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In a variety of avian species, vocalizations used to stimulate gaping in nestlings during feeding share similar features such as broad frequency range, multiple spectral components, and sudden onset. It is currently not understood what functional significance, if any, these acoustic features have for close-range communication. One example of such a vocalization is the “squawk” of the black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus). The present study analyzes the significant features of the squawk by observing the response of chickadee nestlings to field playbacks of natural and computer-modified squawks. Of the features tested, frequency range appears most critical, but responses to frequency ranges change with age, such that low frequencies are most stimulating around the time of hatching but cease to elicit gaping after 5 days posthatch. Aperiodic stimuli and computer-modified squawks with gradual onsets tend to be less stimulating than natural squawks at some ages, but these differences are not significant at any age. The functional significance of the broad frequency range of the squawk is discussed, including the possible role of accommodating shifting frequency preferences related to ontogenetic changes in auditory sensitivity and elaboration of the vocal repertoire. Received: 16 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 28 December 1996  相似文献   

Individual variation in winter foraging of black-capped chickadees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Wintering black-capped chickadees (Paridae: Parus atricapillus) in northwestern Massachusetts showed a high degree of individual variation in foraging behavior. After accounting for the effects of different habitats and weather conditions, individual differences comprised 6–17% of the total observed variation in four measures of foraging location and rate of feeding. Differences between age and sex groups were not significant and explained comparatively little variation (0.0–1.4%). The chickadees did not fall into a few distinct behavioral categories but instead showed continuous variation on all measures of foraging behavior. It appeared that some variation among individuals was a consequence of behavioral convergence within social groups, since birds that were observed together were more similar in their foraging than expected by chance, after taking habitat differences into account. Our results therefore do not support the interpretation that individual variation in feeding behavior serves to reduce exploitation competition within social groups.  相似文献   

Forsman A  Aberg V 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1201-1207
We evaluate predictions concerning the evolutionary and ecological consequences of color polymorphisms. Previous endeavors have aimed at identifying conditions that promote the evolution and maintenance within populations of alternative variants. But the polymorphic condition may also influence important population processes. We consider the prediction that populations that consist of alternative "ecomorphs" with coadapted gene complexes will utilize more diverse resources and display higher rates of colonization success, population persistence, and range expansions, while being less vulnerable to range contractions and extinctions, compared with monomorphic populations. We perform pairwise comparative analyses based on information for 323 species of Australian lizards and snakes. We find that species with variable color patterns have larger ranges, utilize a greater diversity of habitat types, and are underrepresented among species currently listed as threatened. These results are consistent with the proposition that the co-occurrence of multiple color variants may promote the ecological success of populations and species, but there are also alternative interpretations.  相似文献   

The species and number of birds attracted to playbacks of mobbing calls and song of the black-capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus, were compared. The chickadee vocalizations were played at abandoned chickadee nests, and the numbers and species of other birds that approached the speaker were tallied. Few non-chickadees were observed in the area when the song was played. That significantly more birds approached the speaker and displayed mobbing behavior during the mobbing call playback suggests that black-capped chickadee mobbing vocalizations carry meaning for at least ten other avian species. This finding supports the idea that species subjected to the same predators in an area may benefit by recognizing each others’ predator calls. This recognition may be facilitated by the similar structure of different species’ mobbing calls and also a learned association of another species’ call with the presence of a predator. Received: 23 March 1995 /Accepted after revision: 28 October 1995  相似文献   

Patterns of divorce and extrapair mating can provide insights into the targets of female choice in free-living birds. In resident, site-faithful species with continuous partnerships, the better options and the incompatibility hypotheses provide the most likely explanations for divorce. Extrapair mating can be explained by a number of hypotheses often making similar predictions. For example, the good genes and future partnerships hypo- theses predict similar patterns if males with good genes also make the best future partners. By considering both divorce and extrapair mating, it may be possible to distinguish between these comparable hypotheses. We examined natural patterns of divorce and extrapair mating in a long-term study of black-capped chickadees (Parus atricapillus). Out of 144 partnerships over 8 years, we observed 11 divorces and 38 faithful pairs between seasons. Females usually divorced between their first and second breeding seasons for males of higher social rank than their previous partners, had similar reproductive success prior to divorce as females who retained their previous partners, and did not divorce on the basis of previous reproductive success. These results confirm earlier experimental evidence that females divorce for better options. Females who divorced were significantly more likely to have had mixed-paternity broods prior to divorce than females who stayed with their previous partners. There was no evidence that females divorced in favour of previous extrapair partners. These results support the good genes hypothesis for extrapair mating, suggesting that female chickadees use divorce and multiple mating as separate strategies sharing a common target. Received: 4 February 2000 / Revised: 20 July 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

The fee-bee song of male black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) is considered a single-type song that singers transpose up and down a continuous frequency range. While the ability to shift song pitch in this species provides a mechanism for song matching as an aversive signal in male-male territorial song contests, the functional significance of this behaviour during the solo performances of males during the dawn chorus is unclear. We analysed the dawn chorus songs and singing behaviour of males whose winter-flock dominance status we determined. We used correlation analysis to show that pitch shifts were accompanied by changes to other fine structural characteristics in song, including temporal and relative amplitude parameters. We also found that songs of socially dominant males and songs of their most subordinate flockmates could be distinguished using these methods by the way they performed a between-note frequency measure accompanying pitch shifts. That is, a ratio measure of the internote frequency interval remained constant for songs of high-ranking birds despite changes in absolute pitch, while low-ranking males sang a smaller ratio as they shifted to higher absolute pitches. These findings identify previously unrecognised variation in the songs of black-capped chickadees. More importantly, they indicate a mechanism by which pitch shifting during the dawn chorus of black-capped chickadees could provide a reliable indicator of relative male quality.Communicated by I. Hartley  相似文献   

We removed the mates of ten male black-capped chickadees (Pares atricapillus) during the nest-building period to determine the effect of female presence on dawn singing. During the first dawn chorus following mate removal, males sang significantly longer, increased movement within their territory, and increased the percentage of their territory covered while singing. After the female was returned, these parameters returned to the pre-removal values. Males did not alter the frequency range or modal frequency of their songs when the mate was removed, nor did they change the degree of frequency shifting in the fee-bee song. We conclude that dawn singing in the black-capped chickadee acts, in part, as an intersexual signal, and that the behavior of frequency shifting in the song may be directed more toward rival males than females. Correspondence to: K. Otter  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the dynamics of the winter flock patch exploitation, feeding experiments were performed with 140 semi-tame, free-roaming greylag geese (Anser anser). Three different initial densities of barley were offered on a 50-m2 patch: low (1600 grains/m2), intermediate (3300/m2) and high (I 1500/m2). Goose numbers on the patch, peck rates, and frequencies of agonistic encounters and of alert postures were observed by scanning the flock and in focal individuals. At low and intermediate initial food densities, peck rates decreased with food density, whereas at high food density, peck rates decreased only slightly over the feeding bout. Agonistic interactions increased as food decreased. A switch from exploitation to interference competition occurred at a threshold of approximately 900 remaining grains per square meter. With high initial food density, agonistic encounters began to increase gradually after 20–30 min. The same general patterns were observed for frequency of alertness. Family members occupied the patch for the longest time periods. The family female and the offspring fed most intensely. The family gander however, fed significantly less but was more aggressive and vigilant than all other social categories. Solitary geese spent their time on the patch doing little else but feeding and were the first to leave. It seems that high-ranking families and low-ranking singles adopt different competitive strategies, the former being superior interference competitors whereas the latter are forced scramble competitors.This study is dedicated to the memory of Konrad Lorenz Correspondence to: K. Kotrschal  相似文献   

C. Dayton 《Marine Biology》2001,139(4):771-776
A species-level phylogeny of selected surgeonfishes in the genus Naso (Acanthuridae: subfamily Nasinae) was constructed using allozyme data and found to be concordant with previous inferences drawn from morphological data. Naso spp. examined from waters surrounding Guam between 1992 and 1994 were: N. caesius (Randall and Bell, 1992), N. hexacanthus (Bleeker, 1855), N. lituratus (Schneider, 1801), N. thynnoides (Valenciennes, 1835), and N. unicornis (Forskål, 1775). Acanthurus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Acanthuridae: subfamily Acanthurinae) and Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Zanclidae) were included for the purpose of outgroup comparison. Analyses of the allozyme data set generated from 16 presumptive loci using both cladistic and phenetic tree-constructing techniques identified the sibling species N. caesius and N. hexacanthus as the most genetically similar taxa among the Naso species surveyed. The pair shared the most synapomorphic alleles and the lowest degree of genetic divergence with respect to other species studied. The unweighted pair-group method using the arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and the neighbor-joining (NJ) topologies, along with two synapomorphic alleles (Aat-2 and Gpi-A), characterize N. caesius, N. hexacanthus, N. lituratus, and N. unicornis as a monophyletic group. Many allelic autapomorphies were detected in N. thynnoides, a member of the subgenus Axinurus. This supports the morphological data, which suggest that one-plated unicornfishes form a monophyletic group. The proposed partial phylogeny inferred from the allozyme data is concordant with the morphological differences (i.e. dentition, osteology, and myology) that have been used to support the partition of the genus Naso into the subgenera Axinurus and Naso.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism and phenotypic variation in elaborate male traits are common products of sexual selection. The spectral properties of carotenoid and structurally-based plumage colors and the patch sizes of melanin-based plumage colors have received considerable attention as sexual signals in birds. However, the importance of variation in achromatic plumage colors (white, gray and black) remains virtually unexplored, despite their widespread occurrence. We investigated a potential signal function of the achromatic black and white plumage of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla). We captured and color-banded 178 free-living chickadees and assessed winter flock dominance hierarchies by tabulating pairwise interactions at feeders. We recaptured 73 of these birds and measured plumage coloration for six body regions using a reflectance spectrometer and the area of melanin-based plumage patches from standardized photographs. We found extensive individual variation in chickadee plumage traits and considerable sexual dichromatism. Male black-capped chickadees have significantly brighter white plumage than females, larger black patches, and greater plumage contrast between adjacent white and black plumage regions. We also found rank differences in the plumage reflectance of males; high-ranking males, who are preferred by females as both social and extra-pair partners, exhibit significantly darker black plumage and grow their feathers more rapidly than low-ranking males. This variation among individuals reveals a potential signal function for achromatic plumage coloration in birds.  相似文献   

Rhodanobacter spp. are dominant in acidic, high nitrate and metal contaminated sites. • Dominance of Rhodanobacter is likely due to tolerance to low pH and heavy metals. • High organic content increases stress tolerance capacity. • Longer incubation time is critical for accurate assessment of MIC (various stresses). This work examines the physiologic basis of stress tolerance in bacterial strains of the genus Rhodanobacter that dominate in the acidic and highly metal contaminated near-source subsurface zone of the Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge (ORIFRC) site. Tolerance of R. denitrificans to levels of different stresses were studied in synthetic groundwater medium and R2A broth. Two strains of R. denitrificans, strains 2APBS1T and 116-2, tolerate low to circumneutral pH (4–8), high Uranium (1 mmol/L), elevated levels of nitrate (400 mmol/L) and high NaCl (2.5%). A combination of physiologic traits, such as growth at low pH, increased growth in the presence of high organics concentration, and tolerance of high concentrations of nitrate, NaCl and heavy metals is likely responsible for dominance of Rhodanobacter at the ORIFRC site. Furthermore, extended incubation times and use of low carbon media, better approximating site groundwater conditions, are critical for accurate determination of stress responses. This study expands knowledge of the ecophysiology of bacteria from the genus Rhodanobacter and identifies methodological approaches necessary for acquiring accurate tolerance data.  相似文献   

Levi T  Wilmers CC 《Ecology》2012,93(4):921-929
Due to the widespread eradication of large canids and felids, top predators in many terrestrial ecosystems are now medium-sized carnivores such as coyotes. Coyotes have been shown to increase songbird and rodent abundance and diversity by suppressing populations of small carnivores such as domestic cats and foxes. The restoration of gray wolves to many parts of North America, however, could alter this interaction chain. Here we use a 30-year time series of wolf, coyote, and fox relative abundance from the state of Minnesota, USA, to show that wolves suppress coyote populations, which in turn releases foxes from top-down control by coyotes. In contrast to mesopredator release theory, which has often considered the consequence of top predator removal in a three-species interaction chain (e.g., coyote-fox-prey), the presence of the top predator releases the smaller predator in a four-species interaction chain. Thus, heavy predation by abundant small predators might be more similar to the historical ecosystem before top-predator extirpation. The restructuring of predator communities due to the loss or restoration of top predators is likely to alter the size spectrum of heavily consumed prey with important implications for biodiversity and human health.  相似文献   

Occurrence of a shadow response among brachyuran larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A closed-circuit television system was used to study phototaxis and behavioral responses upon sudden decreases in light intensity in light-adapted Stage I zoeae from 7 species of Brachyura (Panopeus herbstii, Menippe mercenaria, Uca pugilator, Callinectes sapidus, Sesarma cinereum, Pinnotheres maculatum, and Libinia emarginata). All species except one show positive phototaxis to high intensities of 500 nm light and negative phototaxis to low intensities. Upon a sudden light intensity decrease, larvae show a shadow response, which depends upon the initial and final intensities. If the initial intensity is sufficient to induce positive phototaxis, and the light is extinguished, the larvae of 6 species stop swimming and passively sink (sinking response). Reducing the intensity to an absolute level that causes negative phototaxis, induces a sinking response followed by negative phototaxis. For intensity reductions that occur in the intensity range above that for negative phototaxis, a sinking responseis observed. The intensity decrease that initiates the sinking response is independent of initial stimulus intensity and duration, is consistent between species, and is equivalent to a decrease by 0.5 OD (optical density) units. The sinking response is greatest at intensity decreases of at least 1.0 to 1.1 OD units. It is concluded that the shadow response is common in brachyuran larvae inhabiting coastal-estuarine areas.  相似文献   

The blue mesogleal pigment of the symbiotic jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow, 1882, is composed of two subunits, a larger glycosylated (35 kDa) moiety and a non-glycosylated (30 kDa) variant in lower concentration. In solution, the subunits assemble in large complexes of at least 106 kDa. The pigment, known as Cassio Blue, appears to mitigate excessive solar radiation while allowing the passage of the wavelengths optimal for photosynthesis by the numerous algal symbionts in the mesoglea of the jellyfish. The pigment is an abundant protein comprising about 6% of all animal protein in the whole jellyfish and about 33% of all animal protein in the oral appendages. The protein also contains a diverse array of metals, notably Ag, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Zn, with traces of others. Metal stoichiometry varies among isolates averaging about 1 mol of all metals, taken together, for each mole of the pigment. Given the broad array of metals present, the pigment may also serve another purpose, for example, as a metal reservoir or trap. Few other proteins are associated with such a spectrum of metals. In addition, the amino acid sequences of the pigment tryptic peptides have no reasonable matches in any of the sequence databases. Our findings, taken as a whole, suggest that the Cassio pigment is indeed unusual and is likely a representative of a novel category of proteins, the original member of which is rpulFKz1, a chromoprotein endowed with Frizzled and Kringle domains.  相似文献   

We applied statistical methods to the data of a 5-year sampling period to characterize the features of trace elements in airborne particulate matter at the South Adriatic Coast. The analysis of surface soil samples was also performed. The data were processed by cluster analysis, enrichment factor determination and receptor rose statistics. It is shown that the principal element association consists of Fe, Mn and Ti originating from surface material resuspension. Hg and Se were shown to originate from more complex natural and anthropogenic processes. A strong emission source of Cd and Se was identified in the SSE direction.Selected article from the Regional Symposium on Chemistry and Environment Krusevac, Serbia, June 2003, organized by Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic.  相似文献   

Group members must decide collectively when and where to go despite their different nutrient requirements. One mechanism underlying consensus decisions is the proposition by one individual to move. The individual frequently initiating movements is often named a “leader”, and this individual may be the most dominant, the oldest or may have the greatest physiological needs. However, high-ranking individuals are often those with the highest body mass, and thus the highest nutrient requirements. In this study, we use a state-dependent model to assess the importance of dominance and nutrient requirements to the initiation of group movements, testing different combinations of effects of these interacting factors. We first show using a theoretical approach that whatever the correlation between the dominance hierarchy and body mass, all decision-making systems are viable (or stable). However, in most cases, one individual does become the leader, and nutrient requirements appear to be more important for determining which individual will emerge as the leader than pre-existing individual characteristics such as their dominance rank. We obtained the same result when we compared the simulated distributions of initiations to the observed distributions in three macaque species. Results of our comparison of three macaque groups suggest that we can predict which group member will be the leader simply by knowing its body mass and its reproductive state. Understanding the link between dominance, needs and leadership may be a key to understanding consensus decisions and collective motion in animal groups, and might provide insight into the management of animal groups and their conservation.  相似文献   

Increasing empirical and theoretical evidence supports the idea that sympatric speciation is operating, for example, in species flocks comprising several closely related fish species within one lake. Divergent natural selection (promoting spatial and food niche partitioning) and sexual selection (assortative mating) have been identified as key selection factors in intralacustric adaptive radiations. However, the evolution of social behaviors accompanying such adaptive radiations is less well understood. Using a phylogenetically young species flock of pupfish (Cyprinodon spp.) as a model, we examined differences among six sympatric species and compared their shoaling, aggressive, and territorial behaviors with that of a sister species (C. artifrons). Despite an estimated age of the species flock of less than 8,000 years, pronounced behavioral differentiation was found. C. simus, the smallest species in the flock, shoaled more than the other species and was less aggressive and less territorial than C. beltrani. F1-hybrids between C. simus males and C. beltrani females showed an intermediate expression of shoaling and aggressive behavior. Niche partitioning among the members of this species flock appears to be accompanied by rapid divergent evolution of social behaviors. We discuss the potential role of phenotypic plasticity and within-species variation of social behaviors for such rapid behavioral diversifications in sympatric speciation processes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study of the geochemical associations of Sellafield waste radionuclides in saltmarsh sediments from south-west s]Scotland. The contaminant radionuclides are transported to this environment in association with particulate material and 137Cs was found to be predominantly (80-98%) non-extractable. In the case of 239+240Pu there was a redistribution from the oxalate extractable oxide fraction to the pyrophosphate extractable organic fraction as a consequence of on-shore transfer of contaminated sediment. The relatively aggressive nature of the chemical extractants required to remove the radionuclides from the sediments suggests that they were in a form which was unlikely to result in their being released into the aquatic environment or taken up by plants. Plutonium had a greater potential mobility or bioavailability than Cs. Values of KD for the desorption of 137Cs from the sediment by freshwater, groundwater and seawater were all approximately 105 L kg-1, confirming its immobility in this environment. The desorption KD values for stable 133Cs were all approximately 106 L kg-1, so the stable Cs did not have a significant influence on the radiocaesium in this sediment.  相似文献   

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