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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Numerous anthropogenic factors, historical and contemporary, have contributed to declines in the abundance and diversity of freshwater fishes in North...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the European Union, more than 100,000 man-made chemical substances are awaiting an environmental risk assessment (ERA). Simultaneously, ERA of...  相似文献   



The quality of fish produced in ponds needs to be ensured. Indeed, pond is often strongly connected to an agricultural watershed, and pesticides are a main health and environmental issue of concern. In this context, the purpose of this study is to highlight the management practices which could impact the pesticide contamination profiles in edible fish and to give recommendations for better practices.


A principal component analysis, coupled to a hierarchical cluster analysis, was performed to evaluate temporal evolution of contamination profiles and to assess variability among fish species and among sites according to watershed characteristics. The explicative variables correspond to muscular concentrations of pesticides (azoxystrobin, clomazone, diflufenican, carbendazim, isoproturon, metazachlor, napropamid) in three species of fish (Perca fluviatilis, Cyprinus carpio and Rutilus rutilus), caught in five ponds during two sampling campaigns. Management data are added variables in order to discuss about parameters suspected to be implicated in the contamination profiles recorded.


This work shows that high amounts of pesticides applied, short crop rotation durations and bare soil practices led to contamination of sediments and fish and were associated to a “bad” management of watershed. Breeding fish that had low masses and establishing the fishing period at the end of winter seemed to be “bad” management of pond. Aggravating topological parameters were big watershed coupled to small pond and high proportions of sand soils in the watershed.


Reducing amounts of pesticide used (e.g. policy agency plans, farmer acceptance), favouring long-term rotations and inter-cultures, adapting pond creation and fish farming practices to watershed management and topography all could reduce pesticide levels in edible fish and contribute to a better sustainability of the extensive fish farming in pond.  相似文献   



In this review, the position of behavioural ecotoxicology within the available means to assess the status of marine environments is described as filling the gap for the needed “early warning” signals. A few examples of studies performed since the 1960s are discussed to highlight the sensitivity of these approaches in investigating the effects of chemicals, including priority pollutants and emerging contaminants, relative to conventional toxicity tests measuring survival.


The advantage of the behavioural response is due to the integration of biochemical and physiological processes that reflect changes at higher levels of organisation with ecological relevance. Avoidance often represents a behavioural symptom easily detected in many animals exposed to contaminants and would be a useful test to explore more widely. This rapid response would reflect a defence mechanism protective against further exposure and the potential development of more pronounced deleterious effects, whilst in some cases, escape could lead to the relocation of a species with negative consequences. An investigation of the avoidance behaviour of mud shrimp, Corophium volutator, along with the chemical analyses of sediments and amphipods to assess the quality of harbour sediments is summarised. The body burden of the amphipods was 1,000 times lower than the one associated with narcosis, emphasizing the sensitivity of this endpoint. The application of this acute toxicity test is briefly compared to additional work that involved intertidal mussels collected in the field.


Recent research undertaken with mud snails, Ilyanassa obsoleta, and harbour sediments confirmed the usefulness of the escape behaviour as an assessment tool. However, the limits of the state of knowledge regarding the fate of contaminants in species with the ability to metabolise contaminants is further discussed along with directions to be pursued to address questions arising from the reviewed literature.

The risk assessment of pesticides on soil fauna is an issue to protect agroecosystem sustainability. Enchytraeids are recognized as relevant soil bioindicators of chemical stress in agroecosystems. In laboratory, the reproduction test was found to be sensitive to reveal chemical impacts on enchytraeids. However, it does not allow to assess the impacts on ecological functions in which enchytraeids are involved. The objectives of this study were (i) to explore the feasibility of the bait-lamina test with enchytraeids under laboratory conditions and (ii) to compare its sensitivity with the Enchytraeid Reproduction Test. We exposed individuals of Enchytraeus albidus to two commercial formulations of fungicides widely used in Europe. The EC50 reproduction for the Swing® Gold (50 g L?1 epoxiconazole and 133 g L?1 dimoxystrobin) and the Cuprafor micro® (50% copper oxychloride) were respectively estimated at 1.66?±?0.93 times the recommended dose and >?496 mg kg?1 of copper. However, no impact was found on the feeding activity of enchytraeids. The bait-lamina test thus appeared less sensitive than the Enchytraeid Reproduction Test to the tested fungicides. Despite that, this test which is achievable under laboratory conditions and allows assessing indirect effects of pesticides is quick, cheap, and easy to perform. It would deserve to be used to explore longer-exposure effects through the repeated addition of bait-lamina sticks.  相似文献   


East Africa has enormous renewable energy potential, but only a small portion of it has been exploited, and little is known on its role in improving environmental quality. Thus, this study empirically examines the impact of renewable energy on the environment using ecological footprint (EF; positive indicator) and CO2 emissions (negative indicator) as proxy indicators for environmental quality in a panel of ten East African countries from 1990 to 2015. These indicators were chosen due to their potential impact in the environment. The work used the pooled mean group (PMG) as the main panel estimator to determine the impact while controlling non-renewable energy consumption, GDP per capita, and foreign direct investment (FDI). PMG has been used as it forces the long-run coefficients to be equal across all panel groups. The findings show that in the long run, there is a significant negative relationship between CO2 emissions and renewable energy consumption, as well as a significant positive relationship (with a low impact) between EF and renewable energy consumption, suggesting that renewable energy use enhances the area’s environmental quality. Also, results indicate that non-renewable energy use degrades environmental quality in both metrics, whereas GDP degrades environmental quality through CO2 emissions and improves environmental quality through EF. This requires East African countries to focus a higher emphasis on accessible renewable energy sources to achieve quick and sustainable economic growth and minimize environmental effects. To accomplish this, strategic policies and legislation, as well as the promotion of green technology, are required.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - One of the major problems the world is currently facing is climate change. This is due to the use of fossil fuel combustion, which increases the...  相似文献   

Effects of patchy soil contamination on decomposer organisms, their community regulation and nutrient mineralization were studied in a microcosm experiment. Coniferous forest soil was patchily contaminated with three concentrations of sodiumpentachlorophenate PCP (0, 50 and 500 mg PCP kg(-1) of dry soil). Abundance of microbes, enchytraeids, nematodes, small oribatids and predatory mites were reduced by the PCP. Direct toxicity of PCP and lowered microbial biomass seemed to affect animal community composition in the most contaminated patches. Some large oribatids which seemed to be tolerant to PCP increased their numbers in the most contaminated patches. Although predatory mites suffered from PCP, no altered predator-prey interactions were observed. At the beginning of the experiment more nutrients were released in the patches with highest PCP concentration and the nutrients accumulated in the soil. Soil decomposer food webs seemed to be mainly bottom-up controlled: PCP strongly affects microbes and hence caused changes in the community structure of soil animals and nutrient cycling. Hence top-down orientated ecological models on community regulation and food web dynamics seem to be unsuitable when assessing effects of pesticides on soil communities.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As a popular strategy for firms to spread risk and reduce cost, geographic diversification might lead to more pressure from multidimensional...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Despite the increasing use of digital technology in industrial production, how industrial digitalization affects the environmental performance of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The fact is that output volatility and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions move together over the period. This empirical study examines the dynamic effect...  相似文献   

Food consumption has been widely reported to be the main source of human exposure to PCBs. A total of 47 samples of food products on sale in supermarkets in the United Kingdom were thus analyzed for PCBs to determine residual levels in oil and oil-based products. The objective was to compare the measured levels of total PCBs (ΣPCBs) in food products to those reported in various environmental compartments. Combined extraction and online clean up was achieved using Accelerated Solvent Extraction? (ASE) to recover target analytes for analysis by GC-MSD (gas chromatography mass spectrometry). Σ PCBs (ng/g) in each product were in the ranges of 4.73–44.38 edible oil; 1.40–6.18 mayonnaise; 1.21–6.25 salad cream; 1.28–5.64 seafood sauce, and 0.97–15.08 exotic dressing. The level of human exposure to PCBs in all products was < 1 μg/kg body weight/day when considering a 70 kg male or 57 kg female, possibly reflecting the reported decline of PCBs in the environment.  相似文献   

Synthesis of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish is a widely recognized effect for estrogenic pollutants in temperate environments, while similar investigations are still lacking for Antarctic organisms. In this study, a preliminary characterization of vitellogenin gene expression was performed by RT-PCR in the key species Trematomus bernacchii sampled in different phases of reproductive cycle and food availability. Females exhibited the highest gene expression during the spawning period, but VTG mRNA was always detected also in males; a significant increase of gene expression was observed both in males and females at the end of the feeding season. These results were not fully supported by a differential exposure to phyto- or anthropogenic estrogens during the planctonic cycle; on the other side, the endocrine properties of cadmium, naturally elevated in Terra Nova Bay and increasing during algal bloom, would explain both the presence of VTG mRNA in males and the seasonal changes of gene induction. Laboratory exposures did not reveal short-term estrogenic effects of cadmium while an elevated responsiveness of T. bernacchii was observed toward a classical estrogenic receptor agonist (17beta-estradiol). Different hypotheses were considered to suggest delayed endocrine effects of cadmium, including the early interaction with other cellular detoxification systems or alterations at multiple levels of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad-liver axis. Although molecular mechanisms of VTG gene expression in males of T. bernacchii remain unclear, obtained results provide interesting insights on this species which should stimulate future research activities.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess morphological, structural and compositional alterations in Scrobicularia plana nacre environmentally exposed to mercury in order to seek out the possibility of the assessed alterations as a monitoring tool to handle complexity and interactions of metals in the environment involving a non-invasive methodology. Bivalves were collected from a mercury contaminated site (Laranjo basin – Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) and a reference site in the same aquatic system. The combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) technique depicted a sheet like morphology of bivalve nacre collected from the reference site. Moreover, EDS plot exhibited the presence of potassium, oxygen, calcium, and carbon elements. Shells collected from the contaminated area depicted lamellar patches like structures with particle like morphology composition. SEM images corresponding to the elemental analysis by EDS plot clearly denoted the presence of mercury. SEM images from the other locations of the contaminated shells depicted large surface area, a broken or ruptured symmetry of organic matrix as well as crack-like gaps. The influence of environmental mercury affecting the surface morphology of S. plana nacre showed dimple like morphology (as proved by transmission electron microscopy, TEM). The possible explanation may be the replacement of calcium elements with other elements or alloys from the nacre composite collected from contaminated region. Therefore, the nacre fingerprint may be useful as innovative knowledge and applicable tool aiming at risk reduction from noxious mercury present in the environment. Overall results suggested the use of shell as an indelible fingerprint of metal exposure.  相似文献   

This study intended to determine whether the redox state in plants of Nicotiana tabacum ‘Bel-W3’ fluctuates in response to the environmental factors in a sub-tropical area contaminated by ozone (São Paulo, SE - Brazil) and which environmental factors are related to this fluctuation, discussing their biomonitoring efficiency. We comparatively evaluated the indicators of redox state (ascorbic acid, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) and leaf injury in 17 field experiments performed in 2008. The redox state was explained by the combined effects of chronic levels of O3 and meteorological variables 4-6 days prior to the plant sampling. Moderate leaf injury was observed in most cases. The redox state of tobacco decreases few days after their placement in the sub-tropical environment, causing them to become susceptible to oxidative stress imposed by chronic doses of O3. Its bioindicator efficiency would not be diminished in such levels of atmospheric contamination.  相似文献   

Adolescent Brotia hainanensis collected from two separate sites along the same river showed markedly different acute responses to cadmium even after laboratory acclimation for one week. Similar interpopulation differences persisted in the F(1) juveniles (< two-day old) which were descendants of laboratory-cultured snails. Although these results could imply that the inter-site differences in cadmium tolerance for the two populations may have a genetic basis, these differences in metal tolerance in the F(1) juveniles disappeared after the juveniles had been cultured under identical laboratory conditions for one week. Quantitative genetical analyses revealed that variance of initial shell length and survival time of F(1) juveniles exposed to 10 mg/litre cadmium was significantly smaller for juveniles that were offspring of the same female as compared with animals that were descendants of different females. Moreover, the survival time was positively correlated with the initial size of the juveniles. Common environmental and maternal effects have an overwhelming influence on cadmium tolerance in these ovoviviparous snails.  相似文献   

There is a consensus within the scientific community that sediments act as a long-term sink for a variety of organic and inorganic pollutants, which, however, can re-enter the water column upon resuspension of deposited material under certain hydraulic conditions such as flood events. Within the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, it is important to understand the potential short- and long-term impact of suspended particulate matter (SPM)-associated contaminants on aquatic organisms as well as the related uptake mechanisms for a sound risk assessment. To elucidate the effects of sediment-bound organic pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to three resuspended natural sediments with different contamination levels. Physicochemical parameters including dissolved oxygen concentration, pH and temperature, total PAH concentration in sediments and SPM as well as different biomarkers of exposure in fish (7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity, biliary PAH metabolites, micronuclei, and lipid peroxidation) were measured following seven days of exposure within an annular flume, a device to assess erosion and deposition processes of cohesive sediment. Concentrations of PAHs in SPM remained constant and represented the different contamination levels in the un-suspended sediments. Significant differences in bile metabolite concentrations as well as in 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase induction compared to control experiments (untreated animals and animals that were exposed in the annular flume without sediment) were observed for all exposure scenarios. The ratio between 1-hydroxypyrene in bile from fish exposed to the three different contamination levels was 1.0:3.6:10.7 and correlated well with (1) the ratio of pyrene concentrations in corresponding sediments which was 1.0:3.1:12.7 and (2) with the ratio of particle-bound pyrene in SPM which was 1.0:2.7:11.7. In contrast, hepatic lipid peroxidation and micronuclei formation represented the different contamination levels less conclusive. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that firmly bound PAH from aged sediments can become bioaccessible upon resuspension under flood-like conditions and are readily absorbed by aquatic organisms such as rainbow trout. Associated short-term effects were clearly documented and possible adverse long-term impacts due to genotoxicity are likely to follow.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - To examine whether firms’ environmental innovation can improve consumers’ purchasing tendencies, we constructed a mediation model with...  相似文献   

Behavioral and environmental determinants of PM2.5 personal exposures were analyzed for 201 randomly selected adult participants (25–55 years old) of the EXPOLIS study in Helsinki, Finland. Personal exposure concentrations were higher than respective residential outdoor, residential indoor and workplace indoor concentrations for both smokers and non-smokers. Mean personal exposure concentrations of active smokers (31.0±31.4 μg m−3) were almost double those of participants exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) (16.6±11.8 μg m−3) and three times those of participants not exposed to tobacco smoke (9.9±6.2 μg m−3). Mean indoor concentrations of PM2.5 when a member of the household smoked indoors (20.8±23.9 μg m−3) were approximately 2.5 times the concentrations of PM2.5 when no smoking was reported (8.2±5.2 μg m−3). Interestingly, however, both mean (8.2 μg m−3) and median (6.9 μg m−3) residential indoor concentrations for non-ETS exposed participants were lower than residential outdoor concentrations (9.5 and 7.3 μg m−3, respectively). In simple linear regression models residential indoor concentrations were the best predictors of personal exposure concentrations. Correlations (r2) between PM2.5 personal exposure concentrations of all participants, both smoking and non-smoking, and residential indoor, workplace indoor, residential outdoor and ambient fixed site concentrations were 0.53, 0.38, 0.17 and 0.16, respectively. Predictors for personal exposure concentrations of non-ETS exposed participants identified in multiple regression were residential indoor concentrations, workplace concentrations and traffic density in the nearest street from home, which accounted for 77% of the variance. Subsequently, step-wise regression not including residential and workplace indoor concentrations as input (as these are frequently not available), identified ambient PM2.5 concentration and home location, as predictors of personal exposure, accounting for 47% of the variance. Ambient fixed site PM2.5 concentrations were closely related to residential outdoor concentrations (r2=0.9, p=0.000) and PM2.5 personal exposure concentrations were higher in summer than during other seasons. Personal exposure concentrations were significantly (p=0.040) higher for individuals living downtown compared with individuals in suburban family homes. Further analysis will focus on comparisons of determinants between Helsinki and other EXPOLIS centers.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl on growth of the submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum under laboratory conditions using different exposure scenarios. The exposures of each scenario were comparable in the concentration × time factor, viz., the same 21-d time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations but variable in peak exposure concentrations (ranging from 0.1 to 21 000 ng ai L−1) and exposure periods (1, 3, 7, 14 or 21 d). To study recovery potential of the exposed M. spicatum plants we continued the observation on shoot and root growth for another 21 d in herbicide-free medium so that the total observation period was 42 d. Non-destructive endpoints, length and number of new shoots and roots, were determined weekly from day 14 onwards. Destructive endpoints, dry-weight (DW) of main shoots, new shoots and new roots, were measured at the end of the experiment (t = 42 d).Metsulfuron-methyl exposure in particular inhibited new tissue formation but was not lethal to main shoots. On days 21 and 42 after start exposure, EC10/EC50 values for new tissues expressed in terms of peak concentration (=measured concentration during exposure periods of different length) showed large differences between exposure scenarios in contrast to EC10/EC50 values for days 21 and 42 expressed in terms of 21-d and 42-d TWA concentrations, respectively. At the end of the experiment (day 42), 42-d TWA ECx values were remarkably similar between exposure scenarios, while a similar trend could already be observed on day 21 for 21-d TWA ECx values. For the macrophyte M. spicatum and exposure to the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl the TWA approach seems to be appropriate to use in the risk assessment. However, the data from the toxicity experiment suggest that on day 21 also the absolute height of the pulse exposure played a (minor) role in the exposure - response relationships observed.  相似文献   

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