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Dissolution of raw phosphate (apatite) in sea water of the Gulf of Aqaba was investigated through lab incubation experiments. Three types from three different sources (Al-Hasa, Al-Abyad and Esh-Shydiya) have been used for these experiments. Impact of quantity, grain size, and source (type) of raw phosphate on dissolution rate were studied. Statistical analysis shows significant differences between the results obtained from comparing each two weights; as weight of apatite increased, dissolved inorganic phosphate-phosphorus (DIP) and fluoride in sea water solution increased. The differences between the dissolution rates of raw phosphate from the three sites were not significant while the differences between the different grain size fractions were significant. Dissolution rates were inversely related to particle size. Using a worst-case scenario, a conservative estimate of the maximum increase in DIP in seawater of the Gulf of Aqaba due to the apatite particles lost to the sea during ship loading resulted in DIP concentrations of 0.03 μM per year. As the residence time of the water in the Gulf of Aqaba is about one year, the DIP concentration will not increase by more than 0.03 μM under the estimated annual quantity of exported phosphate. Fluoride will not increase by more than 0.03 mg/l under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Dissolution of raw phosphate (apatite) in sea water of the Gulf of Aqaba was investigated through lab incubation experiments. Three types from three different sources (Al-Hasa, Al-Abyad and Esh-Shydiya) have been used for these experiments. Impact of quantity, grain size, and source (type) of raw phosphate on dissolution rate were studied. Statistical analysis shows significant differences between the results obtained from comparing each two weights; as weight of apatite increased, dissolved inorganic phosphate-phosphorus (DIP) and fluoride in sea water solution increased. The differences between the dissolution rates of raw phosphate from the three sites were not significant while the differences between the different grain size fractions were significant. Dissolution rates were inversely related to particle size. Using a worst-case scenario, a conservative estimate of the maximum increase in DIP in seawater of the Gulf of Aqaba due to the apatite particles lost to the sea during ship loading resulted in DIP concentrations of 0.03 μM per year. As the residence time of the water in the Gulf of Aqaba is about one year, the DIP concentration will not increase by more than 0.03 μM under the estimated annual quantity of exported phosphate. Fluoride will not increase by more than 0.03 mg/l under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Degradation rates of light and heavy oil in permeable carbonate sands from the Gulf of Aqaba were investigated to evaluate the ability of sediments to degrade oil compounds. Silicate sands that are less permeable and different properties from carbonate sands were used for comparison. Estimates of oil degradation rates were based on oxygen consumption rates, calculated by incubating natural carbonate sands with oil. The degradation rates of light oil were twofold higher than those of heavy oil, which may be attributed to the presence of a higher carbon number in heavy oil compared with light oil. Degradation rates of light oil in carbonate sands were twofold higher than in silicate sands. Oil degradation rates calculated using the bottle incubation technique were three- to fourfold higher than rates from chamber incubations, indicating the importance of adequate mixing between oil particles and sediments during degradation processes. This study suggests that permeable sands, through their chemical and physical properties, increase oil biodegradation rates by enhancing flow through sediment particles and positively impacting bioturbation processes.  相似文献   

The effect of carbonate sediment in regulating phosphate concentrations in sea water was investigated by laboratory incubation experiments using different sediment types. Incubation experiments were made with two types of sediments: uncontaminated sediment from a marine reserve and contaminated sediment with deposited phosphate powders. Fluxes of inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were estimated from linear regressions of solute concentrations over incubation periods. Ammonium and phosphate fluxes were about twofold higher in the uncontaminated sediment that had significantly lower organic carbon and total phosphate concentrations than in the phosphate-contaminated sediment. To test the effect of dissolved phosphate on increasing nitrogen fixation, additional incubation experiments were carried out using treated carbonate and silicate sediments with added dissolved phosphate (20 μM). Incubations were made under sterile conditions with HgCl2 added to distinguish between biologically enhanced processes and pure physicochemical processes. The adsorption rate of phosphate onto carbonate sediment was about twice that onto silicate sediments. No nitrogen elevation either as ammonium or as nitrate was observed in the soluble phosphate enrichment incubations. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the importance of the regulation of soluble phosphate concentrations in carbonate sediment environments where the carbonate sediment acts as a buffering system keeping soluble phosphate concentrations at certain steady-state levels. The study also demonstrates the lack of evidence on enhancement of nitrogen concentrations due to the increase phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

分析芹菜素(apigenin,AP)对丙烯腈(acrylonitrile,ACN)引起的大鼠精子脂质过氧化和DNA损伤的影响,并探讨其可能的机制。将50只SPF级SD成年雄性大鼠随机分为阴性对照组(玉米油)、ACN组(50 mg·kg~(-1)ACN)、低AP组(50 mg·kg~(-1)ACN+234 mg·kg~(-1)AP)、高AP组(50 mg·kg~(-1)ACN+468 mg·kg~(-1)AP)、N-乙酰半胱氨酸(N-acetylcysteine,NAC)组(50 mg·kg~(-1)ACN+300mg·kg~(-1)NAC),以5 m L·(kg bw)~(-1)灌胃染毒,1次·d~(-1),6 d·周~(-1),连续13周。检测大鼠精子活性氧(ROS)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性以及精子DNA损伤情况。结果发现,ACN组、低AP组、高AP组、NAC组精子ROS、MDA含量显著升高,SOD活力显著降低,精子尾部DNA含量百分比、尾长、尾距、Olive尾距均显著增高于对照组(均P0.05);而低AP组、高AP组、NAC组精子ROS、MDA含量、SOD活性和精子DNA损伤情况与ACN组相比差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。提示ACN可引起大鼠精子脂质过氧化和DNA损伤,而AP、NAC对其无干预作用。  相似文献   

彗星试验是一种检测真核细胞脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)损伤的技术,快速、低成本、适用于几乎所有真核细胞,因此常应用于遗传毒理学、辐射生物学、肿瘤细胞学、毒性检测等方面。尤其以灵敏度高、检测联合毒性的特点大量运用于环境研究中。主要介绍彗星试验方法学发展历程,彗星试验的原理及其在环境领域中的应用,并指出应用中的受限因素以及未来的发展前景,为今后进一步推广该试验技术提供理论上的指导与参考。  相似文献   

This study elucidated the protective role of alga against mercury (Hg)-induced toxicity in marine fish. Bath immersion with mercury chloride (HgCl) [0.125 and 0.25?ppm] in combination with the algal extract (3?ppm) to Therapon jarbua offered a significant protection against Hg only induced disturbed liver function, damaged histoarchitecture, elevated oxidative stress, and DNA fragmentation of tissues. Mercury exposure decreased hepatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) activities, and the level of nonprotein-soluble thiol (NPSH, GSH), with a concomitant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the gill, kidneys, liver, and blood. Algal supplementation diminished the rise in TBARS restoring CAT, SOD, and GSH levels to control. Reduced generation of free radicals may be correlated to protect DNA stability and morphology. This study indicates the ability of alga to ameliorate Hg-mediated injuries. In conclusion, Kappaphycus alvarezii extract did not show any toxicity and its safety is suggestive for using as a supplement in fish food.  相似文献   

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