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林涛  傅威  安娜  周琪 《环境科学学报》2012,32(5):1247-1252
将污染物所含热值定义为污水的能量势,并根据能量势的变化与污水厂能耗的比值,定义了一种全新的污水厂能耗评价指标——能量流(Energy Flow,EF).能量流没有量纲,表示污水厂能耗作用于污染物处理效果上的能源利用效率.通过能量流和比能耗这2种方法对交互式反应器中试系统在改良A2O工艺下运行情况分别进行能耗评价发现:单位污染物比能耗与能量流呈很强的负相关性;处理水量是EF的主要影响因素之一,EF将随处理水量的增加而提高;能量流是一个从能量角度进行评价的的综合指标,其意义相当于一个由多个比能耗(各类去除物质)组成的评价指标体系.因此EF评价可以更清晰地反映污水厂能量利用效率,应替代比能耗作为污水厂运营的辅助参考依据.目前,能量流评价尚不完善,在其内涵中纳入反硝化过程以及除磷等相关生化反应将成为下一步的研究重点.  相似文献   

对北京市2009-2011年垃圾渗滤液处理中电能消耗进行研究,通过对现行几种渗滤液处理技术的对比和现场调查,采用逐层分析法,将电能消耗从处理设施上分为三大层次:单元-工艺-场站.结果表明,2009-2011年北京市各垃圾处理场处理渗滤液的耗电量基本不变.对于同一场站来说,生化处理单元的电能消耗一般高于其他3个单元,反渗透单元的电能消耗高于纳滤单元.填埋场和粪便消纳站中垃圾总量与渗滤液产量有很好的线性关系,且单位垃圾产生的渗滤液量为:消纳站>填埋场;填埋场和粪便消纳站中渗滤液产量与电能消耗也有很好的线性关系,且单位渗滤液耗电量为:填埋场>消纳站.北京市垃圾渗滤液处理全过程中节水潜力约为165.94万t·a-1(近3年北京市垃圾处理年度中水回用量均值为31.22万1·a-1),粪便消纳站存在最大节水潜力,填埋场次之,分别占总节水潜力的89.58%、6.69%.粪便消纳站单位垃圾的节水量最高,平均值为0.02575 t·t-1.  相似文献   

沈万霞  张博  丁宁  王薛超  卢强  王成 《环境科学学报》2017,37(11):4409-4417
基于中国本地化的环境负荷数据,建立了电动汽车全生命周期模型,深入分析和评估了电动汽车生产和运行两个阶段的能耗及温室气体排放(Greenhouse gases,GHGs).结果表明:电动汽车生产和运行过程的总能耗为474 GJ;GHGs为40500 kg(以CO2当量计),电动汽车生产和运行过程的GHGs分别占总排放量的23.5%和76.5%.对于电动汽车生产过程能耗和GHGs而言,原材料生产均为主要贡献者,GHGs占到车辆生产过程的74.6%,占生命周期的17.5%.另外,情景分析表明,再生材料应用、单位电力GHGs和百公里电耗能够在很大程度上影响电动汽车的碳排放.再生金属替代原生金属后,从情景1到情景5,车辆生产的GHGs下降了约22.2%,车辆生产和运行过程的总GHGs下降了约4.7%;单位电力GHGs每下降1%,电动汽车运行GHGs下降0.9%;电动汽车百公里电耗每下降1.0%,车辆生产和运行过程总GHGs下降约1.0%.因此,发展清洁能源、降低火力发电比例、优化原材料生产工艺、提高再生原材料用量等,是有效降低电动汽车全生命周期过程总能耗和GHGs的重要途径.  相似文献   

使用一种新方法-多余度分析(RDA),检查了是否挪威西部奈于斯特流域酸化的化学复原在大型底栖动物群落结构中产生了可测的复原.RDA结果与基于使用高度专门化和区域化界定的生物酸度指数测得的变化的复原测量值作了比较.我们发现,在1989~1998年期间,奈于斯特流域生物复原即开始出现.复原是在奈于斯特河上游及其各支流发生的.多变量方法已证明是酸度指数方法的一种补充,将两者结合使用能够得到大量的生物信息.RDA方法是一种保守的方法,即不会过高地估计生物复原,而且不像酸度指数,从地理上来说不会受到约束.我们还发现,一些季节性气候因素强烈地影响着底栖生物群落,可能引起对生物复原过程检测的混淆.  相似文献   

Testing the Norwegian phosphorus index at the field and subcatchment scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simple risk assessment tools for agricultural phosphorus (P) losses, like the P index, have been developed in the U.S.A. and in some European countries. Despite its popularity, there have been surprisingly few studies, which try to test the index close to the field scale. For Norway, the P index approach comprises the risk related to both the source of P (soil P status, amount of fertilizer and manure as well as method of application, plant P release by freezing and P balance) and the risk related to transport of P (erosion, flooding, surface runoff, contributing distance, modified connectivity, soil profile, subsurface drainage). In this paper, we have applied the Norwegian P index to farmer fields within a small agricultural catchment, the Skuterud catchment (450 ha), in southeastern Norway. The Norwegian P index was tested for two agricultural fields (0.3–0.4 ha) and nine subcatchments (6–65 ha). Total P concentrations in runoff from the 11 study areas were measured during the year from May 2001 to April 2002. Results from the testing showed that the Norwegian P index described 66% of the variation in measured relative total P concentration for fields and subcatchments included in this study. Additionally, the P index was able to detect fields and subcatchments with the highest measured P concentrations. Results also showed that the source factor contributed most to the variation between fields and hence were important for the identification of high-risk areas in Skuterud catchment. It was found that the soil P status described 66% of the variation in the source factor. Among the transport variables, it was found that both erosion risk and contributing distance had an important influence on the transport factor. Overall, the study illustrated the potential of the P index to detect areas with the highest risk of P loss.  相似文献   

随着我国海上风电的快速发展,对其资源环境成本进行系统核算对于全面评价海上风电的节能减排潜力具有重要意义.本研究采用混合生命周期评价方法,对我国第一个海上风电场—上海东海大桥海上风电场(二期)的能耗和温室气体排放进行核算,并将核算结果与典型陆上风电场和其它类型的可再生能源进行比较.结果表明:该海上风电项目全生命周期发电能耗为0.51 MJ·k Wh~(-1),相应的温室气体排放量为26.47g·k Wh~(-1)(以CO_2当量计);在设备制造与运输、建设施工、运行维护、回收处置4个阶段中,设备生产与运输阶段在能耗和温室气体排放的占比最大,分别贡献了能耗的91.23%和温室气体排放量的60.48%;横向比较发现,海上风电场单位发电量的能耗和温室气体排放均高于陆上风电项目,但与光伏、生物质、地热等可再生能源发电项目相比,海上风电项目全生命周期能耗和温室气体排放依然具有一定优势.  相似文献   

能源强度研究中能源价格影响的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田立新  刘晶 《自然资源学报》2010,25(9):1519-1524
利用索罗生产函数模型,构造出能源价格与能源强度的关系。并分别使用了全国和江苏省1990—2008年时间序列数据,计量分析研究了能源相对价格对于能源强度的影响作用。将含时间参量的技术进步作为一个整体单独的参数来考虑,结果表明,最近几年来,全国和江苏省能源强度下降很明显,但总能源相对价格的上升对于能源强度降低的作用并不明显,电力相对价格的上升对于能源强度的下降有着一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

The foundation for the creation of eco-efficiency metrics for industrial impacts on biodiversity is considered. Because biodiversity is the essence of life itself, these metrics are essential for effectiveness in the theory and practice of eco-efficiency, particularly in the case of primary natural resource extraction industries such as fishing and forestry. The case of fishing is examined, with particular attention to by-catch, lost nets, and habitat damage caused by mobile fishing gears. It is appropriate to examine fishing because industrial era impacts on marine biodiversity have been severe and are driving large and deleterious changes in marine ecosystems. For discarded by-catch, it is proposed that an eco-efficient metric for the value per unit mass of discarded fish can be set to be equivalent to that of the market value of the utilized catch. In estimating the eco-efficient value of the catch, the value of the discarded fish is then subtracted from the market value of the catch. Fish killed in lost nets can be treated similarly. It is more difficult to address marine habitat damage by mobile fishing gear, which has the highest potential for ecological injury.By using the approach proposed, negative eco-efficiencies are obtained under circumstances in which the collateral damage to biodiversity exceeds the economic benefit obtained. This is a logical outcome given the long-term effects of biodiversity decline. A metric is also proposed for assessing whether avoidance of harm to biodiversity, in the form of switching fishing gear, is required. Lastly it is proposed that metrics might be developed to provide eco-efficiency credit for companies taking effective actions to improve, or actively participate in, ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

The uncertainties in the Norwegian emission inventory data for SO2, NOx, NH3 and non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) have been estimated based on expert judgements of uncertainties in input data and stochastic simulations. The SO2 inventory is uncertain by about 4%, the NOx inventory by about 12% and the NMVOC and NH3 inventories by about 20%. Several possible systematic errors were identified; the SO2 inventory is most likely overestimated, while the NH3 and NMVOC inventories can be underestimated. Domestic shipping (for SO2 and NOx), crude oil loading (for NMVOC) and manure (for NH3) are the sources that are most important for the overall uncertainty. These findings indicate that the inventory methodologies can be improved, leading to changes in the whole time series (recalculations). The robustness of emission obligations formulated as emission ceilings and percentage reductions have been compared with respect to uncertainties in input data. The formulation of obligations as emission ceilings is not very robust for any methodological improvements influencing the end year estimates. Relatively, small changes in the emission estimates can mean that obligations apparently are met without measures or that obligations hardly can be met at all. Obligations formulated as percentage reductions are on the other hand more robust, except when recalculations unequally affect the base and end year.  相似文献   

挪威湖泊沉积物中的微量元素污染   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
我们用挪威210个湖泊表层沉积物和工业化前沉积物中锑、汞、铋、镉、钼、砷、钴、镍、铬、铜、钒、铅和锌的浓度,研究了它们的近代大气沉积物.水表层沉积物中锑、汞、铋、镉、砷、铅的浓度比工业化前的沉积物高得多.差异随纬度和海拔的增高而缩小.对表层沉积物微量元素和主要成分(有机物、硅、铝、铁和锰)的多变量分析表明:锑、汞、铋、砷和铅组成一组,它们与有机物紧密相关.镍、铬和铜与无机沉积物部分(硅、铝)有微弱的相关而形成第二组.锌和镉与有机物微弱相关构成第三组.钴和锰相关,而钼和钒对其他微量元素和主要成分没有表现出明显的共变性.  相似文献   

人类正面临着严重的石油短缺,因此正在努力减少化石燃料的使用以抑制温室气体排放所造成的全球变暖趋势。在此紧要关头,风能、太阳能、生物燃料等可替代能源就显示出了重要性。由于目前西欧正逐渐成为世界上人口最稠密的地区之一,这使得西欧在推行替代能源的过程中面临  相似文献   

This article explores how science and policy interact using the Norwegian Red List 2006 as a case example. The paper draws on concepts from the sociology of science, interviews with key informants, as well as analysis of a Norwegian newspaper debate about a controversial conservation issue.The paper highlights how the relationship between science and policy can best be described as an interaction rather than simply a transmission of knowledge from one to the other. In addition, the study focuses on the active construction and communication of the science–policy relationship. Regulators, scientists and NGOs, it is argued, strategically define the relationship between science and policy as more straightforward than it really is.The paper suggests that the shaping, simplification and communication of scientific knowledge is best understood as a social process that occurs in three stages, which may overlap to varying degrees. The shaping of scientific knowledge for policy occurs first within the scientific domain. The shaping, we suggest, is the result of both the broader institutional context and a more specific micro-level social context, but it is also the outcome of requirements inherent in the genre of science communication. In the second stage, regulators and actors in the public debate redefine and simplify scientific knowledge to make it better suited to the policy arena. In the final stage, scientists, regulators and NGOs actively seek to define science as objectively true, and independent of the policy arena. By doing so, they are able to strengthen their arguments, regardless of their position on particular issues. But they also contribute to shrouding the social nature of scientific production.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府从20世纪30年代开始制定能源监管立法。依据集中程度和立法主题,美国能源监管立法可分为电力管控、核能监管、能源安全、放松管制等4个发展时期。根据现行美国能源立法.美国能源管理体制分为联邦和州两个层次。在联邦层次,对能源进行监管的部门有美国能源部、联邦能源监管委员会、核能监管署、环境保护署、国会内政部等。其中,能源部主要负责能源发展和安全的大政方针的制定,联邦能源监管委员会的使命在于通过管制和市场的手段执行能源立法及能源政策。在州层次,一般由州能源委员会、州公用事业委员会以及州环保局负责州的能源监管。  相似文献   

本文以仙女河污水处理厂近年来为节能降耗所做的几项改造项目为例,阐述了污水处理厂将设备改造与节能降耗的有机结合,证明可以在确保出水水质达标的前提下做到合理低成本运行.  相似文献   

<正>能源是人类生活的必需品。但作为主要能源的化石燃料,不仅是造成地球温暖化的主要原因,而且储量也很有限。另外,随着新兴国的发展,能源的消耗量今后还将进一步增加。因此,要想解决能源问题,不能仅仅依靠陆地,人类还应该对从未  相似文献   

全世界各国政府、科学家和民众正在另辟蹊径,在应对资源能源危机方面积累了许多成功经验,许多成熟做法对中国很有借鉴意义。美国主动走上节能路。早在2005年8月初,美国前总统布什签署了一份新的能源法案。这份长达1724页的法案,首  相似文献   

Global marine capture fisheries are undergoing serious stress, with overfishing as one of the major problems. In order to mitigate the overexploitation of capture fisheries, government regulation or fisheries management is necessary. Among various management approaches, vessel quantity control is being widely employed. To achieve effective governance of fisheries, the technical efficiency (TE) issue needs to be considered in the implementation of vessel quantity control. Using the Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) stick-held dip net fishery in Japan as a case study, this paper estimated the TE of sampled fishing vessels and explored the possible factors affecting the gap in efficiency. This paper aims to provide suggestions for a better implementation of vessel quantity control in global Pacific saury fishery, and also to serve as an empirical example of integrating TE analysis into management of overexploited fisheries for achieving satisfactory effects. Results show the TE score of the sampled fishery averaged around 0.7 from 2009 to 2014, and factors concerning owners/skippers’ motivation such as vessel ownership and specialization, vessel tonnage as well as skippers’ age show positive effects on the TE. Our findings in the present work provide important strategies for mitigating overexploitation in fisheries. Conducting technical efficiency analysis of targeted fisheries is a vital issue to be considered for designing and realizing an effective implementation of fisheries management approaches. The large vessels and the enthusiasm of vessel owners/skippers need to be particularly addressed when vessel quantity limit is considered to mitigate the problem of overfishing.  相似文献   

潘骞  邬安 《世界环境》2003,(6):17-20
赫图安(Tor Chr.Hildan)大使似乎与本杂志有缘,在他刚刚接到出任驻华大使任书的同时.也接到了本刊通过挪威驻华使馆文化专员梅园梅(Rigmor Kristin Johnsen)女士转达的采访邀请.他欣然接受了本刊的采访邀请,原意把本刊作为他来华后首先接受采访的媒体.并希望能为《世界环境》提供支持。  相似文献   

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