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将生态经济学、资源环境经济学等理论进行融合,并结合耕地作为自然—经济—社会复合生态系统的特殊性和作为资源分布的差异性,提出耕地保护外部性的内部化是耕地保护经济补偿的核心问题和环境经济学的基础,公共物品属性是耕地保护经济补偿政策途径选择的公共经济学基础,生态系统服务及其价值(效益)理论是确定耕地保护经济补偿标准的价值基础和理论依据,城乡与区域统筹发展是耕地保护区内和区际经济补偿体系构建的依据和目标,从而为耕地保护经济补偿机制研究提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

本文运用市场价值法、有效成本法、避免成本法,以山东省为例对规模养猪场清洁生产生态服务价值进行了评估,并探讨了清洁生产生态服务价值的补偿模式。结果表明:山东省规模养猪场清洁生产生态服务总价值为140.804亿元,其价值构成为绿色产品供给价值(84.22%)>气体调节价值(10.66%)>资源化利用价值(2.23%)>水质保护价值(1.96%)>土壤保护价值(0.92%)>水源节约价值(0.01%),说明清洁生产带来的尚未被养殖主体、政府和公众重视的生态服务价值巨大,同时也说明清洁生产具有极强的正外部性。为实现清洁生产生态服务价值,构建了政府补偿、市场化补偿和社会补偿协同作用的多元化生态补偿模式,其中政府补偿模式以资金补偿、政策补偿、技术补偿和智力补偿为主,市场化补偿模式主要表现为排污权交易和生态标记,社会补偿模式以自力补偿为主、相关企业参与为辅。  相似文献   

生态产品定价方法是完善生态补偿制度、落实生态产品市场化机制,以及实现绿水青山转化为金山银山的关键所在。本文基于均衡价值理论,从生产成本、生态效用与供求系数三方面构建生态产品的定价框架,并将其应用于内蒙古锡林郭勒盟禁牧区的生态补偿标准的计算中,进一步分析锡林郭勒盟各旗县自然、社会经济水平因素,构建差异化补偿标准分区方案。生态产品定价方法的研究可指导政府制定合理生态补偿标准,并为生态产品交易价格的磋商提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生态承载力的理论研究是生态经济学研究领域的热点和核心内容之一,也是可持续经济发展研究的主要支撑理论.开展生态承载力综合研究不但对生态经济学学科发展具有重要的科学意义和理论意义,而且对现实区域经济可持续发展具有重要的指导意义.以生态经济可持续发展为目的,将生态承载力与可持续经济发展研究有机结合起来,提出了相应的政策路径.  相似文献   

在分析北京市生态涵养区在生态补偿制度建设困境的基础上,本文将国内外区域生态系统价值评估模型相结合,运用修正的生态服务价值评估模型,对北京市生态涵养区2016年的生态服务价值进行了估算,并分析了2009-2016年生态服务价值的变动及其影响因素,从科学评估生态服务价值、完善生态补偿标准方法的制定、健全生态保护补偿制度、将绿色GDP纳入生态涵养区绩效考核指标评价体系几个方面探讨了完善生态补偿机制的政策措施。一方面更加直观地揭示了生态涵养区生态服务的重要经济价值,另一方面为建立更加科学的生态补偿机制提供了可参考的依据。  相似文献   

明晰生态补偿的价值目标,既是健全我国生态补偿政策体系、体现公共政策属性的关键,也是调动各方生态保护积极性、提升自然生态系统稳定性与生态产品供给能力的现实需要。本文首先评述了关于生态补偿价值目标的研究进展,认为国内对该领域的研究比较欠缺,亟须补充;其次对于国际上生态补偿的价值目标选择,从维护和提升生态系统服务功能、农民减贫脱贫、推动城乡生态公正以及提高农民生态参与意识等四个方面进行了介绍。反思国内生态补偿价值目标的问题,本文提出生态补偿机制完善与价值目标导向:①以“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念面向多元价值目标构建生态补偿机制;②通过生态补偿机制建设提升生态系统服务功能;③通过生态补偿机制接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴的有效衔接;④通过生态补偿机制建设促进城乡生态公正;⑤加强生态补偿政策宣传激发公民生态意识。  相似文献   

传统的生态系统服务价值评估方法在生态补偿具体实践中仍存在一些困境。本研究提出生态系统服务功能的三元价值理论,通过能值方法剥离纯自然贡献带来的服务价值、自然贡献和人类投入共同作用形成的服务价值及基于人类偏好的存在价值这三类价值,通过自然贡献可以确定生态补偿的理论基线,而人工投入(基于人类投入绩效的支付)和存在价值(基于偏好的支付)可对基线进行二级修正,进一步提出了利用三元价值理论系统解决"生态系统服务—受益区—补偿方式—补偿标准—受偿主体"问题的生态补偿路径。  相似文献   

当前,生态产品价值实现探索实践中面临生态系统服务度量难、核算难、货币化难、交易难等基础性难题,导致生态产品价值核算体系不统一、生态产品市场交易机制不完善、各类生态产品交易平台不规范、绿色金融滞后、绿色发展市场化激励机制不足等问题。本文从最关键的生态产品价值理论出发,梳理生态产品价值实现困境的根源和理论基础,并尝试提出可能的多元核算方法与热力学、景感学、经济学相结合的实践解决路径,形成不同单位的统一核算标的物。通过探索利用区块链、大数据等科技赋能生态产品价值实现,提出构建生态资产加密数字货币化的可能性,并进一步形成不同生态产品的价格形成机制、成本监审制度和价格调整机制,完善生态产品市场交易机制,建立统一的生态产品交易平台,促进绿色金融发展,推动自然资源管理能力现代化。  相似文献   

以下概念涉及对海洋的生态损害由弱到强依次为:海洋生态环境保护、海洋资源有偿使用、海洋生态环境损害(负外部性)、海洋生态环境损害(侵害)。海洋生态损害补偿是广义概念,包括针对"海洋资源有偿使用"的"有偿"、针对"海洋生态环境损害(负外部性)"的"补偿"和针对"海洋生态环境损害(侵害)"的"赔偿"。海洋生态损害补偿是海洋生态补偿的重要组成部分,海洋生态补偿是生态补偿的重要组成部分,理论上需要进行经济学、管理学、法学等多学科的交叉融合研究,实践上需要将它置于生态补偿的总体框架中进行制度政策设计。  相似文献   

白云湖湿地生态功能区规划及保障措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实地调查的基础上,根据资源经济学、生态经济学的理论和方法,针对白云湖湿地资源的主要功能特点,对其各个区域的生态服务功能价值--直接利用价值和间接利用价值进行了货币化评估,由此进行湿地功能区域划分,并对各个区域进行了现状分析,从而得出最优目标,以期达到在保护好湿地生态环境的基础上进行资源的合理开发,实现湖区湿地资源的可持续利用,保证湖区经济和社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been conducted globally into conceptual frameworks for ecosystem services, the most notable being the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Millennium ecosystem assessment: ecosystems and human well-being; a framework for assessment. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, pp 51, 53–55, 2005). The South East Queensland (SEQ) Ecosystem Services Framework (Australia) aims to provide the tools to enable government, industry, business, researchers, non-government organizations and land managers to apply the concept of ecosystem services in their planning and management practices. This article describes the Framework and the process that has produced matrices and maps that identify and illustrate the linkages between ecosystems, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services and the community’s well-being. The matrices and maps derived can identify areas in the region where the most ecosystem services are generated. This allows areas to be considered as valuable natural assets of the region, deserving appropriate protection measures or significant offsets if they are diminished or degraded in any way. Although the Framework requires further refinement and ongoing development, the process applied and the products produced has enabled decision makers to turn the concept of ecosystem services into practical application in SEQ.  相似文献   

Traditional water harvesting systems are multi-functional in nature and provide a variety of ecosystem services that contribute to the overall wellbeing of local people. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing the variations in the level of awareness across households residing around three selected traditional water bodies in the Indian state of West Bengal. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression models have been used to identify and analyze the determinants of household perception on ecosystem services from tank water bodies. Results show that while a majority of households have strong perceptions on the provisioning and cultural ecosystem services of the tanks, the household perceptions on regulating and supporting services of the tank is found to be relatively weak. Households belonging to lower caste and poor are likely to be more dependent on ecosystem services from tanks than upper caste and rich households, and hence they have better perceptions of provisioning ecosystem services. Households’ awareness about provisioning ecosystem services is negatively related to their level of education and wealth. It is observed that household awareness about regulating and supporting ecosystem services is positively associated with the level of education of the households, ownership of tube well and private tanks. While it is essential to consider household perception on all the ecosystem services for sustainable use and management of traditional water harvesting systems, incorporating the local norms, customs and preferences in policy design are critical for achieving effective conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

We present a GIS method to interpret qualitatively expressed socio-economic scenarios in quantitative map-based terms. (i) We built scenarios using local stakeholders and experts to define how major land cover classes may change under different sets of drivers; (ii) we formalized these as spatially explicit rules, for example agriculture can only occur on certain soil types; (iii) we created a future land cover map which can then be used to model ecosystem services. We illustrate this for carbon storage in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania using two scenarios: the first based on sustainable development, the second based on 'business as usual' with continued forest-woodland degradation and poor protection of existing forest reserves. Between 2000 and 2025 4% of carbon stocks were lost under the first scenario compared to a loss of 41% of carbon stocks under the second scenario. Quantifying the impacts of differing future scenarios using the method we document here will be important if payments for ecosystem services are to be used to change policy in order to maintain critical ecosystem services.  相似文献   

In Europe, biodiversity conservation relies on the Natura 2000 network. However, it is often difficult to ensure the favourable conservation status of species and habitats due to scarce financial resources. Therefore, we examined the current management strategies and conditions of three Italian Natura 2000 sites based on a questionnaire and stakeholder meetings. Additionally, we qualitatively assessed the potential of ecosystem services provision. Then an A'WOT analysis was carried out to identify and highlight internal and external factors affecting natural and semi-natural ecosystems and the socio-economic context, aiming to propose new instruments and approaches for effective management. The analysis revealed opportunities for developing tourism and the high potential of regulating services, whereas the bureaucratic burden and a lack of funding threaten the attainment of biodiversity conservation goals. Thus, we propose that payments for ecosystem services should be considered to support the effective management of Natura 2000 sites.  相似文献   

Given the expansion of payments for water‐based ecosystem services (PWES) worldwide, two relevant issues are as follows: (1) determination of efficient allocations of payments among land managers, and (2) how this might change when paying one manager to implement a best management practice (BMP) to enhance an ecosystem service impacts the cost‐effectiveness of BMPs considered by other land managers not currently involved in PWES. Such externalities may be negative if diminishing returns dominate, or positive if mechanisms such as “social diffusion” dominate. We analyze how a planner should optimally allocate payments, depending on whether the expected externalities are negligible, negative, or positive. We employ (1) an optimal control model to gain insights on the problem’s dynamics, and (2) stochastic dynamic programming to determine optimal funding strategies using a specific application. The study contributes to the literature by identifying dynamically optimal PWES payment patterns, and illustrates how they should change when one accounts for externalities induced by the program. Because such impacts have not been addressed previously in a rigorous way, this treatment provides useful value added for PWES design and implementation.  相似文献   

The ecosystem services (ES) concept is being increasingly incorporated into environmental policy formulation and management approaches. The Corporate Ecosystem Services Review (ESR) is a framework used to assess the dependence and impact that a business has on ES. The success of the corporate experience of ES assessment provides an opportunity for adaption for local authority decision making. In this paper, the ESR tool was adapted to the South African setting at a local government level, and tested at two sites in the Msunduzi Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal. In testing the tool and gathering feedback from key stakeholders, it was found that there are both opportunities and challenges to this approach. Overall, however, it provides an opportunity for the systematic inclusion of ES assessment into existing regulatory frameworks for land-use planning and Integrated Environmental Management, whether in a strategic application, at a broader spatial (municipal) scale or in a specific locale within the municipality.  相似文献   

随着区域间经济联系日益密切,生态服务的市场交换行为伴随着货物贸易快速增加,已成为生态服务贸易的主要形式。市场型生态服务贸易导致生态服务使用在区域间的巨大不公平,已对区域可持续发展产生了重大影响。从隐含自然资源产品提供、隐含能源提供和污染物净化三个方面设计了生态服务贸易的测度框架,并构建了生态不对等交换指数评价生态服务交换的不对等程度。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对浙江生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生态系统服务功能价值理论可定量估算各类生态系统为人类提供服务的经济价值.土地是一切陆地生态系统的载体,在人类改造和利用自然的过程中不可避免地要影响各类生态系统的状况,进而影响到它们为人类提供的服务与功能.以浙江省1990年、1995年、1999年和2002年的土地利用类型数据为依据,结合浙江省的具体情况对生态价值计算方法进行修正,估算了该省生态服务价值的动态变化环境效益.结果表明,浙江省的生态服务价值经历了一个先缓慢上升后迅速下降的过程,其中水分调节和水分供应项变化的幅度大,而且不同土地类型发挥了不同的效应.  相似文献   

Achieving sustainable development is an issue of global concern. Accounting for the gross ecosystem product (GEP) value can specifically quantify the value of ecosystems for people, which is conducive to the formulation of sustainable management decisions. We have improved the GEP framework accounting method for the first time and evaluated the ecosystem service value of 36 cities in three provinces in the northeast (TPN) of China from 2000 to 2019, which provides decision-making references for the sustainable development of TPN. The main accounting results and policy recommendations are as follows: (1) The ecological value of Northeast China is in an upward stage—GEP has increased from 3.1 trillion yuan in 2000 to 4.5 trillion yuan in 2019, with climate regulation and water conservation functions being the main driving factors for GEP. (2) Based on the dual analysis of GEP and gross domestic product (GDP), there is still high room for improvement in most cities in the TPN region. While ensuring the protection of ecosystem services, cities can convert ecological value into economic value through carbon trading, water rights trading, ecological compensation, and other methods based on ecological characteristics, which is conducive to the sustainable development of GDP and GEP in the TPN region in the future. (3) The cold and hot spot analysis of GEP also provides decision-making basis for the planning of future ecosystem service protection areas in the TPN region.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of wildlife tourism‐based payments for ecosystem services (PES) on poverty, wealth inequality and the livelihoods of herders in the Maasai Mara Ecosystem in south‐western Kenya. It uses the case of Olare Orok Conservancy PES programme in which pastoral landowners have agreed to voluntary resettlement and exclusion of livestock grazing from their sub‐divided lands. These lands are set aside for wildlife tourism, in return for direct monetary payments by a coalition of five commercial tourism operators. Results show that, on the positive side, PES is the most equitable income source that promotes income diversification and buffers households from the livestock income declines during periods of severe drought, such as in 2008‐2009. Without accounting for the opportunity costs, the magnitude of the PES cash transfer to households is, on average, sufficient to close the poverty gap. The co‐benefits of PES implementation include the creation of employment opportunities in the conservancy and provision of social services. There is however a need to mitigate the negative effects of PES, including the widening inequality in income between PES and non‐PES households and the leakages resulting from the displacement of settlements and livestock to currently un‐subdivided pastoral commons.  相似文献   

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