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Integration of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) into coal-fired power stations is seen as a way of significantly reducing the carbon emissions from stationary sources. A large proportion of the estimated cost of CCS is because of the additional energy expended to capture the CO2 and compress it for transport and storage, reducing the energy efficiency of the power plant. This study uses pinch analysis and heat integration to reduce the overall energy penalty and, therefore, the cost of implementing CCS for power plants where the additional heat and power for the CCS plant will be provided by the existing power plant. A combined pinch analysis and linear programming optimisation are applied to determine targets for the energy penalty of existing power plants. Two existing pulverised brown coal power plants with new CCS plants using solvent absorption are used as the basis for the study that show the energy penalty can be reduced by up to 50% by including effective heat integration. The energy penalty can be further reduced by pre-drying the coal.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has recently been receiving increasing recognition in policy debates. Various aspects of possible regulatory frameworks for its implementation are beginning to be discussed in Europe. One of the issues associated with the wide use of CCS is that it requires the establishment of a carbon dioxide (CO2) transport network, which could result in the spatial restructuring of power generation and transmission systems. This poses a significant coordination problem necessitating public planning and regulation. This paper provides a survey over multiple research strands on CCS, particularly energy system modeling and spatial optimization, pertaining to the efficient installment of CCS-related infrastructure throughout Europe. It integrates existing findings and highlights the factors that determine policy coordination needs for a potential wide implementation of CCS in the next decades.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) may become a key technology to limit human-induced global warming, but many uncertainties prevail, including the necessary technological development, costs, legal ramifications, and siting. As such, an important question is the scale of carbon dioxide abatement we require from CCS to meet future climate targets, and whether they appear reasonable. For a number of energy technology and efficiency improvement scenarios, we use a simple climate model to assess the necessary contribution from CCS to ‘fill the gap’ between scenarios’ carbon dioxide emissions levels and the levels needed to meet alternative climate targets. The need for CCS depends on early or delayed action to curb emissions and the characteristics of the assumed energy scenario. To meet a 2.5°C target a large contribution and fast deployment rates for CCS are required. The required deployment rates are much faster than those seen in the deployment of renewable energy technologies as well as nuclear power the last decades, and may not be feasible. This indicates that more contributions are needed from other low-carbon energy technologies and improved energy efficiency, or substitution of coal for gas in the first half of the century. In addition the limited availability of coal and gas by end of the century and resulting limited scope for CCS implies that meeting the 2.5°C target would require significant contributions from one or more of the following options: CCS linked to oil use, biomass energy based CCS (BECCS), and CCS linked to industrial processes.  相似文献   

CO2收集封存战略及其对我国远期减缓CO2排放的潜在作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈文颖  吴宗鑫  王伟中 《环境科学》2007,28(6):1178-1182
碳收集封存(CCS)已被广泛地认为是一种潜在的、可供选择的CO2减排方案,以稳定大气中CO2浓度、减缓气候变化.本文介绍了CCS的3大环节:碳的捕获、运输与储存,对不同捕获技术及其技术经济参数进行分析评价,介绍了不同碳地质储存的机理、潜力与成本, 以及CCS的应用对全球减缓碳排放的作用.更新中国MARKAL模型,加入各种可能的CCS技术,特别是考虑CCS的煤间接液化以及多联产技术,以同时考虑石油安全与CO2减排.通过设置不同的情景,应用中国MARKAL模型研究了CCS对我国远期(到2050年)减缓CO2排放的潜在作用,结果表明,CCS技术的应用不仅可能减少我国的碳排放,降低边际碳减排成本(碳减排率50%时,下降率达45%),减轻高减排率时对核电的高度依赖,还可能使我国更长时间地清洁利用煤炭资源(在C70情景下,2050年煤在一次能源消费中的比例可从10%增到30%).我国应重视对CCS技术的研发以及示范项目的建设.  相似文献   

The study presents the results of an integrated assessment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the power plant sector in Germany, with special emphasis on the competition with renewable energy technologies. Assessment dimensions comprise technical, economic and environmental aspects, long-term scenario analysis, the role of stakeholders and public acceptance and regulatory issues. The results lead to the overall conclusion that there might not necessarily be a need to focus additionally on CCS in the power plant sector. Even in case of ambitious climate protection targets, current energy policy priorities (expansion of renewable energies and combined heat and power plants as well as enhanced energy productivity) result in a limited demand for CCS. In case that the large energy saving potential aimed for can only partly be implemented, the rising gap in CO2 reduction could only be closed by setting up a CCS-maximum strategy. In this case, up to 22% (41 GW) of the totally installed load in 2050 could be based on CCS. Assuming a more realistic scenario variant applying CCS to only 20 GW or lower would not be sufficient to reach the envisaged climate targets in the electricity sector. Furthermore, the growing public opposition against CO2 storage projects appears as a key barrier, supplemented by major uncertainties concerning the estimation of storage potentials, the long-term cost development as well as the environmental burdens which abound when applying a life-cycle approach. However, recently, alternative applications are being increasingly considered?Cthat is the capture of CO2 at industrial point sources and biomass based energy production (electricity, heat and fuels) where assessment studies for exploring the potentials, limits and requirements for commercial use are missing so far. Globally, CCS at power plants might be an important climate protection technology: coal-consuming countries such as China and India are increasingly moving centre stage into the debate. Here, similar investigations on the development and the integration of both, CCS and renewable energies, into the individual energy system structures of such countries would be reasonable.  相似文献   

Technological and regulatory responses to large-scale environmental threats, such as depletion of the natural resources and climate change, tend to focus on one issue at time. Emerging carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies that are in different stages of development offer a case that demonstrates this dilemma. This article approximates the implications of two emerging CCS applications on existing steel mill’s CO2 emissions and its use of material resources. The evaluated applications are based on the mineralization method and the comparative case represents two versions of a geological CCS method. The results of the evaluation indicate that if technical bottleneck issues related to CO2 sequestration with mineralization can be solved, it can be possible to achieve a similar CO2 reduction performance with mineralization-based CCS applications as with more conventional CCS applications. If the CO2 capturing potential of mineralization-based applications could be taken into use, it could also enable the significant improvement of material efficiency of industrial operations. Urgent problem hampering the development of mineralization-based CCS applications is that the policy regimes related to CCS especially in the European Union (EU) do not recognize mineralization as a CCS method. Article suggests that the focus in the future evaluations and in policy should not be directed only on CO2 sequestration capacity of CCS applications. Similarly important is to consider their implications on material efficiency. Article also outlines modifications to the EU’s CCS policy in terms of the formal terminology.  相似文献   

文章阐述了国内外秸秆发电现状,并单独突出了江苏省秸秆发电情况。分析了秸秆发电过程中产生污染物的控制技术;通过秸秆与煤炭对比研究,同时结合国内秸秆电厂运行情况,对技术改造前后污染物排放情况作了对比分析,阐明了秸秆发电的环保性能,结果显示,CO2、SO2、烟尘、灰渣减排量可观。最后结合国内秸秆发电厂运行现状不乐观的情况,总结了秸秆发电实际运行中存在成本偏高、核心技术不成熟、灰渣利用等问题。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide capture and permanent storage (CCS) is one of the most frequently discussed technologies with the potential to mitigate climate change. The natural target for CCS has been the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil energy sources. However, CCS has also been suggested in combination with biomass during recent years. Given that the impact on the earth's radiative balance is the same whether CO2 emissions of a fossil or a biomass origin are captured and stored away from the atmosphere, we argue that an equal reward should be given for the CCS, independent of the origin of the CO2. The guidelines that provide assistance for the national greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting under the Kyoto Protocol have not considered CCS from biomass (biotic CCS) and it appears that it is not possible to receive emission credits for biotic CCS under the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, i.e., 2008–2012. We argue that it would be unwise to exclude this GHG mitigation alternative from the competition with other GHG mitigation options. We also propose a feasible approach as to how emission credits for biotic CCS could be included within a future accounting framework.  相似文献   

电力行业是我国最大的碳排放部门,碳排放量占全国碳排放总量的40%以上;同时,电力将是未来10年能源增长的主体,而这些新增用电与国计民生直接相关,属于刚性需求,是支撑我国经济转型升级和未来居民生活水平提高的重要保障. 电力行业未来新增需求压力巨大,其碳排放峰值及达峰速度将直接决定2030年前全国碳排放达峰目标能否实现. 统筹考虑社会经济发展、各部门用电需求、电源结构调整、发电标准煤耗变化等因素,采用基于情景分析的方法,开展电力行业碳排放趋势预测,识别碳减排的主要驱动因素,提出推动碳排放达峰的关键举措,为制定碳达峰目标背景下的电力行业碳排放控制路径提供参考. 结果表明:①通过积极措施,电力行业碳排放能够在2030年左右达峰,在不考虑热电联产供热碳排放时,于2028—2031年达峰,峰值为43.2×108~44.9×108 t,较2020年增加3.2×108~4.9×108 t;考虑热电联产供热碳排放,则达峰时间为2031—2033年,峰值为50.7×108~53.0×108 t,较2020年增加4.9×108~7.2×108 t. ②在电源结构不变的情况下,如到2030年降低2%左右的电力需求,达峰时间将提前4年左右. ③提速风光新能源发展是实现2030年前碳达峰的必然选择,到2030年,提高风光发电、核电、水电、生物质、气电发电装机容量及发电量、节能降耗措施等各项措施的减排贡献率分别为55.3%、10.6%、9.2%、7.6%、5.7%、11.5%. 研究显示,未来我国电力行业碳减排工作重点要聚焦于优化电源结构、推动形成绿色生产生活方式、提升用电效率、降低煤电机组能耗水平等方面.   相似文献   


In China, the power industry contributes significantly to carbon emissions, reducing carbon emissions in this industry is conducive to China's adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Researches on green and low-carbon power have attracted increasing attention. In this paper, we analyze and compare the carbon emissions from thermal power sector in 30 Chinese provinces, divided into three main regions. Based on the panel data over the period 2002–2016, we use a slacks-based measurement (SBM) model to measure the carbon emission efficiency of China’s power sector. The results show that the carbon emission efficiency of the system is relatively low, with marked differences among regions. Based on the Moran’s I, we further found spatial heterogeneity in carbon emission efficiency of provincial power sector. Policies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change should have regional differences. Interregional collaboration also plays a key role in adapting to and mitigating climate change. For China, it is an important issue to develop clean coal-fired power generation and vigorously develop renewable energy. From a global perspective, energy transformation needs to be continuously promoted. Promoting low-carbon transformation of global energy system requires deep technical cooperation and synergy. Global mitigation strategy should focus on the orientation of structural reform and constantly optimize the energy structure.


生活垃圾焚烧发电,利用垃圾焚烧处理的余热发电,在节约能源的同时,也减少了二氧化碳的排放。本文中结合某垃圾焚烧发电无害化处理工程,依据CDM方法学AM0025对该项目的碳减排量进行了计算,结果表明,10a该项目共减少二氧化碳排放量477560t,给我国带来了可观的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

在确保减排效率的前提下,以全国碳市场中的发电企业为研究对象,以实现碳市场经济剩余最大化为目标,构建政府和双寡头企业的两阶段动态博弈模型,研究分级累进处罚机制对大型和小型企业发电量、利润的影响,以及在实行分级累进处罚机制的碳市场中经济剩余的实现.算例结果表明:随着罚款系数的增加,违约企业是大型发电企业时,总发电量、企业总利润和经济剩余大幅减少7.47%、15.34%、5.88%;违约企业是小型发电企业时,总发电量小幅减少1.43%,企业总利润小幅减少3.39%或上升0.03%,经济剩余小幅上升0.13%;大型违约企业未参与碳交易时,企业总利润大幅减少16.35%,参与碳交易时,企业总利润小幅减少15.34%;小型违约企业未参与碳交易时,企业总利润大幅减少3.39%,参与碳交易时,企业总利润小幅上升0.03%,分级累进处罚机制能够有效的遏制企业的违约行为.因此,在设计发电行业处罚机制时,应加大处罚力度;设置分级累进处罚机制,分别根据企业规模和碳市场参与度进行分级和累进,并建立有效的监管制度.  相似文献   

为探寻我国低成本碳达峰、碳中和路径,以我国主要耗煤产业、电力、供热、交通以及森林碳汇量为研究对象,构建基于低成本碳达峰、碳中和路径的多目标模型.以成本最小、二氧化碳排放量最少以及大气污染物排放量最少为模型的多目标,以我国2030年前碳达峰以及2060年前碳中和为研究目标设置相应约束条件,并设置产业需求、电力需求、供暖需求、交通需求、各行业新能源比例、污染物控制等约束条件,其中产业考虑煤炭消耗量较大的钢铁、化工、建材以及其他行业,电力考虑火电、核电、风电、太阳能.此外,模型除考虑森林碳汇外,还考虑了碳捕获与封存(CCS)作为实现碳达峰、碳中和的技术手段.结果表明:①我国碳达峰、碳中和实现的可行性较高,2030年及2060年的时间节点设定科学,碳达峰当年的各行业成本约为17.54×1012元,代表行业碳达峰、碳中和时的二氧化碳排放量分别为68.63×108和34.50×108 t.②以钢铁、化工、建材等为代表的工业转型可行性较低,且对于碳达峰、碳中和目标实现的贡献较小;电力、供热以及交通转型可行性较高,且对碳达峰、碳中和目标实现的贡献较大,电力二氧化碳排放量占比在2030年与2060年将分别达72.86%和43.34%.③煤电装机容量将在规划期内持续减少,需取消部分已规划的煤电项目并改造和提前淘汰部分已有煤电设备;相对风力发电与太阳能发电装机容量持续增加,二者装机容量总和于2030年达12×108 kW,于2060年达24×108 kW.④CCS将为碳达峰、碳中和目标实现提供助力.研究显示,未来我国碳减排工作将重点聚焦于电力系统,其次为供热与交通,建议根据行业特征制定不同省份、不同经济圈的绿色发展模式.   相似文献   

碳捕集与封存(CCS)技术已被广泛地认为是一种潜力巨大、可供选择的CO2减排手段。据预测,其减排贡献将从2020年占总减排量的3%上升至2030年的10%,并在2050年将达到20%左右,成为CO2减排份额最大的单项技术。本文介绍了CCS的主要技术环节(捕集、运输、封存)、封存地类型和目前国际上开展的主要CCS示范项目及发展趋势。同时特别探讨了海底封存CO2的可行性、封存潜力以及我国在海底封存CO2方面的研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a promising technology for reducing carbon emissions, but the public is often reluctant to support it. To understand why public support is lacking, it is crucial to establish what citizens think about the arguments that are used by proponents and opponents of CCS. We determined the persuasiveness, importance and novelty of 32 arguments for and against CCS using a discrete choice experiment in which respondents made consecutive choices between pairs of pro or con arguments. We used latent class models to identify population segments with different preferences. The results show that citizens find arguments about climate protection, which is the primary goal of CCS, less persuasive than other arguments, such as normative arguments (for example ‘a waste product such as CO2 should be disposed of properly’) or arguments about benefits of CCS for energy production and economic growth. This discrepancy complicates communication that aims to convince citizens of the benefits of CCS for climate protection.  相似文献   

Like many conservation organizations and federal and state agencies, The Nature Conservancy is in the process of large-scale planning and prioritization efforts. To improve the efficiency of these planning efforts, the Conservancy has developed a methodology for these efforts. The results of these planning efforts will be a conservation blueprint which identifies the conservation areas necessary for conserving biodiversity and a subset of those areas where the Conservancy will focus its immediate efforts over the next 10 years. The subset of all the conservation areas identified in the planning process help The Nature Conservancy determine where it will work. This subset of areas (referred to as action sites) is selected using a tool which ranks key criteria for each conservation area. These criteria include the current conservation status of each area, complementarity to other areas selected, the diversity and viability of targets at the area, the urgency and degree of threats to the targets, the feasibility or opportunity to abate the threats at the area and the leverage potential of working at a conservation area. Taken together, these criteria help planners to select the areas where they will focus their conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The delay or cancellation of energy infrastructure projects, such as wind farms and nuclear power plants and more recently carbon capture and storage (CCS) because of community resistance and poor public participation processes are well known. Yet, some communities accept these projects with relative ease. The term acceptance implies passivity and as such does not necessarily reflect community approval or support. If acceptance is passive, what are the characteristics of a community in which the acceptance of CCS is achieved with relative ease; and what best-practice public participation processes are most appropriate for it? This paper attempts to answer these questions through a case study of Australia's Otway Project. Qualitative research methods were used to conduct a human and social capital analysis of the Otway community. An assessment of the project's public participation process was made in light of that analysis. The study found that the community needed capacity-building to enable it to become well-informed about CCS; and to help it develop the negotiation skills necessary to have the proponent address its concerns about the project in a timely manner. An assessment of the Otway public participation process found that while it implemented the majority of best practice principles in public participation, it lacked an adherence to three: transparency, fairness and capacity. A mindfulness of all principles of best practice in public participation would have ensured a fairer and more transparent process.  相似文献   

浅议C02地质封存的潜在风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着气候的不断变暖,全球开始寻找减缓气候变暖的技术及措施,在所有减排技术中,CCS技术贡献达20%以上。CCS技术虽是有效减排CO2和提高石油、天然气等能源采收率的技术手段,但目前该技术尚处于发展阶段,还存在一些潜在的风险问题,捕集、运输、封存三个环节都存在CO2泄露的风险,泄露将污染地下水、影响动植物甚至人类,还有可能诱发地震等。主要研究了CCS技术的地质封存环节C02泄露存在的潜在风险,分析了地质封存的CO2泄漏的方式及危害,并提出了可采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

考虑能源结构和气候因素的电动汽车温室气体影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任梦磊  杨斌  李珺 《环境科学学报》2019,39(7):2434-2441
电动汽车因在使用过程中近似零排放而被认为是节约能源和减少碳排量的有力工具.但我国的电力结构是以火力发电为主,这会使电力在生产阶段排放大量的二氧化碳.为进一步研究电动汽车的环境友好性,本文构建了一种改进的电动汽车排放指数模型,使用2017年的电网统计数据及气候统计数据,就能源结构和气候这两个关键因素对我国31个省市分区域展开实证研究.结果表明,电动汽车对温室气体产生的影响存在明显的空间变化,且其与能源结构中火力发电占比密切相关.另外,对于全年温度变化范围较宽的省市,气候因素可能是使电动汽车和燃油车的碳排量达到排放平衡点的关键因素.基于此,扩大电力结构中清洁能源使用比例、改善电池性能、完善相关政策体制是促进今后我国电动汽车清洁、低碳发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

The potential for CO2 emission reductions through carbon capture and storage (CCS) is depending on investments that can bring the technology from the current R&D through to commercial applications. The intermediate step in this development is demonstration plants that can prove the technical, economic, social, and ecological feasibility of CCS technologies. Based on a CCS stakeholder questionnaire survey and a literature review, we critically analyse discrepancies regarding perceptions of deployment obstacles and experiences from early demonstration plants. The analysis identifies discrepancies between CCS policies versus important deployment considerations and CCS stakeholder policy demands. The discrepancy gap is emphasised by lessons from restructured, postponed, and cancelled CCS projects. To bridge this cognitive gap towards proving CCS through demonstration activities, the article highlights policy implications of establishing a broad understanding of deployment obstacles. Attention to these obstacles is important for policymakers and industry in channelling efforts to demonstrating CCS, hence validating the current focus on CCS as a key abatement potential. Under present conditions, the findings question the robustness of current CCS abatement potential estimates and deployment goals as established by policymakers and in scenarios.  相似文献   

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