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石油城市经济系统脆弱性评价——以大庆市为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于经济系统脆弱性内涵,从石油城市经济系统对区域可采石油资源逐渐枯竭的敏感性及应对能力两个方面构建了脆弱性评价指标体系和评估模型,利用熵值法和综合指数法对经济系统脆弱性进行定量评估。以大庆市为例,分析其2001年以来经济系统脆弱性时序变化特征,同时选择5个典型地级石油城市与其进行对比研究。结果表明:研究期内大庆市经济系统脆弱性呈现出逐年下降趋势,但仍处于脆弱等级;与其他石油城市相比,2006年大庆市经济系统脆弱性低于西部城市,高于中东部城市,与东北其他城市相近。最后提出了降低经济系统脆弱性的对策与建议,以期为石油城市经济转型提供科学参考。 相似文献
Efforts to increase the use of waste materials as substitutes for virgin primary materials in industry are considered an important step toward sustainable industrial development. Some industries, however, have struggled to increase the recycling of materials for a variety of reasons. This study proposes a new approach to searching for recycling across industry boundaries. By focusing on an entire industry, the locations where economic and environmental benefit exists can be identified. This research identifies brick manufacturing facilities in the United States that are most likely to gain substantial economic benefit from the recycling of waste products. The results of this case study indicate that an industry-based approach can provide economically feasible pathways towards sustainable industrial development, especially for data rich manufacturing nations like the United States. 相似文献
建筑废弃物资源化环境效益分析:以重庆为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了向政府提供可以提升建筑废弃物资源化环境效益的有利政策,以促进建筑废弃物资源化的可持续发展,本文从系统角度,应用系统动力学通过文献分析、实地调研、调查问卷等方法对建筑废弃物资源化的环境效益进行建模和模拟仿真.通过对环境效益模型进行情景分析,得出当非法排放单位罚款在50~60元/t,单位填埋收费取30元/t左右,建筑废弃物到资源化处置中心距离在15~25km左右,资源化的单位补贴额为25元/t左右时,可以使环境效益处于较优状态.同时政府应提高建筑废弃物相关法律的完善程度、培养相关人员的现场回收意识、促进相关科研研发,以期促进建筑废弃物资源化的环境效益. 相似文献
公众参与作为规划环境影响评价的重要组成部分,具有重要的作用和意义.以大同市医药工业园区规划环境影响评价中的公众参与为例,介绍了公众参与的工作程序、方式、分析结果及意见的落实,证实了公众参与的必要性. 相似文献
公众参与作为规划环境影响评价的重要组成部分,具有重要的作用和意义。以大同市医药工业园区规划环境影响评价中的公众参与为例,介绍了公众参与的工作程序、方式、分析结果及意见的落实,证实了公众参与的必要性。 相似文献
《Environmental Science & Policy》2008,11(4):294-306
This paper combines life-cycle analyses and economic analyses for Miscanthus and willow heat and electricity fuel-chains in Ireland. Displaced agricultural land-uses and conventional fuels were considered in fuel-chain permutations. Avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ranged from 7.7 to 35.2 t CO2 eq. ha−1 a−1. Most fuel-chain permutations exhibited positive discounted financial returns, despite losses for particular entities at a farm-gate processed-biomass price of €100 t−1 dry-matter. Attributing a value of €10 t−1 CO2 eq. to avoided GHG emissions, but subtracting financial returns associated with displaced fuel supplies, resulted in discounted annual national economic benefits (DANEBs) ranging from −457 to 1887€ ha−1 a−1. Extrapolating a plausible combination of fuel-chains up to a national indicative scenario resulted in GHG emission avoidance of 3.56 Mt CO2 eq. a−1 (5.2% of national emissions), a DANEB of 167 M€, and required 4.6% of national agricultural land area. As cost-effective national GHG avoidance options, Miscanthus and willow fuel-chains are robust to variation in yields and CO2 price, and appear to represent an efficient land-use option (e.g. compared with liquid biofuel production). Policies promoting utilisation of these energy-crops could avoid unnecessary, and environmentally questionable, future purchase of carbon credits, as currently required for national Kyoto compliance. 相似文献
以辽宁营口港总体规划环境评价为例,探讨了目前中国规划环境评价中的若干热点问题,包括多方案比选与“零方案”分析、区域生态环境影响预测与分析、规划的兼容性分析、公众参与、规划环境合理性综合论证等5个方面.研究表明,规划的兼容性分析和环境合理性综合论证是规划环评的重要特征.目前中国规划环评的介入时间仍显较晚,在基础数据库建设、公众参与、环境减缓措施等方面尚显不足.规划环境指标综合分析表明,营口港总体规划的实施,可能对海岸带生态环境产生一定的不利影响,但在采取一定的环境保护措施后,其不利影响可控制在可接受的范围内. 相似文献
Compared with the extensive research on the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality in developed countries, there is a paucity of an empirical research on studying the relation for developing countries. Based upon the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) theory, this paper develops regression models for investigating the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality in China. The EKC analysis based on six pollution indices is illustrated with a case study in Jiaxing of Zhejiang, China. 相似文献
耦合健康风险与生命周期评价的场地修复环境经济影响评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国污染场地数量众多,对当地环境和健康安全造成了巨大威胁,亟待开展治理修复,同时也需要关注修复过程的绿色可持续性.本文基于绿色可持续修复(GSR)的理念,提出了健康风险评价(HRA)和生命周期评价(LCA)耦合的评估框架,用于计算结合健康风险和修复二次环境影响的净环境效益(NEB),并以中国西南地区某多环芳烃和汞污染的工业场地为例,在现行的修复目标制定框架内,对不同修复目标下的NEB进行了评估.结果表明,在不同权衡选择下,案例最佳的修复目标带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值目标的1.6~15倍,单位经济投入带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值的3~7倍.决策者可应用提出的综合评估框架,平衡当地环境质量改善和修复过程的二次影响,以提高场地修复工程的环境经济可持续性. 相似文献
通过现场海水采样、室内样品处理和数据分析,对辽河河口水体中的Cd、Cr、As、NH3-、Hg、Cu和Pb等七种金属45个监测站位进行了调查研究,并采取美国环保局推荐的健康风险评价模型对辽河河口的水环境进行了初步的健康风险评价。结果表明,金属的浓度范围分别为Cd:0.23~0.93μg/L,Cr:0.8~8.3μg/L,As:0.29~0.51μg/L,NH3-:7.59~322μg/L,Hg:0.007~0.135μg/L,Cu:2.4~6.2μg/L,Pb:0.11~0.69μg/L;基因毒物质(Cd、Cr、As)对人体健康危害的个人年均风险要远远大于躯体毒物质(NH3-、Hg、Cu、Pb),其中Cr对人体健康危害的个人年均风险最大。并把水环境的综合影响情况划分成了5个等级,影响最为严重的区域是研究区域的西北部,主要原因是该区域是大凌河口区域。 相似文献
鉴于作为评价对象的城市社会经济环境复合系统具有多目标、多要素、动态关联等突出的系统动力学特征,选择和应用系统动力学方法开展城市发展规划环评在理论上具有可行性和技术优势.作为典型资源型城市的山西省临汾市正面临转变发展方式和加快环境治理的紧迫要求,本文依托该市转型发展规划环评工作,在全面识别和剖析城市发展要素、现状问题及其成因基础上,以经济发展、产业结构、节能减排和环境改善为重点研究了规划要素间的动态反馈关系,以此构建城市转型发展规划环评SD模型,并对4个规划替代方案进行模拟和评价.结果显示,在环境目标刚性约束下所有替代方案均不能实现人均GDP翻番的较高经济增长目标,其中以较强环境约束为特征的“方案III”具有最好的环境与经济综合效果.据此评价建议临汾市应在确保实现环境改善目标的前提下主动放缓工业增长速度,同时加快以“煤焦铁电”为代表的主导产业结构调整并继续加大节能减排力度,全面提高城市可持续发展能力. 相似文献
节能环保产业作为战略性新兴产业的七大重点领域之一,新形势下发展具备有利条件,特别是十二五以来我国环保产业得到了飞速发展,但是由于体制机制、技术、市场等多方面原因环保产业发展也面临诸多挑战和障碍。日本与韩国,环保产业已进入技术成熟期。逐渐成为本国国民经济的支柱产业和世界环保市场的主力,借鉴日韩环保产业的发展经验,提出中国推动环保产业发展的对策建议。 相似文献
Ecosystem functions can be understood as the quantified amount of an ecosystem’s role in a natural process, while ecosystem services are the requantification of the ecosystem functions by factoring in environmental conditions and human needs based on social perspectives. In this study, differences between ecosystem functions and services were presented in terms of air purification of a forest ecosystem. Forest volume growth was employed to quantify the pollutant absorption capacity of a forest and was indicated by the natural functions (NF) for air purification by a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystem services can be requantified from the forest functions by adding the air pollutant and population densities. Air pollutant density was applied to the assessment of the environmental services (ES) of forest ecosystems. Furthermore, the environmental social services (ESS) of forest ecosystems were assessed by including population density considerations. We simulated differences in NF, ES, and ESS in relation to pollutant and population density; while NF was spatially quantified without a close relationship to air pollutant and population density, ES and ESS reacted to environmental and social condition more sensitively. These results imply that the ecosystem services of forest resources for air purification are high where the pollutant and population densities are high, while the ecosystem functions of forest resources for air purification depend solely on forest conditions and not on the density changes of air pollutants and population. This study suggests that the differences in NF, ES, and ESS are important factors to be understood and considered in the decision-making process for ecosystem services. When considering human needs and surrounding environmental conditions, the results suggest that decision makers should utilize the ES and ESS concepts, which reflect both population and pollutant density along with additional human-related factors. 相似文献
通过对以往实证性研究文献的回溯,分析了影响中小企业作出积极主动型环境策略选择的某些管理层面的因素及其变化,并提出了今后我国在该领域的研究方向和建议。 相似文献
Presently, large quantities of waste mobile phones are being generated in Nigeria with a significant proportion in storage. This paper investigated the behavior of consumers in Nigeria towards this waste stream and their willingness to participate in waste mobile phones recycling. This study also assessed the willingness of consumer's to pay for a more ‘environment friendlier’ phone – the so-called ‘green phone’. We performed a principal component analysis with varimax rotation in order to condense some of our questions into a smaller set of factors. We developed a model to estimate and explain the willingness to pay (WTP) a premium for ‘green’ cell phones. The model showed that the significant predictors of willingness to pay extra for green electronics include awareness and concern about the deteriorating environment, age, and the general attitude towards the environment. About 65% of the respondents are either ‘willing’ or ‘very willing’ to drop-off no-longer-in-use electronics at a nearby recycling facility. Majority of the respondents are also very willing to pay a premium for a green phone. Considering the increasing waste generation by this sector, it has become expedient that a recycling program be introduced for these potentially harmful waste materials. 相似文献
为探索在经济相对落后且生态环境脆弱的地区,经济增长与环境改善发展路径的可行性,以甘肃省为分析样本,选取该省12个城市2006—2013年的面板数据,采用固定效应模型,分析产业承接、经济增长与环境污染的内在因果关系。结果表明:甘肃省的产业承接呈现出快速增长的趋势,其增速远高于经济增速和污染排放增速;产业承接不仅对经济增长有促进作用,而且对环境也具有改善作用;甘肃省的经济增长与环境污染的关系,短期呈正相关,长期则呈倒U型关系。因此,甘肃省在 来的发展中,应充分发挥产业承接的双重作用。 相似文献
环境技术验证评价体系研究与案例应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,以政府为主导的环境技术评价体系已不能满足新形势下对创新环境技术评价的不同需求,为了适应我国环境技术水平的迅速发展和环境保护的要求,迫切需要建立起一个有效的环境技术评价体系.在对加拿大、美国等推行的环境技术验证(ETV)制度比较研究的基础上,提出了国际等效且符合我国国情的环境技术验证评价程序和测试参数体系,基本流程分为验证申请、验证准备、验证测试、验证评价、验证结果发布5个阶段,研究了测试参数、测试周期、采样频率的设计原则及方法.并以水蚯蚓原位消解污泥技术为例开展应用研究,对该技术的环境保护效果、环境影响以及从其他环境观点出发的重要性能进行了测试和分析.结果显示,通过对环境效果参数、维护管理参数和运行工艺参数的评价,能够客观有效地反映处理技术的真实性能. 相似文献