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Fifty-two soil samples in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant (CFPP) in Figueira (Brazil) were analyzed. The radionuclide concentration for the uranium and thorium series in soils ranged from <9 to 282 Bq kg(-1). The range of 40K concentration in soils varied from <59 to 412 Bq kg(-1). The CFPP (10 MWe) has been operating for 35 years and caused a small increment in natural radionuclide concentration in the surroundings. This technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (TENR) was mainly due to the uranium series (234Th, 226Ra and 210Pb) and was observable within the first kilometer from the power plant. The CFPP influence was only observed in the 0-25 cm soil horizon. The soil properties prevent the radionuclides of the 238U-series from reaching deeper soil profiles. The same behavior was observed for 40K as well. No influence was observed for 232Th, which was found in low concentrations in the coal.  相似文献   

In this paper the radiological impact from the airborne routine discharges of a modern coal-fired power plant at Langerlo (Belgium) is evaluated. Therefore, the natural radioactivity contents of the coal and the fly-ash discharged were measured. With a bi-Gaussian plume model the maximum annual values of the 226Ra concentration in the air (4.5 nBq/m3) and of the total deposition (1.5 mBq/m2) were calculated. The transfer of the radionuclides from air and soil to the biospheric media, exposing man, were modelled and the annual, individual, effective dose to the critical group, after an assumed life span of the power plant of 70 years, was evaluated at 0.05 microSv/y. This is several orders of magnitude lower than the annual doses for most power plants reported in the literature. The flue gas purification system, extended with a denitrification unit and a desulphurisation unit, was found to be the basis for this low impact.  相似文献   

A Markov chain model with two states is used for investigating the space and time structure of the concentration field around an elevated continuous source. The concentration field is computed with a time-dependent Gaussian puff dispersion model run with observed meteorological data as input. Spatial distributions of transition probability, Besson persistence coefficient and order of Markov chain are presented for tritium routinely released from a nuclear power plant located about 100 miles east of Bucharest, Romania.  相似文献   

The radioactive waste (RAW) storage site at Andreeva Bay in the Russian Northwest has experienced radioactive contamination both as a result of activities carried out at the site and due to incidents that have occurred there in the past such as accidental releases of radioactive materials. The site is an interesting case study for decommissioning due to the extremely large amounts of radioactivity present at the site and the conditions under which it is stored; very little has been previously published in the scientific literature about this site. This paper complements the paper describing dose rates at Andreeva Bay which is published in this issue of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity by the same authors. This study presents new data related to the activity concentrations of (137)Cs and (90)Sr in surface soils and measurements of alpha- and beta-particle fluxes taken at different areas around the site. Limited data on 60Co is also presented. The results of the study indicate that the main areas of site contamination are associated with the former spent nuclear fuel storage facility at Building 5, due to accidental discharges which began in 1982. Substantial contamination is also observed at the solid radioactive waste storage facilities, probably due to the ingress of water into these facilities. More than 240 samples were measured: maximum contamination levels were 1 x 10(6)Bq/kg (137)Cs (mean value 4.1 x 10(5)Bq/kg) and 4 x 10(6)Bq/kg (90)Sr (mean value 1.2 x1 0(5)Bq/kg). Localised patches of alpha and beta contamination were also observed throughout the site.  相似文献   

A radiological impact assessment was carried out at the 4000 MW Nanticoke Thermal Generating Station on the north shore of Lake Erie and at an ash disposal site in Metropolitan Toronto, both operated by Ontario Hydro. Analyses were performed on feed coal, fly ash and bottom ash and on samples of air filters, precipitation, water, soil and vegetation in the vicinity of the generating station. The measured radionuclide levels in the vicinity of the generating station showed no evidence of enhancement from station emissions. There were no indications that leaching of radionuclides or emanation of radon gas from ash disposal sites would be a problem. There was evidence, however, of higher radionuclide concentrations on the finer ash particles. Furthermore, the use of fly ash in building materials could lead to enhanced radiation levels. Atmospheric dispersion and radiation dose calculations were also carried out. Predicted concentrations in air were all less than 1% of background values. The committed dose equivalent from one year of operation was estimated to be 0·27 μSv at the site boundary and 0·11 μSv at 10 km east of the site.  相似文献   

Specific ecogenetic features of plants and parameters of seed progeny have been studied in Melandrium album cenopopulations from test plots established along the radioactive contamination gradient in the zone of the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), where absorbed radiation doses in buffer and impact plots exceeded the background level by factors of 2–18 and 330–418, respectively. It has been shown that interannual variation in parameters characterizing the viability of seed progeny largely depends on fluctuations of weather conditions. This dependence is more distinct in cenopopulations from the EURT than in control samples, which is indicative of interaction between radiation and other relevant ecological factors. The radioresistance of seed progeny is contingent on its viability, being independent of radiation load at the sites of maternal plant growth. Hermaphrodite plants occur only in irradiated M. album cenopopulations. This character is inherited: all F 1 descendants of such plants grown in a vegetation experiment had hermaphrodite flowers. The mutability of seed progeny formed in the EURT zone exceeds the background level. The occurrence and frequencies of recorded anomalies has proved to vary by years and, therefore, can be interpreted as nonheritable modifications.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon variations in the atmospheric CO(2) with attenuating amplitudes and decreasing mean values with typical maxima in summer and minima in winter have been observed since 1967 in two localities of Slovakia, in Bratislava and Zlkovce, situated about 60 km NE from Bratislava, only 5 km from the Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The (14)C record in Bratislava has been influenced mainly by fossil CO(2) emissions, in contrast to the Zlkovce record which has been more variable, as it has clearly been affected by operation of the Bohunice NPP. However, during specific meteorological conditions with NE transport of air masses to Bratislava, the effect of the Bohunice NPP has been visible in Bratislava as well. Maximum (14)C concentrations (up to 120% above a natural background) were observed around A1 NPP which used CO(2) with admixture of air as a cooling agent. The (14)C concentrations around four pressurized light water reactors were up to 30% above the background. The Delta(14)C values in the heavily polluted atmosphere of Bratislava were up to 10% and at Zlkovce up to 5% lower than the European clean air represented by the Jungfraujoch Delta(14)C data. Later the Delta(14)C values were similar at both sites, and from 2003 they were close to the European clean air levels. The observed Delta(14)C behaviour in the atmosphere provides a unique evidence of decreased fossil fuel CO(2) emissions in the region, as well as the long-term effect of the Bohunice NPP on the Bratislava and Zlkovce stations. The estimated annual radiation doses to the local public due to digestion of radiocarbon contaminated food have been estimated to be around 3 microSv.  相似文献   

The results of long-term studies (1985–2006) on the state of planktonic communities and their capacity for accumulation of radioactive contaminants in the cooling reservoir of the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) have been summarized. The changes in the population density and biomass of planktonic organisms have been estimated in different water areas of the Beloyarsk Reservoir. The levels of radionuclide accumulation by phyto- and zooplankton in the reservoir and technological channels of the BNPP have been determined. The contributions of two nuclear power enterprises (the BNPP and the Institute of Reactor Materials) to the accumulation of radionuclides by planktonic organisms have been evaluated. The rates of radionuclide accumulation by phyto- and zooplankton have been estimated and compared with those of other components of the aquatic biocenosis.  相似文献   

A 6-month soil column experiment was conducted to compare the upward migration and plant uptake of radiochlorine and radioiodine from shallow, near-surface contaminated water tables. Both fixed and fluctuating water tables were studied. After 6 months, (36)Cl activity concentrations were relatively uniform throughout the soil profile apart from an accumulation at the soil surface, which was especially marked under a fluctuating water table scenario. In contrast, (125)I (a surrogate for (129)I) tended to accumulate at the boundary between the anoxic conditions at the base of the column and the oxic conditions above, due to its redox-dependent sorption behaviour. The uptake of (36)Cl by perennial ryegrass was much greater than that of (125)I due to its greater migration into the rooting zone and its ready availability in soil solution. In the context of radioactive waste disposal, where these radionuclides may potentially be released into groundwater, (36)Cl would be expected to present a greater potential for contamination of the biosphere than (129)I.  相似文献   

RTP "ATOMFLOT" is a civilian nuclear icebreaker base located on the Kola Bay of northwest Russia. The objectives of this study were to determine the distributions of man-made radionuclides in the marine environment adjacent to the base, to explain the form of the distributions in sediments and to derive information concerning the fate of radionuclides discharged from ATOMFLOT. Mean activity concentrations (d.w.) for surface sediment, of 63 Bq kg(-1 137Cs, 5.8 Bq kg(-1) 90Sr and 0.45 Bq kg(-1 239,240)Pu were measured. Filtered seawater activity levels were in the range of 3--6.9 Bq m(-3) 137Cs, 2.0-11.2 Bq m(-3) 90Sr, and 16-40 m Bq m(-3), 239,240Pu. Short-lived radionuclides were present at sediment depths in excess of 10cm indicating a high degree of sediment mixing. Correlations of radionuclide activity concentrations with grain-size appear to be absent; instead, the presence of relatively contaminated sediment appears to be related to the existence of radioactive particles.  相似文献   

This short paper describes a number of investigations carried out to ensure preparedness for crises involving radioactivity to catering operations and private households in Finland. The specific recommendations for catering kitchens during crises were published in 1994. A study to determine the level of adherence to these recommendations is summarised here, together with its findings and subsequent recommendations. Another study on the pre-planning of crisis menus is described. New challenges for the catering kitchens are touched upon. A crisis food preparation booklet for households is described and based on consumers' attitudes suggestions are made for how this can be improved in the future.  相似文献   

As a result of isotopic dilution, the availability to plants of radioisotopes introduced into the soil solution should be directly related to the size of the isotopically exchangeable pool (E(t))-value). This work was undertaken to test this hypothesis for the radionuclide 63Ni. The demonstration was based on pot experiments conducted with seven soils representing a large range of Ni content (from 9.9 mg kg(-1) to 862.6 mg kg(-1)) which were mixed with a 63NiCl2 solution (100 kBq kg(-1)). Three plant species varying in Ni uptake, Triticum aestivum (wheat), Trifolium pratense (clover), and the Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale, were grown for 90 d, and their total Ni and 63Ni content determined at harvest. In parallel, the isotopically exchangeable kinetics method (IEK) was run on each soil sample to measure the E(t)-value. Results showed that plant uptake of radioactive nickel was negatively correlated with the E(t)-value with wheat and clover as a result of the dilution of 63Ni added in the isotopically exchangeable pool of soil Ni (alpha=5%); correlation was positive with the A. murale (alpha=10%). Hence, this provides a new approach for the assessment of soil-to-plant transfer of 63Ni at larger scale avoiding the carrying out of time consuming experiments.  相似文献   

The genetic consequences of radioactive contamination by the fallout to agricultural crops after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986 have been studied. In the first, acute, period of this accident, when the absorbed dose was primarily due to external beta- and gamma-irradiation, the radiation injury of agricultural crops, according to the basic cytogenetic tests, resembled the effect produced by acute gamma-irradiation at comparable doses. The yield of cytogenetic damage in leaf meristem of plants grown in the 10-km zone of the ChNPP in 1987-1989 (the period of chronic, lower level radiation exposure) was shown to be enhanced and dependent on the level of radioactive contamination. The rate of decline with time in cytogenetic damage induced by chronic exposure lagged considerably behind that of the radiation exposure. Analysis of genetic variability in three sequential generations of rye and wheat revealed increased cytogenetic damage in plants exposed to chronic irradiation during the 2nd and 3rd years.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the reconstruction of time-dependent radioactive contamination fields in the territory of Ukraine in the initial period of the Chernobyl accident using the model of atmospheric transport LEDI (Lagrangian-Eulerian DIffusion model). The modelling results were compared with available 137Cs air and ground contamination measurement data. The 137Cs atmospheric transport over the territory of Ukraine was simulated during the first 12 days after the accident (from 26 April to 7 May 1986) using real aerological information and rain measurement network data. The detailed scenario of the release from the accidental unit of the Chernobyl nuclear plant has been built (including time-dependent radioactivity release intensity and time-varied height of the release). The calculations have enabled to explain the main features of spatial and temporal variations of radioactive contamination fields over the territory of Ukraine on the regional scale, including the formation of the major large-scale spots of radioactive contamination caused by dry and wet deposition.  相似文献   

Results are presented for 137Cs, 90Sr and plutonium activity concentrations in more than 20 samples of terrestrial invertebrates, including species of beetles, ants, spiders and millipedes, collected in the highly contaminated area of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The majority of samples were collected in Belarus, with some also collected in the Ukraine. Three other samples were collected in an area of lower contamination. Results show that seven samples exceed an activity concentration of 100 kBq/kg (ash weight - a.w.) for 137Cs. The maximum activity concentration for this isotope was 1.52 ± 0.08 MBq/kg (a.w.) determined in ants (Formica cynerea). Seven results for 90Sr exceeded 100 kBq/kg (a.w.), mostly for millipedes. Relatively high plutonium activity concentrations were found in some ants and earth-boring dung beetles. Analyses of activity ratios showed differences in transfer of radionuclides between species. To reveal the correlation structure of the multivariate data set, the Partial Least-Squares method (PLS) was used. Results of the PLS model suggest that high radiocesium activity concentrations in animal bodies can be expected mainly for relatively small creatures living on the litter surface. In contrast, high strontium activity concentrations can be expected for creatures which conduct their lives within litter, having mixed trophic habits and a moderate lifespan. No clear conclusions could be made for plutonium.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of 137Cs have been determined in vegetation-soil cores obtained from 30 different locations around two underground nuclear explosion sites--"Crystal" (event year - 1974) and "Kraton-3" (event year - 1978) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia. In 2001-2002, background levels of 137Cs surface contamination densities on control forest plots varied from 0.73 to 0.97 kBq m(-2) with an average of 0.84+/-0.10 kBq m(-2) and a median of 0.82 kBq m(-2). 137Cs ground contamination densities at the "Crystal" site ranged from 1.3 to 64 kBq m(-2); the activity gradually decreased with distance from the borehole. For "Kraton-3", residual surface contamination density of radiocaesium varied drastically from 1.7 to 6900 kBq m(-2); maximal 137Cs depositions were found at a "decontaminated" plot. At all forest plots, radiocaesium activity decreased throughout the whole vertical soil profile. Vertical distributions of 137Cs in soil for the majority of the plots sampled (n=18) can be described using a simple exponential function. Despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed since the main fallout events, more than 80% of the total deposited activity was found in the first 5 cm of the vegetation-soil cores from most of the forested landscapes. The low annual temperatures, clay-rich soil type with neutral pH, and presence of thick lichen-moss carpet are the factors which may hinder 137Cs transport down the soil profile.  相似文献   

Both the farm-specific and regional costs of clean feeding as a countermeasure to reduce ingestion of contaminated grass when there is insufficient supply of other types of roughage were estimated for dairy farming in Finland in the first year after contamination. The cost estimation considered expenditures and revenues associated with milk production and were calculated using farm models developed for economic planning. A hypothetical contamination scenario was designed using RODOS models for atmospheric dispersion and transfer in terrestrial food chains. Costs for intervention after two similar hypothetical atmospheric dispersion and deposition scenarios in early June and in July were estimated. As a reference, the cost of complete replacement of fodder throughout the area was also calculated. Feed substitution costs were higher in June than in July, due to the availability of some harvested silage in the later scenario. In the first case, the additional costs of clean feeding amounted to one-fifth of the normal production costs. Effective advisory/support services, available to farmers, can substantially improve the implementation of countermeasures. However, high costs and insufficient sources of clean feed would restrict the use of clean feeding as the sole countermeasure after serious contamination during the growing season.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the radiological impact of non-nuclear industries that extract and/or process ores and minerals containing naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). These industrial activities may result in significant radioactive contamination of (by-) products, wastes and plant installations. In this study, scale samples were collected from a decommissioned phosphoric acid processing plant. To determine the nature and concentration of NORM retained in pipe-work and associated process plant, four main areas of the site were investigated: (1) the 'Green Acid Plant', where crude acid was concentrated; (2) the green acid storage tanks; (3) the Purified White Acid (PWA) plant, where inorganic impurities were removed; and (4) the solid waste, disposed of on-site as landfill. The scale samples predominantly comprise the following: fluorides (e.g. ralstonite); calcium sulphate (e.g. gypsum); and an assemblage of mixed fluorides and phosphates (e.g. iron fluoride hydrate, calcium phosphate), respectively. The radioactive inventory is dominated by 238U and its decay chain products, and significant fractionation along the series occurs. Compared to the feedstock ore, elevated concentrations (< or =8.8 Bq/g) of 238U were found to be retained in installations where the process stream was rich in fluorides and phosphates. In addition, enriched levels (< or =11 Bq/g) of 226Ra were found in association with precipitates of calcium sulphate. Water extraction tests indicate that many of the scales and waste contain significantly soluble materials and readily release radioactivity into solution.  相似文献   

Parameters regarding fate of 63Ni in the soil–plant system (soil: solution distribution coefficient, Kd and soil plant concentration ratio, CR) are mostly determined in controlled pot experiments or from simple models involving a limited set of soil parameters. However, as migration of pollutants in soil is strongly linked to the water migration, variation of soil structure in the field and seasonal variation of evapotranspiration will affect these two parameters. The aim of this work was to explore to what extent the downward transfer of 63Ni and its uptake by plants from surface-contaminated undisturbed soil cores under cultivation can be explained by isotopic dilution of this radionuclide in the pool of stable Ni of soils. Undisturbed soil cores (50 cm × 50 cm) were sampled from a brown rendzina (Rendzic Leptosol), a colluvial brown soil (Fluvic Cambisol) and an acidic brown soil (Dystric Cambisol) using PVC lysimeter tubes (three lysimeters sampled per soil type). Each core was equipped with a leachate collector. Cores were placed in a greenhouse and maize (DEA, Pioneer®) was sown. After 44 days, an irrigation was simulated at the core surfaces to supply 10 000 Bq 63NiCl2. Maize was harvested 135 days after 63Ni input and radioactivity determined in both vegetal and water samples. Effective uptake of 63Ni by maize was calculated for leaves and kernels. Water drainage and leaching of 63Ni were monitored over the course of the experiment. Values of Kd in surface soil samples were calculated from measured parameters of isotopic exchange kinetics. Results confirmed that 63Ni was strongly retained at the soil surface. Prediction of the 63Ni downward transfer could not be reliably assessed using the Kd values, since the soil structure, which controls local water fluxes, also affected both water and Ni transport. In terms of 63Ni plant uptake, the effective uptake in undisturbed soil cores is controlled by isotope dilution as previously shown at the pot experiment scale.  相似文献   

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