grouped into a single cluster, but at a low abundance. In the second experiment, more rapid embryo development and larger juvenile body size at the end of the growing season was detected at high resource abundance and low female abundance, indicating that early hatched juveniles survived better and hence investment in offspring production early in the season yields a higher fitness pay-offs. The abundance of females in spawning condition was the best overall predictor of the intensity of male reproductive behavior in both experiments.  相似文献   

Studies of animal breeding dispersal have often focused on possible causes, whereas its adaptive significance has received less attention. Using an information-theoretic approach, we assessed predictions of four hypotheses relating to causes and consequences of breeding dispersal in a migratory passerine, the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. As predicted by the reproductive performance hypothesis, probability of breeding dispersal in females (though not in males) decreased with increasing annual average number of fledglings produced in the past year, but there was no association with conspecific reproductive performance in either sex. The site choice hypothesis, stating that individuals disperse to improve breeding site quality, received support in males only, as dispersal probability was positively associated to a measure indicating low territory quality. The social constraints hypothesis, referring to dispersal in relation to intraspecific interactions, received little support in either sex. The predation risk hypothesis was hardly supported either. Consequences of dispersal were marginal in both sexes because neither fledgling production in females, nor territory quality in males improved after dispersal. In addition, males settled on territories closer to the forest edge than those occupied predispersal, which is opposite to the prediction of the predation risk hypothesis. We conclude that own reproductive success was the major factor determining dispersal behavior in females, whereas territory quality and possibly predation risk were most important in males. Overall, breeding dispersal appeared not to be adaptive in this dense population inhabiting an optimal habitat.  相似文献   

To determine the pharmacokinetics of a small lipophilic molecule in vivo, the distribution and accumulation of 99mTc-radiolabelled disofenin (diisopropylacetanilide iminodiacetic acid) were traced during 1991–1992 by scintigraphy and gamma well counting in winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus collected from Boston Harbor and Long Island Sound in 1992), lobsters (Homarus americanus collected from Massachusetts Bay in 1991), and soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria purchased in 1991). The agent was distributed throughout the bodies of lobsters within 12 s, throughout flounder within 40 s, and throughout clams within 2 min. It was concentrated most strongly by the liver of flounder, which contained 61.2±7.8% of the injected dose within 1 h of injection, and by the lobster hepatopancreas. Accumulation also occurred in the flounder kidney, lobster antennal glands, and the kidney and pericardial glands of clams. The compound was rapidly excreted from the flounder liver into the gall bladder, and from the lobster hepatopancreas into the stomach. The data suggest its excretion from the lobster antennal glands and clam kidneys. The rate of clearance of disofenin from the body varied among species: 99±2.1% of the initial dose remained in flounder sampled 16 to 24 h after injection, compared to 80.5±7% remaining in the lobster after 15 h, and 87.4±5.9% remaining in clams after 27 h. The clearance rates in flounder and lobster are considered to be minimum values because of the lack of gut activity in unfed individuals. Overall, these in vivo tracer studies establish the utility of scintigraphy for assessing the uptake and excretion of a lipid soluble compound in different taxa, and may be applicable for evaluating disease and/or environmental effects on organ function in marine animals.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted on the western population of the endangered American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in Oklahoma and Arkansas to determine its habitat affinities. A common cause of declining populations is some specialized adaptation that makes it difficult to respond to a rapidly changing habitat. We evaluated the hypothesis that N. americanus is a habitat specialist in its search for food, preferring mature forests with deep, humic soils. This hypothesis was rejected. Based on comparisons of niche breadth among syntopic congeners and niche overlap, N. americanus is relatively generalized in its use of a range of habitats when searching for food. It is likely that the generalist nature and the endangered status of N. americanus both derive from the fact that it is the largest member of its guild. In comparison to smaller species, N. americanus breeds on larger carcasses, which are more unpredictable in space and time. It is likely, therefore, that N. americanus must search over a larger area and greater diversity of habitats than its smaller congeners.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - ᅟMales of fiddler crabs (genus: Uca) construct courtship structures using mud or sand to attract mate-searching females for underground mating. A sensory...  相似文献   

Owing to the worldwide growth of aquaculture over the last years, new habitats have been created through the supplement of nutrients. This addition of nutrients affects the whole marine food web, resulting in predator species such as bottlenose dolphins becoming attracted to these areas. During this 5-year-long study that was carried out along the north-eastern coast of Sardinia (Italy), bottlenose dolphin’s history of exposure to aquaculture perturbations and their effects was documented. The interaction with a fish farm was assessed by studying the site fidelity, group dynamics, and seasonal and yearly occurrence. In all, 1,838 hours were spent in the field. Behavioural observations showed that the predominant activity (89 % of the time) in the fish farm was foraging (predation and depredation). The occurrence of bottlenose dolphins appeared to be related with the seasons and with the fish farm harvesting operations. Thus, the peak dolphin occurrence in the fish farm area throughout Fall coincides with the period in which they spend most of their time foraging. A relatively small community remained resident interacting with the fish farm over a long period of time. Hence, these individuals gained intimate knowledge on how to capitalize on the fish farm industry. This heterogeneity in site fidelity and residence patterns is highly relevant when coastal management initiatives are considered.  相似文献   

Current mating system theory predicts that the number of females breeding in a group will depend on the number of females in the group and the accessibility of unrelated males, whereas the number of males breeding in a group will depend on the ability of males to control access to reproductive females. By combining information on group composition with genetic data, I determined whether breeding patterns in a rock-dwelling rodent, Ctenodactylus gundi, were concordant with these expectations. C. gundi breeding patterns varied from facultative monogamy to uni-male polygyny to multi-male polygyny. The number of reproductive individuals of each sex in a group increased with group size. Whereas communal breeding among related females tended to increase female reproductive success, males breeding in the same group were unrelated to other group members and seemed to compete over access to matings. While some males were assigned offspring from neighboring social groups, most group-living males successfully monopolized the reproduction of females within their group. There was no evidence that females had multiply sired litters, although some bred with alternative males in separate breeding attempts. Although numerous individuals were not assigned as parents or offspring, genetic information enabled me to determine that most unassigned individuals were philopatric group members, whereas only a few were unrelated immigrants into their current social group. Together, these results provide evidence that C. gundi social groups represent fairly distinct reproductive units whose breeding patterns are dependent on group size and composition in accordance with theoretical predictions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The embryos of Harmothoë imbricata (L.) are protected during their early development as a mass under the scales of the female parent. Eggs are shed into the space under the scales through nephridial papillae which elongate and turn dorsally as the female matures. The mass is held together by an adhesive layer surrounding each egg. Maturation begins in September and breeding occurs during March and April, when each female spawns twice in succession. Males contain mature sperm throughout the breeding season and shed only a small proportion at each spawning. As the polychaetes mature, pairs are formed with the male resting on the dorsal surface of the female. When the female spawns, the male sheds sperm over the egg mass and the two animals then separate. The sperm has a long acrosome to penetrate the adhesive layer around the egg. Embryo-protecting species in other groups of polychaeces show parallel specialization in sperm structure and in breeding behaviour. A chronology has been established for the development of embryos up to their release from the parent, and this can be used to estimate the spawning date of females with embryo masses collected on the shore. Individuals grow at widely varying rates after settlement on the shore, and no year classes could be detected in the population. All individuals spawn in the first spring after settlement, and at least some survive to spawn again in one or more subsequent springs.  相似文献   

Cypermethrin (CY) is an active cyano pyrethroid effective against a wide range of pests encountered in agriculture and forestry. Although CY is not mutagenic in in vitro assays for gene mutation, in vivo assays showed conflicting results. In vivo genotoxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid CY in erythrocytes of Odontophrynus americanus tadpoles was examined. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) was recorded in blood smears obtained from tadpoles exposed in vivo to four different nominal concentrations 5, 10, 20 or 40?µg?L?1 of the compound and fixed at two sampling times 48 and 96?h. As a positive control larvae were exposed to 40?mg?L?1 of cyclophosphamide (CP). Tadpoles exposed to all CY treatments showed a significant increase in single small MN compared to the negative control group after 48?h and at 5 and 10?µg?L?1 of CY at 96?h. Results obtained here demonstrated the genotoxic effects of the commercial formulation CY in the anuran larvae analyzed. Thus, data suggest that measurements of MN and other erythrocytes morphological aberrations performed in circulating blood samples of O. americanus tadpoles is a method for detecting cytogenetic damage in other native species.  相似文献   

Males of some oscine passerines learn and share songs of neighboring males. This process can lead to the formation of song pattern neighborhoods or microhabitat song dialects. The degree to which song sharing occurs between populations and the spatial scale over which neighboring males share songs, however, can vary widely, and interpopulation comparisons have suggested that song sharing is more common in residents than in migrants. Here, we examine two populations of the orange-crowned warbler (Oreothlypis celata) to quantify patterns of song sharing at the northern (long-distance migrant) and southern (short-distance migrant) edges of the breeding distribution and to test if return rate, territory fidelity, and breeding dispersal explain the patterns found in the two populations. The southern population (O. celata sordida breeding on Santa Catalina Island, California; 33°N) had a higher annual return rate to their territories and exhibited higher song sharing in neighborhoods than their counterparts (O. celata celata breeding in Fairbanks, Alaska; 64°N). Year-to-year patterns of territory fidelity and breeding dispersal distances were similar between populations. Our results suggest that if migratory distance generally covaries with the proportion of returning males, this could explain different levels of song sharing between the short- and long-distance migrants.  相似文献   

The return of a successful bumblebee forager stimulates nestmates to leave the nest and search for food. Here we investigate the mechanisms by which this happens. Successful Bombus terrestris foragers perform irregular runs in their nest, often lasting for several minutes. Run duration is at its maximum when food has just been discovered. Running likely serves to distribute a pheromone, since the information flow between "runners" and "recruits" can be disrupted by eliminating air exchange, while leaving other potential means of communication intact. In addition, nectar stores in the nest may be monitored continuously. A sudden influx of nectar into the nest also causes measurable increases in forager activity. The implications of bumblebee recruitment behavior for the evolution of communication in bees are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Manipulations of population density, availability of oviposition substrate, and size of breeding habitat affected the proportion of pupfish (Cyprinodon pecosensis) males adopting territorial and satellite breeding tactics. Satellites occupied stations above breeding substrates defended by territorial males. Both territorial and satellite males developed a bright blue breeding coloration. A third breeding tactic, sneak-spawning, was occasionally observed. Sneak-spawning males retained the cryptic female coloration and occasionally spawned on territories. The lower reproductive success of satellites and sneak-spawning males suggested that both are conditional breeding tactics adopted by competitively inferior males. Satellites were present in all treatments that favored a territorial breeding system, but were absent when the breeding system was a dominance hierarchy. Satellites were associated with territorial males that had higher reproductive success and larger territories than males without satellites. Satellites functioned as parasites rather than as mutualists, since they disrupted spawnings and stole copulations from territorial males. The occurrence and frequency of the conditional breeding behaviours in pupfish represent facultative responses of males to changes in the intensity of competition for breeding sites and females.  相似文献   

To determine whether fundamental differences exist in the reproductive physiology of breeder and nonbreeder Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens), we compared plasma levels of testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in males, and estradiol (E2) and LH in females. Although male breeders had higher overall T and larger testes, nonbreeders’ T paralleled that of breeders, and their testes were more than an order of magnitude larger than regressed testes. Breeder and nonbreeder males had equivalent baseline LH, and equivalent changes in LH following a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH-I) challenge. The T, LH and GnRH challenge data indicate that nonbreeder males have functional hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. We found no hormonal evidence of inbreeding suppression in males: nonbreeders that did not live with their mothers and those that did had similar T. Male nonbreeders that were exposed to E2-implanted females had higher T than did controls, suggesting that the lack of within-pair stimulation is a key factor in whether an individual delays breeding. Female nonbreeders had E2 titres equal to or higher than breeders and neither basal LH nor LH following GnRH challenge differed by breeding status. Nonbreeders’ ovarian follicles were smaller than breeders’, but were larger than they would be during the non-breeding season. These data suggest that nonbreeders were primed for breeding and were simply waiting for an opportunity or a required stimulus. Female nonbreeders that lived in a territory with an unrelated male breeder had significantly higher E2 than those that remained with their fathers. Similarly, nonbreeders that were captured away from their home territories had elevated E2. However, nonbreeders that lived with their fathers had E2 that was equivalent to breeding females, suggesting that inbreeding avoidance may not be the primary factor leading to delayed breeding in females. Received: 13 June 1995 /Accepted after revision: 27 April 1996  相似文献   

American black bears frequently abandon their home ranges in late summer and move to feeding areas to fatten themselves for hibernation. We examined seasonal movements of 206 radio-collared bears in north-central Minnesota during 1981–1990. We exploited the variability in this long-term data set to test tradeoffs for animals leaving their home range. Late summer movements were common for both sexes and all ages (39% of females, 44% of males), but were variable from year-to-year in prevalence, timing, and destination. Bears typically left their summer home ranges in August and returned ~6 weeks later in September or October. Most traveled southward, where acorns were more plentiful (median = 10 km for females, 26 km for males; maximum = 168 km). These facultative migrations were most common when rich resources were available outside home ranges. Bears were least apt to leave when foods were scarce in their home range, possibly sensing a risk of migrating during a widespread food failure. Among females, those whose body mass was close to a reproductive threshold were most prone to migrate. Migrating bears were less likely to be killed by hunters, suggesting that they were especially vigilant.  相似文献   

Summary We report aggressive spacing behavior in male dragonflies, Leucorrhinia intacta, that is characterized by variations in the probability of chasing conspecific male intruders within a defined area around a male's perch. The chase probability depends on the total intruder pressure and the behavior and distance of the intruder from the perched male (Fig. 2). This nonexclusive, site-fixed area has been called a dominion.We also examined the distribution of intruders among the various behavior-distance categories. Chase rates (per 15 min) were correlated mostly with number of intruders that hovered (rather than flew) close to the territorial male. Finally, we examined the impact of the changing chase probabilities on the variation in aggressive interactions as a function of intruder pressure. We conclude that, to some extent, territorial males stabilized defense costs across a variety of intruder pressures by maintaining dominions.  相似文献   

Summary Territorial fidelity and competition between males was studied in a population of individually marked willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus). After spending the winter in Africa males arrive in the study area in late April or the beginning of May. They can be separated into two categories, old colour-banded males that return for a new breeding attempt, and birds that are new to the study area. These new birds could either be birds that had bred the previous year returning to a different site, or more likely 1-year-old birds returning for their first breeding attempt. Old males show high site fidelity and are successful in retaining their territories from the preceding year. The few old males that switched territories between years seemed to do so in response to reduced breeding success in the preceding year. However, in 13 out of 14 cases when a new resident was already established on the previous resident's territory, the old male was successful in evicting the new resident. In a removal experiment both old and new birds were removed from their territories and then released when a replacement male had been established. All old males successfully managed to reclaim their original territories after escalated contests. None of the new males were successful and no fights were observed.  相似文献   

The membranes of elasmobranch liver mitochondria differ substantially from those of other marine fish. Although the proportions of the major phospholipids in elasmobranch mitochondria are similar to those of other marine fish, there are considerable differences in the fatty acid content of the phospholipids. Specifically, the percentage of saturated fatty acids is much higher, the polyunsaturated fatty acid content is much lower and the chain length is shorter than is typical of other non-urea retaining fishes. The tissues of elasmobranch fishes are unusual in that they contain the chaotropic agent urea at levels that are capable of disrupting the hydrophobic interactions responsible for membrane integrity. The mitochondrial membrane properties of the elasmobranch are consistent with those needed to maintain membrane integrity in the presence of physiological amounts of urea and indicate membrane adaptation to urea. Present address: INRS eau 2800 Rue Einstein, suite 105 Case Postale, 7500, Sainte Foy, Quebec G1V 4C7 Canada  相似文献   

Along the Northumberland coast, Zirphaea crispata (Linné) occurs in soft shales from approximately 1 ft (0.2 m) above datum to at least 20 fathoms (37 m). It also occurs sublittorally in dumped power station fly ash wastes. The populations are polymodal. Growth rate is estimated at approximately 8 mm a year with a life span of approximately 5 years in the case of those found intertidally and 6 to 7 years in the case of the sublittoral populations. Although breeding occurs from March to October, there is evidence that there are two main breeding peaks, one from March to May and the other from August to October. Differences in shell shape between different populations can probably be explained by the differences in effort required to drill into the substratum.  相似文献   

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