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以长钢集团磁选厂外排污水治理项目为例,阐述了磁选厂外排废水应在条件许可的情况下进行合理治理,应尽量采用一水多用和循环利用的技术,努力提高重复用水率;应尽量利用企业现有设施,因地制宜地确定处理方案。  相似文献   

文章根据清洁生产要求,结合天然气净化厂的清洁生产特点,筛选提出了涵盖生产工艺与装备要求、资源能源利用指标、产品指标、污染物产生及排放指标和环境管理要求的5类15个定量、2类22个定性的清洁生产评价指标,形成天然气净化厂的清洁生产评价指标体系,用于综合量化评估天然气净化厂的清洁生产水平,有利于天然气净化厂清洁生产的审核和管理。  相似文献   

以某天然气净化厂为例,探讨地下水环境影响评价工作中的主要技术问题。以实例说明地下水环境影响评价工作等级划分、评价范围确定,项目的地下水环境现状调查。通过渗水试验和抽水试验,计算相关水文地质参数以了解场地包气带和含水层的防污性能。分析了地下水污染源项,通过计算确定事故工况下污染源源强,采用数值法预测模型,对水文地质参数进行分区,并对净化厂检修污水池、生化污水处理装置曝气调节池和事故污水池的泄漏情景进行预测。结果表明:该净化厂各装置单元在预测时限内,除污染源附近小范围外,各污染因子浓度均可满足相应的GB/T 14848—93《地下水质量标准》要求。根据项目所在区域的水文地质条件、环境保护目标敏感程度及评价结果,对厂址区、主体装置区、污水处理区等重点区域按GB/T 50934—2013《石油化工工程防渗技术规范》有关要求采取相应防渗措施。  相似文献   

普光天然气净化厂在运行中排出的大量污泥、检修中产生的大量成分复杂污水,是困扰下游污水处理的重大难题。文章进行了复杂污水存储技术研究,污水预处理技术研究,污水回收利用技术研究,泥水分离技术研究。文章优化污水存储方案,提升存储空间,解决了净化厂检修污水排放集中、排放量大的难题;组合PAC药剂加注+连续曝气污水预处理工艺技术,最大程度上降低了SBR池处理负担;使外排水满足循环冷却水补水水质要求,实现了外排水的有效回收利用;实现了泥水高效分离,极大降低了污泥处置和运输费用。  相似文献   

分析了控制摩托车排放可采用的机内净化、机外净化和新能源材料技术,提出了控制摩托车尾气排放的迫切性。  相似文献   

根据卫生防护距离的计算原理,提出了在复杂地形条件下天然气净化厂卫生防护距离的设置方法.通过对某天然气净化厂的实例研究,验证了设置方法的可行性,并提出了今后确定复杂地形条件下天然气净化厂卫生防护距离的建议.  相似文献   

高含硫天然气净化厂工程的运营将不可避免地引起一系列的生态环境负效应.本文在借鉴国内外生态评价相关研究成果的基础上,提出了高含硫天然气净化厂工程运营期生态环境负效应评价指标体系,并采用德尔菲法与层次分析法确定了各指标的权重.经用于川渝地区某高含硫天然气净化厂实例研究,通过模糊综合评价法得出该净化厂运营初期产生的环境负效应为Ⅲ级(中等)的结论,这与工程影响区实际调查结果较为一致,表明文中建立的评价指标体系和采用的评价方法较合理,可为类似净化厂工程生态环境负效应研究与评价提供实用参考.  相似文献   

文章介绍长庆油田第一天然气净化厂冷却塔风机驱动设备的改造情况。分析了长庆油田第一天然气净化厂冷却塔电机驱动方式存在的不足和原因,提出了改进对策和实施方案,论述了水轮机驱动方式改造工程在经济、节能降耗、环保、安全、高效等方面的优点,值得在油气田生产应用中推广。  相似文献   

天然气净化厂工程为生态类大型工程,对所在区域环境会产生较大影响。结合天然气净化厂工程环境监理工作实践,归纳总结了天然气净化厂工程在施工期与试生产期对环境的影响,并针工程施工过程与试生产过程中遇到的问题,分析了施工期与试生产期环境监理的重点工作内容。  相似文献   

<正>由浦华控股有限公司开发的深度处理污水的纤维转盘过滤系统,适用于地表水的进一步净化、废水的深度处理与中水回用。  相似文献   

锦州采油厂污水深度处理站自2002年10月投产以来,已连续处理污水并回用注汽锅炉2947×10~4m~3;污水常规处理站投产于2007年11月,连续处理污水回用注水443×10~4m~3。油田采出水的循环利用,节约了大量清水资源,避免了无效回注,同时充分利用了污水剩余热源,降低了湿蒸汽发生器的燃料消耗,产生了较好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。文章主要介绍了稠油污水处理技术,生产过程中遇到的问题及改进措施,取得的经济效益等。  相似文献   

COREX是一种炼铁新工艺,COREX3000已经在宝钢正式投产。COREX在生产过程中产生的大量废水需要排至厂区废水管网,但其水质无法满足厂区生产废水管网的纳管标准。本文就COREX废水处理的具体内容和方法进行了初步的分析和探讨,可作为相似工程中设计的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

汽车涂装废水水质特征分析及处理工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂装是保护和装饰汽车的主要工艺措施,汽车涂装工艺产生的废水具有污染物种类多、成分复杂;水质、水量变化大且排放无规律、可生化性差的特点,实践证明,采取各类水质分别预处理后混合生化处理可有效去除废水中的污染物,排放达到标准要求。  相似文献   

含油污水处理工艺中的污泥及污油回收技术改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对油田含油污水处理工艺中油水分离设备及缓冲罐等,长期运行积累的污泥若不及时排出,将导致污水中的悬浮固体含量上升和过滤负荷增大、缩短污水处理时间、影响处理效果及水质的问题。寻找合适的工艺技术,去除系统中产生的污油,以提高处理效率、改善最终处理水质。通过采用污泥回收、污油回收等措施,实现了污泥的有效排出,污油的有效回收,改善了处理水质,满足油田的生产需要。  相似文献   

通过对2006—2010年昌黎县地表水监测数据进行分析得出:昌黎县水环境质量总体趋于好转,河流出境断面水质化学需氧量呈下降趋势,环境质量好于入境断面,但仍为劣V类。污染产生的主要原因是:昌黎县淀粉、造纸等企业所产生废水的有机物含量较高,部分企业污水处理设施陈旧,废水不能稳定达标排放,且有偷排、偷放、漏排等现象。针对上述问题,从加强项目审批、污染减排、环境综合整治,强化环境执法,加大资金投入等方面提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

The water reuse applications are becoming increasingly important in Turkey due to fresh water scarcity problems. However, the success of reuse practices depends on the public's acceptance. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the public awareness, and the potential for acceptance, of reuse applications in Turkey by way of a survey carried out for this purpose. 500 questionnaires were sent to different regions of Turkey and 375 of them were returned. The study indicated that both women and men have concerns about usage of wastewater, especially regarding the use of treated wastewater as drinking water. Results also showed that the area of greatest concern among the public is the health risks associated with recycled water. Respondents of both genders felt that treated wastewater reuse for applications not involving close personal contact was acceptable, due to reduced health risk concerns. On the other hand, the cost of reclamation is another major public concern.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the utilization of water and recycled fiber from waste paper for the production in one Serbian cardboard mill. Water and fiber consumption, wastewater generation and its characteristics, as well as sludge recirculation were monitored during production of various paper types, with different grade and weight. The aim was to evaluate production rationality and running stability concerning water and fiber utilization and possibilities for their conservation. Cleaner production measures inside the mill and in the effluent treatment plant were suggested for the improvement of wastewater quality and water conservation. Savings in water and fibers were estimated, with the respect to economic and environmental aspects of proposed cleaner production measures.  相似文献   

Phosphate rocks, used for phosphorus (P) fertilizer production, are a non-renewable resource at the human time scale. Their depletion at the global scale may threaten global food and feed security. To prevent this depletion, improved P resource recycling from food chain waste to agricultural soils and to the food and feed industry is often presented as a serious option. However, waste streams are often complex and their recycling efficiency is poorly characterized. The aim of this paper is to estimate the P recovery and recycling potential from waste, considering France as a case study. We assessed the P flows in food processing waste, household wastewater and municipal waste at the country scale using a substance flow analysis for the year 2006. We also quantified the P recycling efficiency as the fraction of P in waste that ultimately reached agricultural soils or was recycled in the food and feed industry. Efforts were made to limit data uncertainty by cross-checking multiple data sources concerning P content in waste materials. Results showed that, in general, P recovery in waste was high but that the overall P recycling efficiency was only 51% at the country scale. In particular, P recycling efficiency was 75% for industrial waste, 43% for household wastewater and 47% for municipal waste. The remaining P was discharged into water bodies or landfilled, causing P-induced environmental problems as well as losses of nutrient resources. Major P losses were through food waste (which amounted to 39% of P in available food) and treated wastewater, and the findings were confirmed through cross-checking with alternative data sources. Options for improving P resource recycling and, thereby, reducing P fertilizer use were quantified but appeared to be less promising than scenarios based on reduced food waste or redesigned agricultural systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents result from an economic and technical point of view evaluation study, which has sought to establish the potential for replacing well-water that is currently used at the Piaggio industrial plant in Pontedera with recycled wastewater. The study is based upon a pilot wastewater treatment plant, which has been used to test wastewater treatment processes and to compare with achieved quality of recycled waters with that of water drawn on-site from physical/chemical pre-treatment and end with a reverse osmosis and air stripping stage. However, after the physical/chemical pre-treatment, the first option uses oxidation with ozone followed by activated carbon filtration, whereas the second method uses ultrafiltration. The first method is more effective at reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) whereas the second method is more effective in removing bacteria. Nonetheless, both methods deliver water for re-use of a quality comparable with or better than that of well-water. In principle, the reverse osmosis permeate from either process could be re-used in all production phases at the industrial plant. However, the method base upon oxidation with ozone followed by activated carbon filtration is preferred, because, the process is simpler and continuous. The economic analysis of this process gives an estimated cost of Euro 0.55 per m3 for treated water. This compares favorably with other treatment processes and with the cost of other forms of water supply, which are projected to increase in any case.  相似文献   

Excessive nutrient loading (considering nitrogen and phosphorus) is a major ongoing threat to water quality and here we review the impact of nutrient discharges from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to United States (U.S.) freshwater systems. While urban and agricultural land uses are significant nonpoint nutrient contributors, effluent from point sources such as WWTPs can overwhelm receiving waters, effectively dominating hydrological characteristics and regulating instream nutrient processes. Population growth, increased wastewater volumes, and sustainability of critical water resources have all been key factors influencing the extent of wastewater treatment. Reducing nutrient concentrations in wastewater is an important aspect of water quality management because excessive nutrient concentrations often prevent water bodies from meeting designated uses. WWTPs employ numerous physical, chemical, and biological methods to improve effluent water quality but nutrient removal requires advanced treatment and infrastructure that may be economically prohibitive. Therefore, effluent nutrient concentrations vary depending on the particular processes used to treat influent wastewater. Increasingly stringent regulations regarding nutrient concentrations in discharged effluent, along with greater freshwater demand in populous areas, have led to the development of extensive water recycling programs within many U.S. regions. Reuse programs provide an opportunity to reduce or eliminate direct nutrient discharges to receiving waters while allowing for the beneficial use of reclaimed water. However, nutrients in reclaimed water can still be a concern for reuse applications, such as agricultural and landscape irrigation.  相似文献   

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