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再生资源产业的可持续发展关系到经济和社会的进步,应当给予重视和关注。就寻找再生资源与环境保护契合点,系统开展综合利用事业,注重高科技和人才战略,以及积极开展国际合作等方面,提出一些观点和建议。  相似文献   

论述了循环经济法制化发展的重要意义.以再生水为例,指出我国再生资源产业化发展潜力巨大,大力发展再生资源产业,对发展我国循环经济,建设循环型社会具有重要意义.  相似文献   

再生资源产业的快速发展产生了巨大的人才需求,资源循环专业也随之在高等院校中建立起来。如何实现专业人才供需的有机对接,有力地促进再生资源产业的现代化发展,成为亟需解决的难题。分析了再生资源产业发展的现状以及专业人才需求,以及院校资源循环专业人才培养的现状与问题,对促进再生资源产业人才供需对接提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

废纸回收企业的竞争和国家再生资源税收政策的实施,对我国废纸回收行业影响很大,分析了产业环境的变化对废纸行业的影响,以及废纸回收行业面临的困境,被提出废纸回收行业走出困境的做法和建设。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for the planning of integrated recycling concepts taking into account the peculiarities of process engineering in the process industries. Process models for certain unit operations simulated with a flowsheeting program allow to calculate mass and energy balances considering the technical characteristics and performance of a single process or a combined process chain. Based on principles of thermodynamics, this approach allows an assessment of integrated recycling strategies considering techno-economic as well as ecological criteria. The approach is illustrated with an example from the iron and steel making industry where the injection of plastic waste into a blast furnace is investigated.  相似文献   

天津滨海新区再生资源产业以废弃物流通、加工利用为主营内容,具有补链特征与技术先进性,主要为滨海新区提供生产性服务。为了适应滨海新区发展所提出的要求,再生资源产业应不断提高资源供给能力,扩展服务对象,提高资源流通和集散能力,并挖掘向再制造产业延伸的潜力。建议尽快制定滨海新区再生资源产业发展规划和实施指导方案,实行优先采购制度,并鼓励再生资源企业参与社会回收体系的建立,完善再生资源产业运输和物流系统,不断提高产业的升级能力。  相似文献   

The increase in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) recycling may attribute to two factors: one is diffusion effect through households' adoption of MSW recycling (an innovative service offered and provided by the government); the other is organizational learning effect due to the reformation of MSW management system (the MSW recycling service provider). The diffusion effect takes place across households through the exchange of information while learning effect occurs through employee's accumulated experience in MSW recycling and the consequent innovation in associated with institutional change within the service provider. In this paper, we develop three models, including (1) the diffusion effect model, (2) the organizational learning effect model, and (3) the interaction model to explain the performance of MSW recycling. Using Taiwan's recyclable waste collected, we show that (1) the diffusion effect and learning effect have significantly impacts on MSW recycling, (2) environmental policy has a significant impact on environmental diffusion and organizational learning, and leads to the accelerating performance of MSW recycling, (3) the interaction of diffusion and organizational learning have a positive impact on MSW recycling performance.  相似文献   

作为国民经济中较为新兴的产业,再生资源产业的界定及其构成还未达成完全一致的理解。在明确再生资源的定义及其分类的基础上,着重探讨再生资源产业的内涵及其与相关产业的关联,提出再生资源产业政策的制定,需要注意与相关产业政策之间相协调。  相似文献   

再生资源产业发展中市场机制的缺陷和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再生资源市场发展是再生资源产业发展的关键,但再生资源市场机制存在着一些缺陷,这些缺陷制约着再生资源市场的发展。政府应当针对再生资源市场的缺陷采取一定的对策,发挥杠杆作用,提高市场效率,但不应当支配市场主体的行为。政策的影响往往不会与政策设计的预期完全一致,在干预市场时依据一定的原则可以最大程度地减少不利影响,提高政策的积极作用。  相似文献   

围绕新近出台的《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》,借鉴欧盟等国家对废旧物资的管理理念和具体措施,探讨了我国废旧电器电子产品的界定及管理制度建设,提出建设社区试点网络管理体系、建立由市场主导的生产者责任延伸体系等建议。  相似文献   

本文在《资源环境承载能力监测预警技术方法(试行)》的基础上,结合渔业资源的特有属性和东山湾的实际情况,探讨并优化完善了东山湾渔业资源承载力评价技术指标体系和方法。根据2016年春季(4月)和秋季(11月)东山湾游泳动物和鱼卵、仔稚鱼调查资料,结合2012~2013年的调查数据进行综合评估,结果表明东山湾渔业资源承载状况已临界超载。针对目前东山湾渔业资源承载现状,提出了进一步加强渔业资源监测调查、生态环境保护和监督管理等预警措施,旨为东山湾渔业资源可持续利用提供理论依据,为进一步推进海洋资源承载力评估业务化和其他海湾的渔业资源承载力评价提供借鉴和技术支持。  相似文献   

在分析我国原镁工业整体形势的基础上,就我国皮江法炼镁的技术现状与国外先进硅热法炼镁技术进行了比较,指出我国原镁工业发展循环经济的潜力所在。根据我国主要镁产区资源及其相关产业特点,提出对皮江法炼镁工艺进行改造和革新,以原镁企业为核心,联合上下游企业,构筑生态工业园以及建立促进原镁工业循环经济发展的配套政策体系为对策,构建我国原镁工业发展循环经济的基本思路,以促进其节能减排,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

In this study, the application of modern recycling technologies in accordance with the European and Cyprus legislation, aiming at the recovery of paper, glass, plastics, aluminium and non-ferrous metals from municipal solid waste (MSW) is presented. The international situation was reviewed, the general trends are marked and the main recycling practices treatments are reported. The paper presents also an overview of the current practices and their environmental implications in Cyprus, and discusses the design and feasibility of a recycling plant located in Pafos area. Three recycling practices for recyclables that were separated at source, varied by their level of automation (0%, 50%, 100%), have been studied from the technical and economic aspect. It was considered that source segregation of organic part from the MSW takes place and no organic matter reaches the recycling plant. A sensitivity analysis was carried out in order to define the most significant parameters affecting the viability of a recycling scheme. It is proved that a fully automated recycling plant with a capacity of 6 tn/h of recyclables located in the industrial area of Pafos, seems to be conditionally feasible and economically profitable solution.  相似文献   

Two treatment options, i.e. energy recovery and mechanical recycling of plastic wastes from discarded TV sets, were compared in the context of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. An estimate for the environmental burden of each option was calculated as the sum of the depletion of abiotic resources (ADP), the global warming potential (GWP), the acidification potential (AP), the photo-oxidant formation potential (POCP), the eutrophication potential (EP), and the human toxicity potential (HTP). After calculating the environmental burden of each treatment option, a sensitivity analysis was conducted. The ultimate aim was to indicate which parameters of the system have the strongest influence on the results of the LCA in order to find ways for lowering the environmental burden, and ultimately suggest a “design strategy” for TV sets.The main finding of this study was that mechanical recycling of plastics is more attractive treatment option in environmental terms than incineration for energy recovery, which generates a larger environmental burden. Finally, based on the results of sensitivity analysis, a “design strategy” was suggested, i.e. reducing the number of plastic types being used in the manufacturing process of TVs – preferably excluding the PVC.  相似文献   

为研究数智化生产线的木质建材碳排放特征,为减碳策略提供底层数据支撑,对某数智化工厂生产的地板、木门和门套进行了基于生命周期评价的碳排放核算,其单位质量碳足迹分别为1.21,1.26和0.47kgCO2e/kg,地板和木门的碳排放强度均高于同类产品.材料和制造过程是木质建材产品的主要碳排放来源,分别占产品总碳排的54.74%~77.47%和18.57%~38.94%;运输阶段和废气处理阶段碳排放之和均低于碳排放总量的9%.基于蒙特卡洛模拟的不确定性分析表明本研究结果具有较高精准度.数智化工厂未来可考虑从甄选低碳原材料、优化产品设计、提升设备能源效率、扩大清洁能源比例等方面进一步提升.  相似文献   

石油化工企业环境风险评价的方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
首次提出并采用安全检查表与层次分析相结合的石油化工企业环境风险评价方法,对我国运转中的一套丙烯腈系列装置进行系统风险评价和健康风险评价,建立了丙烯腈系列装置安全风险评价层次结构体系,开发了风险评价事故数据库软件。通过评价找出事故隐患,发现氰氢酸是导致职工慢性中毒的主要因素。评价结果表明,事故记录的准确性和事故档案保存的完好性对于评价至关重要。  相似文献   

上海淀山湖水环境容量评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
淀山湖是上海市重要的饮用水源保护区和生态涵养区.近10年来水质富营养化程度急剧增加,藻类水华频发,对上海饮用水源地水质安全构成了巨大威胁.为水污染控制和水质改善提供科学依据,利用已有评估模型评估了不同水质目标情景下淀山湖对COD、TN 和TP的最大容量,结果表明,在保持现状水质条件下,COD、TN和TP的环境容量分别为47213,8337.7,476.3t/a;水质控制目标为II类时,其环境容量分别为46325,1191.1,59.5t/a;水质目标为III类时,环境容量分别为68547,2382.2,119.1t/a.为IV类水质目标时,TN、TP的环境容量分别为3573.3,238.2t/a.  相似文献   

The semiconductor industry plays a leading role in supporting economic stabilization and social progress in Taiwan. In this paper, Eco-indicator 95 and Impact 2002+ are utilized to evaluate the potential environmental impacts from five production processes of the double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR SDRAM). The comparisons between these two impact methods and their scopes are also discussed.From our results, global warming potential and non-renewable energy consumption were identified as the major environmental impacts. Applications of Eco-indicator 95 and IMPACT 2002+ also suggest that summer smog and respiratory inorganics are significant impact categories. The comparison of the scopes of these two methods identifies that low GWP potential PFCs substitution and electricity saving are effective ways to decrease environmental impacts of DRAM manufacturing. In addition, IMPACT 2002+ is a more applicable LCA method for the semiconductor industry in Taiwan due to the structure and reference area of this method and the characteristics of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan.  相似文献   

为了研究农药行业污染场地典型挥发性有机物(VOCs)的释放能力,选取3个典型退役农药企业作为研究对象,采用顶空微萃取和GC-MS法检测了污染场地中典型的VOCs种类,分别采用静态箱法、动态箱法和顶空法评价了场地土壤的VOCs释放能力.结果表明,所有采样点位共识别出215种VOCs,根据出现频率和VOCs特性从中筛选出了...  相似文献   

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