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烧结烟气是钢铁企业主要污染源之一,活性炭同时脱硫脱硝技术和半干法脱硫+SCR脱硝组合净化技术是目前实现烧结烟气综合净化处理较成熟的方案。运用生命周期评价手段,对国内某钢铁企业2种烟气净化技术进行综合评价。通过收集能源消耗、资源消耗和污染物排放清单,确定能耗分布,并计算得到相应的资源耗竭系数和环境影响负荷。结果表明:能源消耗和资源消耗方面,活性炭法优势明显,能耗和资源耗竭系数仅为半干法脱硫+SCR脱硝组合净化技术的68.38%和59.33%;环境影响方面,二者差距较小,活性炭法环境影响负荷略小。最后,依据生命周期评价结果给出相应建议,综合2种烟气净化技术生命周期评价结果,从能耗、资源消耗和环境影响的角度来看,活性炭法在烧结烟气净化领域具有明显的优势。  相似文献   

The effective management of mine tailings involves the control of several environmental impacts and legal requirements. Six tailings site management and closure scenarios were developed for a copper zinc underground mine located in Quebec (Canada) and compared using life cycle assessment (LCA). Two options are considered for the mine operation: tailings can be sent to the tailings disposal area where they are submerged or they can be partly used for backfilling. For each of these two operation options, three alternatives are presented for mine closure: (a) submerged tailings, (b) partial desulphurization with a cover of desulphurized material and (c) a cover with capillary barrier effects (CCBE) made of natural soils followed by revegetation. The goals of the study were to draw the inventory of these management scenarios from the development to the post-closure phase, to assess and compare their environmental impacts and to determine the importance of the land-use impact category. The potential impacts for each scenario were evaluated using the IMPACT 2002+ LCIA method. The results of the performed LCA indicate that for mine development and operation, scenarios where tailings are partly used as backfill for underground stopes appear to lead to larger impacts in 11 of the 14 midpoint categories since the backfill plant operation consumes a greater amount of material and energy. For a site closure period of 2 years, the CCBE option creates the greatest impacts, since it requires much more effort than the other techniques. The results for the post-closure phase have been analysed separately since they have a larger uncertainty. They appear to modify the comparative assessment results. The various results presented in the paper show the importance of taking land-use impacts into account.  相似文献   

We present a new analytical tool, called COMPLIMENT, which can be used to provide detailed information on the overall environmental impact of a business. COMPLIMENT integrates parts of tools such as life cycle assessment, multi-criteria analysis and environmental performance indicators. It avoids disadvantages and combines complementary aspects of these three tools. The methodology is based on environmental performance indicators, expanding the scope of data collection towards a life cycle approach and including a weighting and aggregation step. A case study on the Thai pulp industry illustrates the usefulness of COMPLIMENT.  相似文献   

中国水泥生产工艺的生命周期对比分析及建议   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
姜睿  王洪涛  张浩  陈雪雪 《环境科学学报》2010,30(11):2361-2368
为了定量分析各种水泥生产工艺造成的环境影响以及工艺替代时可能造成的环境问题转移,采用生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法,建立了大型、中型、小型新型干法、传统立窑、新型半干法(JT窑)5种典型水泥生产工艺从原材料开采到熟料生产的生命周期模型,对比分析了以上工艺生命周期过程中能耗、温室效应、酸化、可吸入无机物等主要环境影响类型的差异,提出并计算了大型新型干法替代其他工艺时的"平衡运输距离",并推导了其一般表达式.结果表明,由于大型新型干法工艺氮氧化物排放较多,使得工艺替代时可能伴随着环境问题从能耗、温室效应向酸化、可吸入无机物等影响类型转移;同时,由于产能增加,大型新型干法工艺也可能导致环境影响从生产阶段向运输阶段转移.从本文的案例研究可以看出,LCA方法可以定量分析不同环境影响类型之间和不同生命周期阶段之间的环境问题转移,能为技术评价和相关政策制定及实现全社会节能减排目标提供科学的依据与建议.  相似文献   

When evaluating the environmental impacts of finfish production systems, both regional impacts (e.g., eutrophication) and global impacts (e.g., climate change) should be taken into account. The life cycle assessment (LCA) method is well suited for this purpose. Three fish farms that represent contrasting intensive production systems were investigated using LCA: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in freshwater raceways in France, sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in sea cages in Greece, and turbot (Scophtalmus maximus) in an inland re-circulating system close to the seashore in France. Two main characteristics differentiated the three farm systems: feed use and energy use. Emission of nitrogen and phosphorus accounted for more than 90% of each farm's potential eutrophication impact. In the trout and sea-bass systems, feed production was the major contributor to potential climate change and acidification impacts and net primary production use (NPPU). In these systems, the main source of variation for environmental impacts was the feed conversion ratio. Results from this study indicate that the sea-bass cage system was less efficient than the trout raceway system, with a higher level of potential eutrophication (65% greater) and NPPU (15% greater). The turbot re-circulating system was a high energy-consumer compared to the trout raceway system (four times higher) and the sea-bass cage system (five times higher). Potential climate change and acidification impacts were largely influenced by energy consumption in the turbot re-circulating system. In the turbot re-circulating system 86% of energy use was due to on-site consumption, while in the sea-bass cage farming system 72% of energy use was due to feed production. These results are discussed in relation to regional contexts of production and focus attention on the sensitivity of each aquatic environment and the use of energy carriers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the practical application of life cycle assessment (LCA) to product system development. While life cycle assessment methods have been studied and demonstrated extensively over the last two decades, their application to product design and development has not been critically addressed. Many organizational and operational factors limit the integration of the three LCA components (inventory analysis, impact assessment and improvement assessment) with product development. Design of the product system can be considered a synthesis of individual decisions and choices made by the design team, which ultimately shape the system's environmental profile. The environmental goal of life cycle design is to minimize the aggregate environmental impacts associated with the product system. Appropriate environmental information must be supplied to decision makers throughout each stage of the development process to achieve this goal. LCA can serve as a source of this information, but informational requirements can vary as the design moves from its conceptual phase, where many design choices are possible, to its detailed design and implementation. Streamlined approaches and other tools, such as design checklists, are essential. The practical use of this tool in product development also depends on the nature and complexity of the product system (e.g. new vs. established), the product development cycle (time-to-market constraints), availability of technical and financial resources, and the design approach (integrated vs. serial). These factors will influence the role and scope of LCA in product development. Effective communication and evaluation of environmental information and the integration of this information with cost, performance, cultural and legal criteria will also be critical to the success of design initiatives based on the life cycle framework. An overview of several of these design initiatives will be presented.  相似文献   

采用IMPACT 2002+方法对我国的乙烯行业进行了生命周期评价(LCA)研究,分析了包括原油生产、原煤生产、原料生产、乙烯生产和电力生产5个环节在内的13种污染物排放对乙烯行业的环境影响.结果表明,乙烯工业对不可再生能源原油的消耗,对温室效应、呼吸效应和水体酸化等的环境影响潜值最为严重.减少乙烯生产环节和原料生产环节(炼油过程)的SO2、NOx、CO2等气体的排放,以及原油开采过程的CH4逸放,是改善环境影响的关键因素.同时,以石脑油为原料裂解乙烯工艺比以轻烃为原料制乙烯工艺对环境的影响要小.而煤制烯烃工艺对环境影响较大,仍具有一定改进空间.总体来看,经过近十年发展,我国乙烯行业对资源利用效率和缓解尾气排放两方面都有显著的提升.  相似文献   

In a life cycle assessment (LCA) study, the identification and quantification of the inputs and outputs of unit processes or gate-to-gate modules are essential. In general, however, many chemical industries are composed of very complex systems with internally recurring unit processes where the upstream input to a unit process may include the downstream output from a latter unit process. Therefore, it is rather difficult to identify and quantify the inputs/outputs for those internally recurring unit processes, respectively, for life cycle inventory analysis purposes.In this study, several calculation methods which are applicable to complex systems with internally recurring unit processes are proposed as follows: (1) Determination of the inputs/outputs associated with each unit process by using simultaneous equations. In this proposal, any parameter linked to an upstream process is treated as a ‘variable’ and the set of other parameters is considered to be a ‘constant’. (2) Determination of the inputs/outputs by using appropriate cut-off criteria based on the cumulative total mass contribution. (3) Determination of the inputs/outputs by using appropriate cut-off criteria based on the number of occurrences of an individual recurring set of unit processes.The results from these methodologies are analyzed using a hypothetical example and an actual case from the petrochemical industry. These methods enhance the reliability and consideration of on-site information in recurring unit processes. In particular, the determination of the inputs/outputs associated with each unit process by using simultaneous equations does not add assumptions regarding cut-off criteria selection and provides the advantages of time conservation, consistency and affinity to on-site consideration.  相似文献   

生命周期评价(LCA)在理论和实际应用中存在一些局限性,包括清单和评价方法缺乏时间维度和空间维度,主要表现为缺乏对产品能源系统随时间变化的考虑,使用静态的过时的清单数据而非基于时间的动态生命周期清单数据,以及影响评价方面缺乏动态特征因子的选择和计算方法.动态生命周期评价(DLCA)是针对工业和环境系统的时间和空间变化的动态建模过程的评价方法,可大大提高传统生命周期评价的科学性和准确性.本文从3个方面对动态生命周期评价方法进行总结和评述,即将时间信息作为不确定因素的动态建模分析;生产过程或污染物排放的实时数据的获取;基于时间分化的动态特征因子的影响评价方法.通过目前的动态生命周期评价的研究现状来看,其方法框架并不统一,另外缺乏科学的时间分化的LCI计算的数学模型和软件以及生命周期影响评价的建模解决方案.因此,本文对DLCA未来的发展进行展望,以期为LCA方法的研究、应用、发展和完善提供更多的支持.  相似文献   

Besides the apparent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, other important factors contributing to the renewed interest in biofuels are energy security concerns and the need of sustainable transportation fuel. Nearly 30% of the annual CO2 emissions in the U.S. come from the transportation sector and more than half of the fuel is imported. Biofuels appear to be a promising option to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the reliance on imported oil concomitantly. The interest on (ligno) cellulosic ethanol is gaining momentum as corn-based ethanol is criticized for using agricultural outputs for fuel production. Among many lignocellulosic feedstocks, woodchips is viewed as one of the most promising feedstocks for producing liquid transportation fuels. The renewable and carbon neutral nature of the feedstocks, similar chemical and physical properties to gasoline, and the low infrastructure cost due to the availability of fuel flex vehicles and transportation networks make (ligno) cellulosic bioethanol an attractive option. An in-depth LCA of woodchips shows that harvesting and woodchips processing stage and transportation to the facility stage emit large amount of environmental pollutants compared to other life cycle stages of ethanol production. Our analysis also found that fossil fuel consumption and respiratory inorganic effects are the two most critical environmental impact categories in woodchips production. We have used Eco-indicator 99 based cradle-to-gate LCA method with a functional unit of 4 m3 of dry hardwood chips production.  相似文献   

中国产品生命周期影响评价方法研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了确定中国产品生命周期影响评价所需的标准化基准和权重的确定方法和程序,包括产品系统环境影响潜值计算,数据标准化,加权评估 以及计算环境影响负荷和资源耗竭系数4个步骤。标准化基准采用1990年中国人均环境影响总潜值来表达,而权重采用1990年的基准与2000年中国政府的削减目标所估算的基准之间的比值计算。  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价的风力发电机碳足迹分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以我国市场占用率最高的2 MW双馈式风力发电机为研究对象,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,核算其全生命周期过程的碳足迹和总能量需求,分析风力发电机不同生命周期阶段的环境影响,识别其减碳潜力.研究结果表明,风力发电机生产阶段、运输阶段、运行阶段和废弃处理处置阶段的碳足迹(以CO2-eq计,下同)分别为1701 t、61 t、255 t和-325 t;各生命周期阶段的总能量需求分别为10413 GJ、701 GJ、1561.95 GJ和-1081 GJ.风力发电机的碳足迹和总能量需求主要来源于生产阶段,废弃处理处置阶段材料的回收利用有效的降低了生命周期的碳足迹和总能量需求.生产阶段的碳足迹和总能量需求分别占全生命周期碳足迹和总能量需求的101%和90%;废弃处置阶段对碳足迹和总能量需求的贡献为-19%和-10%.每1k Wh风力发电的碳足迹和总能量需求分别为20.7 g和0.14 MJ,风力发电机的能量回收期为0.79年.敏感性分析表明,风力发电机的质量和废弃处置阶段的金属回收率都是风力发电机总能量需求和碳足迹的影响因素.  相似文献   

This study assesses the direct and indirect environmental impacts to be expected if Switzerland should replace one percent of its current diesel consumption with imports of A) soybean methyl ester (SME) from Brazil, or B) palm methyl ester (PME) from Malaysia. In order to take into account possible future consequences, what-if scenarios were developed and assessed by means of a consequential LCA. In contrast to attributional LCA, the consequential approach uses system enlargement to include the marginal products affected by a change of the physical flows in the central life cycle. This means that the LCA considers all inputs and outputs which are linked to biodiesel production and that the product system is subsequently expanded to include the marginal products affected. Both future systems are assessed in comparison with the environmental scores of the fossil equivalent to biodiesel, i.e. diesel low in sulphur. The environmental burdens are measured by means of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), land occupation and various non-aggregated and aggregated environmental impact indicators.In sum, the environmental impacts of an increased SME consumption depend on the environmental scores of the marginal replacement products on the world market, rather than on local production factors. In other words, the marginal products assumed to be affected are most important for the results obtained, i.e. in particular the marginal vegetable oil, fodder cake and land areas. In this study it is SME production increased at the expense of the available soybean oil which shifts the impacts associated with soybean oil production to the production of the marginal vegetable oils on the world market. In this perspective, it is not relevant in which country biodiesel production takes place, but rather which vegetable oil is involved. With respect to PME, the most relevant determining factor for the environmental impacts is the land area affected by the increased cultivation of oil palms. Currently, this expansion displaces primarily peat land and rain forest. This causes GHG emissions which are much higher than the emissions of the fossil reference. All in all, both PME from Malaysia and SME from Brazil cause more environmental impact than allowed by the Swiss tax redemption on agro-biofuels (max. 60% GHG emissions and 125% UBP of the fossil reference).  相似文献   

Ghana is the world's second largest producer of cocoa beans. In addition to exporting raw cocoa beans, the country also processes some of its beans into finished and semi-finished cocoa products for both the local and international markets. This paper is aimed at providing a comprehensive picture of the environmental impacts associated with cocoa production and processing in Ghana by applying the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The analysis considered the entire system required to produce and process 1 kg of cocoa bean. It included the extraction of raw materials (e.g. fossil fuels, minerals), the production of farming inputs (e.g. fertilizers and pesticides) and all agricultural operations in the field (e.g. tillage, fertilizer and pesticides application, harvest, etc.). Transportation of beans to processing factory and industrial processing of the beans into cocoa butter, liquor, cake and powder were also included. The study was conducted in accordance with the international ISO procedural framework for performing LCA in the ISO 14040–14043 series.The overall environmental impacts resulting from cocoa production and processing activities and improvement options towards the sustainability of the system studied are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Renewable resources have increasingly drawn the attention of agriculture, industry and politics. Their utilisation is considered to lead to ecological advantages compared to fossil resources and products. They, however, also come with ecological disadvantages, particularly due to intensive land use.In this paper, the environmental impacts of some utilisation options of Miscanthus and corn to produce energy and products are determined by life cycle assessment. The following life cycle comparisons were performed: (1) insulation material from Miscanthus vs. mineral wool; (2) Miscanthus as solid fuel vs. conventional energy carriers; (3) PLA drinking cups from corn vs. polystyrene drinking cups and (4) ethanol from corn vs. gasoline. The results of the comparisons between these products from renewable resources and their conventional counterparts do not support a clear-cut decision making in favour of or against products from renewable resources.  相似文献   

The standards for management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 are developing towards a higher degree of compatibility. At the same time, organisations increasingly integrate these systems. The paper discusses this development and presents different levels of integration. The aim is to suggest the next steps to take in order to improve an integration which promotes sustainable management. Product-oriented management and stakeholders are in focus and the standards for management systems and the need for a common integrated ISO standard are discussed. Finally, the need for changes in life style and needs is presented as crucial to the development of more sustainable management systems.  相似文献   

Using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, we analyzed the effects of different cropping systems (sole maize (CK), maize + soybean (CST) and maize + groundnut (CGT)) on the environment. The comprehensive index of environmental impacts varied in the order, sole maize > maize + groundnut > maize + soybean, with corresponding intercropping values of 0.1295, 0.1229 and 0.0945, respectively. The results showed that intercropping maize with suitable plants (e.g., groundnut and soybean) could reduce the adverse effects of over-application of nitrogen fertilizer on the environment. The study further showed that the LCA method may be a convenient and effective approach for analyzing the environmental impact of fertilizer management in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

对LCA在玉米种植环境影响研究中的目标与范围定义、清单分析、环境影响指标与计算方法、结果解释等方面的研究进行了梳理分析,其中大部分文献均对碳足迹进行了计算,CML(Institute of Environmental Sciences of the University of Leiden)、ReCiPe(许多LCA领域研究人员共同开发)和IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)方法是应用最多的3种方法,经分析计算得到国外玉米种植单位产量碳足迹均值为0.50kg CO2-eq/kg,我国的均值为0.58kg CO2-eq/kg.同时本文也对LCA在玉米深加工产品中的研究进展进行了分析整理,对今后LCA应用于玉米种植及深加工产品中的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

A screening life cycle assessment (LCA) of tomato ketchup has been carried out. The purpose was to identify ‘hot-spots', that is parts of the life-cycle that are important to the total environmental impact. The system investigated includes agricultural production, industrial refining, packaging, transportation, consumption and waste management. Energy use and emissions were quantified and some of the potential environmental effects assessed. Packaging and food processing were found to be hot-spots for many, but not all, of the impact categories investigated. For primary energy use, the storage time in a refrigerator (household phase) was found to be a critical parameter.  相似文献   

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