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《生态文明体制改革总体方案》提出要编制统一的空间规划,空间规划的提出是升级现行规划制度,用制度保护生态环境的体现。规划环评作为一项政策评价工具,可以引导和约束规划决策的生态性和可持续性。现行规划环评制度无论是在评价对象上,还是在功能、层次、内容、程序和强制性上,都已经无法满足规划制度的未来发展需求。因此,本文提出应同步升级规划环评制度,以响应规划制度改革的发展需求。在此基础上,本文重点分析了升级规划环评制度的六个要点:促进形成不同规划环评之间的制度合力,加强规划环评与项目环评的联动与互动,强调三级规划环评之间的衔接,落实规划环评制度与规划制度的协同,注重多元主体参与式的规划环评架构建设以及提升规划环评制度的严肃性和强制性。  相似文献   

政策环评对决策科学化和民主化具有重要意义,我国2014年修订的《环境保护法》也为开展政策环评提供了一定法律依据。然而,由于我国政治体制和决策模式与西方国家明显不同,政策环评不能照搬国外模式,必须基于自身国情探索中国模式。为此,本文对国际上比较有代表性的政策环评实践进行了总结,对我国开展政策环评的必要性进行了分析,并探讨了我国开展政策环评需要考虑的关键问题,包括政策环评的目的、对象、重点和程序等。具体而言,对于实施政策环评的目的,可表述为健全决策机制、促进环境公平和凝聚社会共识三个方面;对于评价对象,在广义上可包含目前环境影响评价法尚未覆盖的所有高层次决策,在狭义上可将政府部门制定的行政法规、规章和规范性文件等作为重点;对于评价重点,建议整合"以影响为核心"的战略环评和"以制度为核心"的战略环评两种类型的优点,兼顾影响评价和制度评价;对于评价程序,政策环评应基于完全理性决策模式,与政策过程充分融合,在不同阶段分别发挥不同作用。  相似文献   

我国行将制定的《环境影响评价法》将力图突破环境法的范畴,将其发展为实施可持续发展战略的基本制度,进一步推动我国立法和政府决策的民主化和科学化,这种对立法和政府决策进行环境影响评价的做法又称为“战略环评”,本文拟就战略环评的可行性,必要性和制度设计作出分析。  相似文献   

回顾历史,国内国际许多重大环境问题都是由于决策部门在规划方面的失误酿成的。环境影响评价制度在我国实施了20多年,但以往都是针对单个的建设项目,对政府编制的各类规划和政策没有约束。单个建设项目对环境的影响是局部的,而政府的政策和规划对环境的影响则更深远,更广泛。把住了规划的环评环节,在很大程度上就控制了决策对环境的不良影响。从这个意义上讲,《环境影响评价法》为政府做事上了一把锁。下面列举的案例表明了政策失误带来的环境灾难。  相似文献   

本文系统梳理了我国规划环境影响评价(以下简称环评)制度的进展,分析了规划环评制度有效性仍存在的不足及原因,提出了对“十四五”规划环评改革的建议:一是树立“规划科学是最大的效益”理念,进一步明确相关部门在规划环评中的责任和义务;二是通过修订《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》进一步明确规划环评成果落地途径,提高规划环评意见的法律约束力,使得规划环评意见能够纳入规划、并传导到经济社会建设中;三是要构建“三线一单”与规划环评的联动体系,夯实规划环评技术体系,进一步发挥规划环评的有效性。  相似文献   

<正>战略环评处于事关环境决策的最高端,是对政策、规划或计划及其替代方案可能产生的环境影响进行规范的、系统的综合评价,这是快速工业化、城市化过程中规避环境风险的根本手段。它是将可持续发展战略从宏观、抽象概念落实到实际、具体方案的桥梁,是环境与发展综合决策的制度化保障。与一般针对单个建设项目的项目环评相比较,战略环  相似文献   

城市规划环境影响评价指标体系综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市规划是实施城市可持续发展战略的重要载体。城市规划环境影响评价的内容应集中体现在评价指标体系上。本文首先将城市规划环评指标分为总体规划和下位规划(专业规划、详细规划)两个层面,再分别系统论述城市总体规划和专业规划环评指标体系主要内容和结构,指出当前城市规划环评指标体系建立、内容、实施、总体与下位规划协调等方面的问题,奠定城市规划环评指标体系研究基础并为未来研究指明方向。  相似文献   

2005年初,国家环保总局叫停了30个大型工程项目,在中国刮起了一阵“环评风暴”,自此,环评成为越来越受关注的话题。那么,怎样才能牢牢把住这个控制新污染的第一道关口呢?本刊特邀安徽省环境科学院副院长蒋宗豪为大家指点迷津。问:环境影响评价制度的意义是什么?答:我国把环境影响评价制度(以下简称环评)作为贯彻预防为主,实施可持续发展战略的重要举措之一。这项制度的建立和推广实施,为有效加强环境管理,从源头防止环境污染和生态环境破坏起到了重要作用。特别是2003年9月1日《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》的颁布实施,把环评的对象从建…  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施二十年以来,生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评等制度共同筑牢了生态环境准入的防线,但也出现了管理边界不清晰、管理成效体现不足、制度联动机制保障不健全等问题,本文通过剖析典型规划中生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评三项制度各自发挥的作用,调研部分地区管理实践,提出优化生态环境准入制度的对策建议:一是生态环境分区管控应发挥宏观引领和维护国家生态环境稳定的作用,与国民经济社会发展规划、生态环境保护规划等指导性规划同步研究、同期发布;二是规划环评应进一步筑牢“承上启下”的核心作用,上收部分规划环评的审查权限,提升规划环评文件质量,强化环评要求落实情况监督;三是项目环评应在生态环境准入制度体系中进一步优化简化,对环境影响可控、环保措施成熟的建设项目,可推动项目环评和排污许可两证合一,进一步强化建设主体的责任意识,通过制度整合发挥管理效能。  相似文献   

地方政府对规划环评的主导作用柳宝全(河北省副省长)推进规划环评,地方政府要着力抓好四个关键环节。第一,必须强化各级政府及有关部门的法制意识、责任意识。规划环评的主体是各级政府及相关部门,评价对象主要是政府职能部门制定的各种规划方案。因此,要切实提高各级政府及有关部门对规划环评重要性和依法行政、依法决策的认识,使其自觉地严格依法编制规划,依法进行规划环评。第二,必须强化公众参与。规划环评是一个科学决策、民主决策的过程,在规划环评的过程中应积极创造条件,鼓励有关单位、专家和公众以适当方式参与环境影响评价工作,使…  相似文献   

Since 21 July 2004, formal strategic environmental assessment (SEA) requirements are in place for certain plans and programmes in European Union member states. Many public plans and programmes have been identified to fall under these requirements, and there has been a range of research activities particularly in land use and transport planning. However, the way in which SEA is to be applied in the private sector has remained largely unclear. Furthermore, to date there has been comparatively little reported private sector experience and the concrete benefits that SEA may deliver to private companies have not yet been discussed to any large extent. In order to address this shortcoming, the paper looks at SEA application in electricity transmission planning, taking the specific case of the privatized company ScottishPower as an example. Based on the evidence obtained, it is suggested that a structured SEA process can strengthen the environmental component and improve private sector decision-making processes. Corporate governance can be improved, if SEA is applied in a tiered system, addressing different issues and tasks at distinct stages in a clearly defined decision making hierarchy.  相似文献   

Some countries, including Taiwan, have adopted strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to assess and modify proposed policies, plans, and programs (PPPs) in the planning phase for pursuing sustainable development. However, there were only some sketchy steps focusing on policy assessment in the system of Taiwan. This study aims to develop a methodology for SEA in Taiwan to enhance the effectiveness associated with PPPs. The proposed methodology comprises an SEA procedure involving PPP management and assessment in various phases, a sustainable assessment framework, and an SEA management system. The SEA procedure is devised based on the theoretical considerations by systems thinking and the regulative requirements in Taiwan. The positive and negative impacts on ecology, society, and economy are simultaneously considered in the planning (including policy generation and evaluation), implementation, and control phases of the procedure. This study used the analytic hierarchy process, Delphi technique, and systems analysis to develop a sustainable assessment framework. An SEA management system was built based on geographic information system software to process spatial, attribute, and satellite image data during the assessment procedure. The proposed methodology was applied in the SEA of golf course installation policy in 2001 as a case study, which was the first SEA in Taiwan. Most of the 82 existing golf courses in 2001 were installed on slope lands and caused a serious ecological impact. Assessment results indicated that 15 future golf courses installed on marginal lands (including buffer zones, remedied lands, and wastelands) were acceptable because the comprehensive environmental (ecological, social, and economic) assessment value was better based on environmental characteristics and management regulations of Taiwan. The SEA procedure in the planning phase for this policy was completed but the implementation phase of this policy was not begun because the related legislation procedure could not be arranged due to a few senators’ resistance. A self-review of the control phase was carried out in 2006 using this methodology. Installation permits for 12 courses on slope lands were terminated after 2001 and then 27 future courses could be installed on marginal lands. The assessment value of this policy using the data on ecological, social, and economic conditions from 2006 was higher than that using the data from 2001. The analytical results illustrate that the proposed methodology can be used to effectively and efficiently assist the related authorities for SEA.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is gaining widespread recognition as a tool for integrating environmental considerations in policy, plan, and program development and decision-making. Notwithstanding the potential of SEA to improve higher-order decision processes, there has been very little attention given to integrating SEA with industry planning practices. As a result, the benefits of SEA have yet to be fully realized among industrial proponents. That said, SEA practice is ongoing, albeit informally and often under a different label, and is proving to be a valuable tool for industry planning and decision-making. Based on a case study of the Pasquai-Porcupine forest management plan in Saskatchewan, Canada, this paper illustrates how an integrated approach to SEA can contribute to industry environmental decision-making and can enhance the quality and deliverability of industry plans.  相似文献   

Planning for the future is uncertain, and scenario analysis is a method of coping with the uncertainties of future plans. This paper addresses how to deal with future uncertainties by using scenario analysis as a possible approach for conducting a strategic environmental assessment (SEA). Although scenario-based approaches have been linked to strategic planning and SEA, this paper for the first time proposes how a combined approach may be implemented using specific tools and methodologies and, further on, it also implements the first three stages of the six stages proposed for the ‘scenario-based strategic planning’ approach. This work is an attempt to standardize SEA and scenario analysis as a combined approach. The three stages are tested within the Tourism Development Plan of the Iranian province of Gilan, which has been selected as a case study.  相似文献   

Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is a family of decision-making tools that can be used in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedures to ensure that environmental, social and economic aspects are integrated into the design of human development strategies and planning, in order to increase the contribution of the environment and natural resources to poverty reduction. The aim of this paper is to highlight the contribution of a particular multi-criteria technique, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), in two stages of the SEA procedure applied to water programmes in developing countries: the comparison of alternatives and monitoring. This proposal was validated through its application to a case study in Brazilian semi-arid region. The objective was to select and subsequently monitor the most appropriate programme for safe water availability. On the basis of the SEA results, a project was identified and implemented with successful results. In terms of comparisons of alternatives, AHP meets the requirements of human development programme assessment, including the importance of simplicity, a multidisciplinary and flexible approach, and a focus on the beneficiaries' concerns. With respect to monitoring, the study shows that AHP contributes to SEA by identifying the most appropriate indicators, in order to control the impacts of a project.  相似文献   

The preparation of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) inclusive sustainability appraisals (SAs) for neighbourhood plans (NPs) in England may be required when significant environmental effects are expected to arise from an NP. In this paper, we report on the result of a Ph.D. project, conducted between 2012 and 2015, in which all 15 NP SEA inclusive SAs that had been completed at the time were evaluated. In this context, the quality of SA practice was found to differ substantially. SAs were prepared either ‘in-house’ (i.e. by neighbourhood planning steering groups) or by consultants. The quality of SAs was found to be associated with their overall perceived degree of influence on the underlying NPs. Whilst the focus of this paper is on practice in England, findings are expected to be of interest to a wider international audience, in particular to those experimenting with voluntary neighbourhood/local level plan SA/SEA.  相似文献   

应对气候变化法的立法探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了实现碳排放达峰目标和碳中和愿景,明确应对气候变化的法律地位、工作目标和法律要求,规定部门职责及温室气体排放权的法律属性与交易机制,分解工作目标并开展评价考核,彰显国家应对气候的法治决心,亟须制定综合性基础法律——应对气候变化法。该法的制定已具备充足的研究起草基础和下位法支撑,建议尽快纳入全国人大常委会立法计划,并启动《环境保护法》等相关法律的修改。本文建议,将低碳发展和碳排放达峰、碳中和等纳入立法目的,设立总则、规划与标准、气候变化减缓、气候变化适应、管理和监督、国际合作、法律责任、附则八章,合理设立规范重点。健全统一监管与部门分工负责的体制和基金筹集、市场交易、社会共治等机制,全面构建国内应对气候变化管理制度体系,部署国际协商与合作措施,设置地方政府工作目标责任,对违法行为规定罚则。  相似文献   

China is an illustrative—and extreme—case of the difficulties of balancing the pursuit of economic, social, and environmental objectives. In 2003 it adopted a form of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for its plans and programs (referred to here as PEIA) with the aim of moving towards greater environmental sustainability. The literature has explored primarily the issue of methods and legal procedures. This research contributes to the analysis of PEIA through a different set of interpretative lens. Drawing on recent developments in the theory and practice of SEA, I propose a conceptualization of SEA effectiveness that combines direct and incremental impacts, and a need for context-specific systems as a way to focus on the relationship between assessment, planning, and their context, and thus maximize effectiveness. This framework underpins the analysis of China’s experience, which I explore with the help of interview material and the literature. The result is an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of PEIA in terms of its purpose, assessment concept, process, and methods. The detailed analysis of six aspects of the context helps explain the origin of such shortcomings, and identify opportunities for its improvement. I conclude defining elements of a context-specific system for SEA that seeks to maximize the opportunity for incremental, as well as direct, effectiveness in China.  相似文献   

土地利用规划战略环境影响评价浅探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在介绍国内外规划环境影响评价发展概况的基础上,提出了土地利用规划环境影响评价的重要意义。初步探讨了土地利用规划战略环境影响评价的范畴、体系、指标体系与评价方法,并建议应深入开展土地利用规划战略环境影响评价理论研究,健全相关制度,尽快出台相关技术规程。  相似文献   

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