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面对原生资源的枯竭和工业化发展的双重压力,开发“城市矿产”,开辟资源新路,是社会发展的必然需求。介绍了“城市矿产”等资源化园区的形式特点和资源种类,论述了建设园区的必要性和意义,并对建设要点和流程做了概要性分析。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位来宾,朋友们,上午好! 今天,由中国再生资源回收利用协会主办的第二届“城市矿产”博览会在这里隆重举行。作为国内唯一的全面展现“城市矿产”开发成果和再生资源产业发展的专业平台,本届博览会集中展示循环经济产业园区、“城市矿产”示范基地、再生资源龙头骨干企业的建设成果、发展模式以及电子废弃物、危险固废、报废汽车等集成解决方案。  相似文献   

"城市矿产"作为循环经济概念下重要的新兴产业,是解决原生矿资源不足的重要途径之一。在阐述"城市矿产"含义及其开发意义的同时,基于我国"城市矿产"的开发现状,提出了"互联网+回收"的创新模式,并对其运营模式做出研究分析。  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:大家上午好!在全国深入学习贯彻党的十八大精神的热潮中,中国再生资源回收利用协会举办第一届"城市矿产"博览会暨2012年"城市矿产"产业高峰论坛,论坛以"开发城市矿产,建设美丽家园"为主题,研究探讨"城市矿产"产业化发展,这对推动资源利用方式转变,加快发  相似文献   

3年来,中央财政累计安排51亿元,支持建成湖南汨罗循环经济工业园等29个国家”城市矿产”示范基地、49个餐厨废弃物无害化处理和资源化利用试点、27个循环化改造园区,推动了循环经济规模化、产业化发展,极大提高了资源利用效率,保护和改善了环境,也更多地惠及了民生。这是记者从2012年11月19日在湖南召开的国家“城市矿产”示范基地现场会上获悉的。  相似文献   

日前,国家发展改革委、财政部将上海燕龙基再生资源利用示范基地等15个园区确定为第二批国家“城市矿产”示范基地,批复了其建设国家“城市矿产”示范基地实施方案。至此,两部委已确定了两批共22个国家“城市矿产”示范基地。  相似文献   

近日,唐山再生资源循环利用科技产业园被列入第二批国家“城市矿产”示范基地,这是河北省唯一一家国家“城市矿产”示范基地。  相似文献   

日前,财政部对第三批“城市矿产”示范基地拟支持单位名单进行了公示,佛山市赢家再生资源回收利用基地、滁州报废汽车循环经济产业园、新疆南疆城市矿产示范基地、山西吉天利循环经济科技产业园区、黑龙江省东部再生资源回收利用产业园区、永兴县循环经济工业园共六家单位在列。国家“十二五”规划纲要将“城市矿产”基地建设作为循环经济重点工程之一,并提出“十二五”期间建设50个技术先进、环保达标、管理规范、利用规模化、辐射作用强的“城市矿产”示范基地。2011年,我国已确定两批共22家示范基地。这批单位获批后,我国”城市矿产”示范基地将达到28家。  相似文献   

中国再生资源回收利用协会承担了国家发改委的科研课题《“城市矿产”示范基地建设政策体系分析研究》。为了做好这个课题,协会组成调研小组赴全国“城市矿产”示范基地进行调研,并把调研过程中收集到的好经验、好模式整理成文,在本刊“城市矿产”栏目中系列刊发,与大家共享。  相似文献   

中国再生资源回收利用协会承担了国家发改委的科研课题《“城市矿产”示范基地建设政策体系分析研究》。为了做好这个课题,协会组成调研小组赴全国“城市矿产”示范基地进行调研,并把调研过程中收集到的好经验、好模式整理成文,在本刊“城市矿产”栏目中系列刊发,与大家共享。  相似文献   

浅议城市矿产示范基地建设的融资途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对发展循环经济的重点领域中的热点话题,在密切关注国家相关政策走向并结合本地区实际的基础上,通过开展"城市矿产"示范基地建设项目前期工作,探索性地提出了资源再生利用规模化发展的建设项目融资途径,并简述了政府推进循环经济发展的相关政策措施。  相似文献   

新天地环境服务集团作为环保战略新兴产业的领跑者,被列为国家首批"城市矿产"示范基地之一。新天地集团抢抓机遇,勇于创新,不断思考和探索"城市矿产"示范基地建设的新思路和新模式,取得了积极成效。  相似文献   

梧州再生资源循环利用园区作为第二批国家“城市矿产”示范基地,抓机遇,转观念,围绕再生资源产业发展循环经济,主动承接产业转移,扩大招商引资规模,不断完善、延伸再生资源产业链条,园区将围绕打造千亿产业园平台,做大做强再生资源循环利用产业。  相似文献   

针对当前国家环保法规、制度的执行力度加大和电源项目环境管理要求日益提高的现状,分析了企业所担负的环保职责,探讨了强化项目前期、基建、生产中环保全过程管理的思路.  相似文献   

特殊地形地貌区燃煤电厂灰场防渗对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合环评实例,介绍了位于特殊地形地貌区燃煤电厂灰场的防渗对策,主要包括位于风化灰岩区、喀斯特地貌区和湿陷性黄土区灰场的防渗措施,从而为特殊地貌区灰场周边水资源保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Based on a review of hundreds of environmental restoration program optimization reviews, this article describes management tools found in successful and efficient remediation programs. Projects that consistently struggled to achieve their objectives were observed to be missing certain, or to have inadequately used, these tools. The tools are articulated as best practices because when they are present and actively used, project shortcomings were minimal. Priority objectives for site owners and project managers include improving efficiency and effectiveness through performance management, reducing resource usage and energy consumption, ensuring protectiveness, and reducing uncertainty in management decision making. Restoring environmental resources damaged by historic waste management practices began in earnest in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the broad recognition of the problems caused by environmental discharges and spills when wastes are not managed appropriately. Under new regulations, soil and groundwater remediation projects could be, and were, conducted within a defined framework. The number and variety of restoration projects that were launched resulted in a slew of projects progressing through the stages of characterization, decision, and cleanup, and more were added to the cleanup process each year. In the 1990s, the Department of Defense noted that many cleanup efforts were projected to incur substantial operational, maintenance, and monitoring costs for decades into the future. This was correctly perceived as an opportunity to optimize those systems and programs, minimize costs, and reduce health and environmental risks. The best practices outlined in this article address management tools that were identified in optimization efforts that led to effective and efficient environmental remediation projects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater remediation projects generally involve extraction and treatment of contaminated groundwater. The current state of the practice does not include an emphasis on conservation and reuse of groundwater. Consequently treated groundwater is typically disposed in sanitary or storm sewers. Longstanding water conservation and reuse practices in the municipal wastewater industry provide a body of experience available to the remediation industry. Case studies of conservation and reuse options for groundwater at remediation sites have been found across a broad range of geographic settings and regulatory jurisdictions. The intent of this article is to stimulate a more holistic view of the groundwater associated with remediation projects and to promote conservation and beneficial reuse of a vital natural resource. © 2014 US Sustainable Remediation Forum  相似文献   

Since the first landfill gas (LFG) power plant in China was built in 1998, by now more than 10 years have passed. In this period the LFG utilization process has progressed greatly in China. An overall review of the process is presented in this paper, which includes the background of policies, the information about the approval procedure of LFG projects, and the theoretical methods used to estimate the amount of LFG’s generation. Detailed analysis on the project practice, such as LFG collection techniques, LFG utilization condition in China, is made. According to statistic data, before the end of 2008, 26 LFG power projects have been built and put into operation with total power capacity around 56.8 MW, and 2.234 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent abatement has been achieved annually by all of these LFG projects. The future of LFG industry in China is expected that there is still considerable developing space for LFG utilization in the near coming years, however after 2012, the progress speed may slow down because of some adverse aspects, such as available landfill resource becomes scarce, new laws implemented in China might exclude Chinese landfills from future CDM activities, etc.  相似文献   

输变电项目竣工环保验收存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合输变电项目环保验收的调查实践,分析了输变电项目竣工环保验收中存在问题,提出对策及建议。  相似文献   

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