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The value of adenylate energy charge as a biological indicator of the severity of departure from normal environmental conditions was examined in the gastropod Pyrazus ebeninus (Bruguière, 1792) and the bivalves Anadara trapezia (Deshayes, 1840) and Saccostrea commercialis (Iredale and Roughley, 1933). Mean energy charge for each species decreased by 17% or more when salinity was reduced from 35 to 10. Changes with reduced salinity were also found in the concentrations of individual adenylates and several adenylate ratios other than energy charge. Energy charge was calculated from the relative concentrations of adenosine 5-tri-, di- and monophosphate (ATP, ADP, AMP) in the columellar muscle of P. ebeninus and in the adductor muscle of A. trapezia and S. commercialis. Mean energy charge values for individuals in the low-salinity condition (10) were 0.61 for P. ebeninus, 0. 69 for A. trapezia and 0.53 for S. commercialis, compared with mean energy charge values in the control individuals (35 S) of 0.85 to 0.87 for P. ebeninus, 0.84 to 0.85 for A. trapezia and 0.64 to 0.76 for S. commercialis. The decrease in energy charge occurred within 24 h; no further change was found with exposure to low salinity for 48 h (A. trapezia) or no further change was found with exposure to low salinity for 48 h (A. trapezia) or 20 h (P. ebeninus, S. commercialis). Total adenylate concentrations (ATP+ADP+AMP) differed between the three species, with mean values (kg-1 wet weight) of 5.0 mmol in P. ebeninus, 3.4 mmol in A. trapezia and 3.0 mmol in S. commercialis. No trends with time were found in total adenylate concentrations in any species. The changes in energy charge that occurred were not consistent with the differing sensitivity of the three species to reduced salinity, and do not support the use of energy charge as an absolute measure of stress in molluscs generally.  相似文献   

AdultLuidia clathrata (Say) were held at salinities lower and higher (25 to 35) than environmental salinity (29) during gametogenesis and after sperm and primary oocytes were produced. The sperm and primary oocytes acclimated to the experimental salinities in both cases. Fertilization and development through gastrulation were not affected at the salinities at which the parents were held, but were affected at altered salinities. This indicates that intracellular osmoregulation can occur both during gametogenesis and after the stage of arrested activity has been reached. This is an important capacity forL. clathrata, which lives in estuaries with variable salinities.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of 14C-L-leucine by Cystoclonium purpureum (Huds) Batt. (Rhodophyllidaceae) at concentrations of 0.5–50 μM were studied. Leucine was taken up from seawater at rates of 10–160 nmol·g-1 fresh weight·h-1. At low leucine levels ( 5 μM) the amino acid was preferably incorporated into cellular protein; amine formation was less than 5%. However at leucine concentrations of 50 μM, more than 30% of the total leucine taken up was decarboxylated to 3-methylbutylamine. This effect is expressed even more in Dumontia increassata (O. F. Müll) Lamour. (Dumontiaceae). In both species some of the amine occurred as a non-volatile derivative (bound amine) from which free amine could quantitatively be released by acid hydrolysis. Leucine and amine uptake were inhibited by CCCP. However, from cells preloaded with both leucine and amine, only free amine is released in the presence of CCCP. The results indicate that decarboxylase activity will be switched on at increased levels of amino acids in seawater which may be expected frequently in habitats of littoral algae (tidal zone). A possible function of amine formation and release within the scope of chemical defence of benthic algae is discussed.  相似文献   

The megalopal larval stage of many estuarine brachyuran crabs appears to return to adult habitats by undergoing rhythmic vertical migrations which result in saltatory up-estuary transport on flood tides. Larval ascent into the water column during rising tides may be cued by changing hydrologic variables. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the responses of field-caught megalopae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus and the fiddler crab Uca spp. to constant rates of pressure and salinity change under laboratory conditions. For both genera, pressure changes resulted in increased movement (barokinesis) and upward migration in the test chamber, with C. sapidus megalopae having a lower response threshold (2.8×10-2 mbar s-1) than Uca spp. larvae (5×10-2 mbar s-1). Similarly, larvae ascended in response to increasing salinity, with C. sapidus larvae being more sensitive. Larvae were negatively phototactic and failed to respond to pressure increases at light levels above 1.0×1015 and 1.0×1013 photons m-2 s-1 for C. sapidus and Uca spp. megalopae, respectively. Such responses are thought to explain the low abundances of larvae in the water column during daytime flood tides. Nevertheless, threshold sensitivities to increasing pressure for both genera were above levels experienced during floodtide conditions in the field. Similarly, it is unlikely that increasing salinity is sufficient to induce ascent in Uca spp. postlarvae. However, rates of salinity increase during midflood tide typically reach levels necessary to induce an ascent in C. sapidus megalopae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that fiddler crab megalopae utilize an endogenous activity rhythm for flood-tide transport, while blue crab megalopae rely upon external cues, especially salinity changes, to time their sojourns in the water column.  相似文献   

Continuous data of vertical-profile salinity were analyzed for four stations located successively upriver in a macrotidal estuary, the lower St. Johns River (Northeast Florida, USA). The data analysis confirmed well-mixed salinity conditions in the river with at most 1.3 ppt of vertical variability at Dames Point (river km 20), where the main variations of salinity are along the longitudinal axis of the river. Given the well-mixed salinity conditions and dominant horizontal structure of salinity variations in the river, we present and apply a barotropic, two-dimensional modeling approach for hydrodynamic-salinity transport simulation in the lower St. Johns River. When properly forced by offshore surge, high-resolution wind fields and freshwater river inflows, the model replicated the salinity measurements remarkably well, including the separation into tidal and sub-tidal components. The data and model results show that, at times, offshore winds and surge can be more influential on longitudinal salinity variations than local winds over the river. We demonstrate the importance of using proper boundary conditions to force the model relative to the minimal sensitivity of the model to parameter adjustment of horizontal mixing and uncertainty-based perturbation of wind and inflow forcings.  相似文献   

RNA:DNA ratios of larval and juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) collected from nursery habitats in the Aransas Estuary, Texas, in 1994 were quantified using a highly sensitive ethidium-bromide fluorometric technique. RNA:DNA ratios of wild red drum were evaluated by comparing individual values to a linear regression model derived for starved laboratory-reared red drum. Wild red drum were in relatively good condition with <5% of the RNA:DNA ratios within or below the 95% prediction interval of 4 to 5 d starved red drum. A multiple-regression model explained 54% of the variability in the RNA:DNA ratio of wild red drum, and identified length and water temperature (midday) as significant factors. RNA:DNA ratios increased with fish length [≃1.1 mm−1, over the size range investigated (5␣to 20 mm)]. The effect of temperature on the RNA: DNA ratio was assessed on different sampling trips, and ratios increased with increasing temperature. Abundance of larval and juvenile red drum in the Aransas Estuary varied as a function of both habitat (shoal grass Halodule wrightii, turtle grass Thalassia testudinum) and site (Aransas Bay, Redfish Bay); however, no differences in RNA:DNA ratios were detected between habitats or between sites. It is postulated that the nutritional condition of newly settled red drum from the Aransas Estuary in 1994 was relatively high, and that starvation was of minor importance. Received: 19 August 1996 / Accepted: 23 August 1996  相似文献   

To what extent densities of amphipods associated with red algae are related to food value or habitat form and architecture were investigated. Four epiphytic red algae common on kelp stipes (Laminaria hyperborea) were sampled, and the densities of three species of associated amphipods were analysed. The algae were chosen to represent different structures and levels of architectural complexity. Palmaria palmata and Delesseria sanguinea are leaf-shaped, and Ptilota gunneri and Polysiphonia elongata are branched. The algae were later fed to the common epiphyte-associated amphipods Ampithoe rubricata, Jassa falcata and Caprella septentrionalis in no-choice laboratory experiments. Survival and growth were measured. J. falcata was found at the highest densities on P. gunneri and D. sanguinea, C. septentrionalis was found in highest densities on P. elongata, and P. gunneri and A. rubricata were found at the highest densities on P. gunneri. The survival and growth were highest on P. palmata for all amphipods. This indicates that the form and function of the algal host is more important for the distributions of amphipods than the food value. Interspecific distribution differences between amphipods may have been related to differences in their body form and size, as well as to crypsis.Communicated by L. Hagerman, Helsingør  相似文献   

Dimock  R. V.  Groves  K. H. 《Marine Biology》1975,33(4):301-308
Marine Biology - The combined effects of temperature and salinity on the rate of oxygen consuption by the estuarine crab Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards (Crustacea: Decapoda: Xanthidae) were...  相似文献   

At reduced salinities, brooding females of some gastropods and bivalves may isolate their mantle cavities from the environment for several days, maintaining internal osmotic concentration but causing severe declines in dissolved oxygen and pH, and increases in ammonia and other toxic substances in the mantle fluid. This study in November–December examined the immediate consequences of such stresses for brooded embryos of Quempillén estuary gastropod Crepipatella dilatata, in terms of time to juvenile emergence and rates of embryonic growth [measured as shell length (SL)]. Juveniles were also monitored for latent effects on feeding rates, oxygen consumption, and growth for the first 4 weeks after emergence into normal salinity seawater. An acute salinity stress lasting 3 days applied to females that were brooding pre-shelled or intermediate-shelled stages increased embryonic incubation periods, but without affecting SL at emergence. Growth rates were reduced for encapsulated embryos regardless of the stage at which the salinity stress was applied. Latent effects on juvenile development included slower shell growth and reduced rates of oxygen consumption and feeding. These effects were sustained for the first month after release from the female. The results suggest that marked reductions in salinity lasting for several days indirectly but negatively affect the development of brooded embryos of C. dilatata and also affect the juveniles for at least several weeks following their release, even after salinity has returned to normal.  相似文献   

This paper empirically estimates the economic impacts of a large-scale public investment in natural infrastructure aimed at adapting to climate change and increasing coastal resilience. I utilize temporal and spatial variation in investment in dunes to provide a hedonic property value estimate of the economic benefits. I identify the net effect of treatment utilizing the doubly robust Oaxaca-Blinder estimator and show that coastal housing price increases attributable to constructed dunes are approximately 3.6%. A decomposition of the average impact suggests that the policy intervention generates ancillary costs related to impaired ocean views and privacy concerns that partially offset large protection benefits.  相似文献   

The supply of freshwater to estuarine ecosystems is a critical factor in maintaining the overall health and organization of coastal marshes. Specifically along the Texas Gulf coast, the coupled effects of decreased freshwater inflows to the estuary and natural processes (e.g., precipitation, wind, and tides) can exert significant salt-stress on coastal marsh vegetation. In this project we sought to quantitatively link the inflow of freshwater to the estuary (San Antonio Bay) with Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) coastal marsh salinity and assess the influence of salinity and inundation on Carolina wolfberry (Lycium carolinianum Walt.) phenology (leaf and fruit abundance). The Carolina wolfberry is one of the more common high marsh plant species found at ANWR and has been shown to be a key food source for endangered Whooping Cranes which inhabit the coastal marshes of the ANWR each fall/winter. Results from our study show that periods of decreased freshwater inflows to the estuary correlated with increased marsh salinity at the ANWR. Wolfberry plants at ANWR marsh sites displayed increased fruit abundance during years which had lower mean summer time salinity (June, July, and August) in San Antonio Bay; conversely, during years of increased bay salinity during the same summertime months, wolfberry plants showed decreased fruit abundance. Through the continued validation of the relationship between inflows and coastal marsh salinity, we hope to provide additional insight into how wolfberry phenology varies inter-annually across both salinity and inundation regimes and how freshwater inflows may affect food availability for the endangered Whooping Crane.  相似文献   

S. G. Cheung 《Marine Biology》1997,129(2):301-307
Physiology (oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion) and behaviour (feeding and activity) of the intertidal gastropod Nassarius festivus (Powys) at five different salinities [15, 20, 25 (control), 30 and 35‰] were studied for 4 weeks. Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates were reduced immediately after salinity was either elevated or reduced. Subsequently, both rates were increased while the O:N ratio was decreased at all salinities, including the control, in the first 2 weeks and then levelled off. Such changes were probably attributed to osmotic adjustment and reproductive activity. Activity and feeding were reduced at low salinity, particularly in the first week. Reproductive output, in terms of the total number of egg capsules and the mean number of eggs per capsule, was also lowered at reduced salinities. Nevertheless, individuals at all salinities are able to maintain a positive energy balance. Results are discussed with respect to the distribution of N. festivus in Hong Kong waters. Received: 14 April 1997 / Accepted: 9 May 1997  相似文献   

The survival of Orchestia chiliensis (Milne Edwards, 1840) was investigated at salinities between 0.3 and 68 and constant or 10 C° cyclic temperatures between 5° and 25° C. Mortality increased with age, temperature and at salinity extremes. Small individuals show little seasonal acclimatisation apart from increased thermal tolerance at the highest exposure temperature. Larger individuals show a lateral shift in the mortality curve to the right in summer, giving increased survival at most salinities. Salinity had less effect on amphipods in cyclic regimes and survival was similar in 5° to 15° C and 10° to 20° C cycles. Mortality of larger individuals was higher in the 15° to 25° C cycle, but seasonal acclimatisation gave increased resistance at all fluctuating temperatures during the summer. Mortality in cyclic temperatures was higher than at similar constant temperatures. O. chiliensis does not actively evade immersion and diel temperature changes of 10 C° represent an important stress factor. This would affect all life stages and influence field populations both in the winter and the summer.  相似文献   

Potent inducers of metamorphosis of planktonic larvae of the gastropod mollusc Haliotis rufescens have been found in the following phycobiliprotein-producing cyanobacteria. Synechococcus spp. (one marine and one freshwater strain). Synechocystis spp. (one hypersaline and one freshwater strain) and Spirulina platensis (a freshwater strain). No inducers were detected in the bacterium Escherichia coli. Inducers from one of the cyanobacteria (S. platensis) were partially purified and compared to inducers from the foliose red macroalga Porphyra sp. and the crustose coralline red alga Lithothamnium californicum. In all three species the inducers can be largely separated from the biliproteins, with which they appear to be associated, by high-resolution gel-filtration chromatography. The molecular weights of the relatively small inducing molecules resolved by these procedures from cyanobacteria and red algac are similar, falling in the range of 640 to 1 250 daltons. The amenability of the cyanobacteria to largescale cultivation, and to physiological and genetic manipulation, make them useful for production of metamorphic inducers of marine invertebrate larval metamorphosis, and for further studies of the synthesis, structure and mechanism of action of such inducing molecules.  相似文献   

Furcellaria lumbricalis is a red algae occurring in low salinity to fully marine conditions. Here, both putatively neutral and EST-derived microsatellite markers were developed and used to examine the genetic structure of northern European populations inhabiting different salinity conditions ranging from 35 to 3.6 psu. The amount of genetic variation did not differ between ocean and brackish populations, but differences were observed between marker types; EST-derived markers possessed less variation and showed greater differentiation than the putatively neutral microsatellites. No multicopy multilocus genotypes were detected despite expected asexuality in brackish populations. The Bayesian STRUCTURE analysis, when conducted for expressed marker data, indicated the presence of two main clusters, the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, while no clear structuring was observed based on putatively neutral microsatellites. The moderate level of genetic differentiation at neutral loci is probably due to genetic drift, a feasible explanation considering long distances between many populations, while the high level of differentiation in EST-linked markers reflects selection pressures.  相似文献   

Ocean sequestration of CO2 is proposed as a possible measure to mitigate environmental changes due to the increasing atmospheric concentration of the gas. However, toxic effects of CO2 on marine organisms are poorly understood. We therefore studied acid–base responses and mortality during exposure to fatal levels of CO2 in three marine fishes (Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus; yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata; and starspotted dogfish, Mustelus manazo). The teleosts died during exposure to seawater equilibrated with a gas mixture containing 5% CO2 (water PCO2 4.95 kPa); 100% mortality occurred within 8 h for yellowtail and within 48 h for flounder. Only 20% mortality was recorded at 72 h for the dogfish during exposure to 7% CO2 (water PCO2 6.96 kPa). Arterial pH (pHa) initially decreased, but completely recovered within 1–24 h for the teleosts at 1% and 3%, although the recovery was slower and complete only at 1% (water PCO2 0.99 kPa) for the dogfish. During exposure to 5%, the flounder died after the pHa had been completely restored, suggesting that the mortality was not due to plasma acidosis. During exposure to 1% hypercapnia, plasma [Cl] appeared to be the main counter ion to balance increases in plasma [HCO3-]. There was a 1:1 stoichiometry for the rise in [HCO3-] and the fall in [Cl] for the teleosts, whereas the ratio was 1:0.4 for the dogfish at 1% CO2. At the higher levels of hypercapnia, the rise in [HCO3-] consistently exceeded the fall in [Cl], and plasma [Na+] significantly increased.These results do not agree with the generally accepted model for acid–base regulation in marine fish in which Na+/H+ exchangers are assumed to play a predominant role, and indicate that an acid–base regulatory mechanism differs between teleost and elasmobranch fishes, as well as the intensity of acidic stress.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

几种观赏型沉水植物对富营养化蓝绿藻类的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
一些大型沉水植物种类的存在对"水华"藻类的生长具有抑制作用,其主要机制是水生高等植物不仅与藻类竞争营养、光照和生长空间等生态资源,而且还可以向水中分泌具有抑制藻类生长的化感物质。通过连续滴加种植水的方式研究了3种观赏型沉水植物矮慈菇(Sagittaria pygmaea Miq)、杉叶藻(Hippuris vulgaris.)、石龙尾(Limnophila heterophylla)对5种富营养化淡水藻,蓝藻:铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aerugnasa)、纤维席藻(Phormidium tenue);绿藻:衣藻(Chlamy domonas sajao)、四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quaclricauda)、小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)的抑制作用。研究结果表明:(1)矮慈菇种植水对铜绿微囊藻、四尾栅藻、纤维席藻的生长没有影响,对小球藻的生长具有促进作用,对衣藻的生长具有明显的抑制作用;(2)杉叶藻种植水小球藻、衣藻和纤维席藻的生长没有影响,对四尾栅藻的生长具有促进作用,对铜绿微囊藻生长具有明显的抑制作用;(3)石龙尾种植水对小球藻、四尾栅藻、纤维席藻都具有明显的抑制作用,对铜绿微囊藻的生长没有影响,对衣藻的生长具有促进作用。3种沉水植物中,石龙尾的抑藻能力最强,矮慈菇和杉叶藻次之,石龙尾的化感抑藻效应更具有广谱性,在富营养化水体中与蓝绿藻类的竞争更具有优势,比较适用于改善城市景观水体水环境质量。  相似文献   

To be able to survive, marine macroalgae in shallow coastal waters need mechanisms for short-term acclimation to fast changes in their environment. Of major importance are mechanisms that regulate the efficiency of photosynthesis by protecting PS II from photo-oxidative damage. Carotenoids, xanthophyll cycles and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) are central constituents of such protection mechanisms. Red algae as a group do not have a universal carotenoid composition. We screened ten red algal species and selected two species, originating from similar ecological conditions but with different carotenoid compositions, for use in irradiance-acclimation experiments. We selected the tropical intertidal species Gracilaria domingensis and Kappaphycus alvarezii with antheraxanthin and lutein as major xanthophylls, respectively. Simultaneous in vivo fluorescence and O2 evolution experiments were performed at different irradiance levels, which allowed a direct comparison of overall photosynthetic performance with NPQ. Interconversions of xanthophylls (violaxanthin, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin and one unidentified carotenoid) did occur in G. domingensis, but not in response to sudden exposure to light. Thus, NPQ was not correlated with any xanthophyll cycle during short-term acclimation to light. G. domingensis had five times higher weight-specific photosynthetic rates than K. alvarezii, which can be explained by the thicker thallus of K. alvarezii. Chlorophyll-specific gross photosynthetic rates were higher in K. alvarezii, but net rates were the same for both species. G. domingensis showed an immediate strong onset of NPQ upon exposure to irradiance, followed by downregulation to the NPQ level required. In K. alvarezii NPQ increased slowly until the required NPQ level was reached. At high irradiance G. domingensis downregulated photosynthesis while K. alvarezii continued to produce O2 even at 2,000 μmol photons m−2 s−1 without NPQ increase. The strategy of K. alvarezii may provide short-term gains but with the risk of oxidative damage. The fast onset of NPQ in G. domingensis even at subsaturating irradiance as well as downregulation of photosynthesis when NPQ is saturated might provide this species with a competitive advantage under conditions of changing irradiance in the field.  相似文献   

Ovigerous mud crabs, Rhithropanopeus harrisii, were collected from the Petaluma River (San Francisco Bay Estuarine System, California, USA) and from Sykes Creek (Indian River Lagoon System, Florida, USA) during the summer of 1984 and during February 1985, respectively. Their zoeae were reared in factorial combinations of temperature (20°, 25° or 30°C) and salinity (2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30%.). Survival and megalopal dry weight were maximal over a far larger range of temperature-salinity combinations for the Florida population. Absolute values of the two parameters were also greater for this group. Temperature dominated effects on duration of zoeal development in both populations. California zoeae developed more slowly at any of the temperatures tested compared with those from Florida. The pattern of all three indices was markedly different under non-optimal conditions. Putatively adaptive modification of survival, development rate and growth of zoeae is evident in response to prevailing environmental conditions which are, in part, a function of latitudinal position. Even though populations in the Petaluma River, California, are less capable of reaching maximal performance under the prevailing physical regimes than the Florida population, they still can live in habitats where physical conditions exclude competitors and predators.  相似文献   

To elucidate the population dynamics of abundant meiofauna, a 15-month field study of 3 species of harpacticoid copepods was conducted in a South Carolina (USA) estuary. Per capita birth and death rates and average brood size (number of eggs per adult female) were lowest for Enhydrosoma propinguum (Brady), Microarthridion littorale (Poppe), and Stenhelia (Delavalia) bifidia (Coull) from November–February, indicating that food or density-independent factors such as temperature regulated winter densities. Reproduction for all species began in February, with the first appearance of copepodites approximately 1 month later. From March–October, M. littorale displayed high per capita birth and death rates (>0.6 individual-1 day-1), and high average brood size (8 to 9 eggs per adult female). As this species is epibenthic, and thus susceptible to grazing by detritivores, these data suggest that M. littorale was limited by predation. S. (Delavalia) bifidia displayed a sharp increase in density, birth rate and average brood size in July, but birth and death rates (0.3 individual-1 day-1) were always lower than those of M. littorale and average brood size gradually decreased from July–December. As this species burrows and is less susceptible to grazing predation, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that S. (Delavalia) bifidia became food-limited as population growth approached its carrying capacity. Although E. propinguum was the most abundant species, quantification of birth potential was not accomplished due to an underestimate of the number of ovigerous females. Therefore, little can be concluded about the mechanism of the summer density regulation of E. propinguum.Contribution No. 274 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina.  相似文献   

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