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实践性教学是培养高职专业人才不可缺少的重要的教学环节,实践性教学环节主要包括专业认识性实习、课程实验(实习)、专业生产实习、毕业实习四个方面。本文论述了高职高专绿色食品专业的各个实践教学环节的内容和方法。  相似文献   

实践教学是固体废物处理与处置课程的重要环节,涉及实验、实习、课程设计、毕业论文(设计)等内容,在促进学生将所学专业知识融会贯通、培养学生的创新思维和提高学生实践技能等方面都起着非常重要的作用。在总结固体废物处理与处置课程实践教学现状基础上,论述了固体废物处理与处置课程创新实践教学体系的构建原则、构成要素和建立建议。  相似文献   

高职环境类《分析化学》改革的探讨与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析化学是环境类高职高专院校开设的一门专业基础课程,主要教学目标在于培养学生在环境监测领域的职业技能。针对我院不同专业分析化学教学的现状及其存在的问题,结合分析化学的学科特点及社会发展趋势,从进行设计方案型教学,到整体优化教学内容、改革教学手段、开展证书制度等几方面入手,对分析化学理论与实践教学进行了改革尝试,从而达到真正落实素质教育,切实提高学生综合能力的目的。  相似文献   

创新创业教育成为当下绝大多数高校素质教育的趋势,而实践类课程改革是实施创新创业教育的重要内容。金工实习是多数高校在工科专业中所开设的一门必修课程,旨在培养学生对机械加工工艺的认识、增强实践动手的能力。从实习计划、实习内容、成绩评定方法、指导教师素质四方面探讨了环境工程专业金工实习教学改革的途径和成效,以培养创新创业型环境类人才为出发点,深化实践类课程改革。  相似文献   

《环境土建工程》是研究环境工程土建施工方法的一门综合性、实践性很强的学科。它是为环境工程专业高职生开设的一门重要的专业基础课。以往这门课程的教学形式较为传统,不适应当今高职教育形式之处很多。因而,改变单一的课堂教学方式,多种教学手段相结合;改革考核、考试办法,培养学生的学习能力;勤于实践总结,不断发现问题,培养创新能力。  相似文献   

刘健 《环境教育》2002,(3):23-24
渗透教学是目前我国中小学开展环境教育的主渠道和主要方法。所谓渗透模式,即将环境教育内容渗透到各门学科的课程之中,通过各门课程的实施,化整为零地实现环境教育的目的与目标。学校课程中的地理课是渗透可持续发展观念的核心科目之一。目前全国正在开展的基础教育课程改革,对在地理教育中更深入地推行环境教育来说是一个新的契机。在2001年教育部制订的《全日制义务教育地理课程标准(试验稿)》中,就地理课程性质而言,提到“地理课程是义务教育阶段学生认识地理环境、形成地理技能和可持续发展观念的一门必修课程”;在基本理念中…  相似文献   

抓基础 重实践 优化教学体系西安建筑科技大学环境工程系金奇庭环境工程专业是在控制现代工业污染的实践中,从各个学科进行研究和发展而形成的。它是一门独立的、内容丰富的、跨学科领域的新兴学科。这个新学科,具有发展迅速、学科交叉两大特点。充分认识环境工程专业...  相似文献   

正《环境学导论》对打开环境科学与工程教学之门有重要意义,本文切实着眼于环境教学的具体目的,从环境教学的主要授课思想以及相关具体方法对本门课程教学提出改进意见与建议。环境科学是介于自然科学、社会科学和技术科学之间的综合性学科,是一种多学科和跨学科的交叉学科体系所组合成的新兴学科~([1])。跨学科研究既是学科发展的内在要求,又是解决日益复杂的实际问题的客观需要~([2])。《环境学导论》是高校环境科学及其相关专业的一门基础性课程,  相似文献   

环境物理是环境管理科学中的一门重要课程。通过教学实践,总结出课堂讲授、专题研讨和案例教学等几种教学方法。  相似文献   

介绍了《园林CAD》课程的项目化教学思路,从课程对应岗位群、教学内容的项目化处理、教学设计等3个方面阐述了项目化教学的实践应用。教学实践表明,该方法有效增强了学生学习专业知识的目的性,实现了理论教学和实践教学更好的衔接,有效提高了学生的岗位能力,取得了较好的教学效果,为类似专业课程的教学提供了参考。  相似文献   

在分析和总结传统教学方法和当代教学方法在环境类专业教学中存在的不足与弊端的基础上,探讨了环境综合实践教学系统的特点、建设和应用。环境综合实践教学系统以就业为导向,建设了符合课程学习要求,能够真正运行的污水处理工艺系统、大气污染控制系统等实践教学情境。该实践教学系统在实际教学中效果良好,能够满足环境类专业教学要求,有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对《环境综合实验》课程中学生机械学习、不会思考、缺乏分析和实际运用能力的现象,结合以问题为驱动教学方式的理论基础,探讨了以问题为驱动教学方式在环境综合实验教学中的实际运用,包括预习阶段的学习、实践过程中的学习和实践后的复习,并对以问题为驱动教学方式的运用策略进行了评价和总结。实践表明:以问题为驱动的教学方式能够有效地提高环境综合实验的教学效果,提升学生自主学习和实际动手操作的能力。  相似文献   

针对高职院校经济类专业校内实训基地建设中存在的基地建设欠缺、设施建设不完善和规划不合理等问题,经济类专业校内实训基地建设应该采取寻求社会支持、构建新型实践教学体系等措施,以提高整体实践教学水平,达到高职院校经济类专业能够重点培养学生职业能力的效果。  相似文献   

This paper adds to the literature on skills for sustainable communities by examining the role and processes of learning in “communities of practice” that exist within a “grassroots association”. Interviews were conducted with participants in the communities of practice of a student group called Green Action, which engages with environmental issues in practical ways. The findings demonstrate how learning occurred in the communities of practice, how participants gained skills and knowledge for sustainable consumption, and how learning in the communities of practice appeared to help Green Action to sustain itself in the long-term. This paper could serve as a useful demonstration to others as to how to apply the theories and concepts from the literature on communities of practice when researching skills and knowledge for sustainable communities. It also has some value for grassroots associations themselves in understanding their own activities.  相似文献   

Whether tradable permits are appropriate for use in transition and developing economies—given special social and cultural circumstances, such as the lack of institutions and lack of expertise with market-based policies—is much debated. We conducted interviews and surveyed a sample of firms subject to emissions trading programs in Santiago, Chile, one of the first cities outside the OECD that has implemented such trading. The information gathered allows us to study what factors affect the performance of the trading programs in practice and the challenges and advantages of applying tradable permits in less developed countries.  相似文献   

综观人类历史,宗教与现实生活联系紧密,在各类社会问题的解释与解决中一直发挥着不可小觑的作用。随着全球环境问题的日益突出,佛教中所体现的环保理念日益引起人们的重视。本文试从佛教环保理念的思想渊源入手,围绕自然观、生命观和理想观等内容来探讨佛教与其环保实践问题。  相似文献   

Soil compaction in agriculture induced by large-scale equipment is of growing concern. Heavy wheel loads used in arable cropping have the potential to cause irreversible damage to the subsoil structure and may lead to harmful soil compaction. In order to sustain or improve soil health or fitness on a sustainable basis, indicators are needed to assess the changes in the soil structure and the respective soil functions. This requires an adequate verification of methods for distinguishing between the impairment of soil structure and the disruption of soil functions, and for the respective subject of protection. In this article the link between existing models of soil physical prognosis, practical guidelines, and criteria for the identification of affected soil structure is demonstrated, and a viable concept to distinguish harmful changes to the soil is presented. The concept consists of methods for soil physical analysis such as "pre-compression stress" and "loading ratio", practical recommendations for best management practice, and an indicator-based model for the identification of harmful subsoil compaction derived from a research project for the German Federal Environmental Agency, making it possible to determine for a respective location the required level of action far beyond the common practice of precautions against harmful soil compaction.  相似文献   

Deep structural and sustained change is necessary to tackle contemporary environmental challenges. How such change emerges and can be governed has been explored through the notion of sustainable innovation journeys. To date research had conceptualised such journeys as transitions to more sustainable socio-technical systems, e.g. mobility, shelter, food and farming. However, there is a paucity of how innovation proceeds in firms as part of sustainable innovation journeys. This paper begins to address this gap in knowledge. A longitudinal case study was completed of a medium-sized food-processing firm in the UK. Qualitative data were collected using ethnographic methods such as participant observation. Drawing on practice theory, a conceptual framework was developed which enabled us to explore and make sense of the firm's sustainable innovation journey conceptualised as practices. Findings show that we can usefully treat a firm as a flow of practices that either resist or otherwise accommodate new practices deemed more sustainable.  相似文献   

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