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南麂列岛潮间带底栖藻类与环境的关系探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据南麂列岛的国胜岙,大沙岙和上马鞍等3条潮间带的底栖藻类监测结果,结合同区域的水质及底质环境质量,初步评价了该3个区栖藻类的生态种群,密度,形状及季节变化与环境质量之间的关系。  相似文献   

Samples of benthic invertebrates from four pairs of streams in southwestern Ontario collected monthly from May through August 1991, and once during the subsequent autumn and winter, demonstrated that conservation tillage practices have a remedial effect on the water quality of adjacent streams as indicated by biotic, rather than physical or chemical, parameters. One stream of each pair drained a basin under conventional tillage (CONV, mainly mouldboard ploughing), the other primarily under conservation tillage (CONS). The paired drainage basins were otherwise similar to one another in type of crops grown, as well as size, topography, soils and hydrology. CONS streams yielded a greater variety of Insecta but fewer taxa of Mollusca, Annelida and Crustacea than did samples from CONV streams. Both kick-net and Surber samples from CONS streams yielded significantly more taxa, more kinds of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, and lower Hilsenhoff Biotic Index scores than did samples from CONV streams. Kick samples from CONS streams were significantly more similar to expected reference communities in overall taxonomic composition. Surber samples from CONS streams contained significantly larger numbers of invertebrates. The relatively greater abundances of infaunal species, especially Tubificidae and Chironomini, in CONV streams suggest greater accumulation of fine sediment particles. Conditions during low flow appear to have the greatest influence on the composition of benthic invertebrate communities. The results of the study indicate that conservation tillage practices have a beneficial effect on the quality of surface waters.  相似文献   

Episodic coal mine drainage, caused by fluctuations in mine discharges relative to stream flow, has devastating effects on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. Seven stream reaches in the Anthracite region of Pennsylvania were identified as chronically, episodically or not impaired by mine drainage, and sampled seasonally for 1 year to determine the effect of episodic mine drainage on macroinvertebrates. Specific conductance fluctuated seasonally in episodic sites; it was lower in winter when discharge increased and higher in summer when discharges decreased and mine drainage made up a larger proportion of stream flow. Although we hypothesized that episodic streams would have higher macroinvertebrate richness than chronic streams, comparisons showed no differences in richness between treatments. Episodic pollution may result from undersized or poorly maintained passive treatment systems; therefore, intensive macroinvertebrate monitoring may be needed to identify streams being affected by episodic mine drainage because macroinvertebrate richness may be sensitive to water quality fluctuations.  相似文献   

Arsenic in the inorganic and organic forms was analyzed in species of marine macro-algae growing in the South Atlantic Ocean. Species of the genera Lessonia, Gigartina, Adenocystis, Leathesia and Colpomenia were investigated. Arsenic accumulation was found in all species studied. Total As content ranged from 5.3 to 56.9 microg As g(-1) and the levels of the inorganic forms ranged from 0.2 to 2.0 microg As g(-1). The complete analytical procedure was validated against a standard reference material (NBS, SRM 1572, citrus leaves) and the value obtained was in good agreement with the certified value. Some commercial seaweed products were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Restoration of streams impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD) focuses on improving water quality, however precipitates of metals on the substrata can remain and adversely affect the benthos. To examine the effects of AMD precipitates independently of aqueous effects, four substrata treatments, clean sandstone, clean limestone, AMD precipitate-coated sandstone and coated limestone, were placed in a circumneutral stream of high water quality for 4 weeks. Iron and Al were the most abundant metals on rocks with AMD precipitate. and significantly decreased after the exposure. Precipitate on the substrata did not significantly affect macroinvertebrate or periphyton density and species composition. In an additional experiment, percent survival of caged live caddisflies was significantly lower when exposed in situ for 5 days in an AMD affected stream than in a reference stream. Caddisfly whole-body concentrations of all combined metals and Fe alone were significantly higher in the AMD stream. Whole-body metal concentrations were higher in killed caddisflies than in live, indicating the importance of passive uptake. The results suggest the aqueous chemical environment of AMD had a greater affect on organisms than a coating of recent AMD precipitate on the substrata (ca. 0.5 mm thick), and treatment that improves water quality in AMD impacted streams has the potential to aid in recovery of the abiotic and biotic benthic environment.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to cause an increased frequency of extreme events such as heavy floods and major storms. Such stochastic events have an immediate impact on surface water quality, but the long-term effects are largely unknown. In this study, we assess long-term monitoring data from two Swedish headwater catchments affected by extreme weather events. At one site, where nitrogen effects in soil water, groundwater, and stream water were studied after storm-felling and subsequent forest dieback from bark beetle attack, long-term (>5 years) but relatively modest (generally <1 mg L?1) increases in ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N) concentrations were observed in the various aqueous media. At the other site, where effects on benthic fauna were studied in a stream impacted by extreme geophysical disturbances caused by rainstorm-induced flashflood, only short-term (1 year) effects were revealed both regarding diversity and composition of species.  相似文献   

The fine roots and myocorrhizae of beech, spruce and fir trees exposed to ozone, sulphur dioxide and simulated acid precipitation in open-top chambers (OTC) were examined both in situ by rhizoscopy and in the laboratory using root samples from soil cores. Prior to measurements the trees were treated for about one year. During the second year of treatment the fine root production of all three tree species was determined rhizoscopically. The OTC experiments were concluded after an additional three years at which time fine root and small root dry matter as well as the absolute and relative frequencies of mycorrhizae of spruce and fir were determined from soil cores. The vitality of spruce mycorrhizae was examined by fluorescein diacetate staining. In addition total contents of essential cations of spruce mycorrhizae were measured. Long-term exposure to SO(2), SO(2) + O(3), and simulated acid precipitation led to an increased mycorrhizal production by fir. On spruce, a decreased number of mycorrhizae was found in the chambers polluted with SO(2), but a high proportion of dead fine roots indicated an increased root production with an intensified turnover or a delayed decomposition of spruce mycorrhizae. The cation analyses showed an accumulation of Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) in the mycorrhizae of spruce exposed to ozone.  相似文献   

Two strains of green algae (Scenedesmus sp. and Chlorella sp.) have been isolated from two headwater streams differing in stream chemistry (Eger river: acidic, low alkalinity; Püttlach river: slightly alkaline, high alkalinity). In this study the growth response of these indigenous algae to increased concentrations of aluminium (Al) is investigated. A semi-continuous culture technique was used for Al-toxicity studies. Algal response was determined by calculating growth rates from turbidity and cell counts. Those Al-species which are well known to be toxic were estimated by equilibrium calculations using the WATEQ computer program (Truesdall & Jones, 1973). The pH-value of the culture media was usually pH=5, except for one of the test series. Tested concentrations ranged from c=4 to 220 micromol litre(-1). The isolated strains of green algae were highly sensitive to increased Al-concentrations. The strain isolated from the Püttlach river was more sensitive than the Eger river algae. A total growth inhibition occurs at Al-concentrations of c=4 micromol litre(-1) if the whole Al was added at once. If Al was added gradually into the growth media the response of the algae was delayed. This is due to Al-enrichment in cells. In our long term toxicity studies, growth inhibition occurs even at nearly neutral pH-conditions (pH=6.5) although Al toxicity is expected at pH-values less than pH=5.5. This new result confirms the need of long-term studies in continuous cultures under simulated natural conditions. This might be the only way to achieve valid conclusions about the fate and the toxicity of environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

The release of chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene from an organic rich spruce forest soil was studied in laboratory incubation experiments by dynamic headspace analysis, thermodesorption and gas chromatography. Performance parameters are presented for the dynamic headspace system. For spruce forest soil, the results showed a significant increase in chloroform concentration in the headspace under aerobic conditions over a period of seven days, whereas the concentration of the other compounds remained fairly constant. A biogenic formation of chloroform is suggested, whereas for the other compounds anthropogenic sources are assumed. The addition of trichloroacetic acid to the soil increased the release of chloroform from the soil. It is, therefore, suggested that trichloroacetic acid also contributed to the formation of chloroform. Under the experimental conditions, the spruce forest soil released chloroform concentrations corresponding to a rate of 12 microg m(-2) day(-1). Data on chloroform production rates are presented and compared with literature results, and possible formation mechanisms for chloroform are discussed.  相似文献   

Exposures of caged organisms in situ have proven to be a useful way to improve exposure realism and link to stressor effects in aquatic assessments of hazard or risk. A novel cage system, the benthic in situ toxicity identification evaluation (BiTIE), was developed for benthic macroinvertebrates (surrogate species, resident populations and communities) to separate low and high flow effects, and major chemical classes of stressors in streams. Three resin types were used to separate the chemical stressors in the streams Honey Creek and Little Beavercreek, Ohio, USA: Dowex Optipore (non-polar organics), zeolite (ammonia), and polywool (control). Isonychia spp. sensitivity was compared to Chironomus tentans, and no significant differences were found (p>0.05). Isonychia spp. growth (length) showed a stressor response in the zeolite treatments, and community testing revealed improved metric responses in the Dowex treatments. The BiTIE chamber system demonstrated stressor-response relationships using sublethal and multimetric endpoints.  相似文献   

Volatile iodinated organic compounds play an important role in the tropospheric photochemical system, but the current knowledge of the known sources and sinks of these alkyl iodides is still incomplete. This paper describes a new source of alkyl iodides from the pedosphere. Different organic-rich soils and humic acid were investigated for their release of volatile organoiodides. Six volatile organoiodides, iodomethane, iodoethane, 1-iodopropane, 2-iodopropane, 1-iodobutane and 2-iodobutane were identified and their release rates were determined. We assume an abiotic reaction mechanism induced by the oxidation of organic matter by iron(III). The influence of iron(III), iodide and pH on the formation of alkyl iodides was investigated. Additionally, different organic substances regarded as monomeric constituents of humus were examined for the production of alkyl iodides. Two possible reaction pathways for the chemical formation of alkyl iodides are discussed. As humic acids and iron(III) are widespread in the terrestrial environment, and the concentration of iodide in soil is strongly enriched (compared to seawater), this soil source of naturally occurring organoiodides is suggested to contribute significantly to the input of iodine into the troposphere.  相似文献   

Soil dissipation of the herbicide clopyralid (3,6-dichloropicolinic acid) was measured in laboratory incubations and in field plots under different management regimes. In laboratory studies, soil was spiked with commercial grade liquid formulation of clopyralid (Versatill, 300 g a.i. L(-1) soluble concentrate) @ 0.8 microg a.i. g(-1) dry soil and the soil water content was maintained at 60% of water holding capacity of the soil. Treatments included incubation at 10 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C, day/night cycles (25/15 degrees C) and sterilized soil (20 degrees C). Furthermore, a field study was conducted at the Waikato Research Orchard near Hamilton, New Zealand starting in November 2000 to measure dissipation rates of clopyralid under differing agricultural situations. The management regimes were: permanent pasture, permanent pasture shielded from direct sunlight, bare ground, and bare ground shielded from direct sunlight. Clopyralid was sprayed in dilute solution @ 600 g a.i. ha(-1) on to field plots. Herbicide residue concentrations in soil samples taken at regular intervals after application were determined by gas chromatograph with electron capture detector. The laboratory experiments showed that dissipation rate of clopyralid was markedly faster in non-sterilized soil (20 degrees C), with a half-life (t1/2) of 7.3 d, than in sterilized soil (20 degrees C) with t1/2 of 57.8 d, demonstrating the importance of micro-organisms in the breakdown process. Higher temperatures led to more rapid dissipation of clopyralid (t1/2, 4.1 d at 30 degrees C vs 46.2 d at 10 degrees C). Dissipation was also faster in the day/night (25/15 degrees C) treatment (t1/2, 5.4 d), which could be partly due to activation of soil microbes by temperature fluctuations. In the field experiment, decomposition of clopyralid was much slower in the shaded plots under pasture (t1/2, 71.5 d) and bare ground (t1/2, 23.9 d) than in the unshaded pasture (t1/2, 5.0 d) and bare ground plots (t1/2, 12.9 d). These studies suggest that environmental factors such as temperature, soil water content, shading, and different management practices would have considerable influence on rate of clopyralid dissipation.  相似文献   

The in situ bioremediation of aquifers contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons is commonly based on the infiltration of groundwater supplemented with oxidants (e.g., O2, NO3) and nutrients (e.g., NH4+, PO43−). These additions stimulate the microbial activity in the aquifer and several field studies describing the resulting processes have been published. However, due to the heterogeneity of the subsurface and due to the limited number of observation wells usually available, these field data do not offer a sufficient spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, flow-through columns of 47-cm length equipped with 17 sampling ports were filled with homogeneously contaminated aquifer material from a diesel fuel contaminated in situ bioremediation site. The columns were operated over 96 days at 12°C with artificial groundwater supplemented with O2, NO3 and PO43−. Concentration profiles of O2, NO3, NO2, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon (DIC and DOC, respectively), protein, microbial cells and total residual hydrocarbons were measured. Within the first 12 cm, corresponding to a mean groundwater residence time of < 3.6 h, a steep O2 decrease from 4.6 to < 0.3 mg l−1, denitrification, a production of DIC and DOC, high microbial cell numbers and a high removal of hydrocarbons were observed. Within a distance of 24 to 40.5 cm from the infiltration, O2 was below 0.1 mg l−1 and a denitrifying activity was found. In the presence and in the absence of O2, n-alkanes were preferentially degraded compared to branched alkanes. The results demonstrate that: (1) infiltration of aerobic groundwater into columns filled with aquifer material contaminated with hydrocarbons leads to a rapid depletion of O2; (2) O2 and NO3 can serve as oxidants for the mineralization of hydrocarbons; and (3) the modelling of redox processes in aquifers has to consider denitrifying activity in presence of O2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIMS AND SCOPE: Laboratory studies were conducted with the aim of defining the leaching potential of some phenylureas and their metabolites. A first study was performed for calculating their leaching index (as GUS) on the base of intrinsic properties: persistence (as DT50) and mobility (as Koc) in soil. Another study consisted of aged column leaching experiments whose meaning was to semi-quantify the occurrence of the tested compounds in the leachates, so simulating in field conditions. METHODS: The tested compounds were: diuron, linuron and monolinuron (parents); 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA), 4-chloroaniline (CLA), 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-methylurea (DCPMU), 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)urea (DCPU), 1-(4-chlorophenyl)urea (CPU) and monuron, this latter considered both as a metabolite and parent compound. The Koc values of the examined substances were determined by the HPLC screening methods, according to the OECD TG 121. DT50 determinations and aged column leaching experiments were carried out according to SETAC procedures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The examined compounds showed a rather wide range of persistence in soil, with DT50 values less than 2 days for DCA and CLA, close to 8 days for DCPU and CPU and from 16 (diuron) up to 24.8 (DCPMU) days for the others. Their mobility was generally high, based on their Koc values, which ranged from 33 (CPU) to 406 (linuron). The GUS indices indicated that monuron has a clear potential to contaminate groundwater (> 2.8); DCPMU, monolinuron, CPU and diuron are intermediate contaminants (1.8-2.8). Linuron, DCPU, CLA and DCA exhibited a non-leaching behaviour (< 1.8). The aged leaching column experiments showed that parents were found in the leachates at very high percentages respect to the doses applied. The metabolites reached much less percentages, the highest values were observed for monuron from diuron (5.7), CPU (7.2) and DCPMU (8.2%). CONCLUSION: Diuron, Monuron, CPU and DCPMU on the basis of their intrinsic properties, formation from their parents and occurrence in leachates from aged column leaching studies, seem to possess the characteristics of groundwater contaminants. The methodological approach of this study is relatively easy and rapid, hence it can represent a tool for a first screening of compounds such as pesticide metabolites (generally available only in small quantities and for which a field study is not conceivable) or other compounds for which not adequate environmental data are available.  相似文献   

Atrazine is one of the most frequently used herbicides. This usage coupled with its mobility and recalcitrant nature in deeper soils and aquifers makes it a frequently encountered groundwater contaminant. We formed biobarriers in sand filled columns by coating the sand with soybean oil; after which, we inoculated the barriers with a consortium of atrazine-degrading microorganisms and evaluated the ability of the barriers to remove atrazine from a simulated groundwater containing 1 mg L(-1) atrazine. The soybean oil provided a carbon rich and nitrogen poor substrate to the microbial consortium. Under these nitrogen-limiting conditions it was hypothesized that bacteria capable of using atrazine as a source of nitrogen would remove atrazine from the flowing water. Our hypothesis proved correct and the biobarriers were effective at removing atrazine when the nitrogen content of the influent water was low. Levels of atrazine in the biobarrier effluents declined with time and by the 24th week of the study no detectable atrazine was present (limit of detection<0.005 mg L(-1)). Larger amounts of atrazine were also removed by the biobarriers; when biobarriers were fed 16.3 mg L(-1) atrazine 97% was degraded. When nitrate (5 mg L(-1) N), an alternate source of nitrogen, was added to the influent water the atrazine removal efficiency of the barriers was reduced by almost 60%. This result supports the hypothesis that atrazine was degraded as a source of nitrogen. Poisoning of the biobarriers with mercury chloride resulted in an immediate and large increase in the amount of atrazine in the barrier effluents confirming that biological activity and not abiotic factors were responsible for most of the atrazine degradation. The presence of hydroxyatrazine in the barrier effluents indicated that dehalogenation was one of the pathways of atrazine degradation. Permeable barriers might be formed in-situ by the injection of innocuous vegetable oil emulsions into an aquifer or sandy soil and used to remove atrazine from a contaminated groundwater or to protect groundwater from an atrazine spill.  相似文献   

Barbel (Barbus graellsii) is a freshwater fish used as a sentinel species in environmental monitoring programmes and ecotoxicological studies in northern Spain, particularly in the Ebro River basin, the largest freshwater resource in Spain. We developed specific primers for the quantification of CYP1A and metallothionein (MT)-1 and -2 gene expression by QRT-PCR in barbel in order to assess their suitability in biological effect monitoring of dioxin-like compounds and metals. All three genes responded as expected in laboratory tests, using model inducers. Hepatic CYP1A mRNA levels showed a twofold induction in fish injected intraperitoneally with beta-naphthoflavone, whereas MT-1 and MT-2 gene expression was strongly induced by cadmium (15- and 13-fold, respectively) and mercury (five- and eightfold). Barbel populations from different sites on the Ebro River basin showed a good correlation between the historical records of organochlorine pollution, CYP1A expression levels and EROD activity. Nevertheless, although metallothionein protein levels in the liver of wild fish correlated with hepatic levels of mercury, MT-1 and MT-2 gene expression did not correlate with the mercury content or with the concentration of metals in sediments from the sites inhabited by the fish. These results demonstrate the utility of barbel CYP1A-mRNA expression, but not that of MT-1 or MT-2, as a biomarker in field studies. The tools and protocols developed here are likely to apply to other species of the genus Barbus, with some 700 species distributed throughout most of the Old World.  相似文献   

Surface runoff is one of the most important pathways for pesticides to enter surface waters. Mathematical models are employed to characterize its spatio-temporal variability within landscapes, but they must be simple owing to the limited availability and low resolution of data at this scale. This study aimed to validate a simplified spatially-explicit model that is developed for the regional scale to calculate the runoff potential (RP). The RP is a generic indicator of the magnitude of pesticide inputs into streams via runoff. The underlying runoff model considers key environmental factors affecting runoff (precipitation, topography, land use, and soil characteristics), but predicts losses of a generic substance instead of any one pesticide. We predicted and evaluated RP for 20 small streams. RP input data were extracted from governmental databases. Pesticide measurements from a triennial study were used for validation. Measured pesticide concentrations were standardized by the applied mass per catchment and the water solubility of the relevant compounds. The maximum standardized concentration per site and year (runoff loss, RLoss) provided a generalized measure of observed pesticide inputs into the streams. Average RP explained 75% (p < 0.001) of the variance in RLoss. Our results imply that the generic indicator can give an adequate estimate of runoff inputs into small streams, wherever data of similar resolution are available. Therefore, we suggest RP for a first quick and cost-effective location of potential runoff hot spots at the landscape level.  相似文献   

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