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自然保护区是为了保护典型生态系统,拯救珍稀濒危野生生物物种,保存重要自然历史遗迹而依法建立和管理的特别区域。自然保护区能为人类提供生态系统的天然“本底”,是各类自然生态系统和野生生物物种的天然贮存库。自然保护区不仅是科学研究的基地,也是向广大公众进行自然保护宣传教育的理想场所。由于自然保护区对于保护自然环境、保护物种等自然资源和维护生态平衡具有重要意义,在国民经济建设和未来社会发展中具有战略地位,因此加强和发展自然保护区事业也是当前我国环境保  相似文献   

设计和建立自然保护区管理信息系统的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引言自然保护区管理信息系统是自然保护区管理科学发展的一个重要领域。管理信息系统通过计算机辅导的系统化,将管理的计划、实施和控制3个阶段的功能高度地统一,即由人、计算机等组成进行管理信息的收集、传递、贮存、加工、维护和使用的系统。该系统连接计算机进行信息处理,使最优管理成为可能,并能及时、正确地提供经济信息,预测自然保护区的各种运行情况,实现最佳决策和规划目标。随着技术经济的迅速发展,管理信息系统是现代化管理的关键因素,对自然保护区事业的发展和有效地管理具有重要作用。自然保护区的管理信息是对保护区…  相似文献   

我国自然保护区的管理及建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观我国自然保护区的管理和建设,应该说它与我国20余年来环境保护事业开拓和发展的进程是同步的。截止目前,全国已批准或正式建立的多种类型、不同级别、不同规模的自然保护区达700多处,从而为保护我国乃至世导性的自然历史遗产、自然资源遗产做出了载入人类发展史册的可喜贡献。各级环境保护部门和有关部门,为此做出了相当艰巨的努力,使我国自然保护事业迈出了开拓性的一大步。然而,纵观我国自然保护区的管理和建设的现状,却也存在种种不尽如人意之处,其中有些是亟须解决的问题。这些问题的严峻性在于,各种类型的自然保护,有着…  相似文献   

自然保护区经营管理模式改革的企业化取向问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、资金缺乏是自然保护区事业发展面临的主要困难我国自然保护区从一诞生就是非企业化经营管理的事业单位,不管是国家级的、省级的,还是市、县级的自然保护区,只要建,就要政府拨款建设,政府提供运转经费,有的虽然不是专项经费,但也都是以事业的形式发放。据调查,一个国家级自然保护区仅基本建设经费就得300万元,高的则上千元,加上每年的人头费、科研管理费等,数目甚为可观,即使这样需要与供给之间也常常脱节。经费的困扰时时袭击着自然保护区的建设和发展。主要表现是;1.该建的自然保护区不能尽快建起来。据分析,目前我国多…  相似文献   

程开元 《环境教育》2006,(11):13-16
我国自然保护区经历了数量从无到有、规模从小到大、功能从单一到综合的发展历程。五十年来,在党中央、国务院的高度重视下,在各级人民政府和有关部门的共同努力下,我国自然保护区事业健康发展,对保护国家战略资源,维护国家生态安全,促进人与自然和谐,保障经济社会可持续发展发挥了重要作用。围绕自然保护区这一话题,本刊记者对国家环保总局生态司副司长朱广庆进行了专访。  相似文献   

山东省自然保护区管理状况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于自然保护区管理机构、人员配置、固定资产、事业经费、基建与生态工程投入、旅游收入等17项调查指标,系统调查了山东省自然保护区管理机构、人员配置和资金投入状况,定量分析了山东省自然保护区管理状况,论述了自然保护区管理存在的主要问题与对策。结果表明:山东省56%的自然保护区建立了专门的管理机构,63%的自然保护区现有人员数量低于25人,33%的自然保护区事业经费低于45万元。自然保护区管理存在的主要问题是管理机构不健全、人员配置不合理和资金投入不足。因此,山东省自然保护区管理应进一步完善管理机构,合理配置人员,增加资金投入。  相似文献   

圣隆佐 《环境教育》2006,(11):71-73
2006年10月27日,秋高气爽,风和日丽的北京,迎来了“中国自然保护区发展五十周年纪念大会”。翘首回顾,在这发展的五十年里,自然保护区的发展波澜壮阔、催人奋进。虽然我国从1956年就开始了自然保护区工作,但真正快速发展只在改革开放之后的20余年。因此,在自然保护区的生物多样性保护和区内管理缺乏丰富理论和经验。美国在自然保护区方面走在最前面,本文通过美国黄石国家公园管理经验浅谈我国自然保护区的生物多样性保护。  相似文献   

自然保护区是我国自然生态旅游重要且独特的载体。自然保护区旅游要服从于资源保护的首要目标,追求旅游活动与保护区的保护、科研、教育等多元功能的协调。目前自然保护区旅游产业发展中出现了一系列问题,而解决这些问题需要自然保护区练内功、引外力,提升旅游经营和管理的市场化、专业化水准,也需要解决行业标准、管理体制和市场培育等问题。以四川省自然保护区的旅游发展为例,分析了自然保护区旅游可持续发展的制约因素及其对策。  相似文献   

杨欣  梅凤乔 《四川环境》2007,26(4):60-64
建立自然保护区是开展自然保护工作的重要基础。自然保护区的建立首先面临的就是自然保护区的土地权属问题,即自然保护区的土地归谁所有,归谁使用等。本文首先介绍了我国自然保护区土地权属的现状,分析存在的问题,结合我国土地管理的历史背景,指出导致我国自然保护区土地权属不清的原因所在,并分析了土地权属不清所带来不良后果,如自然保护区内资源的过度开发利用、与周边社区纠纷不断等。最后,本文通过借鉴国外自然保护区土地权属管理的经验,结合我国土地权属管理的具体情况,提出解决我国自然保护区土地权属问题的途径。  相似文献   

蒋志刚 《绿叶》2012,(4):8-12
由于自然保护区在濒危物种保护、关键生态系统保护和地质遗产保护方面的重要作用,自然保护区的管理受到了各方面的重视。随着中国的改革发展,中国自然保护区凸显出一些问题,有关的自然保护区立法事项提上了我国立法机关的议事日程。在立法工作中,应当明确保护区的所有权属、面积上限;必须适合我国国情和政情,逐步实现一区一法;必须确定自然保护区功能区与面积调整的法律程序;必须能够保障原住民的利益,能够鼓励个人、公司参与设立自然保护小区。  相似文献   

我国铜矿资源形势及其可持续供应对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对我国铜矿资源的供需形势进行分析,得知其安全供应问题已经处于高度紧张状态,年进口量在不断增加,对外依存度在不断升级,进而成为制约我国铜工业健康发展的"瓶颈".为了保障我国铜矿资源可持续安全供应与促进铜工业的健康发展,就其可持续供应的对策问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

市容环境是与公众生活联系最为紧密的领域,也是公众参与最容易进行的领域。南京的城市建设要实现“经济发达、环境优美、融古都特色和现代文明于一体的现代化江滨城市”的目标,公众参与市容环境的规划与管理是关键内容之一。论文以“南京市市容环境卫生发展规划”项目工作为基础,分析和阐述公众参与的内涵,提出公众参与市容环境的五大步骤,并针对南京市容环境方面的具体案例,设计出符合南京特色的公众参与市容环境规划与管理的方法框架模型,包括决策模式、制度框架的共管体系。  相似文献   

Because of their economic and environmental vulnerability, small island developing states (SIDS) have peculiar developmental problems that severely affect their ability to implement the measures necessary for attaining sustainable development as recommended in UNCED's Agenda 21. Although this has been recognised by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), and although there has been international acceptance of a SIDS Programme of Action (POA), SIDS have not been the focus of adequate attention by international and donor agencies. As a result, progress toward implementing the POA has been disappointing. This study examines the question of how sustainable management and development of ocean resources can contribute significantly to the achievement of the objectives of the SIDS POA.  相似文献   

Land abandonment is an important cause of changes in landscape patterns in the Mediterranean area. There is a need to monitor land use and land cover changes in order to provide quantitative evidence of the relationship between land abandonment and the formation of new landscape patterns. Appropriate management policies to encourage sustainable development can then be developed. This paper describes how to monitor landscape dynamics using different temporal land use and land cover data generated from field survey and airborne information. The results showed that the abandonment of agricultural land generally results in an increase of vegetation biomass. This process leads to homogenization of the landscape. In addition, abandonment promotes fragmentation of agricultural land. Based on these results, the paper discusses the implications for rural management policies concerning the abandonment of agricultural land and suggests recommendations for the development of such policies.  相似文献   

Drivers of agricultural sustainability in developing countries: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural development has been an effective instrument for poverty alleviation and economic development in developing countries over the latter half of the twentieth century, and over 80 % of rural people globally still depend on agriculture for their living. However, issues such as water availability, land degradation and an increasing dependence on chemical fertilisers and pesticides continue to be on-going threats to sustainable agricultural development. These threats are being driven by the pressing need to ensure food security in the face of rapidly growing and urbanising populations. Developing countries will therefore continue to need improved methods for planning sustainable agricultural development. This paper presents a review of agricultural sustainability assessment in developing countries. The review highlights some of the key weaknesses that persist in sustainability assessment and the need to consider not only indicators of sustainability but also the drivers that influence indicator behaviour. We argue that without a good understanding of the drivers of sustainability and their systemic relationships to indicators, sustainability assessments run the risk of focusing on symptoms without addressing underlying causes of adverse indicator trends. Drivers of agricultural sustainability in developing countries encompass a range of demographic, natural, socio-economic, political, institutional and management factors. Understanding these and their relationships to sustainability indicators is needed in order to develop agricultural development policy that supports sustainability. The paper presents a conceptual framework for guiding systemic agricultural sustainability assessment and agricultural development planning in developing countries that includes both sustainability indicators and drives, and considers the broad relationships between them.  相似文献   

The water resources of most small island developing states (SIDS) are often very limited and require special consideration to ensure that they are developed and managed in a sustainable manner. Many small islands, typically located in the humid tropics, have no surface water resources and rely on limited groundwater resources in the form of thin freshwater lenses. The exposed location of small islands makes them particularly vulnerable to natural disasters such as cyclones, floods and droughts. Pollution from population centres and from agricultural and other activities is an increasing problem. This article provides an overview of the water resources of small islands, and the main problems and issues related to water resources. Some suggested solutions, based on practical experiences, are offered for water resource assessment and monitoring programmes, and water resource development. Water resource policy, planning and management issues are also addressed, and suggested approaches for resolving some of the major water resource problems presented.  相似文献   

技术创新是煤炭城市协调发展的重要支撑和根本保证,现有的煤炭城市技术创新存在着历史遗留及因其特性产生的固有障碍因素。知识管理是通过对知识资源的有效管理和利用,创造新价值和增强竞争优势的持续管理创新活动,它是破解煤炭城市技术创新路径闭锁的有力工具。  相似文献   

生态环境保护与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了可持续发展提出的历史背景及其内涵,以及生态环境保护在实行可持续发展战略中的地位和作用,指出我国生态环境中存在的问题及其原因,就我国生态环境存在的问题及解决途径作了阐述。  相似文献   

Summary Flooding has become an inherent problem in most urban centres close to the Nigerian coast. In the last decade it has extended to large settlements in the interior of the country where rainfall is more sporadic. This study has revealed that various socio-cultural activities have promoted flooding in many of these Nigerian urban environments. These activities are characterised by stream or river channel encroachment and abuse, increased paved surfaces and poor solid waste disposal techniques, due to a high level of illiteracy, a low degree of community awareness, poor environmental education, ineffective town planning laws and poor environmental management. Govenment, at various levels, needs to address these issues.His special field of interest is in natural resource management, focusing on the implications of environmental degradation and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Global climate change is an important cause of biodiversity loss. The conservation, sustainable management and use of biodiversity resources are key factors that can be effectively used to minimize the adverse impacts of global climate change. Efforts to understand and address the linkages between global climate change and biodiversity loss are both urgent and timely. Integrating responses related to these two global environmental challenges is especially relevant for small island developing States (SIDS) because the adverse impacts of climate change can impose severe stresses on biodiversity resources that are fragile, vulnerable and already under stress and the people who depend upon them. This paper argues that comprehensive assessments of adverse impacts of global climate change on the biodiversity resources of SIDS, and an improved understanding of relevant climate change related adaptation measures and sustainable energy policies (that are based on the principles of conservation, sustainable management and use of biodiversity resources) will enable SIDS to become more resilient and to develop better response capacities.  相似文献   

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