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Fish entrainment and impingement studies were conducted at Cayuga and Wabash River generating Stations in 1987 and 1988, respectively. Concurrent river samplings were conducted upstream from the stations to assess adult fish and ichthyoplankton populations. The original 316(b) studies at these stations were conducted in 1976–1977 and concluded that the stations were having minimal adverse impact on the Wabash River fish community. The state regulatory agency did not agree with this interpretation and requested the subsequent 1987 and 1988 studies. The major issue at these once-through cooling power plants was the large water withdrawals at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations [1318 and 1096 cubic feet per second (cfs) maximum plant flows, respectively], in contrast to the relatively low average annual Wabash River flows (10,070 and 11,110 cfs, respectively). The close proximity of the stations (35 river miles apart) together with the high percentage of water withdrawn suggest that the potential risk of unacceptable impacts is high.The six-month impingement estimates for Cayuga and Wabash River Stations were 15,086 and 11,401 fish, respectively. Impingement catches at both stations were dominated by young-of-the-year (YOY) channel catfish and gizzard shad. In addition, small minnows (primarily bullhead minnow and emerald shiners) were commonly impinged at Cayuga Station. Minnows (predominantly spotfin shiner, bullhead minnow and emerald shiner) were also the dominant species in the river samplings upstream from the stations. In the entrainment samplings, an estimated 26,920,382 and 107,503,876 fish eggs and larvae were entrained each year at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations, respectively. Ictiobinae (buffaloes and carpsuckers) and Cyprinidae (minnows and shiners) were the dominant ichthyoplankton in the river. Approximately 3.5 and 23% of the total river ichthyoplankton were entrained at Cayuga and Wabash River Stations, respectively. Gizzard shad at Cayuga Station, and Ictiobinae and Cyprinidae at Wabash River Station (WRS) were the dominant taxa entrained by the stations. Unusually low river flows during the spring and summer of 1987 and 1988 provided worst-case conditions for entrainment and impingement at the stations. However, the relatively low impingement and entrainment numbers during these worst-case conditions indicated that these stations were not adversely affecting the Wabash River fish community.  相似文献   

The Logan Generating Plant (LGP), owned and operated by US Generating Company, is located on the shore of the Delaware River in New Jersey. It withdraws make-up water from the river to replace evaporative water losses from its closed-cycle cooling tower system. The intake is equipped with two intake conduits that are situated perpendicularly to the current and terminate on the river bottom at depth of approximately 3 m. The intake terminuses are covered by cylinders constructed of 1-mm wedgewire screen.The LGPs intakes are located in an area of the river where striped bass spawn and rear. Previous studies determined that without screening, the plant would withdraw less than 0.03% of the study area’s striped bass. LGP was required to conduct an intake screen performance test to document the plant’s entrainment of striped bass eggs and larvae.Entrainment samples were collected from water filtered through the wedgewire screens. Source water body samples were collected from three transects in the river: one upriver, one down river, and one directly in front of the plant. Sampling at the transect in front of the intake was coordinated to occur at the same time as entrainment sampling.The densities of striped bass larvae in the source water body and in entrainment samples were used to estimate proportional withdrawal. The study found that the wedgewire screens performed better than expected. The average proportional withdrawal of striped bass larvae was 0.003%, an order of magnitude less than the estimate for an unscreened intake.  相似文献   

The Chesapeake Bay is world renowned as an estuary that historically yielded large harvests of a wide variety of fish and shellfish species. Thirteen power plants are located on the mainstem of the Bay and its tributaries in Maryland, drawing out of and discharging into the Bay eight billion gallons per day of the Bay’s waters for cooling purposes. Maryland DNR’s Power Plant Research Program (PPRP) has, since 1974, funded a wide variety of fisheries assessment, entrainment and impingement studies. PPRP’s Potomac River Fisheries Program (PRFP) encompassed multi-year, statistically rigorous, quantitative studies of all life stages of striped bass, from egg to adult, together with estuarine hydrodynamics modeling and water quality assessments, all yielding data integrated to project potential entrainment impacts from a proposed nuclear power plant. PPRP and utility-sponsored monitoring programs at BGE’s Calvert Cliffs NPP, PEPCO’s Chalk Point SES and DP&L’s Vienna SES, as well as other generating facilities throughout the state have provided comprehensive data on impingement, entrainment and receiving water populations of all life stages of potentially impacted resource species. These studies have resulted in unusually complete and long term data sets being available for impact assessment applications, and provide a basis for confirming and validating impact assessment findings and conclusions based on much shorter time series. The state/federal Chesapeake Bay Program has extensively characterized the status and trends of all important resource species in the Bay. We compare and contrast impact conclusions and projections from studies conducted in the 1970s and 1980s with current data and information on the status of and trends in affected fish stocks in Chesapeake Bay. We use that comparison to establish the role that power plant impacts play as factors driving changes in species abundance over time. These comparisons and contrasts between historical and current data and information also illustrate and confirm the methodologies that have proven to be most and least useful for assessing entrainment and impingement impacts.  相似文献   

Since 1975, Wisconsin Electric has conducted impingement studies at seven steam electric, once-through cooling-equipped power plants, as well as at one closed-cycle cooling system-equipped plant. Entrainment studies were also conducted at all seven once-through cooling-equipped plants. All eight plants are located on the Great Lakes or on major tributaries to them. Two of the eight plants have since been retired, while portions of two remaining multi-unit plants have been retired.As part of the study reports ultimately filed with the state agencies overseeing the studies, companies were also required to provide information on: intake design, capacity, and operation; whether biocides were used at the plants to control biofouling; and what ice control measures were employed during the winter season. Companies were also asked to provide brief assessments of available intake design alternatives that could be reasonably expected to reduce entrainment or impingement, as well as order of magnitude cost estimates for retrofiting plants with feasible alternative technologies.The studies concluded that since the vast majority of fish impinged during the 1975–1976 period were alewife and rainbow smelt (the then most abundant species in Lakes Michigan and Superior) and since the historic commercial harvests of these two species greatly exceeded annual impingement estimates, the impact of these incremental losses to lake-wide populations was inconsequential. With respect to the entrainment results, the studies detected few fish eggs or larvae that were not alewife or smelt.As a consequence of these findings, the company did not believe that any structural modifications to the intakes were necessary, since any one of the feasible alternatives would have been very costly. The state agencies concurred with these findings.  相似文献   

A major concern of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection at Millstone Station has been the long-term effects of the station’s Cooling Water Intakes System (CWIS) on a small stock of winter flounder spawning in the Niantic River. Following the selection of a population modeling approach for long-term impact assessment in 1983, sampling programs were directed to collect data specifically for this purpose. These data were used to estimate the size of the local flounder stock and the fraction of its annual production lost to CWIS effects, and also evaluate a possible relationship between late-winter water temperatures and recruitment success of flounder. Since the mid 1980s, the main assessment tool at Millstone has been an age-structured population model that incorporated uncertainty in selected model parameters and provided output suitable for probabilistic analyses of simulation results. This model projected annual population sizes resulting from different fishing rates, larval entrainment losses, and impingement of juvenile and adult fish. Compensation was introduced via a Ricker stock-recruit function with an additional term to describe the effect of water temperature on recruitment success. Ricker’s α parameter, which describes the species inherent capacity to increase in numbers, was derived by four indirect methods based on life history parameters. In the basic simulation strategy, an unfished flounder stock was simulated first, and then fishing effects and mortality of the young attributed to CWIS effects were added. Combinations of different fishing rates and CWIS effects, either estimated or hypothesized, could be simulated for comparing the effectiveness of different mitigation alternatives. This approach helped identify fishing mortality as the driving force shaping the future size and viability of the local flounder population at Millstone and suggested that larval entrainment mitigation measures, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, would be ineffective in reversing currently declining trends of that population.  相似文献   

Biological control of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) using predator fish species was managed to reduce impingement on cooling water intake screens at Coffey County Lake (CCL), Kansas. Long term shad and predator proportional stock densities (PSD) and body conditions (Wr) were used to characterize this fishery. Comparisons were completed between the lake’s primary productivity (mg/m3 chlorophyll-a), catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of young-of-year (YOY) and adult gizzard shad, and body conditions of predator species. No relationships were found between the lake’s productivity and gizzard shad densities indicating that other mechanisms control shad numbers, likely predation. Body conditions of the prevalent predator species in CCL were positively compared with the previous year’s production during a short-lived increase in shad densities. It is well documented that shad are an important food source for most predator species present in the lake. It is believed that the predator species present played a significant role in reducing YOY shad densities each year. Body conditions of predators did not indicate a surplus of a primary prey species. High shad growth rates and PSD indices promote survival of sufficient shad to adults, thus making this fishery nearly self-sustaining, and beneficial for plant operation.  相似文献   

Choosing the best 316(b) mitigation option is a daunting task. Decision analysis (DA) provides an objective framework that can be used to choose among several mitigation strategies where there are multiple objectives and numerous uncertainties. This paper has two objectives: (1) to illustrate the use of the DA framework for making a 316(b) decision (using the Chalk Point Power Station as a case study); and (2) to show that DA is also useful for quantifying the benefits of a previous decision. The Chalk Point case, resolved in 1990, centered around the mitigation of adverse environmental impacts of a cooling water intake structure (CWIS) as a result of fish and blue crab losses associated with impingement and entrainment. Barrier nets and fishery enhancement programs were used to mitigate the losses. We compare the costs and benefits of the mitigation options actually employed to those of other options. The costs and benefits were estimated numerically using standard DA methods. Valuations and probabilities were derived largely by professional judgment based upon the original Chalk Point 316(b) studies and ongoing monitoring. DA indicated that the optimal strategy and expected utility were functions of the weighting of environmental benefits relative to cost.  相似文献   

Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act has required that “best technology available” (BTA) be used to minimize adverse environmental impacts resulting from operation of the cooling water intake structure (CWIS). The primary effects of CWIS operations are the entrainment of small aquatic organisms through the cooling water system and the impingement of larger life stages on traveling water screens. Extensive research has been conducted since the early 1970s in attempts to develop technologies that will minimize entrainment and impingement. As a result, a suite of technologies is available that can be considered for application as the BTA at the CWIS. Available technologies include fish collection systems, fish diversion systems, physical barriers and behavioral barriers. The ability of a given technology to meet BTA requirements is influenced by a wide variety of biological, environmental and engineering factors that must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. The status of systems and devices in each category of fish protection alternatives is presented.  相似文献   

The Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP) is a two-unit nuclear station located in the lower Cape Fear River Estuary (CFE) near Southport, NC. Once-through cooling water is withdrawn from the CFE and discharged to the Atlantic Ocean. Estuarine-dependent fish and shellfish species are potentially subject to entrainment and impingement during cooling-water withdrawal. Mitigation technologies include a fish diversion structure (9.4-mm mesh screens) at the mouth of the intake canal to reduce impingement of large organisms, 1-mm fine-mesh traveling screens to reduce entrainment of larvae, a fish return system to return impinged organisms alive back to the estuary, and flow minimization. Installation of the fish diversion structure resulted in a 40% reduction in number and 70% reduction in the weight of larger organisms impinged. Use of fine-mesh screens successfully reduced the number of organisms entrained by as much as 80% depending upon species present. Survival of organisms returned to the CFE ranged from <1% to approximately 92% depending upon species and size class. In addition to monitoring the effectiveness of the intake modifications, over 20 years of extensive environmental studies in the estuary indicate that operation of the BSEP has had no measurable adverse effect on the fisheries of the CFE. The species composition, seasonality, and abundance of organisms using the CFE have not changed as a result of operation of the BSEP.  相似文献   

The winter flounder is a coastal flatfish with spawning populations associated with specific estuaries or coastal areas. Because of its stock structure, this species is susceptible to localized impacts, including power plant entrainment of larvae. Winter flounder rank second in fish larvae entrained at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station (MNPS), located on Long Island Sound in Waterford, CT, USA. Because of its importance to the state’s fisheries, the population spawning in the nearby Niantic River was selected for impact assessment studies in the early 1970s. Northeast Utilities has consistently monitored annual abundance of adult spawners, characterizing relative abundance by trawl catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) and absolute abundance using mark and recapture data with the Jolly model for demographically open populations. Trends in these two independent but highly correlated indices provide short-term assessments of winter flounder abundance. Abundance of winter flounder peaked in the early 1980s, but as fishing mortality increased to high levels in the late 1980s, their numbers declined thereafter and presently are very low. Information on sex ratio, length-frequency distribution, and spawning condition allow for calculation of annual egg production using a length-fecundity relationship. This forms the basis for estimating production loss due to larval entrainment, which is used as input to a long-term assessment model of power plant impact, discussed in an accompanying paper (Lorda et al., 2000: Lorda, E., Danila, D.J., Miller, J.D., 2000. Application of a population dynamics model to the probabilistic assessment of CWIS effects of Millstone Nuclear Power Station (Waterford, CT) on a nearby winter flounder spawning stock. Environmental Science & Policy 3, S471–S481).  相似文献   

Cooling water intake systems have the potential to adversely impact aquatic organisms though entrainment and impingement (impacts referenced under 316(b) of the Clean Water Act), yet the loss of individual fish does not necessarily mean that a population will suffer a significant decrease in number. The results of utility sponsored studies on Ohio River fish populations provide strong evidence of positive changes in the fishery due to water quality improvements. Despite these improvements, a simulation is needed to determine if a reduction in 316(b) fish losses would result in higher or similar fish population levels. Electrofishing data collected at seven power plant locations from 1981 to 1998 will be used for the population assessments. Potential 316(b) impacts on Ohio River fish populations will be modeled using site specific 316(b) data and a Leslie matrix model. The theoretical maximum population for various fish species, with and without 316(b) impacts, will be compared and the probabilistic risk that fish populations will fall below the threshold for species survival will be assessed. Historically, EPA has allowed 316(b) to be implemented on a case-by-case basis, however, the utilities believe that the first step in assessing potential adverse environmental impacts is to assess the condition of the affected fish populations.  相似文献   

The Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP) in Maryland began commercial operation in 1975. The once-through cooling system pumps Chesapeake Bay water at a maximum rate of 73 m3/s (2.4×106 gallons per min) to the condensers, a total equal to 0.7% of the average tidal flow in the area.From 1975 to 1995, impingement monitoring was conducted at CCNPP. The 21-year record is one of the most extensive of its kind in the utility industry. A total of 73 species of fish were identified. Often, five species accounted for over 90% of the total number of fish collected in any year. Estimates of total annual fish impingement ranged from 79,000 to over 9.6 million with a 21-year average of 1.3 million fish per year. Total impinged biomass was less variable with a range of 1300 to 18,600 kg/yr (9100 kg/yr avg.)Six different survival studies were conducted at CCNPP and species-specific impingement tolerances were determined. Eleven of the 14 species caught most often had survival rates over 50% and blue crabs demonstrated greater than 99% survival. When total impingement estimates are adjusted to account for survival, the fish impact is reduced by over 73%.This impact is small compared with commercial and recreational fishing and other natural causes of mortality. In addition, many of the significant impingement collections were episodic events correlated with high temperature and low dissolved oxygen conditions in the intake water. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has concluded that CCNPP impingement losses are small and do not represent a significant impact to fish populations in the mesohaline regions of the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

龙湾区是温州市的三大城区之一,从20世纪80代以来,随着温州市经济的迅猛发展,人口的增长,龙湾区城市内河水质不断恶化。本文通过对龙湾区内河设置水质监测点,分季度采样分析,对龙湾区内河水质情况进行调查研究,分析各片区的主要污染物,为改善河道水质提供依据。  相似文献   

Renewed interest in the topic of compensation in fish populations has been stimulated by new EPA 316(b) regulations relating to entrainment and impingement looming on the horizon. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the topic of population compensation for fish populations in the context of assessing power generation impacts. I define compensation as the net population-level outcome of changes in growth, survival, and reproduction at the individual fish level that offsets decreases or increases in population density. Potential mechanisms of compensation have been well document in laboratory and field experiments. The process underlying all these mechanisms is that changes in population density can change per capita availability of essential resources such as food and space. The state of science in this area is constrained both retrospectively and prospectively by five technical stumbling blocks. Technological advances have improved our ability to bound the phenotypic plasticity of a species and to assess the potential effects of power generation impacts through a combination of monitoring, special studies, and simulation modeling. Four generalizations concerning compensation are mentioned. Progress has been made over the past three decades, but this topic remains scientifically challenging and politically controversial.  相似文献   

Hyco Reservoir, a North Carolina power plant cooling impoundment, was impacted by selenium toxicity during the late 1970s. Selenium inputs via coal ash discharge resulted in bioaccumulation through the aquatic food chain which caused reproductive failure and population declines of bluegill, other Lepomis spp., largemouth bass, crappie, yellow perch, and sucker species. Following these declines, green sunfish, satinfin shiner, gizzard shad, eastern mosquitofish, and redbelly tilapia dominated the fish community. During 1990, the power plant converted to a dry fly ash handling system that reduced selenium loading into the reservoir. Construction costs for this system were approximately $48 million and annual operating costs have been approximately $1 million/year. Mean selenium concentrations in reservoir waters at the power plant discharge declined from 8.8 μg/l to 3.2 μg/l within one year of the system operation, and this decline was consistent with a priori mass balance modeling predictions. Depuration of selenium from sediments and tissues of plankton, benthos, and fish has been variable since the system operation. Significant selenium declines have occurred in tissues of aquatic organisms in the eight-year recovery period while little change has been observed in sediments. Recovery of the fish community has been rapid, particularly in areas upstream of the ash pond discharge, and confirmed population-level modeling predictions using a Leslie-matrix demographic model. Diversity of the fish community increased throughout the reservoir and species dominance shifted from a green sunfish and satinfin shiner-dominated system to a bluegill-dominated system within five years after the system operation. Increased bluegill and green sunfish hybridism also occurred during early recovery and coincided with a low abundance of spawning bluegill adults. Sport fisheries have re-developed for largemouth bass and crappie and strategies for managing the recovering fishery have included periodic stock assessments, creel surveys and harvest restrictions, prey fish stocking, and continued contaminant monitoring. This pollution abatement system has been successful in reducing selenium loading into the reservoir and prompting recovery of the aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

根据2006-2008年9-10月渔业资源动态监测资料,分析研究了彭水电站蓄水前后坝上和坝下江段鱼类群落结构变化及其生物多样性变化特征.研究结果表明:3次监测中,调查江段出现的鱼类共有9科44属63种,其中长江上游特有鱼类22种;渔获物中,群体数量主要由体重<50 g的小型鱼类和幼鱼组成,而群体重量主要由<500g的中...  相似文献   

基于“碳排”和“碳汇”核算中国海洋渔业碳排放量,运用非期望产出超效率SBM模型测算1980-2019年海洋渔业碳排放效率,并用基尼系数、泰尔指数和变异系数等数理统计分析方法定量分析其区域差异,最后测算中国海洋渔业碳减排潜力。结果表明:研究期间海洋渔业碳排放量整体呈逐年增长的趋势;中国海洋渔业碳排放效率平均水平较高,整体呈先上升后缓慢下降的趋势;中国海洋渔业碳排放效率区域差异明显,数理统计分析法测算变动趋势一致性较高,整体呈波动扩大的演变格局;中国海洋渔业碳减排潜力水平相对稳定,整体呈波动上升的趋势,主要分为3个波动期,碳减排潜力类型多样。  相似文献   

通过研究实际操作中汽包水位的变化趋势,对锅炉灭火后水位变化情况进行分析,得出锅炉灭火后汽包水位升降的3个阶段,指导实际操作。  相似文献   

Revisit ocean thermal energy conversion system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The earth, covered more than70.8% by the ocean, receives most of itsenergy from the sun. Solar energy istransmitted through the atmosphere andefficiently collected and stored in thesurface layer of the ocean, largely in thetropical zone. Some of the energy isre-emitted to the atmosphere to drive thehydrologic cycle and wind. The wind fieldreturns some of the energy to the ocean inthe form of waves and currents. Themajority of the absorbed solar energy isstored in vertical thermal gradients nearthe surface layer of the ocean, most ofwhich is in the tropical region. Thisthermal energy replenished each day by thesun in the tropical ocean represents atremendous pollution-free energy resourcefor human civilization. Ocean ThermalEnergy Conversion (OTEC) technology refersto a mechanical system that utilizes thenatural temperature gradient that exists inthe tropical ocean between the warm surfacewater and the deep cold water, to generateelectricity and produce other economicallyvaluable by-products. The science andengineering behind OTEC have been studiedin the US since the mid-seventies,supported early by the U.S. Government andlater by State and private industries.There are two general types of OTECdesigns: closed-cycle plants utilize theevaporation of a working fluid, such asammonia or propylene, to drive theturbine-generator, and open-cycle plantsuse steam from evaporated sea water to runthe turbine. Another commonly known design,hybrid plants, is a combination of the two.OTEC requires relatively low operation andmaintenance costs and no fossil fuelconsumption.OTEC system possesses a formidablepotential capacity for renewable energy andoffers a significant elimination ofgreenhouse gases in producing power. Inaddition to electricity and drinking water,an OTEC system can produce many valuableby-products and side-utilizations, such as:hydrogen, air-conditioning, ice,aquaculture, and agriculture, etc. Thepotential of these by-products, especiallydrinking water, aquaculture andmariculture, can easily translate intobillions of dollars in businessopportunities. The current status of theOTEC system definitely deserves to becarefully revisited. This paper willexamine recent major advancements intechnology, evaluate costs andeffectiveness, and assess the overallmarket environment of the OTEC system anddescribe its great renewable energypotential and overall benefits to thenations of the world.  相似文献   

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