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In recent years, with the raising of awareness in environmental protection and sustainable development in enterprises, the green issue has become more and more critical in supply chain management. This study intends to develop a green supplier selection model which integrates artificial neural network (ANN) and two multi-attribute decision analysis (MADA) methods: data envelopment analysis (DEA) and analytic network process (ANP). It is called ANN–MADA hybrid method. ANN–MADA hybrid method considers both practicality in traditional supplier selection criteria and environmental regulations. It also overcomes traditional DEA drawbacks, limitations of data accuracy and decision-making units (DMUs) amounts constraint. The model evaluation results of an international well-known camera manufacturer indicate that the ANN–MADA hybrid method outperforms two other hybrid methods, ANN–DEA and ANP–DEA. It was also discovered that ANN–MADA has better power of discrimination and noise-insensitivity in evaluating green suppliers’ performances.  相似文献   

Suppliers' development is a critical function within supply chain management. Green supplier development is also necessary for effective green supply chain management. Interestingly, there is a gap in the research on how an organization can effectively manage supplier development programs, and specifically green supplier development. The use of formal models to aid green supplier development management is virtually non-existent. This paper aims to fill this gap by introducing a formal model using rough set theory to investigate the relationships between organizational attributes, supplier development program involvement attributes, and performance outcomes. The performance outcomes focus on environmental and business dimensions. The rough set methodology utilizes an ‘incomplete’ information approach which is more realistic in some data poor environments. A multistage rough set methodology is detailed through an illustrative application. The methodology generates decision rules relating the various attributes to the performance outcomes. Included in the discussion are insights into how these rules for individual and aggregated performance (environmental, business, and joint performance) may be evaluated. Practical and research implications of this work are detailed in the paper.  相似文献   

区域危险废物环境管理与风险控制是涉及到危险废物特性、环境、经济和社会等多因素的复杂过程,对资源环境的可持续发展和人体健康都至关重要。空间数据挖掘技术在传统数据挖掘的基础上增加空间维尺度,能够实现从空间数据库和非空间数据库中提取危险废物产生、转移、处置和管理过程中隐含的空间模式与特征。文章在传统的危险废物环境管理和风险控制方法的基础上,构建了区域危险废物空间数据挖掘的指标体系,并设计了一种基于空间数据挖掘技术的区域危险废物决策支持系统框架。该框架由数据层、数据挖掘层和显示层组成,为区域危险废物管理和决策提供了直观的、科学的和高效的支持,提供了一种新颖可行的思路和方法提高危险废物的环境管理和风险控制水平,具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

危险物质泄漏是导致场地土壤和地下水污染的常见原因,泄漏场地的应急响应与清理制度是污染场地风险管理制度的重要组成部分,及时开展危险物质泄漏场地的土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理工作,可降低污染导致的健康与环境危害以及后期土壤和地下水修复成本.目前,许多国家已构建了应急响应、紧急清理和非紧急清理等基于场地污染事件严重性和紧迫性的差异化应对机制,对泄漏场地土壤和地下水污染控制发挥了重要作用,但我国尚未建立泄漏场地土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理技术体系.该文通过梳理国外场地土壤和地下水污染应急响应与清理体系框架及关键技术,分析总结了国外泄漏场地污染应急响应与清理体系中以现场协调员为核心的多层级多部门协同机制、工作程序、调查评估方法、应急响应与清理模式、措施选择与行动备忘录制定原则等,从技术层面探讨了泄漏场地中污染的移除清理、阻控、封闭隔离与应急修复等关键技术.结合国内外典型案例分析,提出以下建议:①建立涵盖多层级、多部门的泄漏场地污染应急响应与清理协同机制;②制定和完善污染场地应急响应与清理的决策机制和技术标准体系;③建立高素质专业化的应急响应与清理协调指挥队伍;④鼓励开展快速高效应急响应与清理关键技术研发.   相似文献   

我国日益增长的危险废物对于环境安全和人体健康都构成极大威胁,如何高效、科学的对危险废物从产生到最终处置的全过程进行管理和决策是我国危险废物管理工作面临的重要问题。区域危险废物的管理和环境风险控制是一个涉及到废物特性、自然环境和社会经济等诸多因素的综合决策过程。文章通过综合考虑危险废物处理处置过程中的环境影响因素、经济因素和环境风险因素,结合空间分析技术和多目标决策的方法,设计了一个危险废物多目标空间决策支持模型,并以广州为例进行了模拟应用。危险废物管理的决策者根据不同的侧重点,通过本模型在备选废物处理处置中心中确定建设地点,同时能够使用本模型选择危险废物的最佳运输路径。本模型为危险废物管理和决策支持提供了一种直观、科学和实用的支持,具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

煤矸石是煤炭开发过程中的废弃物,利用矸石筑路是矸石综合利用的重要途径,但现行的路基设计施工规范中没有将矸石作为路基填料列出,工程中无标准可依,使用中存在不少问题。本文通过对矸石成分和矸石浸出液中有害物质分析,对矸石填筑路基的环境保护,路基压实标准,经济运距等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

危险废物具有腐蚀性、毒性、易燃性、反应性和感染性等特性,对公众健康或环境构成重大或潜在的威胁.基于东莞市危险废物产生、处理、处置情况的调查分析,归纳出该市危险废物监管难点和污染防治存在的主要问题,借鉴国内外危险废物管理经验,结合东莞市实际情况,提出危险废物污染防治的对策与建议.建议加强危险废物信息管理系统建设;强化危险废物源头管理;提升处理、处置综合技术能力;发展循环经济,提高资源利用率;加强技术支撑体系建设,提升危险废物监管能力.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的工业园区环境风险评价指标权重分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对环境风险评价的特征,从HJ/T 169—2004《建设项目环境风险评价技术导则》、GB 18218—2009《危险化学品重大危险源辨识》等现有环境风险评估技术规范和标准中直接筛选了物质危险性、主要原料最大存量与临界量、原料中有毒有害物质使用量等10项指标;结合工业园区环境风险区域性、复杂性及综合性等特征,提出了行业类别、危险废物处理处置方式、污染物排放方式和污染物排放浓度达标情况等9项指标,共计19项指标作为工业园区环境风险评价指标体系. 在我国东、中和西部地区近20个工业园区的管理者、企业及园区公众发放600份问卷,运用层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)构建了工业园区环境风险评价指标权重递阶层次结构模型. 模型结果显示,影响工业园区环境风险等级准则层权重依次为风险源(0.4663)、监管机制(0.3010)和受体(0.2327);累积性环境风险源特征指标中危险废物处理处置方式 (权重居第1位,下同)和污染物排放浓度达标情况(第2位)指标权重较突发性风险源特征指标——物质危险性 (第4位)、原料中有毒有害物质使用量占比 (第9位)、主要原料最大储存量与临界值(第18位)等指标排序优先;对于体现工业园区环境风险预防和监管的指标权重相对较高,如行业类别,园区环境监控情况、环境风险监管机制中日常环境管理制度中的环境监控情况 (第5位)权重也高出了环境风险制度体系中事故应急预案(第8位)指标权重;但是,在对受体关注程度上生态环境质量和安全等指标的权重仍旧很小.   相似文献   

在危险化学品码头选址期间开展环境风险后果评价,有助于减轻码头运营期间突发水污染事故对周围环境可能造成的不利影响。通过将环境风险后果具体化为风险受体脆弱性与暴露的乘积,把风险的受体分为人群、经济和生态3大类别,对每一类受体分别选取指标计算脆弱性指数。并以长江南京段沿岸危化品码头的选址为例,在评价区域建立二维水质模型模拟苯胺泄漏后污染物的时空分布,并根据不同的浓度阈值确定每类受体对应的暴露系数,最后给出定量的评价结果为选址提供建议。  相似文献   

六溴环十二烷(HBCD)被列为斯德哥尔摩公约受审物质,其作为添加型阻燃剂在我国主要应用于挤出聚苯乙烯板材(XPS)、挤出聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(EPS)和纺织涂料等领域。文章在对HBCD性质和环境风险进行概述的基础上,对我国HBCD的主要应用情况进行详细介绍,并从行业污染物减排和HBCD减排角度出发,针对各应用领域提出具体的减排措施,实现HBCD应用行业的减排。  相似文献   

Materials selection is a multidisciplinary activity, which integrates a large number of knowledge fields and professional domains. In fact a material selection decision should capture not only the functional performance required for the application but should also consider the economical and environmental impacts originated all along the product life cycle. In this paper a life cycle engineering (LCE) approach is proposed to support material selection, integrating the performance of the material for the specific application in technological, environmental and economical dimensions throughout the duration of the product. The methodology proposed compares a set of candidate materials and, through the aggregation of the three dimensions (technical, economical and environmental), identifies the “best material domains”. These “best material domains” are presented in a ternary diagram, which allows a global comparison of the candidate materials and supports an informed decision as regards the selection of the “best material” according to different business scenarios and corporate strategies. The methodology was applied to a case study aiming the use of new metallic materials (high strength steels and aluminium alloys) for an automobile fender currently made of mild steel and the evaluation of potential benefits as regards the global performance of the material.  相似文献   

我国是世界上最大的焦炭生产国和供应商,以常规焦炉炼焦工艺为主,常规焦炉会排放气体、液体和固体污染物.常规焦炉危险废物的产生现状是种类多、产生工艺节点多样、产生量大、污染物种类繁杂、对生态环境和人体的潜在危害大.对高附加值的高温煤焦油采取深加工的方式生产多种化工原料,脱硫废液的利用方式是提取单品精盐和制酸,其他低附加值的常规焦炉危险废物回配煤单元炼焦.当前,我国常规焦炉危险废物利用处置存在3个问题:①部分高温煤焦油深加工技术不属于清洁生产技术;②脱硫废液提取的盐缺乏污染控制标准或技术规范,脱硫废液制酸设备稳定运行难度较大;③危险废物回配煤单元可能引起炼焦产品质量下降和环境风险增大.针对我国常规焦炉危险废物产生和利用处置存在的问题,建议从3个方面提高炼焦危险废物利用率和加强安全处置:①遵循《国家危险废物名录》中"危险废物豁免管理清单"利用环节豁免条件,采取先进的清洁生产技术,促进高温煤焦油利用;②制定以脱硫废液为原料提取盐的污染控制标准或技术规范,将小规模企业产生的脱硫废液"点对点"集中输送至专门利用脱硫废液制酸的企业生产硫酸,开发易于推广、平稳高效连续运行和自动化控制的提盐和制酸技术,提高脱硫废液利用水平;③常规焦炉危险废物返回配煤工序炼焦时应精准管控,确保炼焦产品质量,防范环境风险.   相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of ISO 14001 in environmental supply management practices in Swedish companies. It discusses the existing and potential role of ISO 14001 for three key operational tasks of environmental supply chain management: to communicate the requirements to the supplier, to motivate and enable the supplier, and to verify that the supplier follows the requirements. The study used three different research methods: interviews with environmental managers, focus group discussions and a survey of two multinational companies and their operating units in several countries.It concludes that cooperation between the purchasing and environmental functions within a company is frequently not sufficiently achieved in implementation of ISO 14001; this makes the communication of customer requirements to suppliers less efficient. Building close relationships with suppliers is important to overcome initial difficulties, but this often conflicts with having a large supplier base. For the supplier to have an ISO 14001 certificate is seldom an absolute requirement, however, preference is often given to such suppliers. The value of the ISO 14001 certificate, as a proof of environmental performance, is a combination of the supplier's environmental ambitions, the advancement of supply chain practices of the customer and the ambitions of the certification bodies. Supplier audits are not commonly used as they are resource-consuming. Monitoring and verification approaches need further development.  相似文献   

表面活性剂SDBS胶束溶液与铝盐凝聚特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛薇  王栋  闫杰  王琼  王奕  吕建晓 《环境科学》2009,30(1):151-154
表面活性剂因大量被使用,成为环境水体中普遍存在的物质.其具有包裹难溶性物质而形成胶体的特点,是难溶且具有环境风险的有机物在水体中存在和转移的载体.为了对其处理过程中的行为加以控制,以阴离子表面活性剂SDBS胶束溶液为模型化合物,研究了其在不同铝盐剂量下的凝聚特征现象,针对不同pH条件下的特征比较,结合Zeta电位和表面张力分析了其作用过程及铝盐和SDBS的计量关系.结果表明,① pH在4左右时凝聚计量摩尔比CAl:CSDBS约为0.4,在pH为5~9范围内约为0.15.② pH在5~6范围内,体系Zeta平衡值接近零点,表面张力峰值较大.③ Al与SDBS 摩尔比增加接近3时,体系凝聚体逐渐减少.据此认为,在最佳的絮凝状态下,表面活性剂与化学凝聚药物之间存在化学计量关系.  相似文献   

Although a lot of research has focused on energy recovery and recycling of valuable materials from wastes to reduce loads on landfills, landfilling is still an inseparable part of solid waste management. Since landfills potentially pose a risk to human health and the surrounding environment, landfill site selection is an important endeavor that has to be carried out with great care. Choosing a suitable location for landfills depends on several factors and is a complicated procedure. In this paper, a comprehensive review of landfill site selection methods, with an emphasis on multi criteria decision making (multiple criteria decision analysis) has been presented. Assessments indicate that the most frequently used methods are weighted linear combination (WLC), ordered weighted averaging (OWA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (F-AHP), TODIM, fuzzy TODIM, analytic network process (ANP), fuzzy-analytic network process (F-ANP), and grey systems theory, each of which is discussed. The most widely used factors for selecting a landfill site are groundwater depth, surface water vicinity, elevation, land slope, soil permeability, soil stability, flooding susceptibility, lithology and stratification, faults, land use type, nearby settlements and urbanization, cultural and protected site vicinity, wind direction, roads, railways, proximity to building materials, pipelines and powerlines, and proximity to airports.  相似文献   

危险废物填埋场的安全选址是销毁日本遗弃在华化学武器工作中的一项重要的技术工作。本文依据我国环境保护的法律法规及标准,并采用科学的方法对危险废物填埋场址的选择进行了论述和评价,即:首先通过分析场址选择的影响因素,制定出科学、合理、可行的场址选择技术方案;然后再按优劣顺序对拟选的5个填埋场进行科学评价;最后选出最优的填埋场。  相似文献   

环境监测优化布点的物元分析模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李祚泳 《环境工程》1996,14(3):46-49
为了探索物元分析法在环境监测优化布点中应用的可能性,在确定了最佳和最次理想点基础上,建立了标准事物和节域事物的物元矩阵,并根据监测点对标准物元的关联函数值分布对采样点进行优化。实例表明物元分析法用于环境监测优化布点是可行的  相似文献   

The end-of-life vehicle (ELV) Directive in Europe aims to generate environmental gains through increased levels of vehicle recovery and a reduction in the use of hazardous substances. This paper presents an evaluation framework based on five anticipated changes that could result from the ELV Directive. These changes relate to three areas: (a) vehicle design, (b) level of ELV recovery, and (c) information provision. We evaluate the extent to which expected outcomes have materialized since the establishment of the ELV Directive. Current information provides an emerging picture of the impact of ELV legislation. We show that legislative factors and market forces have led to innovation in recycling, increased hazardous substance removal and improved information dissemination. Such actions may be sufficient to reach ELV Directive targets and could have spill-over benefits to other industries. Carmakers are also taking steps to design for recycling and for disassembly. However, movement toward design for re-use and remanufacturing seems limited. Increasing the level of re-use and remanufacturing will be a key part of moving toward sustainable vehicle production.  相似文献   

讨论了危险废物管理区域决策支持系统的体系结构、开发方法、应用环境、逻辑和功能结构、安全性设计以及系统实现方法 .该区域决策支持系统的设计方法和结构框架对其他环境信息系统开发与设计具有借鉴意义 .  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(11-12):1053-1062
Companies are perceived as important actors in the drive for sustainability. Linked to this, and in response to increasing demands from various stakeholder groups, companies start to look at their supply chain to enhance their overall sustainability profile. Two major triggers can be identified: (1) focal companies are held responsible for environmental and social problems caused by their suppliers, which become more and more important as (2) an increasing share of value is created at the supplier level. In response to such demands, companies have to find ways to incorporate environmental and social aspects into their supply (chain) management. Therefore, environmental and social standards are integrated into supply management by amending the purchasing processes. This paper presents one approach to integrate social and environmental standards into supply policy and supply management at the Volkswagen AG, a focal company of the automobile industry. Therefore, required changes of the sourcing and supply structures were identified during an action research project, and possible options adaptable for company internal integration are shown.  相似文献   

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