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作为徽州当年很繁华的水运码头,万安是很有些年代和味道的镇子。古老的徽商驿道依然石板青青,比肩接踵的商铺至今保持着前店后坊的格局,仄仄的石阶直通下方绵绵如锦缎的横江。浣衣妇的捶打声传来,清脆中又透着点时光的恍惚。 相似文献
小猴子穿衣戴帽,人模人样地骑着自行车满场子转,甚至还来几个花活,真逗人;平时看似笨重的大狗熊,可要是在桌子上滚起滑板来,连机灵的大姑娘小媳妇们都自愧不如;小狗们钻起一个个火圈来,真让人看着感到有点悬乎,要是看狮子老虎高空钻火圈,心里确实捏一把汗;美女与蟒蛇共舞,看得人们嘴巴张多大,心惊肉跳的……看马戏表演尽管常常是有惊无险,可每次观看时我都是投入得不得了,估计样子叫别人看来感到好笑:脖子伸多长,眼珠子要不是眼眶子挡着都怕要蹦出来。 相似文献
一直很喜欢影帝尊龙拍的那部农民题材的电影《自娱自乐》,不单纯因为尊龙炉火纯青的演技,也不是那些让人喷饭的情节,而是觉得这部电影不同于中国以往的喜剧,它从骨子里体现了完全属于中国人的文化幽默感,这种幽默提炼出来,就是电影的名字:自娱自乐。 相似文献
提到我们的传统手工艺时,我们总是一边心怀敬意,一边扼腕痛惜。用来装饰的剪纸、用来娱乐的皮影、用来生活的漆器,它们在华丽千年后,最终成为一个老去的背影。我们看待传统工艺的消逝时,就如同看到物种的消亡,把矛头直指以经济为中心的现代社会。然而,有多少人从传统工艺自身找过原因? 相似文献
烟雨江南,水墨徽州。于黑白建筑和月塘波影中,在风声雨声读书声之外,那烟雨中氤氲的脉脉古香总有种清心怡神的味道。这不是檀香,而是墨香。当我在古歙斗山街的小巷中徜徉,透过漏窗看见学龄小童研磨描红的那副景象,就仿佛看见了幼时外公辅导下捉管临池的自己。徽墨,就这样泅出了一幅山水,沉淀下一座徽州。 相似文献
徽州人的生活处处透着点精致的味道。青青石板两侧的民居中,在漏窗院墙里总会旁逸斜出三两枝绿叶红花,而门扉、窗罩、瓦当则全是精雕细琢的山水花鸟。这些坚硬的东西被赋予了太多的灵性。 相似文献
每天早晨,路过早点铺,总会端一蒸笼新鲜出炉的小笼包。一笼小笼包下肚,充沛的正能量就开始在体内翻江倒海。但是不知从何时起,早点铺里,越来越多竹蒸笼被不绣钢取而代之。 相似文献
纸的珍贵,是在那次参观宣纸文化园时才领悟到的。之前,虽然一直念叨"节约一张纸,就是拯救一片森林"这样的话,心底下却觉得这是环保主义者的夸张,但作为绿学社的一员,我又希望这样的夸张能引起必要的关注。那次参观了宣纸制作流水线,我才惊诧于一张纸的诞生竟需要 相似文献
书房里,挂着一幅铁画,是鲁迅先生的肖像。先生身着长衫,微微侧立,左手背后,清瘦颀长的右手捏一枝细烟斗,面向前方,目光犀利,似乎无时无刻不在解剖着国民的劣根性。许多朋友来家里,都说这画传神,将先生的性格刻画出来了。铁画出自芜湖。 相似文献
在笔者印象里,端砚是中国传统文人最醒目的标签。任何人,只要和端砚联系在一起,就被烙上了传统文人的印记:家境贫寒却个人清高、身体羸弱却是精神小强;长袍、眼镜、老北京布鞋,再配上两个红袖添香的小丫环,是我在脑海中给未曾谋面的端砚艺术家葛志文勾勒出的形象。当和葛志文见面时,我 相似文献
以乳粉为主原料,添加质量分数为30%的原桔汁,经乳酸菌发酵形成一种凝固型桔汁果味酸奶,该种类型酸奶的糖添加量减少了30%,奶粉添加量减少了10%,并未降低产品原有的品质.该酸奶不但具有良好的产品风味和外观,而且富含天然的营养成分,是一种保健功能很高的营养食品. 相似文献
在叶绿素a的测定过程中,萃取时间长短对测定结果产生影响,得出了萃取时间5小时可满足叶绿素a测定要求的结论。 相似文献
David R. Maidment 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2016,52(4):816-824
An Open Water Data Initiative has been established by the federal government to enhance water information sharing across the United States (U.S.) using standardized web services for geospatial and temporal data. In a parallel effort, the National Weather Service has established a new National Water Center on the Tuscaloosa campus of the University of Alabama, at which a new National Water Model starts operations in June 2016, to continually simulate and forecast streamflow discharge throughout the continental U.S. These two developments support the interoperability of streamflow and hydrologic information in time and space from modeled and observed sources through the use of open standards to share water information. 相似文献
由于放电时延影响着二次放电的参数如放电电流、上升时间等,并对消费类电子产品的放电保护装置有着直接的影响。因此放电时延对放电过程以及器件放电保护有着非常重要的作用。通过测量时延分析了湿度、电压、电场强度、间隙大小等参数对时延的影响。这些实验结果对研究放电保护以及放电模型等都有着非常重要的作用。 相似文献
Space and Time Scales in Human-Landscape Systems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Exploring spatial and temporal scales provides a way to understand human alteration of landscape processes and human responses to these processes. We address three topics relevant to human-landscape systems: (1) scales of human impacts on geomorphic processes, (2) spatial and temporal scales in river restoration, and (3) time scales of natural disasters and behavioral and institutional responses. Studies showing dramatic recent change in sediment yields from uplands to the ocean via rivers illustrate the increasingly vast spatial extent and quick rate of human landscape change in the last two millennia, but especially in the second half of the twentieth century. Recent river restoration efforts are typically small in spatial and temporal scale compared to the historical human changes to ecosystem processes, but the cumulative effectiveness of multiple small restoration projects in achieving large ecosystem goals has yet to be demonstrated. The mismatch between infrequent natural disasters and individual risk perception, media coverage, and institutional response to natural disasters results in un-preparedness and unsustainable land use and building practices. 相似文献
Venkateswara R. Rao 《Environmental management》1995,19(3):313-320
Risk management practices under the current environmental regulations is a long, complex process that considers scientific,
technologic, and management factors to develop various regulatory standards and pollution control measures. Using the mandatory
enforcement approach, sometimes referred to as “command-and-control”, a set of preliminary environmental goals, such as better
air and water qualities, were achieved. However, the information-intensive nature of the risk management process and the lack
of flexibility in conventional regulatory methods to changing economic and technologic realities of the decade has created
interest among risk managers to examine some innovative management approaches. Above all, environmental problems of a global
scale require novel management methods while striving to achieve the desired environmental goals.
As the principal analytical tool in risk management, quantitative risk assessment exerts considerable influence on the risk
management process. Therefore, advances in risk management are closely associated with scientific developments that enhance
the risk assessment process, particularly those efforts aimed at improving human exposure and toxicity assessments. Market
incentives, information dissemination, creative enforcement practices, and interagency and intergovernmental interactions
were identified as the key elements of innovative environmental risk management practices. This paper will present an overview
of the emerging innovative risk management approaches. 相似文献