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大气排污交易政策在我国的试点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在分析国内外近年来环境管理思想及策略发展的基础上,以实例说明了大气排污交易政策在我国实施的重要意义及强大的生命力。大气排污交易由泡泡政策、补偿政策、净得政策、排污量存储政策组成。现阶段我国实施大气排污交易政策主要在同一厂区"以新带老"、排污补偿及可用购买盈余排污量来达到排放标准三方面进行。文章还论述了排污交易量、排污交易费用确定的原则及管理办法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse under what conditions, with respect to CO2 emission-reduction and biofuels-for-transport targets, the trading in the EU of CO2 credits and solid and/or liquid biofuels is cost-effective from the perspective of an optimisation energy systems model. We use the PEEP model covering the EU27 (except Bulgaria, Malta, and Cyprus) to generate insights about the cost-effectiveness of different options under different policy scenarios. Trade in CO2 credits is a cost-effective option, in all relevant policy scenarios. Trade in some biofuels (mainly from central and eastern European countries to the EU15) is cost-effective in all assessed scenarios. In the case of CO2 targets (whether national or at the EU level) there is trade in solid biofuels. When biofuels-for-transport targets are also implemented, trading both solid and liquid biofuels is cost-effective.  相似文献   

从绿色贸易壁垒谈中国农产品贸易的对策思路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文运用环境经济学的理论和方法 ,分析了 WTO中的绿色贸易壁垒从质量、成本、营销三个方面对中国农产品贸易产生的影响以及中国目前农产品贸易的形式 ,提出中国在入世后农产品贸易全球化发展中所应采取的对策和建议  相似文献   

The Sustainable Consumption and Production policy is a key objective in the renewed European Union (EU) Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). EU countries implement the targets of Sustainable Consumption and Production policy at different a level. Nevertheless, SDS targets are concerned more with production than consumption side. In addition, analysis of the carbon footprint data, which was supplied by the Global Footprint Network, showed that in all EU countries consumption-based carbon footprint caught-up and exceeded the level of production-based carbon (except Denmark and Estonia) during 1993–2010 period. The significant absolute decoupling in terms of carbon footprint from production-based perspective was observed in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Slovakia, Poland, United Kingdom and Germany, meanwhile from consumption-based perspective only in Denmark, Estonia and Germany. Moreover in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Croatia the consumption-based carbon footprint grew faster than economy in general. Results imply that EU should put more focus on consumption side in terms of Sustainable Consumption and Production policy and measures taken. A commitment to reduce the environmental impact from consumption-based perspective should be more addressed covering values and lifestyles.  相似文献   

Finland is a forested country with a large export oriented forest industry. In addition to domestic forest extraction, roundwood is imported, thus displacing the environmental impacts of harvests. In this paper, we analyse the international carbon flows of forest industries in Finland from a consumption-based perspective. Quantitative analyses are available on trade embedded emissions of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion, and here we address in a similar way the impact of trade on the carbon budget of the forest products sector in Finland. Carbon flows through the forest industry system increased substantially between 1991 and 2005. We show that the annual carbon balance related to forests and forest industry system in Finland functioned as a sink in 1991, whereas in 2005 the system was a sink on a national level, but not on a global level. Through calculating the carbon content in traded forest industry products and emissions embodied in forest industry activities, we further show that the direct impacts of the forest industry in Finland are only a minor fraction of the total CO2 emissions related to Finnish production. Nearly all of the emissions were caused due to production of exports. Yet, direct carbon dioxide emissions of the industrial production are reported to Finland in the production based inventories.  相似文献   

In the EU-FP7 project APPRAISAL the current practice for integrated assessment modelling (IAM) of air quality in the EU was reviewed, limitations were identified and guidance for improvements was provided. In this article we present the guidance proposed by APPRAISAL. This guidance takes into account that a single IAM solution does not exist but that the different elements of the IAM methodology can be addressed in more or less detail taking into account the available data, the regional/local specificities, the financial resources and the actual purpose of the assessment.  相似文献   

Forest harvest policies and regulations in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States have changed considerably across all land ownerships over the last 25 years, primarily in response to concerns over threatened and endangered species. For example, in July 2001, Washington State adopted new forest practice rules for private ownerships, which were aimed primarily at improving habitat for aquatic and riparian species. Before adopting the new rules, an environmental impact assessment was conducted in which three alternatives were considered in detail for their contributions to riparian habitat. Implications for upland species were not considered, although riparian protection has the potential to make contributions to habitat for obligate late-seral species.Effects of the three management alternatives were projected on private lands 200 years into the future, holding constant current practices on other lands managed for timber (federal, tribal, and state). The resulting distribution of late-seral forest across the Western Olympic Peninsula was compared. Simulations predicted that late-seral forest would cover between 39 and 48% of the landscape, well above the 8% that it currently occupies. Five to 21% of this late-seral forest would be on private lands (compared to <1% currently), and 71–85% on public lands (compared to 91% currently). Landscape pattern analysis indicated that the total amount of late-seral forest was significantly different among the three scenarios. However, there was no discernible difference in interior forest area, edge density, and mean distance between patches between a “no-action” alternative and the alternative that was ultimately adopted into rule. The most protective alternative had significantly more interior forest area and greater mean distance between patches, but it also had significantly higher edge density as a result of the linear nature of the riparian reserves and small patches of steep, unstable slopes. Our analysis framework will be useful for evaluating the effects of alternative management scenarios on landscape pattern across broad geographic areas with complex ownership.  相似文献   

挑选与中国农产品贸易额较大且具有代表性的10个国家,构建包含资源环境要素的虚拟水投入产出模型,计算农产品贸易隐含虚拟水的转移情况.进而以国际贸易理论为基础构建了以虚拟水净进口量为被解释变量的贸易引力模型,重点探究了包括自由贸易协定和关税在内的各因素对虚拟水转移的影响.结果表明,中国的农业用水效率虽然在逐年提高,但与农业发达国家相比仍有较大差距;中国通过农产品国际贸易实现了对大部分国家虚拟水的贸易逆差;土地资源、劳动力数量、农业生产效率等方面的比较优势以及是否签订自由贸易协定、关税水平等变量是农产品贸易虚拟水流动的显著影响因素.中国通过进一步发展和壮大农产品国际贸易可以有效缓解国内水资源压力,因此应当在提高自身农业比较优势的同时,加快发展对外贸易关系,并充分发挥自由贸易协定在农产品国际贸易中的关键作用.  相似文献   

We used the interdisciplinary model network REGFLUD to predict the actual mean nitrate concentration in percolation water at the scale of the Weser river basin (Germany) using an area differentiated (100 m × 100 m) approach.REGFLUD combines the agro-economic model RAUMIS for estimating nitrogen surpluses and the hydrological models GROWA/DENUZ for assessing the nitrate leaching from the soil.For areas showing predicted nitrate concentrations in percolation water above the European Union (EU) groundwater quality standard of 50 mg NO 3 -N/L,effective agri-environmental reduction measures need to be derived and implemented to improve groundwater and surface water quality by 2015.The effects of already implemented agricultural policy are quantified by a baseline scenario projecting the N-surpluses from agricultural sector to 2015.The REGFLUD model is used to estimate the effects of this scenario concerning groundwater and surface water pollution by nitrate.From the results of the model analysis the needs for additional measures can be derived in terms of required additional N-surplus reduction and in terms of regional prioritization of measures.Research work will therefore directly support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union in the Weser basin.  相似文献   

中国工业产品国际贸易的污染足迹分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
从“污染足迹”的概念出发,利用官方统计数据和投入产出分析方法,分析了中国各工业部门的污染状况,核算了1994~2001年间中国工业产品国际贸易的污染成本和收益.结果表明,中国工业产品出口的污染密度要小于进口的污染密度;1999~2001年中国虽然存在工业产品贸易顺差,实际上却向国外转移了污染足迹;化学工业的净进口帮助中国转移了最多的污染足迹,污染足迹的流入主要来自纺织业和机械工业的净出口.  相似文献   

We used the interdisciplinary model network REGFLUD to predict the actual mean nitrate concentration in percolation water at the scale of the Weser river basin (Germany) using an area di erentiated (100 m 100 m) approach. REGFLUD combines the agro-economic model RAUMIS for estimating nitrogen surpluses and the hydrological models GROWA/DENUZ for assessing the nitrate leaching from the soil. For areas showing predicted nitrate concentrations in percolation water above the European Union (EU) groundwater quality standard of 50 mg NO3-N/L, e ective agri-environmental reduction measures need to be derived and implemented to improve groundwater and surface water quality by 2015. The e ects of already implemented agricultural policy are quantified by a baseline scenario projecting the N-surpluses from agricultural sector to 2015. The REGFLUD model is used to estimate the e ects of this scenario concerning groundwater and surface water pollution by nitrate. From the results of the model analysis the needs for additional measures can be derived in terms of required additional N-surplus reduction and in terms of regional prioritization of measures. Research work will therefore directly support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive of the European Union in the Weser basin.  相似文献   

The EU Water Framework Directive requires Member States to organise the management of their water systems in an integrated manner, based on the natural boundaries of the water systems; the river basins. A river basin approach implies the integration of policymaking and management throughout a set of different functional uses and spatial scales. Another innovation of the Directive is the introduction of recovery of costs for water services, taking account of the polluter-pays principle. By 2010, water-pricing polices will have to provide adequate incentives for users to use water resources efficiently, and thereby contribute to the environmental objectives of the Directive. Other principles, such as the precautionary principle, are becoming increasingly important in the management of water resources as well. The translation of those principles into policy in the several Member States may however diverge. We present an overview of policy principles that play a role as basic assumptions in water management. Environmental policy principles have gradually been introduced in European legislation. From being part of a declaration of the Council, they have evolved to a basis for action in the environmental field and currently they also find wide application in the context of water management. While focusing on the EU Water Framework Directive, we investigate whether and how these principles can be reconciled with a framework for integrated water management.  相似文献   

Scientific uncertainty plays a significant role in forest policy and planning. Ecological complexity, the gap between science and policy, and public perceptions of science all contribute to the challenge of dealing with scientific uncertainty. This paper provides an overview of the role of scientific uncertainty in U.S. forest policy and an analysis of the requirements for responding to uncertainty under the National Forest Management Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Endangered Species Act. The analysis includes a review of a broad range of literature and relevant statutory and regulatory language, along with several illustrative examples of case law. Findings include that all three laws allow for considerable agency discretion in cases of scientific uncertainty, and none prescribes a particular response to uncertainty. Approaches such as adaptive management may provide a way to proceed despite uncertainty, and while this approach represents something of a new paradigm in public land management, it is not incompatible with the current legal framework. The article concludes with recommendations, such as increased transparency and changes in the norms of judicial review, for increasing the accountability of decisions when uncertainty is involved. Also considered are other suggestions, such as peer-review, Daubert standards, and Bayesian inference techniques.  相似文献   

The stringency of policies needed to meet a climate target is influenced by uncertain oil prices because price changes cause emission changes, making the robustness of climate policy instruments important. As a result of its dependence on oil, emissions from the transport sector are particularly sensitive to oil price changes. We use a computable general equilibrium model to study the effects of including the transport sector in the EU??s emissions trading scheme under three future oil price scenarios. Our results show that there are potentially significant welfare gains from including transportation in the emissions trading scheme because the system as a whole helps absorb required changes in climate policy to meet the overall EU cap on emissions. There is, however, a cost in terms of somewhat greater permit price uncertainty.  相似文献   

围绕新近出台的《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》,借鉴欧盟等国家对废旧物资的管理理念和具体措施,探讨了我国废旧电器电子产品的界定及管理制度建设,提出建设社区试点网络管理体系、建立由市场主导的生产者责任延伸体系等建议。  相似文献   

Mitigation of climate change requires action at all the different levels, from the international to the national and the local levels. This contribution presents a case study of the city of Helsinki in Finland. An ex-post approach is used to follow the implementation of the EU directives to the national and further to the city level and to identify the relevant voluntary action taken in the city. We find that the coherence of national and city level policies is the highest in regulated areas, such as waste management and building regulation. Voluntary action is easily taken at local level in areas where co-benefits can be expected: e.g. energy conservation and biofuels for transportation. These voluntary actions can show the feasibility of certain measures which can later on be implemented at national or supranational level. We observe a clear contradiction between the EU and national renewable electricity targets and the nonaction at the city level: local conditions and private interests pose barriers to the implementation of a climate policy. We conclude that the coherence between policies at different levels develops over time and international requirements as well as local conditions can be drivers for it. Cities in particular play a role in mitigating climate change through removing barriers for the implementation of national and EU policies, and through moving forward with and promoting innovative voluntary measures, e.g. through international city networks.  相似文献   

The brominated products, formed in chlorination treatment of benzophenone-4 in the presence of bromide ions, were identified, and the formation pathways were proposed.Under disinfection conditions, benzophenone-4 would undertake electrophilic substitution generating mono- or di-halogenated products, which would be oxidized to esters and further hydrolyzed to phenol derivatives. The generated catechol intermediate would be transformed into furan-like heterocyclic product. The product species were p H-dependent,while benzophenone-4 elimination was chlorine dose-dependent. When the chlorination treatment was performed on ambient water spiked with benzophenone-4 and bromide ions, most of brominated byproducts could be detected, and the acute toxicity significantly increased as well.  相似文献   

我国森林资源及其产品流动特征分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
论文运用物流分析的基本思想,基于我国森林资源产品的产量、贸易量统计资料,采用统一的“原木当量(m3)”单位,沿森林资源采伐→资源产品加工→资源产品消费链,研究了我国“九五”期间主要森林资源产品的流动状况。结果表明,我国“九五”期间年均消耗森林资源16962×104m3,其中48.3%来自国外;本国森林资源主要流向原木、锯材、人造板加工制造行业,仅有9.3%用于制浆造纸;而纸类产品所用的森林资源主要依赖于进口;终端消费中75%的森林资源产品用于建筑装修、家具生产和包装3个主要消费项。因此,认为我国必须提高森林资源利用效率、增加纸类产品中的森林资源用量,以提高我国森林资源流动的经济效益;资源战略上既要充分利用国外森林资源,又要提高我国资源供给的保障能力。  相似文献   

Climate change effects are becoming evident worldwide, with serious regional and local impacts. The European Union (EU) has launched and developed initiatives and policies that scratch the surface of water resources impacts. This article presents an introduction of the existing environmental policy and more concisely in the areas of climate change and the interactions with water resources. It also addresses main management tools, and plans linked to policies, recent updates on the Science–Policy Interface, highlighting major results from research and development projects. Establishing appropriate policies to tackle climate change impacts on water is essential given the cross-sectorial and flowing nature and the importance of water in all environmental, social and economic sectors. There are still some pending reviews and updates in the current EU policy and its implementation, as well as at the national level in Spain. This article identifies existing gaps, and provides recommendations on how and where reforms could take place and be applied by decision makers in the water policy sector.  相似文献   

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