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The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a methodology for quantification of high emissions hot spots along roadways based upon real-world, on-road vehicle emissions measurements. An emissions hot spot is defined as a fixed location along a corridor in which the peak emissions are statistically significantly greater by more than a factor of 2 than the average emissions for free-flow or near free-flow conditions on the corridor. A portable instrument was used to measure on-road tailpipe emissions of carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, hydrocarbons, and carbon dioxide on a second-by-second basis during actual driving. Measurements were made for seven vehicles deployed on two primary arterial corridors. The ratio of average emissions at hot spots to the average emissions observed during a trip was as high as 25 for carbon monoxide, 5 for nitric oxide, and 3 for hydrocarbons. The relationships between hot spots and explanatory variables were investigated using graphical and statistical methods. Average speed, average acceleration, standard deviation of speed, percent of time spent in cruise mode, minimum speed, maximum acceleration, and maximum power have statistically significant associations with vehicle emissions and influence emissions hot spots. For example, stop-and-go traffic conditions that result in sudden changes in speed, and traffic patterns with high accelerations, are shown to generate hot spots. The implications of this work for future model development and applications to environmental management are discussed.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented to estimate the emissions of ships at berth based on their actual fuel consumption and the fuel quality. Accurate estimates of emissions from ships at berth demand reliable knowledge of the fuel consumption while at berth and associated fuel characteristics. However, assured information about energy use and fuel consumption of seagoing ships at berth is scarce. Proper estimation of ship emissions at berth is crucial for understanding the impact of shipping emissions on air quality and health in harbour cities as well as for a proper evaluation of the impact of abatement measures such as shore-side electricity and/or restrictions of sulphur content for shipping fuels to be used in ports. Therefore, a survey of energy consumption and fuel use on board of 89 seagoing ships was made in close cooperation with the Port of Rotterdam. Rotterdam is the major port of Europe ensuring that the results will have relevance for the larger European domain. On board of the ships at berth, a questionnaire was filled in by the chief engineer of that particular ship, assisted by two former mechanical shipping engineers employed at our organization. Survey results as well as the emission estimations are compared to the (scarce) information that is available and expert judgements in recent studies. The compiled survey data underlie the current Dutch emission estimation methodology for emissions of ships at berth.  相似文献   

A total of 77 On-Board Diagnostics II (OBDII)-equipped vehicles with illuminated malfunction indicator lights (MILs) and non-evaporative codes were tested before and after repair. The test cycles included the Federal Test Procedure (FTP), IM240, and steady-state cycles. A total of 17 vehicles were found with emissions greater than 1.5 times their respective FTP emissions standards. Repair of these vehicles resulted in dramatic reductions in overall emissions for all the cycles. A majority of the remaining vehicles were found to have emissions below the certification standard for the FTP both before and after repair. Repairs for the vehicles with emissions <1.5 times the standard resulted in some smaller but quantifiable emission reductions over the FTP and IM240 but larger reductions over the steady-state driving tests. Misfires, bad oxygen sensors, and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) problems were the most common non-evaporative causes for triggering the MIL. The results show some fundamental differences between identifying malfunctioning vehicles using OBDII as opposed to more traditional dynamometer tests. In particular, for many systems, OBDII identifies components that are operating outside their design specification rather than for a specific emissions threshold.  相似文献   

在0.15 MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性.分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成.分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性,为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据.  相似文献   

城市下水污泥焚烧过程中二次污染物排放特性的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在0.15MWt循环流化床燃烧试验台上进行了城市下水污泥与煤的混烧试验,分析了烟气中的二次污染物排放特性。分析结果表明,利用循环流化床焚烧城市下水污泥时,添加辅助燃料(如煤)及改变焚烧条件,不仅可以达到稳定燃烧的目的,而且有利于抑制焚烧中二次污染物(如CO及二恶英等有机污染物)的生成。分析了焚烧污泥污染物的排放特性。为采用焚烧方式处理城市下水污泥提供了基础性试验数据。  相似文献   

A study of volatile organic sulfur emissions causing urban odors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Muezzinoglu A 《Chemosphere》2003,51(4):245-252
Levels of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur containing organic compounds were studied in the air at the deltas of the polluted creeks in the city of Izmir, Turkey in summer 2001. High concentrations of these malodorous compounds were measured in the air samples. Presence of these compounds in the air was connected with the dark appearance and rising gas bubbles in the studied segments of the creeks. These creeks were like open sewers carrying wastewaters from the industry and residential areas into the inner Izmir Bay until September 2001.Within the scope of this study organic sulfur compounds such as methane thiol, ethane thiol, 2-propane thiol, 2-butane thiol, dimethylsulfide, dimethyldisulfide, thiophene, diphenylsulfide and hydrogen sulfide were studied in the air at selected urban sites where odor nuisance was recognized. Flux measurements from polluted surfaces were preferred rather than direct ambient air measurements. Organic sulfur emission fluxes from the creek surfaces were found above the values reported in the literature. Their concentrations and fluxes were higher in June field program. A limited number of measurements of reduced sulfur compound emission concentrations from the wastewater treatment plant equalization tank and the sludge drying beds as well as the landfill soil surface were also included in the study.Concentrations of total organic sulfur compounds and certain individual components such as dimethylsulfide and hydrogen sulfide in emitted gases from river surfaces were correlated with ambient SO(2) concentrations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether living in the vicinity of a hazardous waste incinerator that was burning material contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increased TCDD and toxicity equivalencies (TEQ) in individuals living near the incinerator. METHODS: Participants were randomly chosen from an area close to the incinerator and compared to participants outside of the exposure area. TCDD and related compounds were measured in blood serum before incineration, four months after incineration started, and at the end of incineration. RESULTS: Lipid adjusted serum levels of TCDD and TEQ decreased from pre-incineration to four months after incineration, and decreased further by the end of incineration. CONCLUSION: Incineration of TCDD did not result in any measurable exposure to the population surrounding the incinerator.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique to study air pollution by combining high spatial resolution data obtained by a mobile platform and those measured by conventional stationary stations. Conventional stations provide time-series point data but cannot yield information that is distant from the sites. This can be complemented or supplemented by mobile measurements in the vicinity of the conventional sites. Together, the combined dataset yields a clearer and more precise picture of the dispersion and the transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere in a fixed time frame. Several experiments were conducted in the years 2002-2003 to track the impact of power plant plumes on ground receptors in the immediate vicinity (within a radius of 30 km) of the plants, using a combined mobile and stationary dataset. The mobile data allowed the identification of emissions from coal-fired and gas-fired power plants. Coal-fired power plants were the major source of sulfur dioxide (SO2), whereas nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from the gas-fired power plant played an important role in the formation of ozone (O3) at ground level. The mobile data showed that two particle size distribution regimes were detected: one had a dominant accumulation mode at 0.40-0.65 microm and the other at 0.65-1 microm. The existence of particles characterized by their mode at 0.65-1 microm and formed by in-cloud processes suggests that vehicular emissions were not the important source. Other local sources, such as power plants (elevated emission), were the likely sources, because Hong Kong does not have much manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

以神华(SH)烟煤和晋城(JC)无烟煤为研究对象,利用一维沉降炉(DTF)开展了煤粉在O2/N2、O2/Ar、O2/CO2和O2/RFG 4种气氛下燃烧时的NOx排放特性实验,研究了温度和氧浓度对NOx排放特性的影响,探讨了富氧燃烧条件下导致NOx排放降低的各个因素的贡献率的变化。结果表明:温度上升会导致燃料氮向NOx的转化率增大;氧浓度的上升同样会导致转化率的增加,SH烟煤由于挥发分含量较大,受氧浓度影响较大;定量分析结果表明,富氧燃烧条件下导致NOx排放降低的主要因素是循环NOx的还原,占整体的50%以上;其次是高浓度CO2气氛对NOx的还原,约占20%~30%;而热力型和快速型NOx的缺失对降低NOx排放的贡献率不及20%。温度的上升对JC无烟煤各因素贡献率有较大影响;氧浓度的增加会导致SH烟煤各因素贡献率有明显变化。  相似文献   

A pilot study of methyl chloride emissions from tropical woodrot fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Moore RM  Gut A  Andreae MO 《Chemosphere》2005,58(2):221-225
Flux chamber measurements made in a rainforest provide evidence that methyl chloride is emitted from rotting wood. However, its net flux was found to be into the soil, probably due to competing production and consumption processes within the soil. Evidence was found for a regional source, possibly vegetation, since its concentration above the canopy was substantially greater than reported average equatorial values.  相似文献   

Certification testing of locomotive diesel engines is conducted by testing the locomotive in a series of steady-state conditions, or notches. The aim of this work was to determine whether notch changes, which are made on the order of twice per minute during normal locomotive operation, significantly affect emission rates. Particulate matter (PM) measurements recorded by others over 5, 15, and 30 min immediately at notch change were analyzed. By assuming that PM emissions during steady-state conditions were constant, it was possible to determine the amount of PM emitted because of notch change. Certification line-haul and switching duty cycles were modified to include a representative number of notch changes. The results of these calculations suggest that in test cycles in which a representative number of notch changes were included, approximately 40% of PM emissions occurred because of notch changes.  相似文献   

An Eulerian atmospheric model with complex chemistry (Acidic Deposition and Oxidant Model) and a Lagrangian model with linear chemistry (Ontario Ministry of the Environment Trajectory Model) were used to simulate the wet SO42− deposition pattern over eastern North America for 16 days during April 1981.The two model results agree reasonably well with each other when the 16 day average values are compared. They also show reasonable agreement with observed data. Having established the ability of the models to predict deposition patterns for 1981 emissions, reduction scenarios with 50% SOx and 50% SOx and NOx of the 1981 emissions were studied through the Eulerian model. Near the heavy emissions area, the reduction in SO42− wet deposition is only about 30–40%. In this respect the linear Lagrangian model departs significantly from the Eulerian model. This non-linearity in response is attributed to the role of oxidants in controlling the conversion of SO2 to SO42−.  相似文献   

A field-based intercomparison study for ammonia measurements was conducted using seven analytical methods. It included sulphuric acid impinger, citric acid denuder, differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), and continuous aqueous extraction followed by measurement of conductivity (Airrmonia). Measurements were done at the entrance and the exit of the Gubrist highway tunnel near Zurich, Switzerland. For DOAS, FTIR, PAS and Airrmonia, 24 hour means were calculated based on a time resolution of 10 minutes. At the tunnel exit, all 24 hour averages were within 13%, and the continuous data of the time-resolved methods agreed well. At the tunnel entrance, a slightly reduced method comparison included four methods, and daily mean values agreed within 23%. Ammonia emission factors, based on 4 weeks of continuous measurements with the Airrmonia, were 31 ± 4 mg km-1 for light-duty vehicles and 14 ± 7 mg km-1 for heavy-duty vehicles.  相似文献   

Hsu YC  Tsai JH  Chen HW  Lin WY 《Chemosphere》2001,42(3):227-234
Motor vehicle emission factors of carbon monoxide (CO) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) were calculated inside the Chung-Cheng Tunnel of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. The results were compared with those model predictions from the Mobile Taiwan 2.0 model. Individual concentrations of 21 species of NMVOCs were also determined. Photochemical potential of NMVOCs was evaluated by using the maximum incremental reactivity (MIR). Field data showed that the integrated emission factors of CO and NMVOCs for actual fleet were 6.3 and 1.5 g/veh km, respectively. The error range of these factors may be up to 45%. The predicted values by the Mobile Taiwan 2.0 model closely matched the observed data. Concentrations of isopentane, 2-methylpentane, toluene and m,p-xylene were the dominant species of NMVOCs. The ratio of maximum incremental reactivity to NMVOCs concentration was 3.9, similar to those of the studies in the US Fort McHenry and Tuscarora Tunnel.  相似文献   

Particulate matter, including coarse particles (PM2.5–10, aerodynamic diameter of particle between 2.5 and 10 μm) and fine particles (PM2.5, aerodynamic diameter of particle lower than 2.5 μm) and their compositions, including elemental carbon, organic carbon, and 11 water-soluble ionic species, and elements, were measured in a tunnel study. A comparison of the six-hour average of light-duty vehicle (LDV) flow of the two sampling periods showed that the peak hours over the weekend were higher than those on weekdays. However, the flow of heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) on the weekdays was significant higher than that during the weekend in this study. EC and OC content were 49% for PM2.5–10 and 47% for PM2.5 in the tunnel center. EC content was higher than OC content in PM2.5–10, but EC was about 2.3 times OC for PM2.5. Sulfate, nitrate, ammonium were the main species for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. The element contents of Na, Al, Ca, Fe and K were over 0.8 μg m?3 in PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. In addition, the concentrations of S, Ba, Pb, and Zn were higher than 0.1 μg m?3 for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5. The emission factors of PM2.5–10 and PM2.5 were 18 ± 6.5 and 39 ± 11 mg km?1-vehicle, respectively. The emission factors of EC/OC were 3.6/2.7 mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and 15/4.7 mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5 Furthermore, the emission factors of water-soluble ions were 0.028(Mg2+)–0.81(SO42?) and 0.027(NO2?)–0.97(SO42?) mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5, respectively. Elemental emission factors were 0.003(V)–1.6(Fe) and 0.001(Cd)–1.05(Na) mg km?1-vehicle for PM2.5–10 and PM2.5, respectively.  相似文献   

The Turkish Straits, i.e. Istanbul (Bosphorus) and Canakkale (Dardanellen), which connect Black Sea and Aegean Sea, have a continuously increasing maritime traffic. Especially, the maritime traffic on Bosphorus (Istanbul Strait) that connects the continents of Europe and Asia is too complex due to geographical conditions. The maritime traffic in the Turkish Straits includes the ships, which are in use in domestic transport, the transit passing ships with various aims and fishing, sport or strolling ships. In this paper, fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions NOx, CO, CO2, VOC, PM exhausted from ships such as transit vessels, which are passing both Bosphorus and Dardanellen, and passenger ships used in domestic transport on the Bosphorus are calculated. In order to do this the general characteristics, the main engine systems, the fuel types, cruising times and speeds of all vessels are taken into consideration. The calculated NOx emissions on the Bosphorus are 2720 t from domestic passenger ships and 4357 t from transit ships. In this case it is clear that the transit ships cause more than half of the total amount of emissions from ships on the Bosphorus. The amount of nitrogen oxide emissions from domestic passenger ships used for public transport in Istanbul Strait is equal to approx. 4% of nitrogen oxide emissions from motor vehicles in Istanbul. Finally, the future emissions from ships in Turkish Straits are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical speciation of the 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated to the particulate matter of conventional diesel fuel, rapeseed methyl esters, waste cooking oil methyl esters, waste cooking oil ethyl esters and their conventional fuel blends has been carried out. The speciation of these individual compounds was made by a combination of thermal extraction, solid phase micro-extraction and GC/MS analysis. This PAH speciation method was applied to a real samples obtained from a diesel engine under two different operating modes, urban and extraurban modes. The purpose of this work was to study the relationship between the amount, type and carcinogenic potency of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in engine emissions and the multi-component biodiesel fuel composition.  相似文献   

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