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The aim of this article is to analyse the challenges and opportunities in applying a sector specific negotiated agreement for promoting waste prevention and material efficiency in Finnish industry. The study was conducted mainly through structured interviews targeted at the main stakeholders. By using an existing agreement on energy efficiency as the initial model, a concept for a material efficiency agreement was developed in an iterative process by balancing the expectations and doubts expressed in the stakeholders' views.As a result, the proposed concept represents a platform of dialog between the relevant Ministries and industrial organisations for setting sector specific targets for material efficiency, waste recycling and waste prevention. The targets could also include some qualitative issues concerning material efficiency in the value chain and cover several actors in the life cycle of targeted industrial products. A vision of the interaction between the negotiated agreement and other policy instruments is presented.  相似文献   

汤李琛  陈宓  张巍 《中国环境科学》2022,42(10):4939-4945
本研究基于垃圾车、分类投放点、回收服务点、垃圾中转站4类硬件投入要素,以上海市垃圾分类政策实施效果作为研究对象,利用数据包络DEA分析方法,针对2020年1月~2021年6月上海市强制性垃圾分类具体的实施效果逐月展开分析和评测.结果表明,条例颁布后,上海市生活垃圾分类总体实施成效较为良好,综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率平均值分别为0.957、0.993、0.963,均处于相对有效状态,但部分月份存在投入冗余及产出不足情况,仍有很大的进步空间.建议将投入要素均衡地作用到可回收物、干垃圾、湿垃圾以及有害垃圾的城市生活垃圾处理方面,进而提升上海市可回收物、干垃圾、湿垃圾以及有害垃圾的处理水平,提高政策实施效率.  相似文献   

通过分析国内外垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气净化系统的现状,基于燃煤电站和垃圾焚烧发电厂烟气物性之间的相似性及燃煤电站超低排放系统的先进性,提出了分别以循环流化床法脱硫和高效协同型湿法脱硫技术为核心的垃圾焚烧烟气超低排放改造可行技术路线,并分析了2种技术路线的初投资和运行成本.结果表明:2种技术路线的初投资相当,约为1.37万元/t,但以湿法脱硫为核心的技术运行费用较高,日运行成本约为16.46元/t;采用环保电价补贴政策时,2种烟气超低排放技术路线超过政策发电量部分的发电收入分别可以在3a和7a内弥补超低排放改造及运行带来的资金支出.  相似文献   

近年来,建筑垃圾的产生量剧增,对社会环境的影响也越加严重。因此,从全国建筑垃圾的现状出发,分析了其对环境和社会的影响,提出了采取综合利用、深入技术研究和建立与完善法律政策等措施的防治对策。  相似文献   

To gather data on the resource efficiency of the chemical sector, a questionnaire was sent to the chemical companies in the Northern Ostrobothnia region of Finland. Resource use optimisation was investigated by analysing measures and attitudes toward waste prevention. The survey revealed that legislation is the main driver for change in the chemical industry. The analysis showed a clear lack of monitoring practice as well as a lack of understanding of major concepts, such as that of the nature of waste. Process optimisation to reduce raw material losses and energy consumption is a key utilised practice. Practices aimed at water usage reduction are rarely employed. Lack of information, regulative restrictions set on waste materials and lack of human resources are barriers to waste reduction practice. Improving information, education and training of employees in waste issues and increasing environmental awareness are essential for companies in the Chemical Industry in Northern Ostrobothnia to move toward resource use optimisation.  相似文献   

牛坤玉  申宇哲  刘静  宋蕊 《自然资源学报》2022,37(10):2601-2616
中国食物浪费问题严重,对粮食安全及资源环境构成重大挑战。新出台的《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》开启了食物系统节流战略的顶层设计,而具体可操作的落地机制亟待探寻。研究通过政策归纳总结、趋势统计、对比分析等方法,参考日本官方网站发布的第一手资料,从法律演进、政策目标、机构职能、监测体系、国民行动等方面梳理了日本减少食物浪费的做法。研究指出:日本通过扩大生产者责任、制定食物系统节流目标、构建食物损失监测和核算体系、开展多部门协作,形成了较为完善的反食物浪费政策保障体系。基于日本经验的启示,凝练出中国未来反食物损失和浪费的政策路径与对策:食物安全理念应由增产导向转为开源、节流双向发力;增强法律的针对性和约束性;开展跨部门协作机制,全环节减少粮食浪费;构建食物损失和浪费监测核算体系,分行业分对象设计节流目标。  相似文献   

以“无废城市”试点之一的绍兴市为对象,选取诸暨市、上虞区、柯桥区、新昌县4个发展差异较大的区域,通过层次分析法评估区域分类成效,并基于“史密斯”政策执行模型剖析各区域分类工作均衡推进的政策执行制约因素,最终提出相应对策.研究发现分类工作成效上虞>诸暨>柯桥>新昌;针对政策可执行性、目标群体理解度,政策执行准确度以及经济政治环境制约因素,提出完善分类政策、提升执行效率、激发群众分类意识、经济政策协同等对策以构建“四流畅通”管理模式,促“无废城市”全域均衡推进.  相似文献   

Construction utilization of foamed waste glass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Foamed waste glass (FWG) material is newly developed for the purpose to utilize the waste glassware and other waste glass. FWG has a multi-porous structure that consists of continuous or discontinuous voids. Hence lightweight but considerable stiffness can be achieved. In the present study, the manufacture and engineering properties of FWG are introduced first. Then, the utilizations of FWG are investigated in laboratory tests and field tests. Some case studies on design and construction work are also reported here. Through these studies we know that the discontinuous void material can be utilized as a lightweight fill material, ground improvement material and lightweight aggregate for concrete. On the other hand, the continuous void material can be used as water holding material for the areenina of around slope and rooftop, and as clarification material for water.  相似文献   

随着我国经济持续快速发展,各种生产资源需求日益旺盛,在优惠政策的支持下,国外固体废物原料不断进入我国市场,一定程度上弥补了我国生产资源的不足,促进了循环经济的发展。但进口固体废物原料必须符合我国法律规定。我国对固体废物进口的管理非常严格,进口固体废物的管理需要海关、环保、工商、检验检疫等多个部门的密切合作。实际当中,对某些进口物品的固体废物属性需要通过专门的鉴别才能确认,结合一个进口“铅矿砂”的实例,对该物品的固体废物属性进行探讨,提出物品固体废物属性鉴别的基本流程。  相似文献   

Environmental policies based on the extended producer responsibility (EPR) concept have been adopted in various countries, and the EU, as a strategy to promote product redesign and to reduce the amount and toxicity of solid waste. This paper describes the development and implementation of an EPR-inspired policy in Brazil to deal with tyre waste, and analyses its constraints. It is argued that the experience was an attempt to use an institutional solution to overcome structural problems. The findings provide a basis for recommending that governments pay attention to the potential constraints upon the effective implementation of foreign policy solutions before these are imported.  相似文献   

Hedonic research indicates that residential property values are reduced by increased proximity to hazardous waste sites, a measure of diminished environmental quality. Standard hedonic procedures measure proximity by the linear distance between a property and a waste site of interest. A sample of properties is then used to estimate a distance-to-site coefficient that measures the effect of the hazardous waste site on surrounding property values. These estimates can help policy makers assess the external effects of hazardous waste sites and may also be useful in both prioritizing and assessing the benefits of cleanup. In an urban situation, hazardous waste sites are often located near other industrial disamenities such as railroads, storage tanks, industrial noises, and air pollution. This spatial grouping of hazards may be due to economic forces or due to policy instruments such as zoning. As a result, distance to hazardous waste site may be correlated with distances to other industrial disamenities. Standard hedonic procedures that use a distance-to-site variable may suffer from omitted variable bias when the bundled industrial disamenities are present but ignored. Our empirical analysis examines this bias by assessing hedonic regressions with and without a measure that accounts for industrial activity.  相似文献   

我国固废填埋场数量多、运行水平低、设施老化快、预期寿命偏短且寿命到期后老化严重.与此相对,固废填埋场寿命相关研究却存在关注度较少、研究方向不明确、研究内容不系统等问题.本文综述了通用工程领域寿命预测的基本概念及其发展历程,分门别类地梳理工程寿命预测的主要研究对象和研究方法;在此基础上,结合固体废物填埋工程和实际特征,系...  相似文献   

废物原料主要是指经初加工再生、边角料、残次品等可以作为再生利用原料的废物。加强进口废物原料管理就显得尤为重要。本文首先分析了进口废物原料管理中存在的问题,其次,就如何加强进口废物原料管理进行了较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

The paper presents a novel cleaner process for metal recovery from the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) waste sludge by assistance of ultrasound. The process can effectively recover heavy metals at low cost with high separation and recovery efficiency, produce high quality products and also achieve zero waste discharge with operation at industrial scale. With the PCB waste sludge containing (wet content) 3.14–4.85% copper and 3.71–4.23% iron, copper recovery efficiency of 95.2–97.5% and iron recovery efficiency of 97.1–98.5% were achieved, while the purity of copper sulfate produced by the process was 98.0% and the produced ferric chloride had a satisfied quality for using as a coagulant material for the plant on-site wastewater treatment. The process had been successfully scaled up to the industrial scaled applications in a heavy metal recovery plant in city of Huizhou, China for more than two years. The novel cleaner heavy metal recovery process has a great prospect on the applications of resources recovery and environmental protection practices.  相似文献   

The life cycle of basic food items was studied in order to discover the reasons for low landfill diversion rates of this material. Management failures at key points of the cycle were identified. Subjects of study were commercialization procedures of fruit and vegetables before consumption, consumption proper and after-consumption disposal procedures for food scraps in the Brazilian context. Before consumption, the rate of lost fruit and vegetables stood at 16 wt.% of the total quantity commercialized. During consumption by residents, the waste rate of food amounted to 9 wt.% of all collected household garbage. In the after-consumption sector of the cycle, biodegradables represented 72 wt.% of all household garbage collected by official means in a typical Brazilian town. The numbers produced clearly identified landfill diversion of biodegradables as a management problem. The authors experimented with original proactive administrative procedures designed to set landfill diversion targets. The occurrence of wasted fruit and vegetables at the wholesaler and retailer levels was identified. Remedies were proposed and tested to reduce this waste by at least 50%. In the after-consumption sector, the notion of divided garbage collection was developed and applied to test communities. It was shown that biodegradables may be collected separately from the rest of household waste. This resulted in a diversion potential of 100% for biodegradables alone and 77 wt.% for all collected household waste. The study produced a formal policy proposal to municipal administrations to avoid the need for tipping of biodegradable material.  相似文献   

北京城市物质代谢的能值分析与生态效率评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张妍  杨志峰 《环境科学学报》2007,27(11):1892-1899
城市如同生命体一样,需要持续不断的代谢过程完成其正常运转.城市可持续发展研究的关键是城市物质代谢流量及其代谢效率研究,但物质代谢流量仅能反映代谢速率,而其生态效率则反映了支持社会经济发展的物质代谢能力.采用能值分析方法,引入"生态效率"概念,构建了城市物质代谢生态效率的度量模型,从代谢流量及其效率2个方面核算了北京市资源环境及经济发展的代谢状况.结果表明:1990~2004年,北京市可利用总能值非常丰富,经济发展程度较高;来自本土可更新自然资源相对匮乏,大部分来源于不可更新资源和系统购买的资源与服务;城市废弃物资源化水平有待提高,环境压力较大;生态效率指数呈现出增加的趋势,2004年生态效率指数比1990年提高了3.6倍,表明城市自组织能力、发展潜力以及再生循环能力不断提高.说明提高城市物质代谢生态效率的根本途径是经济效率、资源效率和环境效率的协同发展,以及逐步构建废物资源化的循环链条.  相似文献   

1IntroductionIthasbeenreportedthatmunicipalsolidwasteincinerationflyash(MSWFA)containsconsiderableamountsofheavymetals(Berg,1...  相似文献   

为综合评估餐厨垃圾厌氧处理的环境影响与效益,对某餐厨垃圾厌氧处理工艺及其技术单元进行生命周期环境影响评价,并建立“碳中和”计算模型预测与验证实际碳排及耗能情况,综合“环境影响-碳排耗能-经济效益-社会效益”对实际案例进行评估.结果表明,沼肥加工和沼气提纯技术单元分别造成39%和59%总环境影响.另外,粗油提炼、沼气提纯以生物基产品回收形式大幅度削减碳排,分别占理论碳削减的9.7%和54.7%.餐厨垃圾处理厂需通过增加系统稳定性、完善气体监测体系、提高技术处理效率和优化设备额外耗能情况等方式,以减少理论与实际碳排能耗偏差.经综合评价,该餐厨垃圾处理厂模式具备实现“负碳”潜力,其工艺推广具有未来前景.  相似文献   

Waste minimization is slowly being adopted in the wine industry, owing to a combination of powerful drivers, which are either internally or externally motivated. However, these waste minimization practices in the wine industry are still carried out in an ad hoc fashion and have proven to be inefficient in many cases. The lack of a systematic methodology of synthesizing and targeting specific waste streams by the industry has been identified as a major cause of failure in realizing the full potential of waste minimization in the wine industry. This paper discusses a systems approach framework based on three fundamental concepts, viz. the identification of waste sources, detailed causative analysis of the wastes, as well as the derivation of feasible waste minimization alternatives based on the qualitative data and information obtained during process flowsheet evaluations. The application of the qualitative waste minimization methodology described in this study, led to the identification of 90 waste minimization strategies. Approximately 48% of the total number of strategies targeting intrinsic and extrinsic wastes falls in the category of process execution and management (operating practices). On the basis of these findings, waste minimization can yield considerable benefits to the wine industry on condition that it is incorporated as an integral part of the entire vinification process.  相似文献   

垃圾处理产业体系的构建应从实际出发,坚持“政府引导,社区组织、企业参与、自产自消、因地制宜、源头控制、资源回收利用”的原则和“物质利用先于能量利用,物质再利用先于物质再生利用”的资源回收利用原则,并按部就班实施。  相似文献   

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