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Renewed interest in the topic of compensation in fish populations has been stimulated by new EPA 316(b) regulations relating to entrainment and impingement looming on the horizon. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the topic of population compensation for fish populations in the context of assessing power generation impacts. I define compensation as the net population-level outcome of changes in growth, survival, and reproduction at the individual fish level that offsets decreases or increases in population density. Potential mechanisms of compensation have been well document in laboratory and field experiments. The process underlying all these mechanisms is that changes in population density can change per capita availability of essential resources such as food and space. The state of science in this area is constrained both retrospectively and prospectively by five technical stumbling blocks. Technological advances have improved our ability to bound the phenotypic plasticity of a species and to assess the potential effects of power generation impacts through a combination of monitoring, special studies, and simulation modeling. Four generalizations concerning compensation are mentioned. Progress has been made over the past three decades, but this topic remains scientifically challenging and politically controversial.  相似文献   

In the early 1970s, impacts of power-plant cooling systems on fish populations were a major source of controversy. The most thoroughly studied and controversial power plants were the Indian Point, Bowline, and Roseton generating stations on the Hudson River. The assessments performed for these three plants were unique in employing river-wide sampling data and mathematical models designed to predict the effects of cooling-water withdrawals on the short- and long-term abundance of striped bass and other important fish populations. A Settlement Agreement in 1981 led to the establishment of a long-term monitoring program that continues to generate valuable information concerning the impacts of power-plant cooling systems on estuarine ecosystems. This paper evaluates the results generated by the past quarter century of Hudson River, with the objective of evaluating the utility of the information for future 316(b) assessments. Specific recommendations are made concerning: (1) methods for quantitative assessment of cooling-system impacts at new vs operating facilities; (2) research that would improve the efficiency and accuracy of assessments; and (3) the need to integrate cooling system impact studies into a general framework for management of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fish entrainment and impingement studies were conducted at Cayuga and Wabash River generating Stations in 1987 and 1988, respectively. Concurrent river samplings were conducted upstream from the stations to assess adult fish and ichthyoplankton populations. The original 316(b) studies at these stations were conducted in 1976–1977 and concluded that the stations were having minimal adverse impact on the Wabash River fish community. The state regulatory agency did not agree with this interpretation and requested the subsequent 1987 and 1988 studies. The major issue at these once-through cooling power plants was the large water withdrawals at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations [1318 and 1096 cubic feet per second (cfs) maximum plant flows, respectively], in contrast to the relatively low average annual Wabash River flows (10,070 and 11,110 cfs, respectively). The close proximity of the stations (35 river miles apart) together with the high percentage of water withdrawn suggest that the potential risk of unacceptable impacts is high.The six-month impingement estimates for Cayuga and Wabash River Stations were 15,086 and 11,401 fish, respectively. Impingement catches at both stations were dominated by young-of-the-year (YOY) channel catfish and gizzard shad. In addition, small minnows (primarily bullhead minnow and emerald shiners) were commonly impinged at Cayuga Station. Minnows (predominantly spotfin shiner, bullhead minnow and emerald shiner) were also the dominant species in the river samplings upstream from the stations. In the entrainment samplings, an estimated 26,920,382 and 107,503,876 fish eggs and larvae were entrained each year at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations, respectively. Ictiobinae (buffaloes and carpsuckers) and Cyprinidae (minnows and shiners) were the dominant ichthyoplankton in the river. Approximately 3.5 and 23% of the total river ichthyoplankton were entrained at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations, respectively. Gizzard shad at Cayuga Station, and Ictiobinae and Cyprinidae at Wabash River Station (WRS) were the dominant taxa entrained by the stations. Unusually low river flows during the spring and summer of 1987 and 1988 provided worst-case conditions for entrainment and impingement at the stations. However, the relatively low impingement and entrainment numbers during these worst-case conditions indicated that these stations were not adversely affecting the Wabash River fish community.  相似文献   

Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act has required that “best technology available” (BTA) be used to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from operation of the cooling water intake structure (CWIS). The primary effects of CWIS operations are the entrainment of small aquatic organisms through the cooling water system and the impingement of larger life stages on traveling water screens. Extensive research has been conducted since the early 1970s in attempts to develop technologies that will minimize entrainment and impingement. As a result, a suite of technologies is available that can be considered for application as the BTA at the CWIS. Available technologies include fish collection systems, fish diversion systems, physical barriers and behavioral barriers. The ability of a given technology to meet BTA requirements is influenced by a wide variety of biological, environmental and engineering factors that must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. The status of systems and devices in each category of fish protection alternatives is presented.  相似文献   

Quad Cities Station is a 1630 MWe dual reactor facility located on the Upper Mississippi River approximately 30 miles north of Davenport, Iowa and Rock Island, Illinois. As designed, the Station utilizes river water at the rate of 2270 cfs in an open-cycle mode of operation. From the 316(b) perspective, numerous agencies and intervenors expressed major concern regarding the potential adverse impacts of open-cycle entrainment and impingement effects on the River’s highly valued and diverse fishery. As a result, the fishery has been monitored continuously since 1971 through field surveys directed at measurements of community composition and relative abundance, as well as fish impingement surveys of the Station’s intake. From 1972 to 1983 the Station operated in a closed-cycle or partial closed-cycle mode.Regulatory relief and intervenor approval for open-cycle operation were not granted until 1984, following several years of intensive studies directed at entrainment/impingement and methods to reduce impingement. Beginning in 1978, the freshwater drum was selected as the indicator species most likely to manifest changes in population characteristics potentially resulting from open-cycle operation. Population levels (numbers and biomass), growth, fecundity, sex ratios and survival were all monitored to determine if compensatory responses occurred within the population following increases in impingement under open-cycle operation. Included in the agreement that allowed the return to open-cycle operation was a commitment to construct and operate a fish production facility to mitigate for potential impacts.After 14 years of monitoring under open-cycle operation, there have been no measurable changes in the local fishery and, specifically, none within the freshwater drum population. Naturally occurring environmental conditions have more profound influences on this dynamic and resilient fishery than operation of a large generation facility. Station operation is relatively constant from year to year and impingement monitoring may actually be the most accurate monitoring activity. Fluctuations in annual impingement projections are reflections of conditions within the river and the fishery’s response to them. Increases or decreases in fish numbers impinged at the Station in any given year are primarily due to fluctuations in the fishery and the effects of existing environmental variables and not to Station operation. The fishery fluctuations are reflections of conditions within the river and the fishery’s response to them.  相似文献   

This study uses an integrative approach to study the water-quality impacts of future global climate and land-use changes. In this study, changing land-use types was used as a mitigation strategy to reduce the adverse impacts of global climate change on water resources. The climate scenarios were based on projections made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Kingdom Hadley Centre's climate model (HadCM2). The Thornthwaite water-balance model was coupled with a land-use model (L-THIA) to investigate the hydrologic effects of future climate and land-use changes in the Ohio River Basin. The land-use model is based on the Soil Conservation Service's curve-number method. It uses the curve number, an index of land use and soil type, to calculate runoff volume and depth. The ArcView programming language, Avenue, was used to integrate the two models into a geographic information system (GIS). An output of the water-balance model, daily precipitation values adjusted for potential evapotranspiration, served as one of the inputs into the land-use model. Two watersheds were used in the present study: one containing the city of Cincinnati on the main stem of the Ohio River, and one containing the city of Columbus on a tributary of the Ohio River. These cities represent two major metropolitan areas in the Ohio River Basin with different land uses experiencing different rates of population growth. The projected hypothetical land-use changes were based on linear extrapolations of current population data. Results of the analyses indicate that conversion from agricultural land use to low-density residential land use may decrease the amount of surface runoff. The land-use practices which generate the least amount of runoff are forest, low-density residential, and agriculture; whereas high-density residential and commercial land-use types produce the highest runoff. The hydrologic soil type present was also an important factor in determining the amount of runoff and non-point-source pollution. A runoff-depth matrix and total nitrogen matrix were created for Cincinnati and Columbus to describe possible land-use mitigation measures in response to global climate change. The differences in Cincinnati and Columbus were due to differences in geographic location, air temperature, and total runoff. The results of this study may be useful to planners and policy makers for defining the possible impacts of future global climate and land-use changes on water resources.  相似文献   

Nearly half of the utility-owned steam electric generating capacity in the United States is cooled by once-through cooling systems. These plants withdraw cooling water primarily from surface water bodies. Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act requires that the location, design, construction, and capacity of cooling water intake structures reflect the best technology available (BTA) for minimizing adverse environmental impacts. At present, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not yet promulgated implementing regulations governing intake structures; however, the agency is required by a Consent Decree to develop such regulations. EPA has introduced several draft tiered regulatory framework approaches that, depending on site-specific factors, may impose various regulatory burdens on affected utilities. Potential new requirements could range from compiling and submitting existing data to demonstrate that existing conditions at each unit represent BTA to retrofitting plants with closed-cycle cooling systems (primarily cooling towers). If the final regulations require installation of cooling towers or implementation of other costly plant modifications, utilities may elect to close some generating units rather than invest the funds necessary to upgrade them to meet the Section 316(b) requirements. Potentially, some regions of the country may then have a higher proportion of closed units than others. This may raise concerns over the reliability of electricity supply in those regions. If a significant number of plants are converted from once-through cooling systems to cooling towers, the environment will face secondary adverse impacts, such as additional fuel usage, air emissions, and water evaporation, and utilities will need to construct additional generating capacity. This paper describes a study that Argonne National Laboratory had proposed to conduct for the US Department of Energy to explore some of the potential outcomes of EPA’s Section 316(b) regulatory process and associated effects on economics, electricity supply reliability, and the environment.  相似文献   

The Chesapeake Bay is world renowned as an estuary that historically yielded large harvests of a wide variety of fish and shellfish species. Thirteen power plants are located on the mainstem of the Bay and its tributaries in Maryland, drawing out of and discharging into the Bay eight billion gallons per day of the Bay’s waters for cooling purposes. Maryland DNR’s Power Plant Research Program (PPRP) has, since 1974, funded a wide variety of fisheries assessment, entrainment and impingement studies. PPRP’s Potomac River Fisheries Program (PRFP) encompassed multi-year, statistically rigorous, quantitative studies of all life stages of striped bass, from egg to adult, together with estuarine hydrodynamics modeling and water quality assessments, all yielding data integrated to project potential entrainment impacts from a proposed nuclear power plant. PPRP and utility-sponsored monitoring programs at BGE’s Calvert Cliffs NPP, PEPCO’s Chalk Point SES and DP&L’s Vienna SES, as well as other generating facilities throughout the state have provided comprehensive data on impingement, entrainment and receiving water populations of all life stages of potentially impacted resource species. These studies have resulted in unusually complete and long term data sets being available for impact assessment applications, and provide a basis for confirming and validating impact assessment findings and conclusions based on much shorter time series. The state/federal Chesapeake Bay Program has extensively characterized the status and trends of all important resource species in the Bay. We compare and contrast impact conclusions and projections from studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s with current data and information on the status of and trends in affected fish stocks in Chesapeake Bay. We use that comparison to establish the role that power plant impacts play as factors driving changes in species abundance over time. These comparisons and contrasts between historical and current data and information also illustrate and confirm the methodologies that have proven to be most and least useful for assessing entrainment and impingement impacts.  相似文献   

Choosing the best 316(b) mitigation option is a daunting task. Decision analysis (DA) provides an objective framework that can be used to choose among several mitigation strategies where there are multiple objectives and numerous uncertainties. This paper has two objectives: (1) to illustrate the use of the DA framework for making a 316(b) decision (using the Chalk Point Power Station as a case study); and (2) to show that DA is also useful for quantifying the benefits of a previous decision. The Chalk Point case, resolved in 1990, centered around the mitigation of adverse environmental impacts of a cooling water intake structure (CWIS) as a result of fish and blue crab losses associated with impingement and entrainment. Barrier nets and fishery enhancement programs were used to mitigate the losses. We compare the costs and benefits of the mitigation options actually employed to those of other options. The costs and benefits were estimated numerically using standard DA methods. Valuations and probabilities were derived largely by professional judgment based upon the original Chalk Point 316(b) studies and ongoing monitoring. DA indicated that the optimal strategy and expected utility were functions of the weighting of environmental benefits relative to cost.  相似文献   

A team of biologists, including representatives from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and state fishery resource agencies in the Tennessee River Valley, developed an index to quantify sport fishing quality for individual sport fish species. The objective of the Sport Fishing Index (SFI) is to provide the fishing public with information that will assist them in selecting locations that have the best potential for a successful fishing experience for the species they prefer. Additionally, the index provides biologists with a reference point measure of the quality of that fishery. Comparison of population sampling parameters and creel results for a particular sport fish species with expectations of these parameters from a high quality fishery (reference conditions) allows determination of fishing quality. To date, indices developed include largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass; crappies (black and white combined); walleye; sauger; and channel catfish. Each SFI relies on measurements of quantity and quality aspects of angler success and fish population characteristics. Comparison of index results among reservoirs and between years from the Tennessee and Cumberland River reservoirs from 1996 to 1998 indicated that differences in fishing quality for a particular species were measurable.  相似文献   

American Electric Power’s Conseville Station and Muskingum River Plant, located on the Muskingum River in southeastern Ohio, utilize once-through cooling for seven (combined) generating units. Both facilities had approved 316(a) variances that required maintenance of a baseline fully-mixed downstream temperature of 31.6°C (88.9°F). Fish sampling conducted during critical conditions in Summer 1993 indicated the presence of thermally-sensitive redhorse suckers (Moxostoma sp.) at river temperatures >32.2°C (90.0°F). Because the assumed upper tolerance limit for redhorse suckers (31.6°C) was extrapolated from field observations, we determined the actual thermal tolerance of suckers using fish collected locally. During September 1996 golden and shorthead redhorses were collected from the nearby Walhonding River. The short-term upper thermal tolerances were determined by the ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature (UUILT) and the critical thermal maximum (CTM) endpoints. For shorthead redhorse the calculated UUILT was 33.3°C (91.9°F), and the CTM was 35.1°C (95.2°F). For golden redhorse a similar CTM was obtained; however, a reliable UUILT could not be extrapolated due to procedural problems. The results of these tests played a role in Ohio EPA approving a higher fully-mixed downstream limit. This study demonstrates the value of obtaining thermal tolerances experimentally when assumed tolerance values are considered suspect.  相似文献   

Increasing human population densities and development along the coasts of the United States pose a threat to fish populations through alteration of their habitats due to modification of upland watersheds, increased inputs of nutrient and domestic and agricultural chemicals, and direct habitat replacement or destruction. Injuries to these habitats will in turn affect populations of marine and estuarine organisms. To effectively evaluate the impacts of human activities on essential fish habitat we propose a framework to assess the linkages between fishery habitat alteration and modification and fishery production and community structure in coastal environments. Inherent natural variability makes it difficult to detect changes to the population or community. Therefore, we target structural and functional components of fish habitat as assessment endpoints, rather than the fish populations that utilize those habitats.  相似文献   

我国胭脂鱼资源现状及其资源恢复途径的探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
胭脂鱼为我国特有鱼类 ,已知仅分布于长江和闽江。目前胭脂鱼在长江水系中的资源量明显减少 ,数量已较国家一类水生野生保护动物中华鲟和达氏鲟为少 ;闽江胭脂鱼种群几近绝迹。造成胭脂鱼资源下降的原因主要与其自身繁殖力低 ,发育时间长 ,以及过度捕捞和水域污染等因素有关。人工放流是恢复长江胭脂鱼资源的重要手段。  相似文献   

1 BriefdescriptionofoilspillimpactanalysissystemAslongascrudeoilsare producedoffshoreandtransportedacrosstheseasbyshipsorpipelines,thereisariskofoilspillswiththepotentialtocausesignificantenvironmentaldamage .The“ExxonValdez”incidentinAlaska ,andotheroi…  相似文献   

太子河鱼类群落结构空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
以辽河流域太子河为例,开展鱼类生态调查,分析鱼类群落的空间分布特征,在此基础上进行鱼类地理分布区域划分. 结果表明,太子河鱼类分属2纲9目12科36属44种,符合辽河亚区鱼类的分布特征,其种类繁多,且以纺锤形体型的鲤科鱼类居多. 通过CCA(典范对应分析)发现,水深、水体电导率以及ρ(TDS)(TDS为总溶解固体)和ρ(TN)与鱼类的种类及数量的相关性最大. 根据对各采样点鱼类的渔获量、Shannon-Wiener指数的聚类分析,并且结合各采样点的水温、水深、饵料生物组成、岸边植被、底质、流速、土壤等生态环境因素,以及鱼类分布和种群的结构特征,将太子河流域划分为2个生态区,其中A区包括太子河中、上游的流域,涵盖了51个采样点;B区包括19个采样点,主要是太子河下游的绝大部分流域.   相似文献   

Since its inception, the 316(b) assessment process has undergone considerable evolution and refinement. In this paper, the authors review and discuss this evolutionary process focusing on several key scientific findings. Among these are that the potential for adverse environmental impact is relatively low for many ecosystem components (e.g., phytoplankton, microzooplankton); that the survival of entrained organisms is often quite high; that the prediction of adverse environmental impact is hampered by the present inability to effectively quantify compensatory processes; and that subsequent monitoring has revealed that the dire population consequences originally predicted for several aquatic populations have not been borne out. While this evolution has resulted in less divergence in the estimates of cooling water-related losses between the regulatory and regulated communities, accurate determination of the population level consequences of such losses remains elusive. This uncertainty makes final resolution of 316(b)-related issues difficult. To address these difficult issues, we propose an assessment approach based on an ecological risk framework coupled with adaptive resource management. This approach begins with a screening process which helps to focus the assessment on the key resources at risk, followed by a “weight-of-evidence” evaluation of all relevant predictive and retrospective information, and concludes with an evaluation of the relative cost and benefits of intake alternatives and the need for additional monitoring. Such an approach has been successfully employed at several large-scale 316(b) assessments completed in recent years and provides a mechanism for dealing with uncertainties in the assessment process, while at the same time ensuring reasonable protection of the environment.  相似文献   

The winter flounder is a coastal flatfish with spawning populations associated with specific estuaries or coastal areas. Because of its stock structure, this species is susceptible to localized impacts, including power plant entrainment of larvae. Winter flounder rank second in fish larvae entrained at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS), located on Long Island Sound in Waterford, CT, USA. Because of its importance to the state’s fisheries, the population spawning in the nearby Niantic River was selected for impact assessment studies in the early 1970s. Northeast Utilities has consistently monitored annual abundance of adult spawners, characterizing relative abundance by trawl catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) and absolute abundance using mark and recapture data with the Jolly model for demographically open populations. Trends in these two independent but highly correlated indices provide short-term assessments of winter flounder abundance. Abundance of winter flounder peaked in the early 1980s, but as fishing mortality increased to high levels in the late 1980s, their numbers declined thereafter and presently are very low. Information on sex ratio, length-frequency distribution, and spawning condition allow for calculation of annual egg production using a length-fecundity relationship. This forms the basis for estimating production loss due to larval entrainment, which is used as input to a long-term assessment model of power plant impact, discussed in an accompanying paper (Lorda et al., 2000: Lorda, E., Danila, D.J., Miller, J.D., 2000. Application of a population dynamics model to the probabilistic assessment of CWIS effects of Millstone Nuclear Power Station (Waterford, CT) on a nearby winter flounder spawning stock. Environmental Science & Policy 3, S471–S481).  相似文献   

长江生物多样性在人为影响下面临严重威胁,物种监测是生物多样性保护的基础,为完善长江水生态监测体系,实现高效无损伤的物种监测,在长江中下游干流3个江段(新滩、安庆和芜湖)采集水样,建立长江水样环境DNA宏条形码物种检测体系并评估其有效性.结果表明:①长江中下游环境DNA宏条形码检测到32个物种,包括20种鱼类、1种水生哺乳动物(长江江豚)和11种陆生动物,其中鱼类物种包括鲤形目、鲇形目、鲈形目和鲱形目,其种数占鱼类总种数的比例分别为60%、25%、10%和5%.②长江中下游渔获物中资源量居首位的鲤形目在环境DNA调查中序列数最多,占鱼类总序列的96.2%,其次为鲱形目(占比为3.5%),鲇形目和鲈形目占比较低,分别为0.2%和0.1%,4个类目序列相对丰度与渔获物种资源量组成差异较大.③环境DNA调查次数约占传统渔获物调查次数的几十至几百分之一,采样时间不足努力量最少的渔获物调查的1%,检测到的鱼类种数为传统调查总数的31%~49%.④安庆采样点位于长江中下游长江江豚密度最高的江段,其环境DNA检出率和序列相对丰度在3个采样点中均最高.研究显示:长江水样环境DNA包含水陆复合生态系统的生物多样性信息,利用水样环境DNA宏条形码可检测不同类群的水生和陆生物种;对于鱼类物种检测,环境DNA宏条形码比传统调查方法效率更高,可对传统调查结果进行补充;环境DNA宏条形码生物多样性检测主要受分子标记体系和核酸序列数据库限制,获取全面的物种多样性和资源量信息需要对检测分析方法进行进一步完善.   相似文献   

基于鱼类完整性指数的滦河流域生态系统健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生物完整性指数作为评价河流健康的重要工具,对流域管理有明确的指导作用.为全面掌握滦河流域生态系统健康状况,构建F-IBI(鱼类完整性指数),开展滦河流域生态系统健康评价.于2016年10-11月对滦河流域58个采样点收集了鱼类与环境数据,根据栖息地质量评分与水质等级来确定参考点(12个)和受损点(7个).利用分布范围检验、敏感性分析及冗余检验对20个候选指标进行筛选,以获得构建F-IBI的核心指标.采用1、3、5赋分法对核心指标进行赋分,并计算F-IBI最终得分.利用分位数法将F-IBI划分为"健康" "亚健康" "一般" "差" "极差"5个等级.利用非参数检验对F-IBI的适用性进行校验.结果表明:①鱼类物种数、个体数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、底栖食性鱼类个体百分比、耐受性鱼类个体百分比、产黏性卵鱼类个体百分比、产沉性卵鱼类个体百分比、上层鱼类个体百分比和广布种鱼类个体百分比等9个指标被筛选出,其适合作为构建F-IBI的核心指标.②F-IBI计算结果表明滦河流域58个采样点中,"健康"和"亚健康"等级采样点有22个,"一般"等级采样点22个,"差"和"极差"等级采样点14个.滦河干支流上游地区健康状况较好,干流中下游及部分独流入海河流健康状况较差,这主要受到不同地区社会经济发展的影响.③Mann-Whitney U检验发现,F-IBI在参考点与非参考点之间有显著差异,栖息地综合得分随F-IBI评价等级降低而下降,在"健康"与除"亚健康"外的其他等级以及"极差"与除"差"外的其他等级之间有显著差异.研究显示,构建的F-IBI适用于滦河流域生态系统健康评价.   相似文献   

梁塘河浮游动物的空间分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究重污染河流浮游动物分布及其与环境因子的关系,于2013年6—8月系统调查了梁塘河的水生态环境,分析浮游甲壳动物的空间分布特征及其与环境因子的相关性. 结果表明:梁塘河各采样点的营养状态指数均大于70,水体为超富营养状态. 共鉴定出浮游甲壳动物23种,其中枝角类13属15种,桡足类8属8种,枝角类生物量占浮游甲壳动物总生物量的53.17%,桡足类生物量占46.83%,主要优势种为短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)、微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)、台湾温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops taihokuensis)和广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti). 根据主成分分析结果,梁塘河可分为3类河段,其中ρ(NH4+-N)较高的河段内微型裸腹溞占绝对优势,其生物量达到0.46 mg/L;ρ(Chla)较高的河段内短尾秀体溞占绝对优势,其生物量达到0.30 mg/L. 浮游动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与透明度、ρ(Chla)均呈显著负相关,回归方程分别为y=-3.3x+4.22和y=-0.015x+4.20. 研究显示,ρ(NH4+-N)、ρ(Chla)和浮游动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数可以作为水质评价的重要指标.   相似文献   

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