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欧阳科  黎丽华  陈媛  谢珊 《生态环境》2011,20(4):706-710
采用一体式MBR处理垃圾渗滤液,系统考察MBR对COD、NH4+-N和TN的去除效果。结果表明:可将垃圾渗滤液的COD降至650-1 500 mg·L-1范围;在HRT为1.5 d、DO为0.75-1.20 mg·L-1、不排泥条件下运行时,对TN质量浓度低于2 300 mg·L-1、容积负荷低于0.25 kg.m-3.d-1(以N计)的渗滤液进行处理,MBR对NH4+-N与TN的去除率可分别达到87%和72%以上。在MBR处理垃圾渗滤液的运行中发现,膜的污染速度较快,并且呈现"两段性"的规律,采用碱+氧化剂的清洗方式可有效去除膜污染,降低过膜压力。  相似文献   

吴春英 《环境化学》2013,(9):1674-1679
采用模拟生活污水,在相同的运行条件下,对比研究了膜-生物反应器(MBR)与序批式活性污泥法(SBR)对10种典型药品和个人护理品(PPCPs)的去除效果.研究结果表明,两种反应器对不同目标物PPCPs的去除效果存在一定的差异:MBR和SBR对甲氧苄氨嘧啶(TRM)和红霉素(ERY)的去除无明显差别;苏必利(SLP)和卡马西平(CBZ)在两反应器中均不能得到有效去除;但对于其他目标物,尤其是咖啡因(CAF)、酮洛芬(KTP)、避蚊胺(DEET),MBR的去除率明显高于SBR.总体上,MBR在出水的安全性和稳定性上存在着一定的优势.  相似文献   

膜表面形貌对厌氧膜生物反应器膜污染影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在厌氧膜生物反应器处理高浓度食品废水的试验中,借助原子力显微镜分析了四种表面形貌不同的聚醚砜超滤膜的通量衰减规律.结果表明,超滤膜表面形貌愈粗糙,膜通量的衰减速率愈快,且化学清洗后恢复愈困难.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器投加PAC处理生活污水效能的试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在一体式MBR系统中投加少量的粉末活性炭,运行效果良好,并且可以很好地降低膜污染。粉末活性炭在形成生物活性炭后,对难降解有机物具有很好的降解能力;NH4^ -N的去除率得到进一步提高,NO3^-的含量升高;但反硝化作用不明显,致使总氮去除率不高;生物活性炭很好地吸附并降解了易引起膜污染的有机物,改变了污泥的性质,对膜组件起到了很好的保护作用。  相似文献   

改进型膜生物反应器处理洗浴污水的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大量试验研究的基础上提出了一种改进型膜生物反应器 (MBR) ,并对其处理洗浴污水的效果进行了试验 ,结果表明 :利用改进型MBR处理洗浴污水出水水质良好 ,COD <40mg/L ,LAS <0 .2mg/L ,符合国家建设部颁布的生活杂用水回用水质标准。  相似文献   

针对食品加工过程中产生的高SO42-的高浓度有机物废水,采用膜生物反应器(MBR)工艺对其进行处理研究,分别考察了1.6%和2.6%SO42-浓度下反应器运行性能、污泥性质和膜污染变化情况.经过110 d的运行时间对比发现,1.6%SO42-浓度下MBR获得的最大有机负荷为1.0kg·(m3·d)-1 COD,其化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮和总氮的去除率分别为97.2%、92.5%和89.5%.2.6%SO42-浓度下微生物受到的抑制更强,其获得的最大有机负荷仅为0.5 kg·(m3·d)-1 COD,其COD、氨氮和总氮的去除率分别为96.3%、82.6%和80.7%.此外,SO42-浓度为1.6%的反应器在更高的膜运行通量下,膜污染速率反而比2.6%系统更慢.进一步分析其污泥性质发...  相似文献   

生物泥浆反应器中微生物数量变化与PAHs降解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别以浓度、温度、接种量、通气量和表面活性剂为降解调控因子,采用平板记数法进行了生物泥浆反应器中微生物数量变化与PAHs降解的关系研究。结果表明:土壤中细菌数量与PHE、PY投加浓度呈显著正相关。PHE、PY初始浓度越高,细菌数量越大。此外,反应器的温度对微生物生长速度和数量有重要影响。反应器温度为30℃时对细菌迅速繁殖有利,反应器温度为20℃时对真菌生长繁殖有利。接种量为5%即可明显提高PHE和  相似文献   

分别采用膜生物反应器(MBR)和普通生物反应器(CSTR)对苯胺废水进行处理,结果表明MBR处理效果优于CSTR,处理水苯胺浓度接近动力学极限浓度。测定了两种反应器中微生物的最大比基质利用速率qmax分别为2.084d^-1和1.650d^-1,亲和常数Ks值分别为0.237mg/L和0.309mg/L。间歇试验证明MBR能富集培养基质亲和性高的专一性微生物。这类微生物降解速率不随基质浓度而变化,且能更彻底地降解有机物,适用于微量有机物的高度净化。  相似文献   

采用假单胞菌在硅橡胶复合膜生物反应器上进行甲苯废气降解的挂膜启动实验,研究膜生物反应器挂膜启动特性,对挂膜启动过程中循环液吸光度、压力损失、甲苯降解效率和生物膜干重的变化进行考察,并观察挂膜稳定后的生物膜形态.结果表明:挂膜过程主要由生物膜成膜期(0~5 d)、生长期(6~10 d)、稳定期(11~14 d)3个阶段组成.循环液吸光度、反应器内液相压力损失、甲苯降解效率和生物膜干重等参数在成膜期都快速增加;进入膜生长期,循环液吸光度略微下降,而生物膜干重、压力损失和甲苯降解效率都继续增大;在稳定期各参数均趋于相对稳定,稳定后循环液吸光度维持在0.75左右,液相压力损失达到了180 Pa,甲苯降解效率维持在78%以上,生物膜干重为2.25 mg/cm2.试验表明,对循环液吸光度、液相压力损失、甲苯降解效率和生物膜干重等参数的综合分析,可作为膜生物反应器挂膜启动进程的判据.图9参15  相似文献   

罗茜  马宏瑞  朱超  花莉 《生态环境》2013,(12):1887-1892
通过模拟好氧活性污泥实验,采用PCR-DGGE技术并监测不同时期的CODCr、脱氢酶和总蛋白质的质量浓度,研究在外源和内源呼吸模式下,微生物群落结构及相关生物活性的变化。结果表明:未添加碳源处理中 CODCr的质量浓度稳定在100 mg·L-1左右;脱氢酶的质量浓度从1μg·mL-1降低到接近0μg·mL-1;总蛋白的质量浓度从0.05 mg·mL-1上升至0.07 mg·mL-1后下降至0.01 mg·mL-1左右;同时,微生物群落结构变化不大。外加葡萄糖处理中CODCr的质量浓度从1000 mg·L-1下降并稳定在100 mg·L-1左右;脱氢酶的质量浓度从2μg·mL-1上升到5μg·mL-1;总蛋白的质量浓度均从0.05 mg·mL-1上升至0.07 mg·mL-1后下降至0.005 mg·mL-1左右;同时,微生物群落多样性呈现收敛趋势。内源和外源呼吸模式下的活性污泥中,变形菌门( Proteobacteria )都是绝对优势种群,其次是拟杆菌门( Bacteroidetes )。内源呼吸末期δ-变形菌门(Deltaproteobacteria)消失,外源呼吸末期硝化螺菌门(Nitrospirae)消失。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the membrane bioreactor (MBR) in China in the early 1990s, remarkable progress has been achieved on the research and application of this technology. China has now become one of the most active fields in the world in this regard. This review outlines the development of MBR-based processes in China and their performance of treating municipal and industrial wastewaters. Since membrane fouling is a critical operational problem with MBR processes, this paper also proposes updated understanding of fouling mechanisms and strategies of fouling control, which are mainly compiled from publications of Chinese researchers. As for the commercial application of MBR in the country, the latest statistics of large-scale MBR plants (>10000 m3·d−1) are provided, and the growth trend of total treatment capacity as well as its driving force is analyzed.  相似文献   

微生物群落结构和多样性解析技术研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
微生物群落结构和多样性是微生物生态学和环境科学研究的热点内容,对于开发微生物资源,阐明微生物群落与其生境的关系,揭示群落结构与功能的联系,从而指导微生物群落功能的定向调控具有重要意义。基本按照年代顺序概述了常用的微生物群落结构及多样性解析技术,同时也体现了解析技术由片面向全面、由低分辨水平向高分辨水平的发展过程。20世纪70年代以前,对环境微生物群落结构及多样性的认识依赖传统的培养分离方法,方法的分辨水平低,认识是不全面的和有选择性的;20世纪70年代和80年代,在微生物化学成分分析的基础上建立了生物标记物方法(醌指纹法、磷脂脂肪酸法等),对微生物群落结构和多样性的认识进入到较客观的层次上;在80和90年代,以DNA为目标物的现代分子生物学技术(rRNA基因测序技术、基因指纹图谱等)比较精确地揭示了微生物种类和遗传的多样性,并给出了关于群落结构的直观信息。指出了每种解析技术的功能特点和局限性,并展望了解析技术的发展趋势是原位、快速、灵敏、高通量和准确定量。  相似文献   

• Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased effluent quality and environmental benefits. • Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased energy consumption but not operating cost. • Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased the net profit and cost efficiency. • The advantage of MBR is related to the adopted effluent standard. • The techno-economy of MBR improves with stricter effluent standards. While a growing number of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are being retrofitted from the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process to the membrane bioreactor (MBR) process, the debate on the techno-economy of MBR vs. CAS has continued and calls for a thorough assessment based on techno-economic valuation. In this study, we analyzed the operating data of 20 large-scale WWTPs (capacity≥10000 m3/d) and compared their techno-economy before and after the retrofitting from CAS to MBR. Through cost-benefit analysis, we evaluated the net profit by subtracting the operating cost from the environmental benefit (estimated by the shadow price of pollutant removal and water reclamation). After the retrofitting, the removal rate of pollutants increased (e.g., from 89.0% to 93.3% on average for NH3-N), the average energy consumption increased from 0.40 to 0.57 kWh/m3, but the operating cost did not increase significantly. The average marginal environmental benefit increased remarkably (from 0.47 to 0.66 CNY/g for NH3-N removal), leading to an increase in the average net profit from 19.4 to 24.4 CNY/m3. We further scored the technical efficiencies via data envelopment analysis based on non-radial directional distance functions. After the retrofitting, the relative cost efficiency increased from 0.70 to 0.73 (the theoretical maximum is 1), while the relative energy efficiency did not change significantly. The techno-economy is closely related to the effluent standard adopted, particularly when truncating the extra benefit of pollutant removal beyond the standard in economic modeling. The modeling results suggested that MBR is more profitable than CAS given stricter effluent standards.  相似文献   

● Salinity led to the elevation of NAR over 99.72%. ● Elevated salinity resulted in a small, complex, and more competitive network. ● Various AOB or denitrifiers responded differently to elevated salinity. ● Putative keystone taxa were dynamic and less abundant among various networks. Biological treatment processes are critical for sewage purification, wherein microbial interactions are tightly associated with treatment performance. Previous studies have focused on assessing how environmental factors (such as salinity) affect the diversity and composition of the microbial community but ignore the connections among microorganisms. Here, we described the microbial interactions in response to elevated salinity in an activated sludge system by performing an association network analysis. It was found that higher salinity resulted in low microbial diversity, and small, complex, more competitive overall networks, leading to poor performance of the treatment process. Subnetworks of major phyla (Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Chloroflexi) and functional bacteria (such as AOB, NOB and denitrifiers) differed substantially under elevated salinity process. Compared with subnetworks of Nitrosomonadaceae, Nitrosomonas (AOB) made a greater contribution to nitrification under higher salinity (especially 3%) in the activated sludge system. Denitrifiers established more proportion of cooperative relationships with other bacteria to resist 3% salinity stress. Furthermore, identified keystone species playing crucial roles in maintaining process stability were dynamics and less abundant under salinity disturbance. Knowledge gleaned from this study deepened our understanding of microbial interaction in response to elevated salinity in activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

The existence of three-phase separator did not affect COD removal in the EAnCMBR. The existence of three-phase separator aggravated methane leakage of EAnCMBR. The existence of three-phase separator aggravated membrane fouling rate of EAnCMBR. Start-up of EAnCMBR equipped three-phase separator was slightly delayed. The three-phase separator is a critical component of high-rate anaerobic bioreactors due to its significant contribution in separation of biomass, wastewater, and biogas. However, its role in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor is still not clear. In this study, the distinction between an external anaerobic ceramic membrane bioreactor (EAnCMBR) unequipped (R1) and equipped (R2) with a three-phase separator was investigated in terms of treatment performance, membrane fouling, extracellular polymers of sludge, and microbial community structure. The results indicate that the COD removal efficiencies of R1 and R2 were 98.2%±0.4% and 98.1%±0.4%, respectively, but the start-up period of R2 was slightly delayed. Moreover, the membrane fouling rate of R2 (0.4 kPa/d) was higher than that of R1 (0.2 kPa/d). Interestingly, the methane leakage from R2 (0.1 L/d) was 20 times higher than that from R1 (0.005 L/d). The results demonstrate that the three-phase separator aggravated the membrane fouling rate and methane leakage in the EAnCMBR. Therefore, this study provides a novel perspective on the effects of a three-phase separator in an EAnCMBR.  相似文献   

• Effects of metabolic uncoupler TCS on the performances of GDMBR were evaluated. • Sludge EPS reduced and transformed into dissolved SMP when TCS was added. • Appropriate TCS increased the permeability and reduced cake layer fouling. • High dosage aggravated fouling due to compact cake layer with low bio-activity. The gravity-driven membrane bioreactor (MBR)system is promising for decentralized sewage treatment because of its low energy consumption and maintenance requirements. However, the growing sludge not only increases membrane fouling, but also augments operational complexities (sludge discharge). We added the metabolic uncoupler 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS) to the system to deal with the mentioned issues. Based on the results, TCS addition effectively decreased sludge ATP and sludge yield (reduced by 50%). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS; proteins and polysaccharides) decreased with the addition of TCS and were transformed into dissolved soluble microbial products (SMPs) in the bulk solution, leading to the break of sludge flocs into small fragments. Permeability was increased by more than two times, reaching 60–70 L/m2/h bar when 10–30 mg/L TCS were added, because of the reduced suspended sludge and the formation of a thin cake layer with low EPS levels. Resistance analyses confirmed that appropriate dosages of TCS primarily decreased the cake layer and hydraulically reversible resistances. Permeability decreased at high dosage (50 mg/L) due to the release of excess sludge fragments and SMP into the supernatant, with a thin but more compact fouling layer with low bioactivity developing on the membrane surface, causing higher cake layer and pore blocking resistances. Our study provides a fundamental understanding of how a metabolic uncoupler affects the sludge and bio-fouling layers at different dosages, with practical relevance for in situ sludge reduction and membrane fouling alleviation in MBR systems.  相似文献   

• Effects of metabolic uncouplers addition on sludge reduction were carried out. • TCS addition effectively inhibited ATP synthesis and reduced sludge yield. • The effluent quality such as TOC and ammonia deteriorated but not significantly. • Suitable dosage retarded biofouling during sludge water recovery by UF membrane. Energy uncoupling is often used for sludge reduction because it is easy to operate and does not require a significant amount of extra equipments (i.e. no additional tank required). However, over time the supernatant extracted using this method can deteriorate, ultimately requiring further treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using a low-pressure ultrafiltration membrane process for sludge water recovery after the sludge had undergone an energy uncoupling treatment (using 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS)). Energy uncoupling was found to break apart sludge floc by reducing extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content. Analysis of supernatant indicated that when energy uncoupling and membrane filtration were co-applied and the TCS dosage was below 30 mg/L, there was no significant deterioration in organic component removal. However, ammonia and phosphate concentrations were found to increase as the concentration of TCS added increased. Additionally, due to low sludge concentrations and EPS contents, addition of 30–60 mg/L TCS during sludge reduction increased the permeate flux (two times higher than the control) and decreased the hydraulic reversible and cake layer resistances. In contrast, high dosage of TCS aggravated membrane fouling by forming compact fouling layers. In general, this study found that the co-application of energy uncoupling and membrane filtration processes represents an effective alternative method for simultaneous sludge reduction and sludge supernatant recovery.  相似文献   

China has been the forerunner of large-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) application. Since the first large-scale MBR (≥ 10 000 m^3·d^-1) was put into operation in 2006, the engineering implementation of MBR in China has attained tremendous development. This paper outlines the commercial application of MBR since 2006 and provides a variety of engineering statistical data, covering the fields of municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, and polluted surface water treatment. The total treatment capacity of MBRs reached 1× 10^6 m^3·d^-1 in 2010, and has currently exceeded 4.5 × 10^6 m^3·d^-1 with -75% of which pertaining to municipal wastewater treatment. The anaerobic/anoxic/aerobie-MBR and its derivative processes have been the most popular in the large-scale municipal application, with the process features and typical ranges of parameters also presented in this paper. For the treatment of various types of industrial wastewater, the configurations of the MBR-based processes are delineated with representative engineering cases. In view of the significance of the cost issue, statistics of capital and operating costs are also provided, including cost structure and energy composition. With continuous stimulation from the environmental stress, political propulsion, and market demand in China, the total treatment capacity is expected to reach 7.5 × 10^6 m^3·d^-1 by 2015 and a further expansion of the market is foreseeable in the next five years. However, MBR application is facing several challenges, such as the relatively high energy consumption. Judging MBR features and seeking suitable application areas should be of importance for the long-term development of this technology.  相似文献   

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