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Summary. In the marine polychaete Nereis succinea (Frey & Leuckart 1847) a sex pheromone was isolated from the coelomic fluid of sexually mature females and identified by NMR studies and independent synthesis. This pheromone is released by the females during reproduction together with eggs and coelomic fluid into the free water column and induces sperm release of surrounding males. Its structure was ascertained as L-cysteine-glutathione disulfide. It exhibited a response threshold of 0.6 · 10−7 M. Received 15 July 1997; accepted 25 November 1997.  相似文献   

E. Kristensen 《Marine Biology》1989,101(3):381-388
The influence of ventilation activity and starvation on O2 uptake and CO2 production in the polychaete Nereis virens Sars was investigated during September 1986 using worms collected on intertidal flats outside the Nærå Strand estuary, Denmark. The activity level, measured as ventilation rate, , was linearly related to active O2 uptake, , for worms inhabiting artificial burrows (i.e. tubes) in the laboratory. at 16°C was two and four times the extrapolated standard O2 uptake ( =0) when was 100 and 500 ml g-1 h-1, respectively. The use of tubes had no significant effect on N. viren's temporal ventilation pattern, Dv, compared to natural burrows in sediment. The ventilation rate, , however, was 2 to 3 times higher in tubes than in burrows. Starvation affected both ventilation and gas exchange. increased slightly during the first six days remaining constant thereafter. Dv, on the othe hand, decreased during the first six days followed by a gradual increase to Day 20. The observed decrease in Dv (%) from Day 0 to 1 was attributed to insufficient acclimation of the worms. The time integrated ventilation rate, × Dv, increased gradually throughout the 20 d starvation period. and declined rapidly during the first days of starvation. After 10 d the gas exchange reached steady levels at about 50% of the initial rate. The observed decrease in metabolic rate during starvation was explained by a rapid initial reduction in specific dynamic action (SDA) followed by a gradual exhaustion of readily available metabolic reserves, e.g. glycogen and lipids.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine variation of juvenile growth (% d-1) of the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) in relation to tidal flat plant species as food sources. We used vegetable materials (algae and vascular plants) which are carried along by tidal currents and are found abundantly at the upper tidal level. Juveniles (2-yr-old) markedly increased in wet weight with the algae Laminaria longicruris (weight-specific growth rate : 1.7% d-1) and Enteromorpha intestinalis (: 1.6% d-1) as food sources. A higher value of assimilation efficiency was observed for algal species (L. longicruris 55.1±7.9%; E. intestinalis 54.8±0.5%; Fucus vesiculosus 40.6%) than for marine vascular plants (Spartina alterniflora 26.8±10.9%; Zostera marina 1.4%). The digestion of marine vascular species lasts longer (19 to 38 h) than that of algal species. All these characteristics (growth, assimilation efficiency and duration of the digestive process) seem to correlate positively with lignin and cellulose concentrations in the plant structure.  相似文献   

The polychaete Nereis diversicolor O. F. Müller was exposed to marine sediments which had been contaminated with 55Fe either through the testing of nuclear devices or by the release of liquid waste effluent from a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The amount of 55Fe taken up reached a concentration in the worms about 6% of the concentration in both types of sediment. Bioavailability of 55Fe was shown to depend on its concentration in sediment and not on sediment type, stable iron concentration, or the source of contamination. N. diversicolor may not extract from sediment the same fraction of 55Fe as does 0.1N HCl and caution should be exercised in using such measurements to represent the bioavailable fraction.  相似文献   

For valine uptake by the polychaete Nereis virens Sars, the kinetic constants were: V max=355 nmol g-1 fresh weight h-1, K m=20 M. Leucine and some other amino acids acted as partial inhibitors of valine uptake. Valine uptake rate was 78% higher at 21.5 S than at 14 S. The major portion of valine absorbed by the polychaete could be extracted as free valine, with 6.5 to 15.6% being respired, and 3.6 to 9.5% incorporated into proteins. Calculations indicate that 7 to 12% of the metabolism of N. virens may be sustained by uptake of glycine and aspartic acid from natural concentrations. It is suggested that uptake of amino acids by this worm is important in the nitrogen cycling of marine sediments.  相似文献   

The polychaete Nereis diversicolor O.F. Müller was exposed to marine sediments which had been contaminated with plutonium and americium either through the testing of nuclear devices or by the release of liquid waste effluent from a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The uptake of both plutonium and americium was small, about 0.5% of the concentration of these transuranics in the sediments. The degree of relative uptake of plutonium from both sediments was comparable; relative uptake of americium from sediments contaminated by waste effluent was greater than that from nuclear sediment and those previously determined from water-uptake experiments to environmentally determined plutonium concentrations in sediments and overlying waters leads to the tentative conclusion that water may be the predominant pathway for plutonium accumulation by deposit-feeding worms like N. diversicolor.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the natural variation of heavy metals in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor O. F. Müller and to examine this variation with respect to physiological and environmental parameters. During a 2 yr period from October 1980 to October 1982, concentrations of copper, zinc and iron in N. diversicolor from the Tees Estuary, North East England, were found to vary significantly with time. A seasonal influence on whole body copper concentration, in part related to the reproductive cycle, was observed. Zinc concentrations in N. diversicolor increased during periods of rapid growth and may represent a physiological demand for this metal. Whole body concentrations of iron appeared to be independent of size of worm, sexual maturation and sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of the accumulation of a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture from sediments and from water by the benthic worm Nereis diversicolor. Uptake from sediments was dose-dependent, attaining equilibrium concentration factors of approximately 3 to 4 after 2 months. Subsequent PCB elimination rates were concentration-dependent, with higher initial loss rates evident in the worms containing higher levels of PCBs. Accumulation of PCBs from water was much more rapid; concentration factors reached approximately 800 after only 2 weeks. Estimates were made of the relative importance of sediments and water as a source of PCBs to worms exposed to these contaminants in the natural environment. Calculations based on experimentally derived PCB concentration factors and ambient PCB levels in sediments and water suggest that compared to water, sediments contribute the bulk of these compounds to the worms. The possible mechanisms involved in the uptake of sediment-associated PCBs are discussed.  相似文献   

Marine polychaetes Nereis virens (Sars) were exposed to 9 ppb Hg as mercuric chloride in the aquarium water. Concentrations of mercury in the water and in the worms were monitored using radiolabelled mercury. After 11 d, the average mercury concentration in the nereids was 8.41 ppm Hg and the bioconcentration factor was calculated to be 930. Accumulations of mercury in the tissues were made visible for light and electron microscopy by autometallographic silver enhancement. Mercury was demonstrated in the intestine, nephridia, epidermis and cuticula. In the intestine, mercury was found to be located predominantly in the apical part of the epithelial cells. In the nephridia, mercury deposits were apparent in the peritoneal cells of the nephridial tubules. Silver-enhanced mercury was also observed at the epicuticula, in the collagen fibres of the endocuticula and in the epidermal basal cells. Intracellularly, the observed mercury accumulations were localised predominantly in lysosomes. Extracellularly, mercury was observed in the basal laminae of the intestine and the epidermis, and also in the intestinal peritrophic membrane. How N. virens copes with mercury toxicity is discussed.  相似文献   

U. Hoeger  I. Kunz 《Marine Biology》1993,115(4):653-660
The activities of some enzymes of the intermediary metabolism and the content of soluble protein and carbohydrate (glycogen plus free glucose) were measured in one type of coelomic cells (eleocytes) of the polychaete Nereis virens. Specimens used in this study were collected between 1989 and 1991 in Oosterscheldt Bay, The Netherlands, and divided into six different stages of sexual maturation as determined by the mean oocyte volume. In both sexes, the soluble protein content in eleocytes of immature individuals (11 mg ml–1 cell vol) increased three-fold. In prespawning N. virens the soluble protein content decreased to less than 2 mg protein ml–1 cell vol in females but not in males. In both sexes, the carbohydrate content decreased continuously from immature [300 mol glucose equivalent (equiv) ml–1 cell vol] to prespawning individuals (< 40 mol glucose equiv ml–1 cell vol). During the time course of maturation, the specific activities (expressed as units mg–1 protein) of pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, malate dehydrogenase, alanine aminotransferase and glutamate dehydrogenase decreased in both sexes. A transient increase in the specific activities was found for glycogen phosphorylase and aspartate aminotransferase. No major changes were found for hexokinase, lactase dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme. Sex specific differences were found for the activities of citrate synthase and isocitrate dehydrogenase, which were higher in males. the specific activities of the latter enzyme increased more than ten-fold in males, but only four-fold in female eleocytes during maturation. In eleocytes of prespawning females, the activities of most enzymes showed extremely high variations not found in prespawning males. For two enzymes of fatty acid catabolism, -hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and -hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, only traces of activities were detected, suggesting the absence of significant fatty acid catabolism in the eleocytes. Compared to the eleocytes, the body wall tissue showed ten-fold higher activities of phosphofructokinase, whereas the eleocytes displayed higher activities of the amino acid interconverting enzymes glutamate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase and the glyconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Citrate synthase activities were similar for both tissues. In the coelomic fluid of N. virens, glucose (< 0.1 to 3.5 mM) and d-lactate (0.1 to 4 mM) were present and represent exogenous substrates for the eleocyte metabolism.  相似文献   

Distribution and feeding in the onuphid polychaete,Diopatra cuprea (Bosc)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Population density of the onuphid polychaete Diopatra cuprea is poorly correlated with particle size distribution of the substratum. It varies directly, however, with current velocity. Measurements of the volume of oxygen drawn through the tube by the inhabitants' rhythmic activities, and the volume consumed under similar conditions, indicate that the rate of oxygen utilization is unusually low; therefore, the influence of current velocity cannot be exerted through its effect on oxygen supply. We suggest that the worm's tube, which protrudes several centimeters above the substratum in the form of an inverted hook, is a food-catching device whose efficiency is governed by the volume of water flowing past. This hypothesis is supported by the identity of many species found both in the gut and on the tube. We also suggest that the tube-irrigating activities permit the animal to test the medium for the presence of chemical stimuli emanating from food caught by the tube; supra-threshold concentrations of these stimuli elicit the feeding response.  相似文献   

Behavioural patterns of Nereis virens (Sars) were monitored in the laboratory to determine variations in the time budget (i.e., percentage of time spent in various activities) as a function of density and acclimation period (number of days following the introduction of worms into experimental enclosures). Experiments were carried out from 17 June to 13 August 1989, using worms collected from intertidal sand flats of l'Anse à l'Orignal in the lower Saint Lawrence estuary, Canada. Inactivity, locomotion and irrigation were, in that order, the most frequent behaviours for solitary individuals. Correlations between the time spent in the various activities and time of day indicated a general increase in activity during the night (21.00 to 06.00 hrs). Locomotory activity increased at night, inactivity during the daytime. A general sequence of behaviour of N. virens was revealed. Inactivity, locomotion and irrigation were still the most frequent activities for individuals observed in high-density conditions, but their respective importance differed significantly (locomotion, irrigation and inactivity, in that order). There was also less variability in the time spent for each behaviour in the high-density aquarium. Comparisons between behaviour and time of day suggested fewer correlations among the different components of the time budgets under conditions of high density. Finally, the time budget varied but little over time (number of days alloved for acclimation) in the low-density aquarium as opposed to the high-density aquarium. Our study revealed that population density and acclimation are important in determining behavioural patterns of N. virens.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of the deposit feeding polychaete Cistenides (Pectinaria) gouldii was examined to determine factors affecting particle selection and feeding rate. Worms were found to select large particles preferentially and particle size selection increased with worm size. Particle selection behavior was unaffected by changes in sediment bacterial abundance. Feeding rates were affected by sediment size, bacterial density and worm size. Generally feeding rates increased in sediment containing more food, although the response was worm size specific. When viewed in a theoretical construct these results were inconsistent with predictions of deposit feeder optimal foraging models. Alternative explanations, such as morphological constraints placed upon the polychaete, may explain C. gouldii feeding behavior.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸是土壤有机碳分解的主要生物化学过程,可反映土壤有机质的分解程度及有效养分供给水平,可用于评价土壤微生物活力状况.通过设置8个养分处理,对黑土进行41 d的室内好气培养,考查了黑土微生物活力对不同养分响应的规律.结果表明,单加N或P以及NP组合均不能提高黑土微生物活力;单加葡萄糖能够使土壤呼吸释放的CO2累积量达到对照的10倍以上,使黑土微生物活力显著提高.在可利用碳底物充足的条件下,N的加入能够显著提高黑土微生物活力,土壤呼吸释放出的CO2累积量达到对照的13倍以上,显著促进土壤有机质中无机养分的释放,CN交互作用显著;在C和N养分都充足的条件下,P的加入才能够对黑土微生物产生激发效应.不同养分状况下,黑土微生物活力达到峰值的时间不同,表现为,CNP(C N P)处理土壤呼吸强度在第3 d达到最高值,CN (C N)处理在第5天达到最高值,单加C和CP (C P)处理,在15 d左右达到最高值.  相似文献   

The comparative kinetics of the accumulation of the trace metals copper, zinc and cadmium have been measured in the estuarine burrowing polychaete worm Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor from two sites: (a) a metal-rich site, Restronguet Creek, Cornwall, UK, which hosts a copper- and zinc-tolerant population of worms, and (b) the Blackwater estuary, Essex, UK as a control site. A sediment transfer experiment showed that the Blackwater worms responded to the increased copper bioavailability in Restronguet Creek sediment by accumulating significantly increasing copper concentrations over 50 days. The Restronguet Creek worms showed no significant change in copper concentration over 50 days in sediment from either site or in sand. Nevertheless, electron microscopy showed that some Restronguet Creek worms do appear to excrete accumulated copper, probably in association with renewal of the cuticle over a long time scale. The Blackwater worms did not accumulate extra zinc from the zinc-rich Restronguet Creek sediment, in probable reflection of the regulation of body zinc concentration by N. diversicolor. Radiolabelled zinc and cadmium were accumulated from labelled sediment and labelled solution by worms from both sites. The rate of uptake of labelled zinc from sediment was significantly greater in the Restronguet Creek worms, as was the rate of uptake of labelled cadmium from 10 μg l−1 dissolved exposure; other rates of uptake did not differ between populations. Mucus, which is secreted by Restronguet Creek worms in response to enhanced copper exposure, adsorbed very small proportions of zinc and cadmium present in solution, indicating that the mucus does not act as an adsorption barrier against excessive metal uptake by these worms.  相似文献   

S. Mayer 《Marine Biology》1994,119(4):571-582
An experimental setup was designed for in situ videotape recording of the particle capture process in the crown of the polychaete Sabella penicillus. Intact individuals of S. penicillus (collected in the Gullmornfjord, Sweden in 1992) were exposed to either 6 m Latex spheres or Rhodomonas sp. flagellate cells (6 m). The capture of the added particles was recorded on video. From frameby-frame analyses particle velocities were estimated and the shape of the three-dimensional particle paths was inferred. The mean velocity of particles approaching the crown was estimated to be ca. 1 mm s-1, increasing to ca. 1.7 mm s-1 in the interpinnule channel. At the moment of capture the particles were seen to follow a curved, near circular path close to the tips of the latero-frontal cilia. The transport velocities on the frontal side of the pinnules and filaments were estimated to be up to 0.15 and 0.5 mm s-1, respectively. Counting captured particles relative to particles arriving within the area of the pinnules gave a rough, direct estimate of nearly 100% retention rate when the polychaete was feeding undisturbed. Together with results from clearance measurements in the literature this implies that the worm is able to capture particles down to 3 m entering the interpinnule channel almost 100% effectively. In view of the 80-m wide interpinnule channel and 40-m spacing between the tips of the latero-frontal cilia on both sides of the channel, this result cannot be explained by mechanisms based solely on direct mechanical contact between cilia and particles but must involve fluid mechanical mechanisms. The present work is the experimental basis for ongoing numerical simulations of the particle motion in the interpinnule channel.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - The continuous growth of the world population has raised heatlh&nbsp;issues such as the inefficiency of common drugs, such as antibiotics, due to...  相似文献   

Anterior and posterior regeneration in both male and female Ophryotrocha notoglandulata Pfannenstiel, 1972 was induced by amputation of parts of the prostomium or caudal segments. Regeneration capacity is identical in males and females. The prostomium is not necessary for caudal regeneration.  相似文献   

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