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Pinonaldehyde and some other organics in rain and snow in central Japan.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solvent-extractable organic compounds in the rain and snow collected at local cities in the mountainous region in central Japan, were analyzed by GC/MS and GC. Pinonaldehyde (2,2-dimethyl-3-acetyl-cyclobutyl-ethanal), an atmospheric reaction product of alpha-pinene, was detected in the rain and snow for the first time, and n-alkanes (C17-C33), fatty acids (C8-C23), and benzoic acid were also detected as major organic components. Concentrations of pinonaldehyde, C17-C33 n-alkanes, C8-C11 fatty acids, C12-C23 fatty acids and benzoic acid ranged between <0.02-13, 0.10-35, 0.55-5.7, 4.2-19 and <0.02-6.0 microg/l, respectively. Their composition showed some difference in summer and winter. In summer, fatty acids and benzoic acid were more abundant, while pinonaldehyde and n-alkanes were much less. Higher photochemical reactivity and higher bioactivity in summer could explain these seasonal changes except for pinonaldehyde, which would suffer from further oxidation in the atmosphere after its photochemical production from alpha-pinene. Predominance of pinonaldehyde and C12-C23 fatty acids in the rain and snow showed a remarkable contrast to n-alkanes in aerosol phase, which were the most abundant components. It indicated that oxygenated products from biogenic compounds might be important as cloud condensation nuclei in forest areas.  相似文献   

采用耐酸驯化的厌氧消化污泥处理餐厨垃圾,在酸性条件下(pH=4.5),对实验装置容积负荷从1.0 kg VS/(m3·d)分9次逐级增加到5.0 kg VS/(m3·d)的过程进行了跟踪监测,并较深入地研究了驯化污泥代谢活性和处理效果。实验结果表明,pH 4.5的耐酸厌氧消化污泥,最佳投加负荷约为4.5 kg VS/(m3·d),此负荷下容积产气率,CH4含量平均值均达最大,分别为1.68 m3/(m3·d),75.0%。耐酸厌氧消化装置持续增料运行46 d,产甲烷菌仍能保持较高的活性,其COD去除率范围为40.4%~75.0%,仍能保持pH 7.2时处理效果的65.0%~91.8%,表明在低pH、低碱度下实现稳定的产甲烷过程是可行的。  相似文献   

耐酸厌氧消化污泥处理餐厨垃圾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用耐酸驯化的厌氧消化污泥处理餐厨垃圾,在酸性条件下(pH=4.5),对实验装置容积负荷从1.0kgVS/(m3·d)分9次逐级增加到5.0kgVS/(m3·d)的过程进行了跟踪监测,并较深入地研究了驯化污泥代谢活性和处理效果。实验结果表明,pH4.5的耐酸厌氧消化污泥,最佳投加负荷约为4.5kgVS/(m3·d),此负荷下容积产气率,CH4含量平均值均达最大,分别为1.68m3/(m3·d),75.0%。耐酸厌氧消化装置持续增料运行46d,产甲烷菌仍能保持较高的活性,其COD去除率范围为40.4%-75.0%,仍能保持pH7.2时处理效果的65.0%-91.8%,表明在低pH、低碱度下实现稳定的产甲烷过程是可行的。  相似文献   

There is growing concern about the problems of waste elimination. We should consider our environment as being borrowed from future generations and refrain from leaving a legacy of problems we are not able to solve. Various oxidation techniques are suited for the elimination of organic aqueous wastes, but because of the environmental drawbacks of incineration, enclosed processes, like liquid phase oxidation should be preferred. Wet air oxidation (WAO) under high temperature (200-325 degrees C) and pressure (50-150 bar) is suited to such liquid wastes and various catalysts, including hydrogen peroxide, can be used in order to increase the efficiency without increasing temperature and pressure. Wet Peroxide Oxidation (WPO) is a similar process. A comparable oxidation efficiency is obtained when using hydrogen peroxide as the oxidising agent instead of oxygen, at a temperature of only 100-120 degrees C. As opposed to WAO, which is capital intensive, WPO needs limited capital but generates higher running costs. The paper reviews the major results obtained for both processes and assesses the field of possible application of each of them. TOC removal efficiencies typically obtained range from 65 to 90% or more for most of the pollutants.  相似文献   

Modern society grapples with large amounts of household waste. The anaerobic digestion of this waste offers a promising source for energy-rich biogas production but generates high toxic effluents that require treatment before reuse or disposal into the environment. This study aimed to investigate three techniques, namely coagulation/flocculation, electro-coagulation, and activated sludge, in terms of efficiency in the treatment of these effluents. It also aimed to assess their toxicity effects on the germination and growth of durum wheat Triticum aestivum L. seeds before and after 6 days of treatment. Activated sludge was most efficient in reducing chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, and conductivity (95.7 %, 15.8 %, and 37.5 %, respectively). The effluent treated with this technique induced a marked delay in germination (low mean time of germination) and a significant reduction in the percentages of seed germination and root and leaf growths. It was also noted to strongly induce lipid peroxidation in roots and leaves, which presumably explained the germination/growth inhibition of the wheat seeds. The effluent also induced marked lipid peroxidation effects and strongly inhibited the activities of butyrylcholinesterase in mice bone marrows. The effluent shows a high ability to inhibit the growth of three microalgae; these endpoints are useful tools to biomonitor the physico-chemical quality of this wastewater. Overall, while no significant alterations were observed in terms of animal and vegetable toxicities when the effluent was treated by coagulation/flocculation, activated sludge treatment proved efficient in reducing the toxicities induced by the untreated effluents. The results indicate that the application of this technique is promising with regards to attaining efficient, eco-friendly, and cost-effective strategies for the management and treatment of household waste.  相似文献   

将甘蔗叶、小心叶薯和合欢按不同的物料配比加入到污泥和餐厨垃圾中,考察了3种园林废弃物对污泥和餐厨垃圾厌氧消化处理的影响.实验结果表明,添加小心叶薯、甘蔗叶和合欢可显著提高污泥厌氧消化的沼气总产量以及甲烷总产量.当污泥与甘蔗叶以5:3的湿质量比混合时厌氧消化效果最佳,此时沼气总产量、甲烷总产量分别为污泥对照组的22.4、37.7倍.然而,甘蔗叶对提高餐厨垃圾厌氧消化效果的作用有限,合欢对餐厨垃圾厌氧消化具有明显抑制作用,添加合欢后沼气总产量比餐厨对照组低48%.  相似文献   

对某典型石化企业综合污水处理厂"水解酸化+A/O"处理工艺各单元出水不同分子量区间的有机物含量及光谱特性进行了表征。研究表明,石化企业综合污水处理厂各处理单元出水DOC以分子量1 kDa的有机物为主;处理工艺对废水COD、DOC和UV254的总去除率分别为84.58%、86.22%和72.92%,分子量1 kDa、3~5 kDa、10~30 kDa、30~100 kDa的DOC去除率达90%左右,分子量5~10 kDa和100 kDa的DOC增加了28.57%和43.90%;分子量1 kDa的UV254的去除率为76.27%;水解酸化池对分子量30~100 kDa的有机物去除率达90.87%,缺氧段对分子量1~3 kDa的DOC去除率达92.86%,缺氧出水分子量3~10 kDa和30~100 kDa的DOC浓度较水解酸化出水有较大增加,好氧段对缺氧段出水中分子量30~100 kDa、5~10 kDa和3~5 kDa的有机物有很好的去除作用,去除率分别为80.85%、43.46%和72.32%,而分子量1~3 kDa的DOC浓度有所增加。各出水在260~270 nm有紫外吸收峰。各分子量区间DOC的SUVA值随处理工艺沿程增大,废水有机物芳香度提高,UV253/UV203呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

微生物共代谢是污水中难降解性有机物生物降解的重要方式 ,关键酶的诱导、生长基质与目标污染物之间的竞争抑制、目标污染物及其降解产物对微生物的毒性反应是影响共代谢反应的关键因素。选择合适的生长基质、优化反应条件可以提高微生物共代谢在实际污水处理及地下水污染修复中的应用效果  相似文献   

PVC广泛应用于工业和日常生活中 ,PVC废物的产生量将会在将来一段时间内持续增长 ,对PVC废物处理处置问题研究成为固体废物处理处置的一个方向。目前 ,PVC废物还缺乏系统、完善的管理手段和处理技术。本文在分析PVC废物特点其环境潜在危害特性的基础上 ,比较分析各种PVC废物处理技术的优势和存在的问题 ,及国内外在PVC废物处理处置方面的具体实践 ,以期探讨PVC废物的处理对策并提出今后PVC废物处理的发展趋势和研究方向  相似文献   

Fresh tomatoes were cut, fortified with 25 ppm (micrograms/g) of parathion (0,0-diethyl 0-4-nitrophenylphosphorothioate) and processed into either juice or ketchup. Tomato juice was canned, while ketchup was placed in bottles. All samples were stored at room temperature for analysis at two-monthly intervals. Parathion residues were measured quantitatively by GLC, while the two metabolites, aminoparathion (0,0-diethyl 0-4-aminophenylphosphorothioate) and 4-nitrophenol, were determined colorimetrically. The presence of the three compounds was confirmed qualitatively by TLC. Blanching of tomatoes resulted in about 50% reduction of parathion level. Pulping of fruits caused a further decrease in parathion residues in juice as a result of its sorption and concentration in the semi-solid pulp. About 85% of parathion added to tomatoes was lost during the processing steps. Storage of juice resulted in a gradual decrease in parathion levels, whereby only 1.7% of the original amount was detected after six months of storage. The compound was stable in ketchup for the first four months of storage but decreased thereafter to almost 7% of the original quantity added to fruits. Aminoparathion and 4-nitrophenol were detected in low levels.  相似文献   

利用电动技术强化有机污染土壤原位修复研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
电动修复技术是近几年发展起来的一种新型土壤修复技术,由于其处理的高效性受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了利用电动技术强化土壤有机污染物原位修复的原理及其最新进展。电动强化有机物污染修复的基本原理是利用电动效应对有机物的迁移作用或者强化生物修复过程(注入营养物、电子受体和活性微生物等)达到去除污染物的目的。研究表明,该技术不破坏生态环境,安装操作简单成本低廉,具有广泛的应用前景,其中电动强化原位生物修复和能够适应于各种不同成分污染(如有机物重金属复合污染)的多技术联合是今后电动技术发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

在中试规模下,研究青岛市餐厨垃圾与菜市场垃圾混合(质量比1∶1)高温厌氧消化实验,通过监测厌氧消化过程中产气量、气体组成等产气情况和消化液中pH值、SCOD、NH3-H、VFAs含量和组分等化学指标变化,确定混合厌氧消化的最大有机负荷,并分析混合高温厌氧消化技术的可行性,结果表明,(1)青岛市餐厨垃圾与菜市场垃圾混合高温厌氧消化产甲烷具有技术可行性;(2)混合厌氧消化的最大有机负荷可达4.069 kg VS/(m3.d);(3)当系统最大有机负荷时,每天每千克VS最高可产生甲烷量0.346 m3;(4)混合厌氧消化可削减氨氮对餐厨垃圾单独厌氧消化产沼气的影响。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾以易腐性有机垃圾为主.目前有关管理部门提出逐步减少进入填埋场的易腐性有机垃圾量,因此,必须寻求其他填埋替代技术消纳易腐性有机垃圾物流.本文对几种常规技术方案进行了比较.认为应该根据非餐饮业和餐饮业易腐性有机垃圾各自的产生源特点,采取不同的处理方案;但目前这些替代技术用于处理易腐垃圾时均存在各自的缺陷.本文据此提出了相应的技术完善要求和配套管理政策建议.  相似文献   

A pesticide runoff event was simulated on two 10 m x 50 m constructed wetlands (one non-vegetated, one vegetated) to evaluate the fate of methyl parathion (MeP) (Penncap-M). Water, sediment, and plant samples were collected at five sites downstream of the inflow for 120 d. Semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were deployed at each wetland outflow to determine exiting pesticide load. MeP was detected in water at all locations of the non-vegetated wetland (50 m), 30 min post-exposure. MeP was detected 20 m from the vegetated wetland inflow 30 min post-exposure, while after 10d it was detected only at 10 m. MeP was measured only in SPMDs deployed in non-vegetated wetland cells, suggesting detectable levels were not present near the vegetated wetland outflow. Furthermore, mass balance calculations indicated vegetated wetlands were more effective in reducing aqueous loadings of MeP introduced into the wetland systems. This demonstrates the importance of vegetation as sorption sites for pesticides in constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

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