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The aim of this study was to assess handgrip and 5 other types of force in 52 women and to determine if handgrip force reflected general upper limb force capabilities correlated with age. The women were divided into subgroups according to age: 20-25, 45-50 and 55-65 years. Maximum forces of the right upper limb were measured in 6 types of force activities. In most tests the values of force showed statistically significant differences between the 20-25 group and the groups aged 45-50 and 55-64 years. The results did not show any differences related to age or to force activities that involved the small muscles of the forearms and hands. Thus handgrip force cannot always be considered an indicator of total force capabilities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to gather results of studies on the relationship between median frequency (MF) and mean power frequency (MPF) and the level of muscle contraction, and to use those results to discuss the differences in the trends according to factors related to measurement technique and subject. Twenty-one studies with 63 cases for upper limb muscles and nine studies with 31 cases for lower limb muscles were analysed. Most results showed an increase in parameters with an increased level of muscle contraction, only some studies showed a decrease. The influence on parameters of the level of muscle contraction and factors such as subjects, type of contraction, muscle length and electrodes was analysed for each muscle. It was concluded that when analysing the influence of different factors on MF and MPF, because those factors interact they should be considered together, not separately.  相似文献   

为明确工业噪声对大脑认知的负面影响,采集火电厂球磨机的工业噪声,征集10名在校大学生在90 dB(A)的稳态工业噪声状态下及安静状态下的32导联脑电图(EEC).采用傅里叶变换方法进行频域分析,提取δ频段、θ频段、α1频段、α2频段和β频段功率谱,并进行统计分析.结果 表明:噪声环境与静音环境相比较,被试在δ频段、θ频...  相似文献   

The present study examined superiors' tendency to utilize different top–down influence strategies according to their evaluation of their own power relative to that of their subordinates. Four hundred and fifty‐five subordinates (schoolteachers) from different schools described the extent to which their superiors used each item of the influence strategy questionnaire to influence them, while their immediate superiors evaluated superior's power and subordinate's power. Overall, superiors tended to use soft and rational strategy more often than hard strategy. However, regarding the parameter of relative power, the results indicated that the agent's power, as well as the target's power, affected the superior's choice of particular influence strategy. The results suggest that power should be discussed in relative rather than absolute terms. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘洋  陈杰  李陈莹  陈红  刘凯  谢启源 《火灾科学》2020,29(4):214-221
膨胀型防火涂料在电缆防火工程中有较广泛的应用,在使用过程中确保电缆涂料的效果与经济性具有重要意义。对喷涂不同厚度膨胀型高氯化聚乙烯防火涂料的高压电力电缆开展了在典型强度外加辐射热流条件的着火引燃实验,分析了电力电缆点燃时间、受热期间涂层对电缆外护套的保护与涂层受热后的形态变化。结果表明,电缆的着火行为与涂层厚度紧密相关。相比于未喷涂防火涂料的电缆,覆有膨胀型高氯化聚乙烯防火涂料的电缆在加热过程中明显膨胀,生成较软的泡沫状碳质层,且引燃时间较长,电缆起火后火势较弱。随着涂层厚度的增加,该涂料对电缆的阻燃和保护效果更为显著,研究结果表明,电缆表面喷涂1.0 mm厚度的防火涂料较为适宜。  相似文献   

Research on leadership and creativity is dominated by the study of leadership from people in formal leadership positions. The very nature of creativity requires self‐direction, however. This points to shared leadership, a process in which members dynamically share the leadership role, as a particularly relevant influence to consider. Drawing on psychological empowerment theory, we develop the shared leadership perspective on individual creativity. We argue that shared leadership has a cross‐level influence on individual creativity that is mediated by the experience of meaning of work and moderated by individual differences in power distance value: for individuals lower on power distance, shared leadership has a positive linear relationship with individual creativity; for individuals higher on power distance, shared leadership has a curvilinear relationship with individual creativity that is decreasingly positive. Using a sample of 623 members from 95 teams in 34 Chinese organizations, we find support for this multilevel model. Findings offer theoretical implications for shared leadership and creativity research and provide managerial implications.  相似文献   

对员工不安全行为的定量分析是理解安全生产事故复杂系统的基础.班组或群体的集体行为往往表现为复杂有序,具有一定的稳定性和适应性;而个体行为尽管有企业制度和纪律的约束,却仍有很大的随机性.为了探究企业员工不安全行为的动力学规律,跟踪观察某大型企业作业员工930 d,将员工相继不安全行为的发生看作排队理论中具有特定时间序列的随机过程.结果表明,就员工个体而言,其不安全行为的间隔时间分布可以用幂律函数近似描述,且幂指数和员工的活跃程度正相关;并进一步分析出企业员工相继不安全行为具有以艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线为特点的“阵发”性;从幂指数角度分析了员工日常作业中的不安全行为的优劣特点,比较了人类活动中的各种随机行为与员工在企业生产中的不安全行为在时间统计上的特性.这表明企业制定安全管理制度及实施安全培训工作都应从人类普遍问题和员工个体特点两方面入手.  相似文献   

为研究不同氧气浓度对煤自燃反应能级的影响,基于热重实验分别得到6个不同氧气浓度下的煤自燃特征温度点,通过计算不同阶段内煤自燃的反应动力学参数分析氧气浓度与煤自燃反应能级关系。实验结果表明:n≠1时,氧气浓度对煤自燃反应能级(n)的影响在不同温度段内的影响不同;氧气浓度与T1,T2,T3特征温度点的关系曲线变化趋势不明显,T4~T8温度点与氧浓度的关系呈现先增大后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

The current paper presents experimental investigations as well as numerical simulations on the influence of water and humidity on the self-ignition of combustible bulk materials.It is well known, that bulk materials may undergo self-ignition if stored under specific conditions. In some cases, large amounts of these materials are exposed to a humid surrounding, e.g. dried coal in a moist atmosphere. Due to the effects of condensation and adsorption of water, additional heat is generated and transported into the bulk material. If the pile is stored slightly below its self-ignition temperature, the bulk material can become supercritical and an ignition occurs.Experiments were carried out for German lignite coal sampled in two different particle size fractions. They showed, that subcritical deposits turned to supercritical behaviour if the relative humidity in the surrounding was suddenly increased or water was poured on the surface of the sample. Besides the experiments, a numerical model was established to describe the effects of self-heating until ignition of the deposit, including the transportation of moisture. Simulations with this model led to satisfying results when compared to the experiments.  相似文献   

Lying in negotiations can cause negative emotions, so participants may use neutralization strategies to reduce these feelings. We conducted a 2 (ethical versus non‐ethical climate) × 2 (low versus high negative consequences) experiment to examine how individual and situational factors affect the use of three such strategies: minimizing the lie, denigration of the target, and denial. Lying, psychological distress, and self‐perceived moral attributes were measured as non‐manipulated independent variables. One hundred and ninety‐two MBA students participated in a business negotiation in which they were provided with incentives to lie. As predicted, higher distress was associated with greater denial of lies. In addition, climate and consequences interacted to affect minimization and liars engaged in less minimization than did participants who merely concealed information. Climate and moral attributes interacted to affect denigration. We believe these findings support further study of neutralization strategies in the workplace. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为提供火灾条件下人员疏散基础数据,基于4层教学楼疏散平台,开展了不同能见度环境下个体疏散实验,研究了能见度对人员疏散速度及路径选择的影响。研究结果表明:正常能见度条件下,人员的平均疏散速度为(2.37±0.23)m/s,个体间疏散速度差异明显,随着能见度降低,人员的平均疏散速度呈现均匀下降趋势,个体疏散速度最终均趋近于(0.36±0.10)m/s;人员水平疏散速度显著大于下行疏散速度,且水平疏散速度受能见度影响更大;当能见度较高时,人员以视觉作为寻路方式,倾向于选择自己最熟悉的路线进行疏散;能见度较低时,人员主要依靠触觉作为寻路方式,即借助墙或楼梯扶手进行疏散,此时人员的路径选择受到周围围挡物的共同作用。  相似文献   

为有效提升煤矿企业安全管理效能,提高矿工安全绩效,基于资源保存理论、社会认知理论和自我决定理论,以团队层面的团队效能感和个体层面的安全动机为中介变量,探讨团队关系冲突(TRC)对矿工安全绩效的跨层次影响机制.对40个班组347名矿工进行问卷调查和实证研究,结果表明:TRC不仅能直接负向影响矿工安全绩效,还能通过团队效能...  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine which personality dimensions and coping strategies would reduce or prevent strain in a context of naturally-occurring short-term role overload. Subjects were 106 adult undergraduate evening students enrolled in an intensive three-week summer school session. The median age was 26 years, and 72 per cent of the students worked full-time. Using a repeated-measures panel design, the study tested the effectiveness of three types of coping derived from Hall's (1972) typology. Longitudinal analysts using cross-lagged correlations and structural regressions showed little support for the predicted effects of Hall's three types of coping on subsequent strain. However, a fourth type of coping, Planned Task Management emerged during the analysis and showed a reciprocal relationship with strain. Both variables appeared to influence each other over time, although the effect of prior coping on subsequent strain was slightly but not significantly stronger. Also, alienation (defined as lack of commitment) had a significant moderator effect on the relationship between perceived overload and strain.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(3):197-207
Power-operated windows are increasingly employed in modern buildings engineering. When they close, these windows give rise to pinching and shearing points between the window sash and the frame at which injury may occur. A number of safety measures, including reduction of the closing velocity, may be considered for minimization of the risk of injury. The purpose of the present study is to identify the closing velocity at which a person may still withdraw their hand safely from the window. The subjective stress was also measured. The deformability of the fingers was first determined. In order to measure reaction times, test apparatus was fabricated in which a vertically closing window was modelled. The reaction times and the subjective stress were measured at a number of closing velocities.The results show that neither the reaction times, nor the subjective stress vary as a function of the closing velocity, but that the closing velocities recommended in the past are too high. A velocity of between 2.5 and 5.0 mm/s may be recommended. Reduction of the closing velocity can help to reduce the risk of injury. It should not, however, be the sole measure for enhancing the safety of power-operated windows.  相似文献   

Retractable type fall arresters are part of the equipment used for protecting people against falls from a height. They are an intermediate part between full body harness worn by a man and the structural anchor at the worksite. The most important task of retractable type fall arresters is to arrest people's falls and to reduce their harmful consequences. Information received from users as well as laboratories testing protective equipment indicates that the performance of such equipment is incorrect under specific conditions. The paper is concerned with an analysis of the conditions in which retractable type fall arresters demonstrate intermittent performance and with an explanation of that phenomenon. The results of tests investigating anchor devices and the performance of retractable type fall arresters are presented. External and internal factors contributing to intermittent performance have been determined and guidelines for safer use of these devices have been developed.  相似文献   

为了研究不同疏散规模对疏散动态特征的影响,基于矢量模型构建城市亚区域人员疏散模型,采用个体行为模拟技术和矢量二维连续空 间解析方法对城市亚区域疏散中的个体行为进行模拟。通过设置不同的疏散规模,在Legion平台模拟分析疏散人口数对疏散运动时间、疏散速 率、空间使用率人员密度等疏散动态特征的影响。结果表明,随着疏散人数的增加,总疏散运动时间变长,但其变化率远低于疏散人数变化率 ;最大疏散速率增大,但出现最大疏散速率的时间随之延后;空间使用率增加,沿小区次干路、主干路到小区出口变化明显;拥堵情况增加, 小区主干路、次干路与主干路交叉口及小区出口处拥堵较为严重。  相似文献   


Objective: Recent news reports in 2016 indicated that across Miami–Dade County, Florida, driving under the influence (DUI) arrests have decreased substantially. The objective of this research was to determine the reasons for the decline in DUI arrests from 2009 to 2016. Are there fewer impaired drivers on the roads? Can DUI enforcement and prosecution be improved?

Methods: The following methods were used in this study: (1) Analysis of existing DUI arrest and crash data; (2) conducting and analysis of a telephone survey of reported knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors concerning impaired driving; (3) conducting and analysis of roadside surveys on the roads on weekend nights in Miami–Dade County; (4) information from focus group discussions with police and prosecutors in Miami–Dade County; and (5) a comprehensive review of the best DUI prevention practices and enforcement strategies used across the country.

Results: DUI arrests decreased 64% in Miami–Dade County between 2009 and 2016. This was a significantly larger decrease than has occurred in the State of Florida as a whole (34%) and in the United States (29%) over the same time period. The decline was not due to any decline in DUI behavior in the county.

Conclusions: Based upon the data and information gathered in this project, the following actions were recommended for Miami–Dade County: (1) County police chiefs need to find ways to overcome law enforcement apathy toward DUI enforcement and persuade their traffic enforcement officers to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to identifying and making impaired driving stops. (2) County police agencies should join forces to conduct more sobriety checkpoints. Checkpoints are safer for both the police and the drivers going through them and serve as a general deterrent to impaired driving. (3) An interagency DUI task force or team of 5 to 7 officers should be established within the county. These officers would be solely dedicated to DUI enforcement and paid for by each individual agency or under a grant from the state or federal government.  相似文献   

为了解爆破后由急倾斜且具有水平裂隙发育岩体组成的边坡稳定性及其内部破坏规律,最终总结出爆破高度对边坡稳定性的影响特征,使用基于颗粒流理论的PFC3D进行该工况模拟。利用PFC3D中的JSET和Bonds模拟非连续和连续性的岩体构造形式,以对实际的岩体中岩块和裂隙发育进行模拟。针对存在该类型构造发育边坡的实际工况,设置了13个爆破点的6个爆破方案进行模拟。研究了模拟结果表现出的边坡内部裂隙和位移随爆破高度的变化规律。其表明了对于同时起爆各爆破点而言,爆破高度越高爆破后边坡越稳定的结论,并分析了出现该现象的原因。说明了结论的普适性,同时该边坡实际的爆破情况也支持了该结论。  相似文献   

为提高飞行员安全绩效,运用结构方程模型探讨了驾驶水平、管理能力和身心素质三者对安全绩效的影响程度。结果表明,驾驶水平、管理能力和身心素质对安全绩效影响的标准化路径系数分别为0.20,0.22和0.17。飞行员管理能力对安全绩效的影响程度最大,其次是驾驶水平,身心素质对安全绩效的影响程度最小。同时管理能力对驾驶水平影响的标准化路径系数为0.19,说明管理能力通过驾驶水平的中介作用对安全绩效产生间接影响。而身心素质对驾驶水平的影响不显著,身心素质不会通过影响驾驶水平间接影响安全绩效。  相似文献   

This study was to investigate the effects of grip force, frequency, stroke rotation and grip-span on discomfort and obtain best posture for hand tool users. Fifteen male participants volunteered in this study. Participants performed combined gripping with torqueing exertions for 5 min for two levels of frequency (10 and 20 exertions/min) at two levels of grip force (50 and 70 N), two levels of stroke rotation (30 and 60) and three levels of grip-span (4.7, 6 and 7.3 cm). Therefore, a 2×2×2×3 full factorial design was used. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that frequency, stroke rotation and grip-span were significant on discomfort score. Minimum discomfort and comfortable posture was found to be 90 N grip force with 10 exertions/min for 60° stroke rotation at 6-cm grip-span. The grip force, frequency and stroke rotation were found significant on EMG activity of forearm muscles using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The extensor muscles were found more activated than flexor muscles during the given task.  相似文献   

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