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Biomass burning, in the form of savanna fires and firewood for cooking and warmth, is widespread during the dry winter months in Southern Africa. This study was carried out to investigate its impact on the environment in Gaborone, Botswana, which is a small-sized city with very little pollution from industrial sources. Measurements of aerosol size and number concentrations were carried out at the University of Botswana campus in Gaborone from September 1999 to July 2000 using two automatic laser scattering particle counters. Particles were monitored in eight size ranges from 0.1 to 5.0 μm. The mean daily particle concentrations were found to vary from about 200 cm−3 on clear visibility days during the summer to a high of over 9000 cm−3 on cold winter evenings, when there was a significant smoke haze over the city. Particle concentrations were noticeably higher during the winter than in the summer. During a typical winter day, the total particle concentration peaked between 18 and 23 h, often showing an increase of over four-fold from mid-morning minimum values. The aerosol number size distributions under various conditions were investigated and the corresponding surface area and volume distributions were derived. In general, both the surface and volume distributions were bimodal with peaks close to 0.2 μm and at 5.0 μm or greater. A hand-held counter with a minimum detectable particle size of 0.3 μm was used to monitor the size and number concentrations of aerosols across the city. The results indicate a consistent pattern of maximum concentration in the highly populated areas close to the city centre, falling significantly in the sparsely populated outlying areas by up to an order of magnitude during peak biomass burning, suggesting that much of the smoke particles in the city are removed by wind.  相似文献   

Multi-year inventories of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from biomass open burning at a high spatial resolution of 0.5° × 0.5° have been constructed in China using GIS methodology for the period 1990-2005. Black carbon (BC) emissions have increased by 383.03% at an annual average rate of 25.54% from 14.05 Gg in 1990 to 67.87 Gg in 2005; while organic carbon (OC) emissions have increased by 365.43% from 57.37 Gg in 1990 to 267.00 Gg in 2005. Through the estimation period, OC/BC ratio for biomass burning was averagely 4.09, suggesting that it was not the preferred control source from a climatic perspective. Spatial distribution of BC and OC emissions were similar, mainly concentrated in three northeastern provinces, central provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Henan, and southern provinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and Sichuan basin, covering 24.89% of China’s territory, but were responsible for 63.38% and 67.55% of national BC and OC emissions, respectively.  相似文献   



Levoglucosan and carbonaceous species in the background aerosol of coastal southeast China were measured at Jianfengling (JFL), a background mountain site in a National Reserve Park on Hainan Island, and at Hok Tsui (HT), a rural site on the southern coast of Hong Kong from April to May of 2004 during an intensive field study.  相似文献   

Emission from large-scale post-harvest agricultural-waste burning (paddy-residue burning during October–November and wheat-residue burning in April–May) is a conspicuous feature in northern India. The poor and open burning of agricultural residue result in massive emission of carbonaceous aerosols and organic pollutants to the atmosphere. In this context, concentrations of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their isomer ratios have been studied for a 2-year period from a source region (Patiala: 30.2°N; 76.3°E) of two distinct biomass burning emissions. The concentrations of 4—6 ring PAHs are considerably higher compared to 2–3 ring PAHs in the ambient particulate matter (PM2.5). The crossplots of PAH isomer ratios, fluoranthene?/?(fluoranthene?+?pyrene) and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene/(indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene?+?benzo[g,h,i]perylene) for two biomass burning emissions, exhibit distinctly different source characteristics compared to those for fossil-fuel combustion sources in south and south-east Asia. The PAH isomer ratios studied from different geographical locations in northern India also exhibit similar characteristics on the crossplot, suggesting their usefulness as diagnostic tracers of biomass burning emissions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The spatiotemporal distribution and characterization of aerosol optical properties in the north of Vietnam were investigated extensively using the...  相似文献   

During April 2008, as part of the International Polar Year (IPY), a number of ground-based and aircraft campaigns were carried out in the North American Arctic region (e.g., ARCTAS, ARCPAC). The widespread presence during this period of biomass burning effluent, both gaseous and particulate, has been reported. Unusually high ozone readings for this time of year were recorded at surface ozone monitoring sites from northern Alaska to northern California. At Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost point in the United States, the highest April ozone readings recorded at the surface (hourly average values >55 ppbv) in 37 years of observation were measured on April 19, 2008. At Denali National Park in central Alaska, an hourly average of 79 ppbv was recorded during an 8-h period in which the average was over 75 ppbv, exceeding the ozone ambient air quality standard threshold value in the U.S. Elevated ozone (>60 ppbv) persisted almost continuously from April 19–23 at the monitoring site during this event. At a coastal site in northern California (Trinidad Head), hourly ozone readings were >50 ppbv almost continuously for a 35-h period from April 18–20. At several sites in northern California, located to the east of Trinidad Head, numerous occurrences of ozone readings exceeding 60 ppbv were recorded during April 2008. Ozone profiles from an extensive series of balloon soundings showed lower tropospheric features at ~1–6 km with enhanced ozone during the times of elevated ozone amounts at surface sites in western Canada and the U.S. Based on extensive trajectory calculations, biomass burning in regions of southern Russia was identified as the likely source of the observed ozone enhancements. Ancillary measurements of atmospheric constituents and optical properties (aerosol optical thickness) supported the presence of a burning plume at several locations. At two coastal sites (Trinidad Head and Vancouver Island), profiles of a large suite of gases were measured from airborne flask samples taken during probable encounters with burning plumes. These profiles aided in characterizing the vertical thickness of the plumes, as well as confirming that the plumes reaching the west coast of North America were associated with biomass burning events.  相似文献   

This study investigated particle size distributions from the burning of several grass species, under controlled laboratory conditions, and also in the field, conducted during the dry season in the Northern Territory, Australia. The laboratory study simulated conditions such as burning phases and burning rate, and particle diameter differed depending on the burning conditions. Under fast burning conditions, smaller particles were produced with a diameter in the range of 30–60 nm, while larger particles, with a diameter between 60 and 210 nm, were produced during slow burning. The airborne field measurements of biomass particles found that under the boundary layer most of the early dry season (EDS) particles came from fresh smokes with a count median diameter (CMD) of 83±13 nm, and most of the late dry season (LDS) particles came from aged smokes with a CMD of 127±6 nm. Vertical profiles of CMD showed that smaller particles were found higher within the atmosphere. These measurements provide insight into the scientific understanding of the properties of biomass burning particles in the Northern Territory, Australia.  相似文献   

Ozone peaks with mixing ratios as high as 138 ppbv were observed in the lower troposphere (2.5–4.5 km) over Hong Kong in spring. Simultaneously observed high humidity suggests that this enhanced ozone was not the result of transport from the upper troposphere. Back trajectory analysis suggests that these enhancements resulted from lateral transport. Air masses arriving at the altitude of the ozone peaks appear to have passed over continental Southeast Asia where the bulk of biomass burning occurs at this time of the year (February–April). We hypothesize that biomass burning in this region provided the necessary precursors for the observed ozone enhancement. As far as we know this is the first observation of highly enhanced ozone layers associated with biomass burning in continental Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Intensive measurements of aerosol (PM10) and associated water-soluble ionic and carbonaceous species were conducted in Guangzhou, a mega city of China, during summer 2006. Elevated levels of most chemical species were observed especially at nighttime during two episodes, characterized by dramatic build-up of the biomass burning tracers levoglucosan and non-sea-salt potassium, when the prevailing wind direction had changed due to two approaching tropical cyclones. High-resolution air mass back trajectories based on the MM5 model revealed that air masses with high concentrations of levoglucosan (43–473 ng m?3) and non-sea-salt potassium (0.83–3.2 μg m?3) had passed over rural regions of the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, where agricultural activities and field burning of crop residues are common practices. The relative contributions of biomass burning smoke to organic carbon in PM10 were estimated from levoglucosan data to be on average 7.0 and 14% at daytime and nighttime, respectively, with maxima of 9.7 and 32% during the episodic transport events, indicating that biomass and biofuel burning activities in the rural parts of the Pearl River Delta and neighboring regions could have a significant impact on ambient urban aerosol levels.  相似文献   

The 1997 Indonesia forest fires was an environmental disaster of exceptional proportions. Such a disaster caused massive transboundary air pollution and indiscriminate destruction of biodiversity in the world. The immediate consequence of the fires was the production of large amounts of haze in the region, causing visibility and health problems within Southeast Asia. Furthermore, fires of these magnitudes are potential contributors to global warming and climate change due to the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases and other pyrogenic products.The long-range transport of fire-related haze in the region is investigated using trajectories from the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Limited Area Model (DARLAM). Emission scenarios were constructed for hotspot areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan for the months of September and October 1997 to determine the period and fire locations most critical to Singapore. This study also examines some transport issues raised from field observations. Results show that fires in the coastal areas of southeast Sumatra and southwest Kalimantan can be potential contributors to transboundary air pollution in Singapore. Singapore was directly affected by haze from these areas whereas Kuala Lumpur was heavily affected by the haze coming from Sumatra. In most cases, Singapore was more affected by fires from Kalimantan than was Kuala Lumpur. This was mainly a result of the shifting of monsoons. The transition of monsoons resulted in weaker low-level winds and shifted convergence zones near to the southeast of Peninsular Malaysia. In addition to severe drought and massive fire activity in 1997, the timing of the monsoon transition has a strong influence on haze transport in the region.  相似文献   

Biomass burning as fuel in the traditional grass-roofed rural households of Western Province of Kenya in open fire places, in poorly ventilated conditions, lead to accumulation of soot under the roofs. This study characterized and quantified the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in accumulated soot in these households and determined the variation in PAHs concentrations with fuel biomass type. Soot samples collected from the households were extracted, cleaned and analysed by gas chromatography. The PAHs were identified using retention times, verified by gas chromatographic mass spectral analysis and quantified from peak area responses using the internal standard method. The PAHs levels significantly varied (P ≤ 0.05) with biomass type in the order: dung ≥ indigenous trees ≥ exotic trees ≥ shrubs and crop residues. Use of dung and wood from indigenous trees as fuel should be discouraged since they are higher emitters (P ≤ 0.05) of carcinogenic PAHs.  相似文献   

The haze episodes that occurred in Malaysia in September-October 1991, August-October 1994 and September-October 1997 have been attributed to suspended smoke particulate matter from biomass burning in southern Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia. In the present study, polar organic compounds in aerosol particulate matter from Malaysia are converted to their trimethylsilyl derivatives and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in order to better assess the contribution of the biomass burning component during the haze episodes. On the basis of this analysis, levoglucosan was found to be the most abundant organic compound detected in almost all samples. The monosaccharides, alpha- and beta-mannose, the lignin breakdown products, vanillic and syringic acids and the minor steroids, cholesterol and beta-sitosterol were also present in some samples. The presence of the tracers from smoke overwhelmed the typical signatures of emissions from traffic and other anthropogenic activities in the urban areas.  相似文献   

Various forms of phosphorus were measured in marine aerosol particles and rain samples collected from the northern tip of the North Island of New Zealand. Approximately 58 % of the total phosphorus in the aerosol particles was organic and 7 % was soluble in deionized water. The remaining 35 % was not released by treatment with potassium persulfate, and it was defined as a refractory fraction. Stepwise regression analyses suggested that (1) the concentrations of organic phosphorus in the aerosol particles were related to those of sodium, which was regarded as sea salt tracer, (2) the concentrations of water soluble phosphorus were correlated with those of aluminum, which was considered an indicator of crustal material and (3) total phosphorus was derived from the ocean and from the earth's crust. The mass particle-size distribution of the refractory and organic phosphorus combined was similar to that of sodium and aluminum. However, on submicrometer particles the concentrations of all forms of phosphorus appeared to increase relative to those of sodium, suggesting that small particle phosphorus may be derived from a non-marine source, possibly weathered crustal material or wind blown fertilizer. The wet deposition rates for water soluble and organic phosphorus were calculated to be 0.30 and 0.61 μg cm −2 y −1, respectively. The dry deposition of these two forms of phosphorus combined (0.14 μg cm −2 y −1 ) was clearly lower than the wet deposition rate. Total deposition of phosphorus to the site was estimated to be 1.5μgcm−2y−1.  相似文献   

Data from four continuous ozone and weather monitoring sites operated by the National Park Service in Sierra Nevada, California, are used to develop an ozone forecasting model and to estimate the contribution of wildland fires on ambient ozone levels. The analyses of weather and ozone data pointed to the transport of ozone precursors from the Central Valley as an important source of pollution in these National Parks. Comparisons of forecasted and observed values demonstrated that accurate forecasts of next-day hourly ozone levels may be achieved by using a time series model with historic averages, expected local weather and modeled PM values as explanatory variables. Results on fire smoke influence indicated occurrence of significant increases in average ozone levels with increasing fire activity. The overall effect on diurnal ozone values, however, was small when compared with the amount of variability attributed to sources other than fire.  相似文献   

PM1 aerosol characterization on organic tracers for biomass burning (levoglucosan and its isomers and dehydroabietic acid) was conducted within the AERTRANS project. PM1 filters (N?=?90) were sampled from 2010 to 2012 in busy streets in the urban centre of Madrid and Barcelona (Spain) at ground-level and at roof sites. In both urban areas, biomass burning was not expected to be an important local emission source, but regional emissions from wildfires, residential heating or biomass removal may influence the air quality in the cities. Although both areas are under influence of high solar radiation, Madrid is situated in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, while Barcelona is located at the Mediterranean Coast and under influence of marine atmospheres. Two extraction methods were applied, i.e. Soxhlet and ASE, which showed equivalent results after GC-MS analyses. The ambient air concentrations of the organic tracers for biomass burning increased by an order of magnitude at both sites during winter compared to summer. An exception was observed during a PM event in summer 2012, when the atmosphere in Barcelona was directly affected by regional wildfire smoke and levels were four times higher as those observed in winter. Overall, there was little variation between the street and roof sites in both cities, suggesting that regional biomass burning sources influence the urban areas after atmospheric transport. Despite the different atmospheric characteristics in terms of air relative humidity, Madrid and Barcelona exhibit very similar composition and concentrations of biomass burning organic tracers. Nevertheless, levoglucosan and its isomers seem to be more suitable for source apportionment purposes than dehydroabietic acid. In both urban areas, biomass burning contributions to PM were generally low (2 %) in summer, except on the day when wildfire smoke arrive to the urban area. In the colder periods the contribution increase to around 30 %, indicating that regional biomass burning has a substantial influence on the urban air quality.  相似文献   

A new dataset of emissions of trace gases and particles resulting from biomass burning has been developed for the historical and the recent period (1900–2005). The purpose of this work is to provide a consistent gridded emissions dataset of atmospheric chemical species from 1900 to 2005 for chemistry-climate simulations. The inventory is built in two steps. First, fire emissions are estimated for the recent period (1997–2005) using satellite products (GBA2000 burnt areas and ATSR fire hotspots); the temporal and spatial distribution of the CO2 emissions for the 1997–2005 period is estimated through a calibration of ATSR fire hotspots. The historical inventory, covering the 1900–2000 period on a decadal basis, is derived from the historical reconstruction of burned areas from Mouillot and Field (2005). The historical emissions estimates are forced, for each main ecosystem, to agree with the recent inventory estimates, ensuring consistency between past and recent emissions.The methodology used for estimating the fire emissions is discussed, together with the time evolution of biomass burning emissions during the 20th century, first at the global scale and then for specific regions. The results are compared with the distributions provided by other inventories and results of inverse modeling studies.  相似文献   

Atmospheric transport of trace elements has been found to be an important pathway for their input to the ocean. TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 aerosol samples were collected over the Northern South China Sea in two cruises in 2003 to estimate the input of aerosol from continent to the ocean. About 23 elements and 14 soluble ions in aerosol samples were measured. The average mass concentration of TSP in Cruise I in January (78 μg m−3) was ∼twice of that in Cruise II in April (37 μg m−3). Together with the crustal component, heavy metals from pollution sources over the land (especially from the industry and automobiles in Guangzhou) were transported to and deposited into the ocean. The atmospheric MSA concentrations in PM2.5 (0.048 μg m−3 in Cruise I and 0.043 μg m−3 in Cruise II) over Northern South China Sea were comparable to those over other coastal regions. The ratio of non-sea-salt (NSS)-sulfate to MSA is 103-655 for Cruise I and 15-440 for Cruise II in PM2.5 samples, which were much higher than those over remote oceans. The estimated anthropogenic sulfate accounts for 83–98% in Cruise I and 63–95% in Cruise II of the total NSS-sulfate. Fe (II) concentration in the aerosols collected over the ocean ranged from 0.1 to 0.9 μg m−3, accounting for 16–82% of the total iron in the aerosol, which could affect the marine biogeochemical cycle greatly.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compound levels (VOCs) in breath, personal air, fixed outdoor air and drinking water samples were measured and compared for a probability sample of individuals in Los Angeles and Antioch/Pittsburg, California during 1984. In addition, comparisons were made between seasons (winter vs spring) in Los Angeles for individuals sampled in both seasons. The statistics presented to compare the sites and seasons were primarily percent measurable and concentration levels (e.g. sample medians). For most comparisons, 13 VOC levels were examined for breath, personal and outdoor air samples and four VOCs for water samples.In addition to the results for VOC levels, the paper also briefly describes
  • 1.(i) the sampling procedures used to obtain the study participants
  • 2.(ii) the collection of air, breath and water samples
  • 3.(iii) selected results from the quality assurance procedures used in this study.
For most chemicals, the percent measurable and concentration levels were
  • 1.(i) higher in personal air samples than in breath or outdoor air samples,
  • 2.(ii) higher in Los Angeles in the winter for air and breath than in the, spring,
  • 3.(iii) higher in Los Angeles for air and breath than in Antioch/Pittsburg,
  • 4.(iv) quite different for water as compared with air and breath.
Ubiquitous compounds in water were chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform while in air and breath they were 1,1,1-trichloroethane, benzene, tetrachloroethylene, ethylbenzene and the xylenes.Concentrations were higher in
  • 1.(i) outdoor air vs breath in the winter in Los Angeles (where outdoor air levels were much higher than in the spring),
  • 2.(ii) in personal air vs outdoor air in the upper tails of the concentration distribution (90th percentile) compared to the 50th percentile. For the water samples, relatively high concentrations were noted for chloroform, bromodichloromethane and dibromochloromethane.
In most cases, water concentrations were higher for Los Angeles in the spring. Five VOCs known to be in tobacco smoke (benzene, styrene, ethylbenzene and the xylenes) had significantly higher levels in the breath of smokers.  相似文献   

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