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The cement dust is one of the causes of pollution in the environment. In the present study, the cadmium concentrations of soil and plant specimens taken from a rural area exposed to cement factory emissions were determined and also the blood concentrations and sensitivity conditions in humans residing in this rural area were investigated. The 108 soil (36 for control) and plant specimens were collected from eight different directions of the cement plant located in Cukurhisar town in Eski?ehir city. Blood samples of the individuals residing in this area were taken from 258 subjects (258 for control) following a physical examination, and patch tests were also applied. The results show that the cadmium concentrations of the soil and plant specimens taken from different places in different directions of the factory were higher than in the control areas. The physical examination of subjects did not reveal results different from those of the control group except for the diagnosis of contact dermatitis. The analysis of venous blood samples showed that cadmium concentrations were found to be within the reference values given for both groups, but higher in the subjects (p<0.001). According to the results of patch tests, sensitivity to cadmium was found to be more frequent for the subject group than the control group (p<0.05). Those results show that, although clinical tools revealed no toxic effects for the subject, except contact dermatitis, the cement plant increases cadmium pollution on the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

One important source of chronic exposure to low levels of organic compounds in the indoor environment is emissions from building materials. Because removal of offending products may be costly or otherwise impractical, it is important that the emissions of organic pollutants be understood prior to incorporation of these materials into buildings. Once the organic pollutants of concern are identified, based on potential health effects and emission potential from the building material, it is necessary that an emission model be developed to predict the behavior of emission rates under various indoor conditions. Examples of the type of requirements that must be addressed in developing models for estimating organic emissions from building materials into the indoor environment are presented. Important factors include the products' characteristic source strengths at standard test conditions, impact of variations in environmental conditions (such as temperature and humidity), concentrations of the modeled organic pollutants in indoor environments and product ages. Ideally, emission models should have physical/chemical bases so that the important physical factors can be identified and their relative importance quantified. Although a universal model describing organic emissions from all building materials may not be feasible due to the tremendous variety of organic products and building materials in use, the most studied of the volatile organic compounds from building materials, formaldehyde, is used to illustrate an approach to the development of a specific model for organic emissions.  相似文献   

The release of the organochlorine pesticide lindane (γ-hexachlorocyclohexane) from several types of contaminated building materials was studied to assess inhalation hazard and decontamination requirements in response to accidental and/or intentional spills. The materials included glass, polypropylene carpet, latex-painted drywall, ceramic tiles, vinyl floor tiles, and gypsum ceiling tiles. For each surface concentration, an equilibrium concentration was determined in the vapour phase of the surrounding air. Vapor concentrations depended upon initial surface concentration, temperature, and type of building material. A time-weighted average (TWA) concentration in the air was used to quantify the health risk associated with the inhalation of lindane vapors. Transformation products of lindane, namely α-hexachlorocyclohexane and pentachlorocyclohexene, were detected in the vapour phase at both temperatures and for all of the test materials. Their formation was greater on glass and ceramic tiles, compared to other building materials. An empiric Sips isotherm model was employed to approximate experimental results and to estimate the release of lindane and its transformation products. This helped determine the extent of decontamination required to reduce the surface concentrations of lindane to the levels corresponding to vapor concentrations below TWA.  相似文献   

Field study allows assessment of long-term effects on fatty acid (FA) composition of organisms under chronic exposure to metals. One expected effect of copper is peroxidation of lipids and essentially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). FA analysis was established for the amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus subjected to different degrees of copper exposure (4–40 μg Cu L−1). A previous study in our team showed that this species regulates its body Cu concentration (106–135 mg Cu kg−1 dry weight). Despite the high capacity of bioaccumulation, the absence of a correlation between copper concentration in D. villosus and water prevents its use as bioindicator of copper pollution. Both sexes from the most polluted site showed the lowest total FA content, but the highest PUFA percent, mainly of the long-chained variety (C20–C22). Mechanisms leading to the prevention of lipid peroxidation in this species were discussed (metallothioneins and intracellular granules) and proposed with support from literature data.  相似文献   

Based on the most recently published mass transfer model of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from dry building materials, it is found that the dimensionless emission rate and total emission quantity are functions of just four dimensionless parameters, the ratio of mass transfer Biot number to partition coefficient (Bim/K), the mass transfer Fourier number (Fom), the dimensionless air exchange rate (2/Dm) and the ratio of building material volume to chamber or room volume (/V). Through numerical analysis and data fitting, a group of dimensionless correlations for estimating the emission rate from dry building materials is obtained. The predictions of the correlations are validated against the predictions made by the mass transfer model. Using the correlations, the VOC emission rate from dry building materials can be conveniently calculated without having to solve the complicated mass transfer equations. Thus it is very simple to estimate VOC emissions for a given condition. The predictions of the correlations agree well with experimental data in the literature except in the initial few hours. Furthermore, based on the correlations, a relationship between the emission rates of a material in two different situations is deduced. With this relationship, the results for a given building material in a test chamber can be scaled to those under real conditions, if the dimensionless parameters are within the appropriate region for the correlations. The relationship also explicitly explains the impacts of air velocity, load ratio, and air exchange rate on the VOC emission rate, which determines the feasibility of assuming that the VOC emission rates in real conditions are the same as those in the test chambers.  相似文献   

The Bio-response Operational Testing and Evaluation (BOTE) Project was a cross-government effort designed to operationally test and evaluate a response to a biological incident (release of Bacillus anthracis [Ba] spores, the causative agent for anthrax) from initial public health and law enforcement response through environmental remediation. The BOTE Project was designed to address site remediation after the release of a Ba simulant, Bacillus atrophaeus spp. globigii (Bg), within a facility, drawing upon recent advances in the biological sampling and decontamination areas. A key component of response to a biological contamination incident is the proper management of wastes and residues, which is woven throughout all response activities. Waste is generated throughout the response and includes items like sampling media packaging materials, discarded personal protective equipment, items removed from the facility either prior to or following decontamination, aqueous waste streams, and materials generated through the application of decontamination technologies. The amount of residual contaminating agent will impact the available disposal pathways and waste management costs. Waste management is an integral part of the decontamination process and should be included through “Pre-Incident” response planning. Overall, the pH-adjusted bleach decontamination process generated the most waste from the decontamination efforts, and fumigation with chlorine dioxide generated the least waste. A majority of the solid waste generated during pH-adjusted bleach decontamination was the nonporous surfaces that were removed, bagged, decontaminated ex situ, and treated as waste. The waste during the two fumigation rounds of the BOTE Project was associated mainly with sampling activities. Waste management activities may represent a significant contribution to the overall cost of the response/recovery operation. This paper addresses the waste management activities for the BOTE field test.Implications: Management of waste is a critical element of activities dealing with remediation of buildings and outdoor areas following a biological contamination incident. Waste management must be integrated into the overall remediation process, along with sampling, decontamination, resource management, and other important response elements, rather than being a stand-alone activity. The results presented in this paper will provide decision makers and emergency planners at the federal/state/tribal/local level information that can be used to integrate waste management into an overall systems approach to planning and response activities.  相似文献   

EPA's TEAM Study of personal exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOC) in air and drinking water of 650 residents of seven U.S. cities resulted in the identification of a number of possible sources encountered in peoples' normal daily activities and in their homes. A follow-up EPA study of publicaccess buildings implicated other potential sources of exposure. To learn more about these potential sources, 15 building materials and common consumer products were analyzed using a headspace technique to detect organic emissions and to compare relative amounts. About 10–100 organic compounds were detected offgassing from each material. Four mixtures of materials were then chosen for detailed study: paint on sheetrock; carpet and carpet glue; wallpaper and adhesives; cleansers and a spray pesticide. The materials were applied as normally used, allowed to age 1 week (except for the cleansers and pesticides, which were used normally during the monitoring period), and placed in an environmentally controlled chamber. Organic vapors were collected on Tenax-GC over a 4-h period and analyzed by GC-MS techniques. Emission rates and chamber concentrations were calculated for 17 target chemicals chosen for their toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic properties. Thirteen of the 17 chemicals were emitted by one or more of the materials. Elevated concentrations of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, n-decane, n-undecane, p-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane and styrene were produced by the four mixtures of materials tested. For some chemicals, these amounts were sufficient to account for a significant fraction of the elevated concentrations observed in previous indoor air studies. We conclude that common materials found in nearly every home and place of business may cause elevated exposures to toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

Wilkins K  Larsen K  Simkus M 《Chemosphere》2000,41(3):437-446
Mold species which were isolated from damp buildings were grown on sterile building materials and some synthetic media in order to study the microbial volatile organic compounds produced. Patterns of the microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) were very media dependent but media which favor terpene biosynthesis may give patterns unique enough for identification of dominant indoor molds.  相似文献   

Indoor nitrogen dioxide exposure and children's pulmonary function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Elevated concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are produced in the home by the use of unvented gas appliances. In studies on potential health effects of indoor exposure to NO2, exposure has mostly been estimated from the presence or absence of sources like gas cookers in the home. This leads to misclassification of exposure, as NO2 concentrations in the home depend also on source use, ventilation habits, time budgets, etc. The availability of cheap, passive monitoring devices has made it possible to measure indoor concentrations of NO2 directly in health effects studies, albeit with averaging times of one to several days. So far, it has not been evaluated whether this increases the sensitivity of a study to detect health effects of NO2. In this paper, a comparison is made between NO2 sources and weekly average indoor NO2 measurements, as predictors of pulmonary function in a study among children aged 6-12 years. The relationship between exposure and lung functions was found to be generally non-significant in this study. The results further suggested that in this study, measuring indoor NO2 concentrations with passive monitors offered no advantage over the simple use of source presence as exposure variable.  相似文献   

The functional group (FG) composition of urban residential outdoor, indoor, and personal fine particle (PM2.5) samples is presented and used to provide insights relevant to organic PM2.5 exposure. PM2.5 samples (48 h) were collected during the Relationship of Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air (RIOPA) study at 219 non-smoking homes (once or twice) in Los Angeles County, CA, Elizabeth, NJ, and Houston, TX. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of PM2.5 samples were collected, and FG absorbances were quantified by partial least squares (PLS) regression, a multivariate calibration method.There is growing evidence in the literature that a large majority of indoor-generated PM2.5 is organic. The current research suggests that indoor-generated PM2.5 is enriched in aliphatic carbon–hydrogen (CH) FGs relative to ambient outdoor PM2.5. Indoor-generated CH exceeded outdoor-generated CH in 144 of the 167 homes for which indoor or outdoor CH was measurable; estimated indoor emission rates are provided. The strong presence of aliphatic CH FGs in indoor PM2.5 makes particulate organic matter substantially less polar indoors and in personal exposures than outdoors. This is a substantial new finding. Based on the quantified FGs, the average organic molecular weight (OM) per carbon weight (OC), a measure of the degree of oxygenation of organic PM, is in the range of 1.7–2.6 for outdoor samples and 1.3–1.7 for indoor and personal samples. Polarity or degree of oxygenation effects particle deposition in exposure environments and in the respiratory system.  相似文献   

With recent improvements to living standards and renovations to many residential buildings, a large volume of new building materials have been utilized throughout China. Formaldehyde and other kinds of VOC pollutants, such as benzene, toluene and xylene found in new building materials, however, emit gases that may lead to some direct or potential health problems. Bake-out with dilution ventilation technology has the potential to shorten emission cycles of indoor air pollution, by which off-gassing from building materials can be reduced. In this paper, a test chamber was used to represent a newly renovated residential room in China. Experiments were conducted to study the applicability of the technology for removing of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene. A numerical method was used to simulate a 1 m3-chamber-TVOC removing amount under different operating conditions and the concentration change of TVOC during the bake-out exhaust dilution process. The effects of bake-out temperatures and times, ventilation times, and air change rates on removal are also discussed.

Implications: VOCs are the main study objective in this paper. With higher baking temperature, longer baking time and longer ventilation time, the removal efficiency is higher in experiment. Removal content of TVOC increases with the increasing number of ACH. With the consideration of energy consumption, it is more reasonable to choose a ventilation time of 4 hours if ACH is 1.2 times/h.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that dark materials (DM) in acidified molasses are effectively adsorbed to Amberlite XAD7HP resin and are eluted from the resin with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide. In this paper, we have characterized the self-assembly behavior of molasses DM by using dynamic and static light scattering in combination with isoelectric focusing and infrared absorption spectroscopy in order to better understand the resin adsorption mechanism. One of DM derivatives, X-G2, contained carboxyl and hydroxyl groups and had a weight-average molar mass of 9.39?×?103 to 4.42?×?104 at pH 2.1–11.5. The aggregates retained their spherical shape over the full pH range and the large gyration radius (66.4–80.0 nm) indicated that the inner structure was loosely packed. Furthermore, X-G2 had an isoelectric point of 1.8, and its density increased sharply at pH 5.9 and then approached a nearly constant value under alkaline conditions. In summary, the self-assembly processes of DM are controlled by intermolecular hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions. The aggregates adsorb to the resin through hydrophobic interactions and are eluted when excess carboxylate anions are generated.  相似文献   

The sorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by different building materials can significantly affect VOC concentrations in indoor environments. In this paper, a new model has been developed for simulating VOC sorption and desorption rates of homogeneous building materials with constant diffusion coefficients and material–air partition coefficients. The model analytically solves the VOC sorption rate at the material–air interface. It can be used as a “wall function” in combination with more complex gas-phase models that account for non-uniform mixing to predict sorption process. It can also be used in conjunction with broader indoor air quality studies to simulate VOC exposure in buildings.  相似文献   

The emissions of selected flame retardants were measured in 1- and 0.02-m3 emission test chambers and 0.001-m3 emission test cells. Four product groups were of interest: insulating materials, assembly foam, upholstery/mattresses, and electronics equipment. The experiments were performed under constant environmental conditions (23°C, 50% RH) using a fixed sample surface area and controlled air flow rates. Tris (2-chloro-isopropyl)phosphate (TCPP) was observed to be one of the most commonly emitted organophosphate flame retardants in polyurethane foam applications. Depending on the sample type, area-specific emission rates (SERa) of TCPP varied between 20 ng m−2 h−1 and 140 μg m−2 h−1.The emissions from electronic devices were measured at 60°C to simulate operating conditions. Under these conditions, unit specific emission rates (SERu) of organophosphates were determined to be 10–85 ng unit−1 h−1. Increasing the temperature increased the emission of several flame retardants by up to a factor of 500. The results presented in this paper indicate that emissions of several brominated and organophosphate flame retardants are measurable. Polybrominated diphenylethers exhibited an SERa of between 0.2 and 6.6 ng m−2 h−1 and an SERu of between 0.6 and 14.2 ng unit−1 h−1. Because of sink effects, i.e., sorption to chamber components, the emission test chambers and cells used in this study have limited utility for substances low vapour pressures, especially the highly brominated compounds; hexabromocyclododecane had an SERa of between 0.1 and 29 ng m−2 h−1 and decabromodiphenylether was not detectable at all.  相似文献   

Only few studies have been conducted as yet which focus on the effects of rising tropospheric ozone levels on semi-natural vegetation under free-air conditions. A new technical approach was used to examine the response of calcareous grassland to ozone employing a chamberless fumigation system. Four different ozone regimes were applied (1-, 1.33-, 1.66- and 2-fold ambient air levels) with five replicates each. Ozone enrichment was carried out on circular plots of 2 m in diameter by a computer controlled exposure system. Transparent windscreens encircling each plot accelerated the mixing of ambient air and ozone released. Thus, the use of blowers could be avoided. The exposure system presented here is regarded as an appropriate technique for free-air trace gas enrichment on short vegetation avoiding microclimatic alterations known to affect plant growth and pollutant uptake. Furthermore, the chosen technical set-up was rather cost-effective. Hence, it enabled the establishment of a larger number of replications providing the basis for results of higher statistical power.  相似文献   

There is scant information related to heterogeneous indoor chemistry at ozone concentrations necessary for the effective disinfection of buildings, i.e., hundreds to thousands of ppm. In the present study, 24 materials were exposed for 16 h to ozone concentrations of 1000–1200 ppm in the inlet streams of test chambers. Initial ozone deposition velocities were similar to those reported in the published literature for much lower ozone concentrations, but decayed rapidly as reaction sites on material surfaces were consumed. For every material, deposition velocities converged to a relatively constant, and typically low, value after approximately 11 h. The four materials with the highest sustained deposition velocities were ceiling tile, office partition, medium density fiberboard and gypsum wallboard backing. Analysis of ozone reaction probabilities indicated that throughout each experiment, and particularly after several hours of disinfection, surface reaction resistance dominated the overall resistance to ozone deposition for nearly all materials. Total building disinfection by-products (all carbonyls) were quantified per unit area of each material for the experimental period. Paper, office partition, and medium density fiberboard each released greater than 38 mg m−2 of by-products.  相似文献   

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