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The photodegradation of the pesticides chlorpyrifos, fenamiphos and vamidothion in water containing 2–4% methanol was examined. Acetone (5%) was added as photosensitizer in the photolysis of vamidothion. A suntest apparatus equipped with a xenon arc lamp which exhibits a radiation very close to natural sunlight was employed. Analyses were performed by direct injection of the water samples containing the photoproducts into a liquid chromatograph with diode array and thermospray mass spectrometric detection. The major photodegradation products were identified by matching their diode‐array spectra with the corresponding spectra of the authentic standards, their retention times and the spectra obtained using positive and/or negative thermospray mass spectrometry. 3,5,6‐trichloro‐2‐pyridinol, fenamiphos sulfoxide and vamidothion sulfoxide were the major photodegradation products from chlorpyrifos, fenamiphos and vamidothion, respectively.  相似文献   

几种土壤的基本理化性质与Cu2+吸附的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡红青  陈松  李妍  丁树文  赵竹青 《生态环境》2004,13(4):544-545,548
研究了大冶市几种类型土壤的基本性质及与Cu2+吸附的关系,结果表明,土壤对Cu2+的吸附量随其CEC值(记为CEC)而变化,供试土壤的Cu2+吸附量由大到小的顺序为石灰土→水稻土→潮土→棕红壤.加入铜浓度为5 mmol·L-1时11个土壤对铜的吸附量x((mol·g-1)与CEC的直线相关方程为x(Cu2+) = 2.018×CEC + 24.4 (r=0.7066).而影响CEC的因素,如Ph、粘粒含量及其组成、有机质、比表面等,也是决定Cu2+吸附量的重要因素.  相似文献   

A regional survey of Jamaican surface soils has been conducted in which more than 200 samples were collected at a sample density of 1 per 64 km2 across the island and analysed for total concentrations of 31 elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The aim of the survey was to begin the construction of a high-precision geochemical database to provide information on elemental levels in soils for application to environmental studies, agriculture, and human and animal health. Results on the regional scale are presented for As, Cd, Cu, Hg and Pb. Although Jamaican surface soils are enriched in several heavy metals compared with world soil means and crustal abundances, lead is of particular importance at this stage because of its occurrence in residential areas. Except for Cu, the distribution maps of these elements are highly correlated with bauxite which in Jamaica is associated with white limestone geology and residualterra rossa soils.  相似文献   

Photodegradation products of the herbicide Goal active ingredient were obtained with a xenon lamp and analyzed using direct inlet mass spectrometry, MS/MS and GC/MS. A number of products were identified and their generation pathways were established to be mainly Ar—O bond cleavage, dechlorination and photocyclisation. The latter process gives chlorinated and unchlorinated dibenzofurans some of which may be toxic.  相似文献   

The photodegradation of 14C-benthiocarb in water, on a glass surface, on soil and silica gel TLC plates was studied. the study was designed to obtain some information of its dissipation and photodegradation under various laboratory conditions. Benthiocarb degrades readily when exposed to either sunlight or UV light (254 nm). However, it is degraded much faster by UV light than by sunlight. Also, benthiocarb decomposes faster in water or on a glass surface or silica gel surface than on a soil surface. the half-life of benthiocarb exposed to UV light was: 1 hr on glass surface; 1.5 hrs in water; 2 hrs on silica gel TLC plate; 20 hrs on soil TLC plate. Benthiocarb in water, and exposed to sunlight, had a half-life of approximately 3 days. the following major photodegradation products were identified: 4-chlorobenzyl alcohol; 4-chlorobenzaldehyde; 4-chlorobenzoic acid.  相似文献   

The photodegradation of 14C-benthiocarb in water, on a glass surface, on soil and silica gel TLC plates was studied. the study was designed to obtain some information of its dissipation and photodegradation under various laboratory conditions. Benthiocarb degrades readily when exposed to either sunlight or UV light (254 nm). However, it is degraded much faster by UV light than by sunlight. Also, benthiocarb decomposes faster in water or on a glass surface or silica gel surface than on a soil surface. the half-life of benthiocarb exposed to UV light was: 1 hr on glass surface; 1.5 hrs in water; 2 hrs on silica gel TLC plate; 20 hrs on soil TLC plate. Benthiocarb in water, and exposed to sunlight, had a half-life of approximately 3 days. the following major photodegradation products were identified: 4-chlorobenzyl alcohol; 4-chlorobenzaldehyde; 4-chlorobenzoic acid.  相似文献   

腐殖质的光化学降解及其对环境污染物环境行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐殖质是地表环境中最重要的有机组分,也是生态环境中最主要的吸光物质之一,对环境污染物的形态、迁移、毒性和生物可利用性有着重要的影响。文章综述了腐殖质的结构特征和光化学降解反应过程和机理,指出腐殖质的光敏化和光化学降解过程对环境污染物的环境行为和归宿有重要的影响。通常,腐殖质的光敏化作用在低质量浓度下,尤其在一定铁离子的协同作用下可促进有机污染物的降解,但高质量浓度的腐殖质由于其本身的吸光作用以及参与自由基的竞争则抑制有机污染物的降解。腐殖质的光化学降解过程降低了环境体系的pH和腐殖质的分子量、破坏了腐殖质的芳环结构、改变了紫外和可见光区域的吸收等,导致其与重金属离子和有机污染物结合能力的下降,造成水体或颗粒态中游离的污染物质量浓度增加,对生态系统将造成更大的危害。目前对腐殖质和环境污染物本身的光化学降解机理已较为清晰,今后应加强对自然水体或土壤系统中腐殖质光化学降解的影响因素,腐殖质光化学降解过程中结构特性的变化机理,以及腐殖质的结构特性与环境污染物结合性质之间的构效关系等方面的研究。特别是随着平流层臭氧空洞的增加,增强了到达地球表面的紫外线强度,研究紫外线增强对腐殖质和有机污染物的降解以及对生态系统的影响可进一步深刻理解太阳光辐射对污染物环境行为和归宿的影响。  相似文献   

研究目的旨在揭示区域地质背景下土壤表层重金属元素的空间分布特征,探讨其影响因子;同时构建广东省表层土壤重金属元素的基线浓度。对260个表层土壤样品的研究表明,7种重金属元素含量分布符合对数正态分布,在此基础上建立的上基线质量分数值分别为:Cu 28.7 mg.kg-1,Pb 57.6 mg.kg-1,Zn 77.8 mg.kg-1,Cd 0.13 mg.kg-1,Ni 23.5 mg.kg-1,Cr 87.0 mg.kg-1,Hg 0.15 mg.kg-1。主因子分析结果可以满意的描述土壤重金属元素约80%的总体变异特征,并且得出:区域母岩的分布和成土作用是影响重金属元素空间分布和变异的主要因素;人类活动的影响以珠三角地区的Pb和Hg元素最为突出。此外,7种重金属质量分数克里格图展示了高质量分数的重金属元素的空间分布与区域断裂,盆地具有很好的空间相关性。区域断裂、盆地和珠三角地区的土壤重金属几何平均含量分别为普通地区的如下倍数:Cu 2.1~3.1倍,Pb 2.5~3.6倍,Zn 2.0~2.2倍,Cd 2.2~2.9倍,Ni 1.5~1.9倍,Cr 1.1~1.5倍,Hg 1.4~2.2倍。研究结果可以作为评价广东省土壤重金属污染和建立合适的修复标准的科学参考。  相似文献   

Surface soils (0–15 cm) were sampled at 10–20 km intervals along two transects in Venezuela. One (1162 km, 70 samples) ran west to east parallel with the Caribbean coastline, the other (920 km, 92 samples) ran south to north from the frontier with Brazil to the Caribbean shore. Sampling took place in both a wet and a dry season. Trace metals were extracted from dried, sieved (<2 mm) soil with boiling aqua regia followed by analysis by ICP or flame AAS. Metal values did not differ significantly between the two seasons and dates were averaged. Geometric mean values for the west–east transect were: Cr=41.5, Cu 17.9, Cs 3.6, Li=13.9, Mn=294, Ni=21.3, Pb=17.4, Sr=39.4, V=60.4 and Zn = 83.7g g–1, respectively. Similarly, for the south–north transect Cr=21.3, Cu=4.3, Cs=1.1, Li=2.0, Mn=55.7, Ni=4.4, Pb=6.1, Sr=13.3, V=28.2 and Zn=16.7g g–1, respectively. A classification of samples by lithology showed surface soil composition to be related to rock composition. Metal values were low in the soils in the south of the country, in the Guyana highlands (Gran Sabana). Low Zn contents were prevalent. Lead contents were affected by roadside fallout from vehicles using leaded petrol except that high Pb contents of soils in the Gran Sabana were of more complex origin.  相似文献   

Sorption of metal ions by soil and clay minerals is a complex process involving different mechanisms, and controlled by different variables that can interact. The aim of this work was to study the retention mechanisms of Pb ions on different soil samples. Surface soils were sampled from Guilan and Hamadan provinces in north and northwest of Iran with temperate and semiarid climates. The adsorption isotherms of Pb on the soils have been studied at 15, 27 and 37°C. The adsorption data for different soils were fitted into Langmuir and Freundlich models. Temperate soil samples had higher clay content, cation exchange capacity, dichromate (oxidable) organic carbon, total Kjeldahl-nitrogen, biological activity, amorphous and crystalline Fe and Al, but semiarid soil samples had higher sand content, pH, equivalent calcium carbonate, available P and K. Lead adsorption data obtained from semiarid soils against those obtained from temperate soils were better fitted in both Langmuir and Freundlich models. Langmuir constants Q 0 for Pb adsorption in semiarid soils were considerably lower than those for Pb adsorption in temperate soils. However, the binding energy (K L) of Pb and Freundlich constant n were higher for data of semiarid soils. The effect of temperature on the Pb adsorption was positive especially in temperate soils; however, soil properties had higher effects on Pb adsorption.  相似文献   

溶液酸度对四环素类物质光降解和光催化降解速率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
比较了四环素(TC)、土霉素(OTC)和金霉素(CTC)这3种四环素类物质在不同pH条件下的光降解和光催化降解速率.结果表明,在紫外光(UV)作用下3种四环素类物质的降解速率由高到低依次为OTC、CTC和TC,而在UV-TiO2光催化体系下,pH值为3.0~7.0时3者的降解速率无明显差异;碱性条件有利于TC、OTC和CTC的光降解和光催化降解,且降解过程中有NH;生成.  相似文献   

土壤表面农药光化学降解研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农药在土壤表面的光化学降解是重要的非生物转化途径,其过程和产物对农药药效、代谢、毒性及环境影响重大.本文综述了土壤表面农药光解研究方法和影响农药光解的土壤因素,分析了农药在土壤表面的主要光反应类型,并讨论了土壤表面农药光解实际应用等方面的热点问题.  相似文献   

Alpha-cypermethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide widely used in the treatment of rice crops, mainly commercialized as a CONTEST® formulation. The photodegradation of alpha-cypermethrin and of the commercial formulation has not yet been systematically investigated in paddy water under natural conditions. Here, paddy water solutions of alpha-cypermethrin and CONTEST® formulation at 5.0 mg L?1 were irradiated under simulated sunlight for 10 days. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out on the same solutions preserved in the dark. Analysis by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was developed for the identification of photodegradation products. Results show that degradation of pure alpha-cypermethrin and the formulation counterpart produces both common and different photodegradation products. Five out eleven photodegradation products were identified for the first time, in particular three in the alpha-cypermethrin paddy water solution and four in the formulation. Our findings underline the importance of carrying out photodegradation experiments directly on the commercial formulation, since degradation products could be different from the pure insecticide.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲表层土壤中的多环芳烃   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余莉莉  李军  刘国卿  刘向  祁士华  张干 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1683-1687
多环芳烃是一类主要由人类活动排放的有毒有机污染化合物,对人和生物体具有致癌、致畸和致突变效应,是评价土壤生态污染的重要内容之一。文章利用螺旋钻采样、索氏抽提、硅胶氧化铝净化和GC-MS分析,研究了珠江三角洲不同功能区(城市点、郊区点、乡村点)的76个表层土壤样品(耕作土、非耕作土)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量、分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,16种优控PAHs的总质量分数范围为31.5~791.6ng·g-1(平均279.1ng·g-1,以干质量计),以萘(44.4%)、菲(13.7%)、荧蒽(8.4%)、芘(4.9%)、■(6.6%)等化合物为主。与国内外其它地区的城市相比较,珠江三角洲地区土壤PAHs的污染程度较低,在组成上也表现出亚热带地区独特的中、低环化合物为主的特征。受人类经济活动的影响,地处珠江三角洲中部的经济工业中心地带,土壤中PAHs含量相对较高。珠三角表层土壤PAHs含量和组成分布主要受大气沉降控制,而与土壤有机碳、pH的相关性较小。高温潮湿的亚热带季风气候是影响珠三角土壤PAHs的降解和迁移的重要环境因素。  相似文献   

杭州市城市和郊区表土磷库及环境风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杭州市城市和郊区土壤磷素具有明显的积累特征并有较高的潜在释放能力。可提取态P(包括H2O-P、NaHCO3-P.NaOH-P和HCl-P)平均在80%左右,其中以HCl—P的比例最高,平均约55%。32个研究土样中,26个土样的水可溶性(H20—P)在10mg/kg以上,15个土样的NaHCO3—P在100mg/kg以上。酸性条件下P的释放潜力明显增加。土壤水溶性P含量及在酸性条件下P的释放量与土壤总P呈正相关,与土壤pH负相关。  相似文献   

分析了天津地区表层土壤和具有代表性的河流沉积物中甾烷和五环三萜烷系列化合物的组成与分布特征,讨论了这类化合物的来源及环境意义。分析表明,在天津地区不同环境功能区表层土壤和河流沉积物中均检测到了甾烷和五环三萜烷系列化合物,但样品之间其含量存在明显的差别;表层土壤与河流沉积物中甾烷、五环三萜烷化合物的组成与石油中的基本一致,样品间这类化合物在饱和烃中的相对含量与正烷烃CPI之间有较好的负相关关系,表明它们主要来源于石油及副产品,可以根据样品中甾、萜化合物与正构烷烃的比值来反映饱和烃中石油烃污染源的贡献。论文根据样品中甾烷、五环三萜烷化合物与正构烷烃的比值,并结合正烷烃CPI参数初步分析了天津地区不同环境功能区表层土壤和河流沉积物中饱和烃污染物的污染源。  相似文献   

表层土添加TiO2与土壤厚度对多菌灵光解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太阳光为光源,研究了TiO2用量、土壤厚度对多菌灵在土壤中的光解行为的影响.结果表明:多菌灵的光解符合准一级动力学方程,随添加TiO2用量从0增至200 mg·kg-1,多菌灵的一级光解动力学常数也增大,且2者的线性相关系数为0.962,其中最快的降解速率是最慢的2.85倍.在含有TiO2的土壤中,多菌灵在不同厚度土壤中的光解速率不同,土壤厚度较大情况下,多菌灵半衰期也较大.  相似文献   

It is accepted that the historical routine use of agrochemicals may have resulted in undesirable concentrations of metals in the environment. To investigate and assess the effects of land use on concentrations of heavy metals around the Guanting Reservoir in China, 52 surface soil samples (depth of 2–10 cm) were taken from areas where four types of land use were practiced (including arable land, woodland, bare land, orchard land). The metals and metalloids (As, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Significant accumulation of As, Cd, and Cr was found in soils of arable land. Based on correlation and cluster analysis, it can be concluded that Cd and Zn originate mainly from phosphate fertilizer, Pb from the use of insecticides, fertilizers, and sewage sludge as well as air deposition, and Cu from copper-based fungicides, while As, Ni and Cr might come from parent soil material. According to an ecological risk analysis of metals based on the ecological index suggested by Hakanson, the four types of land can be ranked by severity of ecological risk as follows: arable land > woodland > bare land > orchard land, with a high ecological risk of Cd for all four types. Management measures for land use planners for avoiding water, soil, and sediment pollution caused by metals around the Guanting Reservoir are presented.  相似文献   

颗粒物上十溴联苯醚的光降解反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类全球性的有机污染物,由于其持久性、毒性和潜在的生物累积性而备受关注.商业上主要使用的是十溴联苯醚(BDE-209),但是环境中检测出大量的较低溴代联苯醚,有可能来源于环境中BDE-209的光化学降解.研究在自行设计的光降解反应装置中,以太阳光和紫外灯(主波长为365 nm)为光源,对负载在硅胶和氧化铝上的BDE-209进行照射实验.光照6 h后发现,负载在硅胶上的BDE-209(0.2 mg·g-1)在太阳光照射下,半衰期为35 min,而在紫外灯下仅为10 min;在紫外灯照射下负载在硅胶和氧化铝上的BDE-209(0.4 mg·g-1)的半衰期为18 min.在不同光源或颗粒物中,BDE-209都发生了脱溴反应,生成较低溴代产物.暗反应表明,负载在硅胶和氧化铝上的BDE-209都没有发生光降解.这些结果表明,吸附在颗粒物气溶胶上BDE-209的光降解反应,可能是环境中BDE-209的一个重要归趋,同时,其产物可能是环境中低溴代联苯醚的一个重要来源.  相似文献   

研究了克螨特、霸螨灵在几种水体中的光降解以及 2种农药之间的光敏化或光猝灭效应。结果表明 ,在 3 0 0W高压汞灯光照处理时 (试验试管距光源 8cm) ,克螨特和霸螨灵都极易降解 ,克螨特的光解半衰期为 9.0 6min ,霸螨灵的光解半衰期仅为 1 .4 8min。克螨特在不同水体中的光解率为 :重蒸馏水 >鱼塘水 >河水 >井水 ,霸螨灵的光解率为 :井水 >重蒸馏水 >鱼塘水 >河水 ;2种农药在现采水、过滤水、灭菌水中的光解率依次降低。克螨特和霸螨灵混剂在重蒸馏水中互为光猝灭剂 ,在井水、河水和塘水中霸螨灵对克螨特有极显著的光敏化作用 ,而克螨特对霸螨灵有极显著的光猝灭效应。克螨特、霸螨灵在pH 5和 pH 9缓冲液中光解率比之在 pH 7缓冲液中稍快 ,光猝灭效应也较强烈。在重蒸馏水中太阳光照处理时 ,克螨特和霸螨灵互为光敏剂 ,而高压汞灯下则互为光猝灭剂。  相似文献   

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