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Modern Biomass Conversion Technologies   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
This article gives an overview of the state-of-the-art of key biomass conversion technologies currently deployed and technologies that may play a key role in the future, including possible linkage to CO2 capture and sequestration technology (CCS). In doing so, special attention is paid to production of biofuels for the transport sector, because this is likely to become the key emerging market for large-scale sustainable biomass use. Although the actual role of bio-energy will depend on its competitiveness with fossil fuels and on agricultural policies worldwide, it seems realistic to expect that the current contribution of bio-energy of 40–55 EJ per year will increase considerably. A range from 200 to 300 EJ may be observed looking well into this century, making biomass a more important energy supply option than mineral oil today. A key issue for bio-energy is that its use should be modernized to fit into a sustainable development path. Especially promising are the production of electricity via advanced conversion concepts (i.e. gasification and state-of-the-art combustion and co-firing) and modern biomass derived fuels like methanol, hydrogen and ethanol from ligno-cellulosic biomass, which can reach competitive cost levels within 1–2 decades (partly depending on price developments with petroleum). Sugar cane based ethanol production already provides a competitive biofuel production system in tropical regions and further improvements are possible. Flexible energy systems, in which biomass and fossil fuels can be used in combination, could be the backbone for a low risk, low cost and low carbon emission energy supply system for large scale supply of fuels and power and providing a framework for the evolution of large scale biomass raw material supply systems. The gasification route offers special possibilities to combine this with low cost CO2 capture (and storage), resulting in concepts that are both flexible with respect to primary fuel input as well as product mix and with the possibility of achieving zero or even negative carbon emissions. Prolonged RD&D efforts and biomass market development, consistent policy support and international collaboration are essential to achieve this.  相似文献   

Supply chain and logistics issues of bio-energy production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

西藏生物质能开发的资源、环境基础分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开发生物质能是缓解能源供应紧张、环境污染严重这两大难题的理性选择。而由于生物质能蕴藏于生物质中,生物质又与区域自然地理特征息息相关,因此,各地发展生物质能具有明显的区域特性,不可一刀切。论文分析了西藏发展生物质能的资源条件和环境基础,认为西藏生物质能资源总量大而单位面积的生物净初级生产量不高,自然环境脆弱且生物质能利用与环境关系紧张。在前人关于西藏的太阳能、生物量、净初级生产量研究基础上,从生物质能转化过程的角度,提出了可利用生产量的概念及生物质能可持续利用的模式,继而估算出了西藏的生物质能资源总量2400×104tce/a。最后,在肯定西藏生物质能开发的可行性的同时,提出了因地制宜,适度开发的战略。  相似文献   

What are the management challenges and opportunities of bio-energy chains for both running their business efficiently and effectively and fostering the relationships with most relevant external stakeholders? This question is approached by systematically reviewing papers at the interface of bio-energy and supply chain or logistics issues. The review conducted as content analysis is based on an analytic framework that conceives bio-energy chains between challenges and benefits of bio-energy production with simultaneous internal supply chain management and external stakeholder management needs. Smartly designed and operated bio-energy projects hold promising potentials of contributing to sustainable development by both mitigating climate change and strengthening adaptation capabilities. Our analysis distils specific strategies and success factors for tapping this potential on two levels: On a supply chain level, individually adapted and designed supply chain systems relying on trustful information exchange, cooperation and relational governance safeguard profitability while holding adverse ecological and social impacts of operation down; they allow, for instance, minimising costs and emissions, implementing new technologies, and coping with environmental uncertainties such as crop failures and volatile prices. On a stakeholder level, governments as key actors for designing the future legal framework of bio-energy are primary targets for lobbying activities of bio-energy representatives. Respective arguments may focus on economic development and job generation. By minimising its adverse impacts on society and eco-systems and by communicating these efforts credibly, bio-energy warrants its superiority over fossil energy systems. Involving NGOs and residents in early stages of bio-energy projects via transparent two-way communication considerably increase societal acceptance.  相似文献   

Read, Sims and Adams (2001) detailed a case study for bio-energy implementation in a notional small Pacific Island and elaborated a theoretical model for assessing and simulating the socio-economic impacts of a particular bio-energy system designed to produce an exportable liquid fuel along with rural electricity supplies. An important conclusion was that there is no silver-bullet ‘one size fits all’ bio-energy system suited to all situations. Moreover, a system appropriate at one place and time may become obsolete with exogenous technological advance and/or as a community advances down its own development pathway. In order to understand how these issues interact in practice, a selected set of implementation projects is reviewed highlighting scale, capacity, community, technology, governmental policy and the concept of critical mass, as factors that are central to the successful development of the bioenergy sector. Through this evaluation, it is shown that: 1.A significant biomass supply resource base often exists locally in the form of agricultural and forestry residues on which modern bioenergy programmes could be initiated. The use of biomass energy flow charts are an important tool for evaluating the potential of local and national resources. 2. Without an integrated multi-disciplinary, multi-sector and whole-systems approach to the implementation of bioenergy schemes, long term success is likely to remain elusive. 3. There is a requirement at the national level for a coordinated approach with strong policy signals that overcome perverse and practical obstacles.  相似文献   

应对全球化变革及其不确定性,认识中国对外自然资源流动的特征与问题,是保障国家资源安全的基础,对实现高质量、可持续发展有重要意义。对应国际劳动分工从产业间贸易、产业内贸易到全球价值链的不同阶段,理解中国对外自然资源流动有不同的理论视角。现有研究主要关注自然资源以原始形态和制成品中的隐含形态在国家之间的流动,讨论了中国对外自然资源流动在供给与需求、利用强度与效率、资源禀赋与流向,以及全局与局部影响之间的矛盾。未来研究仍面临理论和现实的挑战。在理论方面,适应全球价值链分工发展,引入全球生产网络理论探讨企业间互动关系如何塑造自然资源流动路径,能更好地适应中国从“引进来”向“走出去”的转变,以及当下自然资源综合治理的研究需求。在现实方面,应对日益增强的不确定性,亟需深化对自然资源流动网络韧性,以及“双循环”互促关系的认识。  相似文献   

长期以来,环保被当作一种社会义务或福利。然而,在环保问题日益受到国际关注并且多边国际规范不断加严的情况下,环境问题不仅是社会问题,更是一个经济问题,环保既可以造成致命的经济问题,也可以产生可观的经济效益。该文从环保已成为世界贸易组织等国际规范的重要内容,环保对国际贸易的直接影响等方面,来阐述环境保护与中国外贸事业发展的关系,并就外贸发展对策提出了一些较有见地的看法。  相似文献   

At first, it may seem as if the sustainable transition would force us to make a cynical trade-off between (a) the immediate needs of the global poor and (b) the future needs of the global rich. Crucial objectives, such as climate stability, are commonly held to be unattainable if the rest of the world would come to enjoy present Western living standards.Challenging this pessimistic analysis, this essay explores the possibility of opening up advanced technological paths to environmental sustainability by means of a “global Fordian compromise”. Built around trade reform, such a compromise would resemble its historic namesake by not seeking individual moral reform, as emphasized in environmental citizenship theory, but rather by drawing on the momentum of existing socio-economic dynamics.  相似文献   

鼓励环境标志产品出口政策设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境标志产品在生产过程中严格执行相应的环境标准,与非环境标志产品相比,其节能减排效果显著,且未来潜力巨大。目前我国环境标志产品发展支持政策不足,尤其缺乏鼓励环境标志产品出口政策。为此建议:一是将简化环境标志产品出口行政手续;二是加快中国环境标志产品与他国环境标志的互认;三是实施增值税差别出口退税税率和优先办理出口退税的政策;四是对获得环境标志产品认证的企业实施更加灵活的税收扶持政策;五是通过环境标志产品互惠关税减免条款提高我国环境标志产品的国际竞争力;六是实施进口环节增值税减免政策;七是充分运用进出口银行的出口信贷政策;八是实施中小企业环境标志产品出口"绿色补贴";九是建立环境标志产品的外贸发展基金或环境标志产品发展专项资金;十是鼓励环境标志认证机构竞争发展。  相似文献   

匡星  白明洲  杨成永 《环境保护科学》2010,36(3):99-101,114
随着公路铁路等交通项目的建设,其面临的生态环境压力日益增大,周边地区生物量发生很大变化。本文针对交通建设活动对生物量的影响问题,研究提出一种基于土地利用类型变化的交通建设项目前后生物量变化的评价指标和评价标准,并采用京沪铁路电气化北京-济南段实际工程建设进行实例应用。  相似文献   

我国农村生物质资源丰富,对其充分合理利用,对促进农村经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。简述了我国农村生物质资源潜力,并从使用途径、转换技术选择、政策体系等方面,分析了当前农村生物质资源利用现状及未来发展趋势,识别发展过程中的制约因素并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

WTO环境议题对全球贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈军 《环境与开发》2001,16(4):8-11
贸易与环境问题已成为世界日益重要的问题,产业层次的提升与环保贸易措施的运用已逐渐成为国际间评估竞争力的关键要素。未来世界贸易组织的多边贸易谈判中,环境议题将成为一重要的议题,绿色贸易壁垒作为贸易中非关税贸易壁垒重要的组成成分在国际贸易中将发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

王玉 《环境科学与管理》2011,36(12):190-194
糠醛制造业属重污染行业,随着国民经济和社会的发展,糠醛制造行业面临的资源和环境压力也越来越大。尽快出台糠醛制造业清洁生产标准,势在必行。本文重点阐述了目前中国糠醛制造业生产工艺与装备的现状,并加以具体地分析。同时,从清洁生产的角度针对糠醛制造业清洁生产标准中生产工艺与装备要求方面的制订提出合理化建议。从而,促进糠醛制造行业持续、稳定、健康的发展,推进糠醛生产行业的环境污染防治工作。  相似文献   

王龙  徐刚  刘敏 《环境科学学报》2016,36(6):2262-2271
城市生态系统是典型的"自然-社会-经济系统",城市的可持续发展依托于城市生态系统结构和功能的不断协调与完善.新一轮"城市化"进程中,城市生态系统将面临生态用地减少、环境衰退等诸多挑战,生态环境和经济发展之间的矛盾可能日益突出.因此,把握城市生态系统的演化方向,对于促进城市可持续发展和生态文明建设意义重大.本研究以"国际化大都市"上海市为研究对象,运用"耗散结构理论"和"信息熵"分析模型,构建包括支持型输入熵、压力型输出熵、氧化型代谢熵、还原型代谢熵4方面的"上海市城市生态系统演化指标体系",以统计资料和政府公报为数据来源,对上海市2003—2013年的城市生态系统演化进行了熵变分析;基于集成层次分析法(AHP)和熵权法(EVM)"综合赋权"的"综合发展度"和"协调发展度"模型对城市生态系统可持续发展状况进行了评价;采用"相关分析法"对城市生态系统熵变与可持续发展协同演化过程进行量化分析;并引入GM(1,1)灰色预测模型对上海市城市生态系统(2014—2020)年的演化趋势和方向做出了预测.研究得出以下结论:12003—2013年,上海市城市生态系统"熵流、熵产生和总熵变",均整体呈波动下降趋势.上海市城市生态系统有序度不断提高,总体朝健康态势发展.22003—2013年,上海市城市生态系统总体可持续发展态势良好,不断向健康可持续方向演进;环境与经济整体效益不断提高,但环境与经济发展之间的协调能力近年来有所下降.3上海市城市生态系统(2014—2020)期间的演化趋势预测:城市生态系统整体继续向健康、有序方向演进.城市生态系统可持续发展整体保持协调发展态势,但未来发展协调度可能从"初级协调"衰退为"勉强协调".最后,基于指标"熵权"和熵变时序提出了上海市城市生态系统的针对性优化措施:积极扶持城市生态农业发展,扩大进出口贸易规模,促进娱乐教育文化服务产业增长;进一步提高居民生态环保意识,提倡低碳生活;加强工业"三废"的达标排放,提高资源利用率,巩固城市绿化率,加大环保投资规模.本研究旨在为上海市城市生态系统健康可持续发展和优化调控提供一定的科学参考.  相似文献   

全球粮食贸易网络格局及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于复杂网络分析方法,构建了小麦、水稻、玉米三大主粮的全球粮食贸易网络,解析了网络格局的总体特征及其变化态势,定量评估了全球粮食贸易网络格局影响因素。研究发现:全球粮食贸易已经成为一个复杂有序、相互依赖的网络系统,网络规模不断增加,连同性和紧密度不断加强;全球粮食贸易网络节点呈现非均衡结构特征,高强度和高节点度国家在网络中具有主导作用,呈现出口国主导的网络结构特征;经济社会发展差异性、贸易政策的一致性和语言文化邻近性对粮食贸易网络影响显著,经济社会发展差异推动贸易网络联系更加紧密且多元化,贸易政策的一致性促进贸易网络更加持续和稳健。建议中国继续实施更加多元化、多边化的粮食贸易政策,提升中国在世界粮食网络节点的中心性特征,充分利用国内国际两个市场,融入全球粮食贸易网络体系,积极推动构建全球粮食安全命运共同体。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化与气候变化定量关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
当前,以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化对人类社会的可持续发展构成了严重威胁,如何有效适应气候变化成为人类面临的共同挑战。研究表明,全球变暖的主要驱动力是人类活动造成的温室气体排放和土地利用方式改变。过去,科学界致力于削减全球温室气体排放,而土地利用与气候变化的关系,以及如何适应气候变化,没有引起足够重视。论文重点阐述土地利用/覆盖变化对区域气候的生物地球物理影响机制,总结土地利用/覆盖与气候变化定量关系的研究进展,得出现阶段研究存在四点不足:①缺乏景观格局与气候过程关系的认识;②较少考虑人类活动对下垫面的影响;③区域气候模式存在局限;④适应气候变化的研究不足。针对上述问题,论文指出基于可持续性的土地系统设计是适应气候变化的有效途径,也是未来气候变化领域的研究重点。  相似文献   

建立和推广清洁生产体系,促进可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了清洁生产的产生、含义及国内外的发展近况。探讨了清洁生产与可持续发展的关系,指出建立和推广清洁生产是实现可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

Increasing the share of renewable energy is of principal concern for the EU energy policy. A number of policies have been adopted, and, in part, been implemented by the EU member countries. An increasing share of renewable energy implies an increasing utilisation of biofuels in general and of forest-based biomass in particular. However, in the EU, the endowment and uses of forest-base biomass are diverse suggesting that an increasing trade would become necessary in order to cost effectively increase the utilisation of forest-based biomass. The purpose of this study is to, in the presence of EU energy policy, quantify and analyse possible trade levels for forest fuels in the EU. Particularly, the consequences on trade after implementing the White Paper and the RES-E Directive are analysed. Investigating the European trade in forest fuels is important for understanding how industry sectors in the EU will be affected by the policies. The results suggest that the implementation of the White Paper and the RES-E Directive will increase the trade in forest fuels, resulting in total trade increases of up to 67 percent. Furthermore, the national net trading levels are possible to derive. Depending on policy implementation the results differ – a country that was net importing given the White Paper implementation can instead be net exporting when applying the RES-E Directive. The fact that the policy implementations will increase the trade may mitigate potential industry problems to secure the needed inputs. On the other hand, the integration of countries increases the possibility for some industries to increase their production even more, possibly strengthening any input scarcity problems. It is therefore not possible to generally conclude if a more integrated European forest fuel market, and hence an increased European forest fuel trade, will mitigate industry problems to secure their needed inputs or not.  相似文献   

可持续发展的生态评估是当前国际生态经济学与可持续发展研究的前沿问题之一,净初级生产力的人类占用从生态系统初级生产力的角度可以定量评估一个国家或地区发展的生态持续性程度,是近年来国际上一种重要的生物物理量衡量方法。论文简要介绍了净初级生产力人类占用的基本理论与核算方法,分析了该方法应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的基本原理。综合国外相关研究的最新进展,研究认为,定量表征区域可持续发展的生态上限是净初级生产力人类占用方法的最大优点,而该方法应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的不足之处则主要表现在关键参数的不确定性、可持续性的评价阈值、研究数据的缺乏和生物量进出口问题等4方面。  相似文献   

中国水土资源态势与可持续食物安全   总被引:60,自引:8,他引:60  
21世纪前期是中国工业化、城市化迅速推进的重要时期,也是中国走向国际贸易一体化和进入社会经济持续发展的关键时期。未来人口持续增长与消费水平的提高、工业化与城市化进程的加快、全球贸易一体化格局的形成、国内体制和制度的转型,使中国人地矛盾更趋尖锐、市场竞争空前激烈,这无疑对中国农业生产的资源基础和农产品的供需平衡产生巨大影响,进而影响到中国食物安全。论文重点分析了我国水土资源态势及其对可持续食物安全的影响,指出水土资源总量短缺及其空间上的不匹配状况将直接影响着中国可持续食物安全,到2030年中国粮食缺口可能在760×108kg左右;实现中国可持续食物安全应立足21世纪中国农业与农村经济的可持续发展,重点选择产业化、生态化、国际化和地区专业化的发展方向与模式,并须在优化制度环境、完善保障体系和突破结构制约等几个方面进行深化改革与创新。  相似文献   

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