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本文分析了蓄滞洪区在防洪体系中的地位及其所面临的矛盾以及国内外蓄滞洪区管理和规划的研究现状和不足 ,指出可持续发展的治水观是蓄滞洪区防洪减灾与社会发展的必然选择 ;通过对蓄滞洪区复合系统的分析 ,探讨了区内人口、社会、经济、资源及防洪减灾之间的关系 ,建立了蓄滞洪区复合系统的概念模型 ,提出了蓄滞洪区可持续发展的定义并分析了其内涵。  相似文献   

《长江经济带发展规划纲要》的正式印发,为区域经济和产业发展指明了方向,其产业转移及区域合作逐渐成为地理学研究的热点。以2008、2017年长江经济带11省市的28个制造业工业总产值和企业数量为研究数据,应用动态集聚指数、偏离份额模型(SSM)、静态集聚指数等方法对长江经济带制造业转移及区域合作进行探究。研究表明:(1)长江经济带纺织业、黑色、有色金属冶炼业等劳动密集型与资本密集型制造业具有较强的空间转移特征,其转移路径主要由上海、浙江向中、上游地区的贵州、湖南等地多对多的扩散式和跳跃式转移为主,转移类型主要以下游地区的"优势转移型"、"淘汰型"与中、上游地区的"优势集聚型"为主;(2)长江经济带中上游地区在交通运输、化学制造等行业发展较为薄弱,缺乏中心合作地区,需要下游地区提供更多的技术与资金支持;(3)长江经济带下游地区作为产业转移与技术授让的供体,应构建以长江经济带下游地区为制造业转移中心,以具有产业比较优势的中、上游地区为区域性中心,加大向中、上游地区制造业转移与合作力度,同时带动其他地区形成优势互补、协同发展的多中心分工协作格局。研究有助于完善制造业转移及区域合作相关理论,为长江经济带各省市制造业对接合作及协同发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the published literature that describes the phenological development of above and below ground organs of temperate fruit trees (top fruit), particularly with respect to apple (Malus domestica). Critical information is presented which is considered appropriate in developing an understanding of the potential for top fruit species to take up radionuclide contaminants from the atmosphere and the soil. Information is cited on how climatic and edaphic factors influence the growth and development of temperate fruit trees, the phenological production of their leaf area and the development and growth of their fruit and hence the potential for foliar and fruit uptake of radionuclides from the atmosphere. The study also reports on the importance of the distribution and phenological development of roots in the soil and the potential for their uptake of radionuclides from the soil. The effects of above and below ground management procedures, within temperate fruit orchards, on potential radionuclide uptake are also considered. It is concluded that the potential for the uptake of radionuclides by temperate fruit tree species will depend on a number of phenological and physiological factors. For uptake from the soil these factors include; root distribution and density in the soil profile, seasonal changes in the production and distribution of roots, and the presence and amount of water in the soil. These factors are themselves influenced by rootstock type and its growth vigour, scion type and its growth vigour, tree age, spacing of trees in the orchard, orchard management practices (presence or absence of weeds or grass under the trees) and soil type and depth. Direct uptake by the shoot, however, will be influenced by the climatic conditions at the time of exposure and the presence of foliage. Deposition and uptake are likely to change with leaf area development and the ability of radionuclides to penetrate the cuticle of the leaf changes with seasonal development. Transport of radionuclides to the fruit may also depend on the time of season, as the importance of the xylem and phloem transport routes can change with the growth and development of the fruit.  相似文献   

滨岸潮滩是海岸带的重要组成部分和主要的地理景观 ,具有多种环境功能和生态价值 ,对沿海地区的经济发展起着重要的作用 ;同时滨岸潮滩又是一个环境脆弱带和敏感区 ,极易受人为活动的干扰和破坏。生物多样性是人类生存和经济得以持续发展的基础。滨岸潮滩是生物多样性最为丰富的生态系统之一。通过对上海滨岸潮滩生物多样性影响因素的调查与分析 ,研究了目前人类活动对上海滨岸潮滩生物多样性造成的严重威胁 ,污水的排放使滨岸潮滩水质和底质严重污染 ,对滨岸潮滩的围垦改变了潮滩的自然本底状态 ,造成潮滩生物生长发育和栖息的环境受到破坏 ,影响滨岸潮滩生物多样性。指出滨岸潮滩等方面的社会与环境价值 ,并探讨了上海滨岸带开发与滨岸潮滩生物多样性的保护和利用问题  相似文献   

资源环境承载力研究进展:基于地理学综合研究的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源环境承载力作为连接社会系统、环境系统与经济系统之间的纽带,是协调人口、资源与环境相互联系、又彼此相对独立的矛盾统一体的关键所在。资源环境承载力是地理学综合研究的重要方向。综合性与区域性、人地关系是支撑其发展的重要理论框架。本文对国内外资源环境承载力的研究进展、存在问题和发展趋势进行了详尽的综述。国内外资源环境承载力研究经近百年发展,从最初的单一的土地资源承载力、水资源承载力甚至农业资源承载力发展到资源承载力、环境承载力以及生态环境承载力。近几十年,生态足迹、虚拟水、能值分析等综合研究理论与方法兴起,极大地推动了资源环境承载力研究的定量化和模式化。目前,资源环境承载力的研究面临着一系列新的要求和挑战。主要表现在:资源环境承载力理论基础、学科范式和方法体系尚需继续完善;若干关键科学问题(包括:尺度效应、关键阈值、变化机制等)亟待解答;基础研究需要与实践应用加强联系等等。在此基础上,本文主张从地理学综合视角重新审视资源环境承载力研究的理论框架和今后研究的优先主题。通过建构资源环境承载力的地理学综合研究范式,能够拓展资源环境承载力的理论深度和广度,有助于提升资源环境承载力在国民经济社会发展中的应用水平。本研究提出未来相关研究应围绕以下优先主题开展:(1)资源环境承载力关键要素的变化及驱动机制;(2)资源环境承载力综合评价的理论与方法;(3)资源环境承载力的动态监测与预警;(4)基于资源环境承载力的国土功能区划与管控;(5)重点区域的资源环境承载力的恢复与提升途径。  相似文献   


Minqin Oasis is located in the lower reaches of the Shiyanghe River Basin, northeast of the Heixi Corridor, at the middle of the Silk Road. Because of the its existence, Badain Jaran Desert and Tengger Desert cannot converge and develop in the south. It has always been an important green barrier to guarantee the eco-security of Hexi Corridor and the Silk Road for thousands of years. But in recent decades, Minqin Oasis is becoming smaller and the desert is becoming larger. Many people, especially the governmental officials in the lower reaches think that the upper and middle reaches have robbed the lower reaches of water resources, and caused insufficient water usage and the deteriorated eco-environment, in the lower reaches, However, the governmental officials in the upper and middle reaches claim that the whole river basin should take the upper and middle reaches as the key regions to develop economy. To address the above argument, we analyze the reasons why Minqin Oasis is disappearing, and find that there are two main factors. One is the quick development of population and economy in the upper and middle reaches; the other is the rapid development of population and economy in the lower reaches. The two factors both have great effect on the water utilization for eco-environment in the lower reaches. So Minqin Oasis is disappearing not only because of the upper and middle reaches but also because of the growth of population and economy itself. The lower reaches should not completely blame the upper and middle reaches. The upper and middle reaches should also pay more attention to the eco-environment in the lower reaches. The whole river basin should develop a harmonious and sustainable relationship among the upper, middle and lower reaches.  相似文献   

汉江流域可持续发展的思考   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
汉江流域地跨陕、鄂、豫三省,所在均为三省较发达的农业区和产业区,是我国经济承南启北、连接东西的中部枢纽。由于在区位条件、自然地理环境等方面有着独特的优势,其经济总量在长江流域举足轻重,若干产品在全国占有突出地位,尤其是粮食生产在全国粮食生产战略中占有重要地位,加之南水北调中线工程等大型水利工程的带动作用,流域经济有着良好的发展前景。未来汉江流域经济发展应在向沿海经济为主的基础上,突出流域产业特色和中西部结合的区位优势,全方位对外开放,以武汉为流域经济发展的龙头,以襄樊为流域中心发展极,沿汉江、铁路、公路为发展轴,形成在全国有影响的产业集团,地方经济创名牌效应,抓好水电梯级开发,发展绿色产业和教育,消灭贫困。尤其要注意经济与环境的协调发展,加强流域的环境管理,重点作好水土流失的治理和河流水体的保护,搞好自然保护区的建设,在全流域的层次上建立资源环境数据库,对流域实行科学管理。  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程与汉江中下游地区可持续发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
汉江是长江最大的支流,汉江中下游地区是湖北省经济基础最强的地区。同时汉江流域也存在着洪涝灾害威胁大、水资源开发利用水平不高、环境建设和生态保护力度不够、传统的工农业生产方式和产业结构加重环境的恶化、管理体制不顺等问题。南水北调中线工程以及配套工程的实施,对汉江流域的经济发展将起推动作用,同时从汉江的丹江口水库调水,将改变汉江中下游的水资源分配,社会经济发展与生态环境的协调将会出现新的矛盾。要解决好流域经济发展问题,必须把握好建设南水北调中线工程的机遇,更新观念,加强前期研究和规划,注重生态环境的保护和示范工程的建设,建立相应的政策法规和流域管理体制,全面保证汉江中下游地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

长江口为典型的多级分汊中等潮汐河口,口门宽阔、径潮流强劲、泥沙运动复杂、河槽交替多变,给河口综合治理带来困难。长江口各分流汊道演变过程中,此消彼长是永恒的主旋律,其产生、发展、扭曲、萎缩、消亡具有周期性演变规律。为发挥长江黄金水道的优势,促进国民经济发展,长江口先后实施了深水航道治理工程、南北港分流口处的新浏河沙护滩和南沙头通道限流工程,以及中央沙促淤圈围工程和青草沙水源地工程等,南北港和南北槽分流口河段得到有效控制,对长江口未来的演变产生深远影响。基于南北港分流口以下丰富的地形、水文现场资料,对近年来南港地形演变进行了深入分析,在肯定工程稳定河势的同时,认为目前南北港分流口以下,尚存在南港主流偏离南岸致使发生近岸淤积,以及瑞丰沙中下段沙体刷深导致水流分散,不利于河势稳定等问题。并探讨了长江口“先下后上”治理模式的优缺点,建议在长江口河势尚未发生较大变化时,站在整体的高度,综合考虑河势、航道、水土资源、防洪潮及排灌、生态环境保护等诸多因素,尽快实施长江口综合整治工程。  相似文献   

长江口拦门沙及水下三角洲的动力沉积和演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了长江河口拦门沙和水下三角洲及河口和邻近水域的水系和水团的特征,论述了河口混浊带羽状锋系的分布移动规律,并对河口拦门沙的物理,化学,生物及地质屏障效应作了评估。通过对泥沙分布,沉积率和沉积程序的研究,探明了河口拦门沙及水下三角洲的泥沙交换和演变。根据以上所述,探讨了长江河口深水航道的选址问题,为有关管理部门提供了科学的数据。  相似文献   

A cost structure is proposed for optimizing the recirculation and recycling of commodities and energy usage considering regional, national and global operating scales. The methodology proposed involves business administration theory and economics and employs the previously introduced equality principle and the model for efficient use of resources for optimal production economy (EUROPE) to impose shadow costs on unwanted material wastes and energy residuals that produce economic incentives to reduce such wastes at the source. A case study presents the practical application of the proposed theory in a national and a global context. It is concluded that the presented methodology is useful for increasing the cost-effectiveness and optimizing recirculation and recycling in the usage of energy resources and natural resources in general. Profitability increases, technology is advanced and environmental conditions improve simultaneously through the application of the EUROPE model to analyze government policy related to the recirculation and recycling of solid wastes and energy. Furthermore, the equity of the distribution of such recirculation and recycling facilities is improved. The developed methods are useful information support tools for decision-making in the management of energy and other natural resources with emphasis on the economics of recirculated and recycled residuals.  相似文献   

西南地区不同地形降水稳定同位素特征及其水汽来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明西南地区不同地形对于降水稳定同位素的影响以及各个水汽团在地理上的分界线,选取四川盆地、云贵高原、青藏高原东部及横断山脉3个地区共10个研究点作为本次研究的对象,分析了西南地区大气降水中δD、δ18O的时空变化特征,并初步建立了3个地区大气降水线,探讨了降水稳定同位素与温度、降水量及水汽来源之间的关系,并利用HYSPLIT4.9模型分析追踪冬夏半年降水事件的水汽来源及运移路径。结果表明:西南地区降水稳定同位素存在显著的高程效应;δ18O=-0.0028H-3.93,R=0.89,降水中δ18O和δD值表现出由四川盆地-云贵高原-青藏高原东部与横断山脉地区逐渐贫化的趋势,季节变化规律特征为冬半年整体偏重,而夏半年整体偏轻。同时西南地区除昆明与成都地区外,d值整体上表现出夏低冬高的特征,符合我国季风降水影响区域的特点。3处地区大气降水线(LMWL)与全球大气降水线(GMWL)相比,四川盆地、青藏高原东部及横断山脉地区斜率与截距明显偏小,而云贵高原斜率与截距偏大,其主要与水汽凝结时温度、蒸发条件、水汽来源以及输送方式有关。温度效应和降水量效应在不同地区主导性存在差异,四川盆地地区、云贵高原地区、青藏高原东部以及横断山脉地区整体上不存在温度效应,存在显著降水量效应。西南各地区主导型水汽团也存在差异性,通过对不同地区冬夏季风期间主导型水汽团初步分析,受单一性水汽团影响的区域主要分布于西南部与东北部,而受多种水汽团影响的区域主要分布于西北部与东南部;贵阳-安顺一线处于西太平洋水汽团与孟加拉湾水汽团交界处,成都-卧龙-黄龙一线处于西太平洋水汽团与西风带水汽团的交界处。 关键词: 大气降水;稳定同位素;水汽来源;不同地形;西南地区  相似文献   

长江中游湿地系统驱动关系的演变及保护展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了长江中游湿地的概况,分析了湿地演变的现状。在自然和人为因素长期、综合作用下,长江中游湿地发生了显著的不合理演变,主要表现在:湖泊面积减少,湿地功能下降;湿地资源的过度和不合理利用,生物多样性下降;湿地环境污染日益严重;湿地整体价值受损。重点对湿地系统演变过程中的几个关键驱动关系进行了探讨,包括江湖关系、蓄泄关系、湖垸关系和山湖(河)关系等。在此基础上,针对长江中游湿地演变的现状和利用保护过程中存在的问题,从流域综合管理角度出发,对长江中游湿地的保护进行了展望,提出了基于流域管理思想的长江中游湿地保护对策和措施,主要包括:加强流域统一协调管理;遵循流域管理原则,理顺湿地系统的各种关系,做好湿地生态规划;加强流域生态管理模式研究;加强长江中上游流域水土流失的综合治理;加强自然保护区建设和管理,保护湿地生物多样性。  相似文献   

为探究长江中游城市群交通—旅游产业—生态环境的耦合协调发展,借助VAR模型验证2001~2017年三者的作用关系,并运用耦合协调模型进一步分析其耦合度和协调度的时空变化趋势。结果表明:(1)长江中游城市群交通—旅游产业—生态环境存在长期均衡关系,其中交通与生态环境互为因果关系,旅游产业分别与交通、生态环境呈显著单向因果关系,三者相互促进,但又彼此制约;(2)2001~2017年长江中游城市群交通—旅游产业—生态环境耦合协调发展呈上升趋势,多数地区从拮抗和磨合状态进入耦合状态,并由中、低协调耦合阶段转为极协调耦合阶段,协调度滞后于耦合度;(3)长江中游城市群耦合协调发展存在区域差异,2001~2006年武汉城市圈的表现优于环长株潭城市群和环鄱阳湖城市群,长沙、南昌等少数中心城市耦合协调发展要优于周边地区。  相似文献   

Biological activity and environmental impact of anionic surfactants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The newest results concerning the biological activity and environmental fate of anionic surfactants are collected and critically evaluated. The chemical and physicochemical parameters related to the biological activity and the field of application are briefly discussed. Examples on the effect of anionic surfactants on the cell membranes, on the activity of enzymes, on the binding to various proteins and to other cell components and on their human toxicity are presented and the possible mode of action is elucidated. The sources of environmental pollution caused by anionic surfactants are listed and the methods developed for their removal from liquid, semiliquid and solid matrices are collected. Both the beneficial and adversary effects of anionic surfactants on the environment are reported and critically discussed. It was concluded that the role of anionic surfactants in the environment is ambiguous: they can cause serous environmental pollution with toxic effect on living organisms; otherwise, they can promote the decomposition and/or removal of other inorganic and organic pollutants from the environment. The relationship between their chemical structure, physicochemical parameters, biological activity and environmental impact is notwell understood. A considerable number of data are needed for the development of new anionic surfactants and for the successful application of the existing ones to reduce the adversary and to promote beneficial effects.  相似文献   

在预算约束和无预算约束条件下,分别模拟了6种不同的生态补偿区域选择方案,并采用比较研究方法,从补偿资金效率、补偿对象特征、吸纳的贫困人口、补偿额的分配情况、生态重要性、生态脆弱性和项目成本等7个方面对6种方案进行了对比分析。结果表明:风险效益成本比标准方案的补偿资金效率最高,在生态重要性和生态脆弱性方面占优势,但方案的参与率最低,补偿的乡镇数量和贫困人口最少,在项目成本方面占劣势;效益成本比标准方案的补偿资金效率和参与率较高,补偿乡镇数量较多,贫困人口的参与率最高,在生态重要性和项目成本方面占优势,但在生态脆弱性方面占劣势;效益标准方案的补偿资金效率较高,补偿的乡镇数量较多,参与率最高,补偿的贫困人口最多,在生态重要性和生态脆弱性方面占优势,但补偿面积最少,在项目成本方面占劣势;成本标准方案的补偿面积最大,补偿的乡镇数量最多,参与率较高,补偿的贫困人口也较多,在生态重要性和项目成本方面占优势,但补偿资金效率最低,在生态脆弱性方面占劣势;如果不存在预算约束,只考虑生态脆弱性,风险标准方案最合适,可避免处于退化风险的草地没有得到补偿;统一标准方案可补偿整个区域,亩均补偿额相同,补偿额在补偿区上分配公平,方案实施便利,简单易行,但需要庞大的资金预算,且实施困难较大,补偿资金效率很低  相似文献   

The use of energy conservation emission reduction policies to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading and thus facilitate energy conservation and emission reduction is one of the 10 important strategies of environmental management in China. The use of energy conservation emission reduction policies to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading and thus facilitate energy conservation and emission reduction is one of the important strategies of environmental management in China. Based on the systematic collection of 1,195 energy conservation emission reduction policies, we discuss the influence of individual measure and measure synergy of energy conservation and emission reduction policies respectively. The results show that the energy conservation and emission reduction policies have a significant effect on the overall promotion of industrial upgrading. The financial measures and guidance measures have a positive impact; the financial measures and guidance measures have significantly positive effect; however, the administrative measures, fiscal tax measures, and other economic measures do the opposite; the positive effect of the synergy of guidance measures and financial measures is greater than the negative effect of considering only the synergy of fiscal tax measures and other economic measures, and significantly greater than the negative effect of the synergy of administrative measures, fiscal tax measures, and other economic measures. We should strengthen and emphasize the use of the measure that has positive effect on industrial structure restructuring and upgrading individually and synergistically.  相似文献   

长江-黄河源区属典型寒区,降水、冰雪融水等共同成为径流的补给来源,径流量的变化同时受到区域内降水量和气温变化的影响。采用互谱分析方法研究表明,长江、黄河源区降水与径流周期波动间的关系明显好于气温与径流之间的关系,降水对径流量的主要周期波动有较明显的控制作用。气温虽然对径流量的部分周期波动变化有一定的影响,但不如降水明显。相对来说,黄河源区降水对径流量的波动变化的影响要好于长江源区。20世纪80年代后期长江-黄河源区径流量大幅下降的主要原因是区域内降水量的减少。  相似文献   

洞庭湖退田还湖区畜牧业资源与环境评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以洞庭湖流域3个选择畜牧业为替代产业的退田还湖示范堤垸为例,以氟、铬、镉、铅、汞和砷为主要检测指标,参照国家标准,分别对示范堤垸内与畜牧业密切相关的水、土壤与饲草饲料的质量进行了评估。结果表明,示范堤垸水环境化学指标除了大肠杆菌群落外,其余基本达到了无公害和绿色食品卫生标准中关于农田灌溉用水和养殖用水的规定;土壤中铬、镉、铅、汞和砷与氟的背景值均低于无公害和绿色食品标准规定的产地土壤环境指标;大部分饲料、饲草原料中氟、铬、镉、铅、汞和砷含量符合无公害或绿色食品卫生标准。示范堤垸水、土和饲料资源的良好环境背景状况为畜牧业向绿色或有机畜牧业方向发展奠定了自然条件与资源的基础。  相似文献   

基于城乡统筹视角,运用GIS空间技术、土地利用动态模型和多元回归分析,研究武汉市1996~2009年城乡建设用地数量结构变化、空间格局演变及驱动机制,是土地利用变化(LUCC)研究的重要内容之一,对区域城乡建设统筹规划及城乡社会经济统筹发展具有现实指导意义。结果显示:(1)研究期内武汉市城乡建设用地整体规模扩大,城镇建设用地比重上升,农村居民点用地比重下降;城市与建制镇扩张较快,主要源自对农用地的占用及独立工矿用地、农村居民点整理。(2)外城区城-乡建设用地数量、结构变化及类型转换特征对武汉市城乡建设用地变化起主导作用。(3)人口变化、经济增长、居民生活水平提高及政策等因素对武汉市内、外城区城-乡建设用地格局的驱动作用具有明显的区域差异和城乡差异  相似文献   

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