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The small-scale gold and diamonds mining industry is of great importance to Ghana. Since its regularization in 1989 the sector has produced and sold over 1.5 million troy ounces of gold and 8.0 million carats of diamonds. During the same period the sector also provided direct employment to over 100,000 people and improved the socioeconomic life of many individuals and communities. However, these were largely achieved at a cost to the environment in areas where mining is carried out and there is the need to develop the industry in a sustainable manner. This paper looks at the developments in the small-scale gold and diamonds mining industry in Ghana and proposes some strategies on how the concepts of sustainable development could be applied to the industry.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2007,32(1-2):29-41
This article critically examines the issue of growing female participation in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector, particularly within its illegal segment, drawing upon experiences from Birim North District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Although an estimated 50% of those employed in ASM are women, few researchers have investigated what roles women play in the sector, or how their participation contributes to rural development. The paper aims to examine the causes of female participation in the ASM sector and the impact of this type of employment on women's income, health and families. An analysis of collected data suggests that there is a growing need for policies to address female employment in ASM and, more generally, rural employment. The analysis demonstrates the utility of gender mainstreaming in the small-scale mining formalisation process, as well as the need to promote other viable employment opportunities for the benefit of women residing in rural areas.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2005,30(3):145-155
Ghana is the second largest producer of gold in sub-Saharan Africa, and has experienced a significant increase in national mining production over the last two decades. Between 1983 and 1998, the mining industry brought approximately US $4 billion in foreign direct investment to Ghana. While large-scale gold mining has seen a significant increase, artisanal gold and diamond mining product have grown exponentially. While much research has been conducted on gold mining in Ghana, there is relatively little research on the environmental and human development consequences of diamond mining in the country. Unlike other West African countries such as Sierra Leonne and Liberia, small-scale diamond mining in Ghana has not been linked to conflict but its role in development has also been relatively modest. This paper examines large and small-scale mining in Ghana's largest diamond mining town, Akwatia, and their relative impact on environmental degradation, health, and the livelihood of artisanal miners. We conclude that while an increase in artisanal diamond mining has been a means of employement and income-generation for small-scale miners, there are some human development challenges, related to environmental burden from land degradation and health. GCD is an ailing mining company in Ghana, in desperate need of an injection of capital to keep the mine alive, but botched bidding has slowed the process of de-regulating the company. We also conclude that the de-regulation of GCD may lead to a relatively reduced environmental burden in Akwatia and more revenue for the GCD to invest in the human development needs of communities in the town.  相似文献   

Despite the buoyant expansion of Latin America's mining sector, the small-scale mining sub-sector remains marginalized. For many countries with small-scale mining resources, the way forward to sustainable mining development is not clear. Activities, in far too many cases, have led to environmental damage, social inequity and political violence among mining communities. This article, through a case study of the Bolivian Altiplano, seeks to advance the understanding of the conditions that drive mining communities into the chain of events of impoverishment associated with environmental damage. It also examines the opportunities for sustainable human development among these communities. In Bolivia's mining sector, social inequity is pervasive and holds the mineral resources captive. This situation is further aggravated by the fact that solutions, in the short term, are uncertain. Unresolved social inequity compromises foreign direct investments since social considerations are becoming increasingly important to mining corporations when deciding whether to invest. This article outlines a preliminary strategy to move forward on social inequity. The strategy revolves mainly around implementing alternative sustainable livelihoods with the participation of the government (central and local), the private sector, NGOs and donors as facilitators and partners. Its aim is to reduce the number of families eking out a living from artisanal mining in order to enhance the viability of small-scale mining. It is hoped that, as social inequity decreases throughout the sector, the increased stability will enable stakeholders to consider foreign direct investments within the framework of the country's sustainable human development goals.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the current formalization system for small-scale gold miners in Ghana has been undermined and the small-scale mining laws no longer capture the reality of the sector’s activities. The paper will examine the small-scale mining system and shows that registered and unregistered actors operate not only in parallel but are actually intertwined and highly dependent on one another. The paper shows that the perceived dichotomy of formal and informal actors in the sector does not actually exist. The sector has instead evolved into a highly intertwined group of semi-formal sectors operating with varying degrees of legal registrations. The paper concludes that political leniency and law enforcement corruption has resulted in a booming small-scale gold system under poor government control. The paper recommends that politicians move to enact reforms to regularize the small-scale mining sector and curtail ubiquitous environmental and occupational safety problems. Anti-corruption initiatives and law enforcement reforms are the most urgent. However, reforming the laws is also necessary to capture and regulate the technological innovations the sector is currently using.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issue of land tenure and how it influences artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activity in Ghana. Over the past few decades, attempts by governments in sub-Saharan Africa to regulate or formalize ASM as a result of the sector's increasing socio-economic and environmental importance have largely been unsuccessful. Even though mining laws have tended to vest all minerals in the state, increasing evidence suggests that mineral-rich lands for artisanal mining continue to be frequently traded between local landowners and miners or interested groups outside the official legal regime. This development, i.e. land trading for artisanal mining, contributes significantly towards proliferation of illegal ASM activity and hence potentially challenges attempts by governments and development partners to formalise the sector.  相似文献   

Contrary to expectations, small-scale mining has had little impact on the development of Africa, despite the relative scale of activities in that field. This situation is due to the fact that the sector is facing various constraints and deficiencies, some structural in nature and others technical. However, the analysis of constraints and weaknesses shows that their impact differs according to the country and to the extent to which the government is involved in small-scale mining as well as to its efforts to strengthen this sector. While some drastic and immediate measures could be taken now, in depth scientific research will also be required.  相似文献   

Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines both the positive and negative socio-economic impacts of small-scale mining in developing countries, and outlines some key measures for improving sustainability in the sector. It is important to clarify that, in spite of experiencing its share of environmental- and health-related problems that adversely impact human quality-of-life, small-scale mining plays a pivotal role in alleviating poverty in the developing world, and contributes significantly to national revenues and foreign exchange earnings. Though these important socio-economic contributions make small-scale mining an indispensable economic activity, there is an obvious need for improved sustainability in the industry, more specifically, for operations to resolve pressing problems, many of which have wide-ranging impacts. However, because most small-scale mines are low-tech and employ poorly trained uneducated people, it is difficult for the sector to improve on its own. Thus, governments and regional international bodies must play an expanded role in bridging critical information, techno-logic and economic gaps. It is concluded that governments and regional organizations could accomplish much in the way of improved sustainability in the small-scale mining industry by: (1) legalizing small-scale mining and implementing sector-specific legislation; (2) contributing to community development and providing increased economic support; and (3) providing training and educational assistance, and playing an expanded role in the dissemination and transfer of important technologies.  相似文献   

The growth of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Guyana has received little attention in the literature, despite its rapid growth and now central importance in this small country's socioeconomic fortunes. Although the activity in Guyana shares commonalities with ASM activity elsewhere in the world, it also displays some unique characteristics. This article builds upon existing debates and current issues surrounding Guyanese ASM. A lack of baseline data and research on the dynamics, underlying forces and various outcomes of the ASM sector has acted as a significant constraint on the regulation and development of the sector in a completely desirable fashion. This has been the result of, but has also been exacerbated by, the ineffective nature of intervention, enforcement and assistance. This paper aims to demonstrate and argue for the need for developing much clearer understandings of and effective interactions with the ASM sector in Guyana. Such all developments are the more pressing given future policies, which may represent potentially sizeable challenges for the continued vibrancy of ASM operations.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the present status of small-scale gold mining in Papua New Guinea and examines the extent to which it contributes to meeting the nation's development goals. It concludes that small-scale mining makes a valuable contribution as a rural development activity, and points to aspects which should receive attention in any developing country seeking to obtain the maximum benefit from such activity.  相似文献   

Portovelo-Zaruma, Ecuador is an artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) region with approximately 6000 gold miners working with mercury and cyanide. Although artisanal gold mining (AGM) has taken place in Portovelo-Zaruma for centuries, highly mechanized small-scale gold mining (SGM) processing plants capable of increased throughput began being built in the 1990s. While there are benefits associated with ASGM, there are also negative impacts experienced by the miners and the surrounding communities. To take advantage of ASGM as a poverty-alleviating mechanism while reducing unwanted externalities, the cumulative impacts must be understood. Numerous challenges to measuring, monitoring, and addressing ASGM impacts result from the complexity of the impacts themselves, the nature of the gold mining as an informal industry, and the shortfalls in the current regulatory framework. These are discussed in the context of ongoing, unresolved issues including efforts to address trans-boundary water pollution, management of mining waste, and conflicts regarding priorities, ambiguities, and enforcement of existing regulations and policies. Internationally, interventions to address both AGM and SGM impacts have typically focused almost exclusively on technological changes through the elimination of mercury use. Our analysis suggests that to better address ASGM and their cumulative impacts in Ecuador, it will be beneficial to revisit the legal definitions of AGM and SGM. Additionally, promotion of information-based strategies including educational outreach programs and cross-scale and cross-level mitigation methods may also be beneficial. The success of these strategies to reduce ASGM-related cumulative impacts will depend on sufficient funding and the commitment of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Although the small-scale mining sector in Bolivia has absorbed economic aid, little or no improvement has resulted. It appears that much closer technical and financial co-operation with those operating small mines is called for, including rigid credit supervision. Problems in small-scale mines arise from difficult mining conditions, the tax structure and capital market situation as well as the employment patterns of the mine operators. It is suggested that mechanized projects may not always be the best way to overcome poor conditions, but where they are, lack of collateral is frequently an obstacle. In such cases, a three stage approach to project implementation is proposed.  相似文献   

There is no agreement as to the definition of a small-scale mine. It is proposed that for a developing country a small-scale mine be defined as a producer (often sporadically) of limited amounts of minerals for deposits with a few known ore reserves, and of a character not readily amenable to mass mining. Output is won without appreciable use of mechanical energy and by exploitation of labor under leadership which sometimes lacks technical, managerial or entrepreneurial skills. A mine producing less than 100 000 tons of ore is considered to be a small-scale mine. Using these criteria and worldwide production data, an estimate of the contribution of small-scale mining to world mineral output is made. The estimate is 16%.  相似文献   

The paper reviews available information on how scale and technological sophistication affect the extent to which mineral industries in developing countries aid in meeting those countries' development objectives. It also identifies criteria for determining if small-scale or labour-intensive operations are suitable to particular mining projects.  相似文献   

Financial returns can be deceptive as criteria upon which to make public decisions where outputs from proposed developments are subsidized, such as housing, or protected from imports, such as opencast coal mining. Removing subsidies and the effects of import restrictions suggests that the social benefits from these developments are much less than the financial benefits. Including externalities from the proposed developments on neighbouring householders, and preservation benefits from green belt land, estimated by contingent valuation methods, reveals that the social benefits from opencast coal mining are actually negative.  相似文献   

Summary Many developed countries in the Western world employ some form of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). A number of sophisticated procedures are used for the assessment of the impact of large- scale developments upon the environment. In developing countries there are both large-scale schemes that are often financed by foreign aid, and small-scale projects in which technology is less sophisticated but more appropriate to human needs. Standard EIA procedures are followed for large-scale developments but assessment of the impact of small-scale projects is often ignored.This paper attempts to define appropriate technology and to describe some of the often less apparent adverse effects of such technology upon society and the environment. The need for assessment of small-scale projects is established and the possibility of applying current EIA procedures to such developments is considered. The final paragraphs refer to the advantages and disadvantages of environmental impact assessment of small-scale technology.Dr Pamela M. Goode and Alastair I. Johnstone are both members of staff at the Environmental Institute, University of Salford, UK.  相似文献   

This short note discusses methodological obstacles to the collection of microeconomic data in artisanal and small-scale mining communities. International donor organizations are supporting policy efforts that enhance the contribution to poverty alleviation of this mining subsector. The design and evaluation of such policy interventions require data on income, expenditure, investment, and savings in mining households and communities. These data are difficult to come by. Incomes are variable; migrants may work far from home; miners often work informally and sometimes illegally; mining populations and communities are heterogeneous and transient; and miners have many reasons to distort information. Legalization and organization of miners in cooperatives would facilitate documentation and research. These processes, however, are beyond the control of the typical policy consultant or donor organization. On their part, these parties can adopt an alternative model of research. This model involves the community in project development, data collection, and monitoring. It emphasizes continuity, cultural diversity, trust building and learning. The data thus collected should provide a firm basis for programmes that promote more sustainable livelihoods in artisanal and small-scale mining communities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a series of strategies for improving environmental performance in the small-scale gold mining industry. Although conditions vary regionally, few regulations and policies exist specifically for small-scale gold mining activity. Furthermore, because environmental awareness is low in most developing countries, sites typically feature rudimentary technologies and poor management practices. A combination of policy-, managerial- and technology-related initiatives is needed to facilitate environmental improvement in the industry. Following a broad overview of these initiatives, a recommended strategy is put forth for governments keen on improving the environmental conditions of resident small-scale gold mines.  相似文献   

Millions of people worldwide are involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Many of them live in conditions of poverty and insalubrities due to the mercury amalgamation of gold and the application of other rudimentary techniques. In spite of this, the sector has been nearly overlooked by resource economists. In this paper we analyze the sector based on a survey of the existing literature. We find some commonalities of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in different countries of the developing world as follows: low levels of mechanization and technology, labor intensiveness, low awareness of environmental degradation, poor training, high transience among some miners, and lack of financial savings. Moreover, with these commonalities in mind, we present some topics and challenges for a research agenda in the field of environmental, ecological, and development economics.  相似文献   

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