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The accelerated eutrophication of freshwaters and to a lesser extent some coastal waters is primarily driven by phosphorus (P) inputs. While efforts to identify and limit point source inputs of P to surface waters have seen some success, nonpoint sources remain difficult to identify, target, and remediate. As further improvements in wastewater treatment technologies becomes increasingly costly, attention has focused more on nonpoint source reduction, particularly the role of agriculture. This attention was heightened over the last 10 to 20 years by a number of highly visible cases of nutrient-related water quality degradation; including the Lake Taihu, Baltic Sea, Chesapeake Bay, and Gulf of Mexico. Thus, there has been a shift to targeted management of critical sources of P loss. In both the U.S. and China, there has been an intensification of agricultural production systems in certain areas concentrate large amounts of nutrients in excess of local crop and forage needs, which has increased the potential for P loss from these areas. To address this, innovative technologies are emerging that recycle water P back to land as fertilizer. For example, in the watershed of Lake Taihu, China one of the largest surface fresh waters for drinking water supply in China, local governments have encouraged innovation and various technical trials to harvest harmful algal blooms and use them for bio-gas, agricultural fertilizers, and biofuel production. In any country, however, the economics of remediation will remain a key limitation to substantial changes in agricultural production.  相似文献   

水蚀风蚀交错带小流域生态环境综合治理模式研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
水蚀风蚀交错带是黄土高原侵蚀最严重的地区和黄河下游河床粗泥沙的主要来源区,其生态环境脆弱、治理难度大,加之晋陕蒙能源基地的大规模开发,也带来了新的环境问题。鉴于治黄和煤田开发及生态环境整治的紧迫需要,以水蚀风蚀交错带六道沟小流域为试区,分析研究了该区水蚀风蚀时空分布规律及脆弱生态环境特征,提出以防治水蚀和风蚀为中心,以提高生态经济效益和持续发展为目标,以基本农田优化结构和高效利用及植被建设为重点,建立具有防蚀固沙兼高效生态经济功能的大农业复合生态系统综合治理模式,取得了良好的社会与经济效益。  相似文献   

利用微生物技术对养殖虾池的生态环境进行了为期三个月的调控实验,结果表明:养殖前期试验虾池水温、盐度、水色、透明度、pH以及DO、CODMn和BOD5相对稳定,处于正常状态,试验虾池的变化与对照虾池相当;养殖中期,试验虾池水体出现了透明度下降,pH波动较大以及水色、DO、CODMn和BOD5增高的现象,pH、CODMn和BOD5出现超标.试验虾池水体CODMn和BOD5均值比对照虾池均值略低;养殖末期,试验虾池水体CODMn和BOD5有所回落,试验虾池的CODMn和BOD5均值比对照虾池低.研究期间,养殖水源水质理化因子的变化处于稳定正常状态.实验表明,微生物制剂在虾养殖的前期对水质有较好调控效果,对养殖中、后期的水质恶化现象起到一定的改善作用.  相似文献   

基于无人机多光谱影像的小微水域水质要素反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总磷(TP)、悬浮物浓度(SS)、浊度(TUB)3种水质参数可以直接通过遥感反演得到,常用于评价区域水环境的污染状况.以浙江农林大学东湖为研究对像,使用无人机携带多光谱传感器(Mica Sense Red Edge)获取多光谱影像,进而提取16个光谱参数,分别构建东湖水域TP、SS、TUB的反演模型.结果表明:光谱参数V5(NIR 0.770~0.890μm)与TP、SS相关性显著(r分别为0.470、-0.537,p0.05),V4(0.670~0.760μm)与TUB相关性显著(r=0.486,p0.05).在建立的TP反演模型中,指数函数模型精度最高,决定系数R~2为0.7829;在建立的SS、TUB反演模型中,多项式函数模型精度最高,决定系数R~2分别为0.7503、0.7334.经检验,TP、SS、TUB模型估测值与实测值线性拟合曲线的决定系数R~2分别为0.7374、0.8978、0.6726,满足水质要素反演的精度要求.最后利用建立的模型,结合多光谱影像数据,建立了东湖水域各参数的空间分布图,实现了水质参数的可视化,可为小微水域的污染防治提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

以丹江口库区胡家山流域为研究区域,分析了溪流枯、丰水期的水质变化特征,结合流域和河岸缓冲带景观类型及其格局,运用Spearman秩相关分析筛选了影响溪流水质的景观指数,利用逐步回归和冗余排序法定量描述景观格局与溪流水质的耦合关系.结果表明:溪流水质指标中氨氮和总磷浓度时空变化较大,其标准变异系数范围分别为69.8%~207.6%和52.0%~146.1%.景观类型中耕地和居民地是溪流水体污染的重要来源,两者在100m河岸缓冲带尺度上对氨氮的解释程度为58.6%,高于流域尺度;景观格局指数中蔓延度、林地和居民地斑块密度、林地和居民地最大斑块指数以及林地和耕地聚集度指数等显著影响溪流水质(P<0.05),流域尺度上各景观类型的景观指数对总氮和总磷的解释程度分别介于71.1%~81.6%和74.5%~83.8%,均高于100m河岸缓冲带尺度,其中蔓延度对总氮和总磷均有显著影响(P<0.05).无显著因子进入高锰酸盐指数模型中,其浓度变化是各景观指数共同作用的结果.此外,景观格局季节变化也显著影响溪流水质.枯水期景观指数能够更好的解释总氮和总磷变化,而丰水期对氨氮的解释程度要好于枯水期.  相似文献   

Long-term manure-borne copper and zinc inputs (18-324 mg Cu m−2 yr−1 and 100-800 mg Zn m−2 yr−1) to grassland soils resulted in their catchment in water concentrations that often exceeded the surface water quality criteria (2 μg Cu l−1 and 5 μg Zn l−1). This paper compares retention and release of Cu and Zn by two types of soil, a mineral soil (MS) and a dark colored soil rich in organic matter (OS). On the basis of dry soil mass, the OS has a higher retention/affinity for Cu and Zn than the MS, but much less Zn accumulated in the MS when compared on an areal basis. This is largely because of the much smaller bulk OS density and larger dissolved metal concentrations in the OS drainage than that for the MS. However, because of the greater water retention capacity of the OS, elevated metal concentrations in the soil solution do not necessarily cause greater loss to water. It is concluded that artificially drained OS can contribute significantly to the observed elevated Cu and Zn concentrations of the river, especially during relatively dry weather conditions when the contribution of water seeping from OS to the total river water discharge becomes increasingly important.  相似文献   

Land use change and the expansion of dairying are perceived as the cause of poor water quality in the 1881 km2 Pomahaka catchment in Otago, New Zealand. A study was conducted to determine the long-term trend at four sites, and current state in 13 sub-catchments, of water quality. Drains in 2 dairy-farmed sub-catchments were also sampled to determine their potential as a point source of stream contamination. Data highlighted an overall increase in the concentration of phosphorus (P) fractions at long-term sites. Loads of contaminants (nitrogen (N) and P fractions, sediment and Escherichia coli) were greatest in those sub-catchments with the most dairying. Baseline (without human influence) contaminant concentrations suggested that there was considerable scope for decreasing losses. At most sites, baseline concentrations were <20% of current median concentrations. Contaminant losses via drainage were recorded despite there being no rainfall that day and attributed to applying too much effluent onto wet soil. Modelling of P concentrations in one dairy-farmed sub-catchment suggested that up to 58% of P losses came from point sources, like bad effluent practice and stock access to streams. A statistical test to detect “contaminated” drainage was developed from historical data. If this test had been applied to remove contaminated drainage from samples of the two dairy-farmed sub-catchments, median contaminant concentrations and loads would have decreased by up to 58% (greater decreases were found for E. coli, ammoniacal-N and total P than other contaminants). This suggests that better uptake of strategies to mitigate contamination, such as deferred effluent irrigation (and low rate application), could decrease drainage losses from dairy-farmed land and thereby improve water quality in the Pomahaka catchment.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is considered to be a promising alternative to short-fallow shifting cultivation or other monocropping systems. An on-farm experiment was established in 1996 in northern Viet Nam to examine the contribution of the leguminous bush Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) D.C. as a fallow or hedgerow species and as a mulch producer to improve nutrient cycling and prevent nutrient losses by erosion. The systems tested were upland rice monocropping (Mono), natural fallow (NaFa), fallow of Tephrosia (TepFa), hedgerow intercropping with upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) and internal mulching using pruned Tephrosia biomass (TepAl), and upland rice with external mulching using Tephrosia biomass (TepMu). Over two cropping seasons, from April 1996 to April 1998, nutrients recycled and inputs and exports were recorded, as well as changes in C-, N- and P-pools, and in pH in the 0–5 cm topsoil layer.The Tephrosia systems (TepFa, TepAl, TepMu) prevented nutrient losses by erosion effectively. Compared to the NaFa system, the TepFa system accumulated 34% more N in the above-ground plant parts and increased topsoil N by 20%, probably due to N-fixation. There was a trend that the less labile P-pools (NaOH-P) were reallocated into the more labile P-pools (Bicarb-P) in the soil of the TepFa system. Burning released significant amounts of the inorganic P-pools in both the NaFa and TepFa systems and this effect seemed to be more pronounced in the TepFa than in the NaFa. Organic input to crop export ratios for N and P were >1 in the TepAl and TepMu treatments. This was due to a sufficient quantity and quality of the Tephrosia mulching material. However, moderately labile NaOH-extractable organic P seemed to be depleted in the topsoil due to high P uptake in the TepMu treatment. Thus, nutrient cycling and nutrient balances were improved under the Tephrosia systems. But for long-term P sustainability, there is a belief that a combined use of mulching and mineral P fertiliser is needed.  相似文献   

The treatment of organics present in the lower reaches of a major river system(the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia) before(March–July 2010), during(December 2010–May 2011) and after(April–December 2012) a major flood period was investigated. The flood period(over 6 months)occurred during an intense La Nia cycle, leading to rapid and high increases in river flows and organic loads in the river water. Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) increased(2–3 times) to high concentrations(up to 16 mg/L) and was found to correlate with river flow rates. The treatability of organics was studied using conventional jar tests with alum and an enhanced coagulation model(mEnCo). Predicted mean alum dose rates(per mg DOC) were higher before(9.1 mg alum/mg DOC) and after(8.5 mg alum/mg DOC) than during the flood event(8.0 mg alum/mg DOC),indicating differences in the character of the organics in raw waters. To assess the character of natural organic matter present in raw and treated waters, high performance size exclusion chromatography with UV and fluorescence detectors were used. During the flood period, high molecular weight UV absorbing compounds(〉2 kDa) were mostly detected in waters collected,but were not evident in waters collected before and afterwards. The relative abundances of humic-like and protein-like compounds during and following the flood period were also investigated and found to be of a higher molecular weight during the flood period. The treatability of the organics was found to vary over the three climate conditions investigated.  相似文献   

空心菜浮床对鱼塘水质和微生物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为从环境微生物的角度探讨生物浮床的水质调节机理,采用宏基因组学测序技术和生物信息学手段,分析了环境微生物和根系微生物群落的多样性.研究结果表明,鱼菜共生模式下优势菌门是变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)等,主要菌属是聚球藻属(Synechococcus)、hgcI_cladeCL500-29_marine_group、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium)等;空心菜根系微生物群落中最丰富的优势菌门是变形菌门和蓝细菌门,主要菌属是红细菌属(Rhodobacter)、噬氢菌属(Hydrogenophaga)和聚球藻属等.研究结果还表明低覆盖率(3.5%)的空心菜生物浮床能够增加水体的溶解氧含量,降低水体中含氮化合物的浓度和改善养殖环境中的微生态平衡,提高有益菌和氮循环细菌的含量.  相似文献   

针对北京市沙河水库水体环境自净能力弱、水质较差等问题,通过构建“溞草共建”系统进行中试实验,研究水温变化期,水深对大型溞和沉水植物生长状况以及“溞草共建”系统对水库水体和底泥污染物去除的影响.结果表明,系统运行前期,大型溞生长发育正常;但是系统运行后期,水温降低,大型溞的生理活动将被抑制,并产生休眠卵甚至死亡.3种沉水植物对水深的适应能力表现为:金鱼藻>黑藻>狐尾藻;对水温的适应能力表现为:黑藻>金鱼藻>狐尾藻.系统运行前期,水体透明度、叶绿素a含量以及COD、NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP的去除率均随着大型溞的投加和沉水植物长势渐好而逐渐增加,但系统运行后期,以上指标均随着大型溞和沉水植物的死亡而逐渐降低.系统运行前期,组合系统对底泥污染物具有较好的去除效果,底泥中有机质、TN、TP的去除率分别可以达到8.7%、6.2%和19.3%.系统运行后期,底泥有机质、总氮、总磷含量逐渐上升.本研究可为北京市再生水补给河湖水库的水生态修复及其“溞草共建”系统构建提供理论支撑和...  相似文献   

RS、GIS在内陆湖泊水质研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
:遥感 (RS)、地理信息系统 (GIS)技术的综合应用在许多研究领域广泛推广并日渐成熟 ,表现出广阔的发展前景。将 RS、GIS相结合 ,综合应用于内陆湖泊水质的监测和分析 ,充分体现了其快速、经济、高效的强大优势。本文首先回顾了一般监测方法的特点及局限性 ,主要讨论了 RS、GIS的特点及在内陆湖泊监测和分析中的优势所在。最后提出了此领域的发展方向展望  相似文献   

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