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Cleaner production stakeholders have a strong desire for industry to consider cleaner production opportunities in their facilities and once they are assessed, to follow through on their implementation. This paper examines local and international initiatives within the Canadian stakeholder community (including government, NGOs, consultants, industry) that contribute to the initiation and implementation of cleaner production in industry. Specifically, stakeholders have consciously drafted regulatory compliance, education, co-funding incentives, and development-based cleaner production programs. As illustrated by case studies from six industries, the programs work together to create a climate favorable for implementation of cleaner production concepts and approaches. Based on the cleaner production drivers and barriers identified by research, the programs are well designed. However, as with cleaner production itself, there is always room for further improvement. Specifically: (i) regulatory compliance programs and timetables should leave room for cleaner production (versus end-of-pipe) approaches; (ii) cleaner production co-funding programs should target small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and require them to use a multimedia approach (air, water, waste); (iii) education programs should incorporate demonstration assessments, feasibility assessments of common recommendations, and follow-up communication to foster implementation and continuous improvement; and (iv) mandated cleaner production should include absolute (i.e. waste/tonne production) rather than relative standards (i.e. X% reduction from status quo) in order to avoid penalizing historically proactive corporations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(12-13):1101-1115
Mexico ranks among the 11 major producer countries of minerals worldwide; its open pit and underground systems are 500 years old. This paper presents an overview of the Mexican mining industry from technological development, historical and economic perspectives. The efforts made by mining companies to address issues of environmental management and sustainable development expressed in national and international frameworks, as well as the Mexican environmental regulatory framework for the mining sector, are analyzed. Since, among others, life cycle assessment (LCA) has been recognized as a key topic to promote sustainable development in the Latin American and Caribbean region, this paper also examines the application of LCA in mining. Two life cycle approaches are presented: a national life cycle inventory for base metals, and an integral life cycle model for the management of mining processes.  相似文献   

生物柴油的研究与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
方芳  余剑  曾虹燕 《交通环保》2004,25(5):45-47
介绍了生物柴油的特点和性质以及主要的生产方法;综述了生物柴油的国内外研究、生产现状和发展趋势;分析了发展生物柴油对中国石油安伞、国民经济建设、农业产业结构调整和环境保护的作用;并展望了该产业的发展前景。  相似文献   

Environmental awareness raising, education and training, on a wide scale, are required to ensure societal adoption of sustainable development. ENVIROCARE, an interactive multimedia educational CD-ROM, has been developed by a transnational partnership to provide such environmental education for vocational students. The programme, available in English, Dutch, German and Portuguese, is designed to provide training for students to show the impact that industry can have on the environment and how they can reduce such impacts when they enter the workforce, by implementing the concepts and approaches of Cleaner Production. The paper describes the development of ENVIROCARE, its contents and structure, the lessons learned in its creation and future challenges.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of mining sustainable development policy-making in Canada. In addition to documenting the important efforts made by the Canadian government, some of the more recent initiatives undertaken by the Canadian mining industry are highlighted. Following years of sustainable development research and careful planning, the Canadian government finally drafted the national Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada: Partnerships for Sustainable Development (1996), which sets out the Canadian government's role, objectives, and strategies in areas of jurisdiction for making the concept of sustainable development operational in its mining industry, and seeks to create a legacy that Canadians can pass to future generations. Since its implementation, the primary response of both national mining organizations and selected Canadian mining companies to the challenge of sustainable development has been improved planning, and the development of policies that address key environmental and socioeconomic issues and which build upon the principles addressed in the Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada. It is concluded that most of the attempts made thus far by both the government and the mining industry to address mining sustainable development through policy-making have been major successes, but further improvements can be achieved if additional industry-government partnerships are formed, more community workshops are held, and selected environmental management practices are researched and developed.  相似文献   

我国环保产业现状分析及发展措施建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国环保产业近几年以10%的速度迅速增长,从而成为我国国民经济新的增长点.大力发展环保产业对实现我国经济和社会发展战略目标,促进经济和社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义.通过分析我国环保产业现状,指出我国环保产业现存的问题,提出了加快我国环保产业发展的一些建议.  相似文献   

The concept of innovation has been used in a wide range of contexts and the theoretical development has proven to be extremely valuable to provide important insights into intra-market competition, strategy and regulatory policy. The automotive industry offers a fertile terrain for progress of the uncompleted theory building process of innovation, especially with the introduction of alternative fuels and alternative powertrain technologies.This paper investigates the concept of innovation in the context of the modern automotive industry, by focusing on the notion of regulatory innovation of alternative fuels and alternative powertrain technologies. For the purpose of analysing this issue, special attention is given to the concepts of radical and incremental innovation, which are applied to existing alternative fuels and alternative powertrain technologies, including hybrids, biofuels and hydrogen power. The article explores these three categories looking at representative case studies: the Brazilian ethanol experience with biofuels, the development of the Toyota hybrid vehicle and the technological development of hydrogen fuel cells. These categories have been selected because they represent the most important advances in cleaner production for the automotive industry.  相似文献   

石油产业是现代化经济发展的重要支柱,但同时也是高污染型产业。由于社会和经济发展对石油产业的需求以及人们对环境保护的要求产生一定矛盾,因此,如何安全高效的发展石油化工行业的同时保障生态环境的健康发展成为了当前亟待解决的问题。基于以上问题进行调查和分析,对石油化工厂环境保护质量管理现状进行深入的探究,基于生态环境问题提出建立环保型石油测井系统,以达到在工业运行过程中将环境污染问题保持在最小范围内。同时确定了石油化工产业的环境保护指标。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,作为率先建成国家生态工业示范园区的烟台经济技术开发区业已步入了环境服务业发展的成长期,且步入“十二五”开局之后,区内初步形成了五大环境服务业模式.其中主要以永旭环保为代表的污染治理设施运营合同环境服务模式,以鑫广绿环为龙头的废旧资源回收处置循环经济模式,以拉楷管理公司为示范的环境咨询服务模式,以海岳环境为代表的环境技术服务模式,以磁山温泉公园为代表的生态旅游模式.烟台开发区环境服务业重点企业发展模式分析表明,首先开发区政府承担推动环境服务业发展的引领责任,充分发挥催生培育规范市场经济配置资源的功能和作用,是全面打造和发展现代环境服务业的重要前提;其次,切实加强政府的环境监管力度,推动环境保护严格执法,严格环境准入,是促进区域环境服务业健康有序发展的不可或缺的催化剂;最后,进一步培育和扩大环境服务业市场,抓好环境服务体系建设,推动环境服务业转型升级,是落实科学发展观、推动经济发展方式绿色转型、实现国家“十二五”环境保护目标的必然选择.烟台开发区环境服务业的发展迎来了前所未有的产业升级转型的良好机遇.如何推动环境服务业加快其业态转型升级,催生培育规范环境服务业发展,是开发区政府以及区内重点企业的重要突破点和关键切入点.因此,下一步开发区应在做好环境服务业发展规划编制和开展环境服务绩效考核同时,将拓展完善环境服务市场,加快环境服务业转型升级,是“十二五”期间环境服务业发展的重要政策取向.  相似文献   

重污染行业作为地方经济的助推器,一直都是区域行业调整的众夭之的。只有从严区域环境管理才能兼得“工业倍增”与生态文明建设之利。武汉市作为典型的工业城市,化工、制药等重污染行业因其类别多、规模化程度低、排污量较大、空间发展无序已成为环境管理的难点。贯彻新环保法体系及十八大精神,从严环境准入前置门槛、科学统筹空间布局规划、规范环境监管与执法、实施诚信档案市场倒逼,是促进工业城市的生态文明发展的可靠途径。  相似文献   

总结沈阳市环保产业发展的历程和特点,结合环保产业发展的市场需求状况,提出了沈阳市环保产业市场发展途径及策略,以期为环保产业规划编制、政策制定及环保企业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

经济持续发展和土地集约利用是新型城镇化战略关注的重要问题,而长期以来对于小城镇发展道路的诸多争辩和关切也集中在发展规模、用地效率等。采用多因素综合评价法测度江苏省109个抽样乡镇的经济发展水平和土地集约利用水平,并借助相关分析等探讨二者关联特征。研究发现:(1)镇域经济发展水平与土地集约利用水平显著正相关(P<0.01)。人口规模增加对经济发展水平和土地集约利用水平提升的“指数增长”效应要明显优于建成区面积扩张带来的“线性增长”效应,在人口规模达到5万~6万后镇域经济发展水平和土地集约利用水平明显提升。(2)镇域经济发展水平与土地集约利用水平的关联度呈现差异化特征。苏南地区显著高于苏中和苏北,人口规模越大两者的关联度越高,全国重点镇的关联度高于非重点镇和乡,三产均衡发展型和工业主导型乡镇的关联度高,而农业主导型乡镇的关联度较低。上述研究发现对于镇域社会经济健康发展的启示在于要统筹布局、重点推进、提升活力,着力增强人口吸引力,达到人口门槛规模,进而促进三产融合与集约集聚发展。  相似文献   

中国碳强度下降和碳排放增长的行业贡献分解研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蒋晶晶  叶斌  计军平  马晓明 《环境科学》2014,35(11):4378-4386
现阶段碳强度约束性指标和总量控制碳排放权交易试点是中国温室气体减排的两种重要手段,研究各行业及其相关因素对全国碳强度和碳排放变化的影响机制对制定行业碳强度减排政策和选择碳交易体系纳管行业具有重要意义.运用LMDI模型对1996~2010年中国碳强度以及碳排放变化进行了行业贡献分解.结果表明,全国碳强度下降受各行业碳强度和增加值占比变化的影响,前者贡献较大,后者贡献较小;全国碳排放增长受各行业碳强度和增加值变化的影响,前者起到抑制效应,后者发挥决定性的促进作用.电力、热力的生产和供应业,非金属矿物制品业,黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业,交通运输、仓储及邮电通迅业,化学原料及化学品制造业等5个行业对全国碳强度下降和碳排放增长的贡献最大;石油加工及炼焦业和建筑业对全国碳强度下降贡献较小,但对碳排放增长贡献较大;它们是我国碳强度约束和总量控制试点应当重点关注的减排领域.第三产业对全国碳排放增长的贡献呈上升趋势,尤其是交通运输、仓储及邮电通迅业和批发和零售贸易业、餐饮业,应当逐步加强对其进行碳排放管控.  相似文献   

节能环保产业作为战略性新兴产业的七大重点领域之一,新形势下发展具备有利条件,特别是十二五以来我国环保产业得到了飞速发展,但是由于体制机制、技术、市场等多方面原因环保产业发展也面临诸多挑战和障碍。日本与韩国,环保产业已进入技术成熟期。逐渐成为本国国民经济的支柱产业和世界环保市场的主力,借鉴日韩环保产业的发展经验,提出中国推动环保产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

火电建设面临的环保形势与任务分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
从国家投资体制改革、主要产业政策、火电项目厂址选择要求、污染治理法规及标准要求等方面简述了火电建设面临的环保形势.依据国民经济的发展要求,预测了电力的建设需要和目前的在建规模,指出由于违规电站的开工,导致目前电力在建规模偏大的问题,国家需以科学发展观为指导,加强宏观调控力度.以火电SO2污染控制为例,分析了火电建设面临的环保任务以及排污权交易可能产生的经济效应.   相似文献   

中国能源消费结构的变动规律研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
首次建立中国能源消费结构变化动力模型,对中国能源消费结构进行模拟和预测。研究表明,该模型能较好地模拟和预测出在中国能源消费结构中煤炭消费比例将逐步下降,石油、天然气、水电的消费比例将上升,尤其是石油消费的地位会提高。近10年来中国各部门能源消费比例变化表现为生活和第一产业的能源消费比例下降,第三产业能源消费比例上升。由于工业生产能源消费一直占中国能源消费的主体。今后应调整工业结构,降低能耗高的工业部门比重,采取措施降低第三产业过快发展带来的能源消费增长加快的问题,提高石油利用效率。  相似文献   

环境战略的新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文指出,环境战略从环境领域延伸到经济社会领域,将发展下环境作为一个整体对待,环境战略重点从污染防治转向资源和生态系统的保护,污染防治从尾端治理转向发展清洁生产,即从产业规划、产品规划,技术和工艺开发,产品设计,废物的综合利用和合理处理实行全过程的管理;从发展经济消除贫困寻求保护生态环境的正确道路,切断“贫困-过度开发自然资源-生态环境恶化-自然灾害加剧-更加贫困”的恶性循环,中国环境战略应与全球  相似文献   

意大利对国家安全管理机制和突发公共事件联络机制以及检查企业事故风险等方面内容做了详细规定。他们按照sevesoⅡ提出的要求制定预案、提交安全报告、开展隐患排查等,且无论发生任何事故,都能及时向当地政府报告,这均得益于意大利健全的法律体系和较为完备的监管措施。我国应从法律、宣传、教育等各方面提高企业的社会公德和责任意识,制定具有科学性、针对性及可操作性的环境应急预案,建立全国重点行业企业环境风险档案及数据库,为研究制定环境风险源分级标准、建立环境风险源评估制度、实现环境风险源动态管理奠定基础,为建立环境风险防范管理机制提供辅助支持。  相似文献   

The interest in so-called voluntary approaches to supplement or replace formal environmental, or occupational health and safety regulation has taken on new importance in both Europe and the United States. These approaches fall into two sharp divisions: (1) industry-initiated codes of good practice focusing on environmental management systems or performance goals, and (2) negotiated agreements between government and individual firms or industry sector trade associations focusing on regulation or compliance. This paper addresses the latter.In the United States, the motivations behind negotiated agreements are manifold and sometimes contradictory including desires (1) to facilitate the achievement of legislated or mandatory environmental goals by introducing flexibility and cost-effective compliance measures, (2) to negotiate levels of compliance (standards) fulfilling legislative mandates, (3) to negotiate legal definitions of Best Available Technology and other technology-based requirements, and (4) to weaken environmental initiatives. Efforts in furtherance of negotiated agreements have thus been greeted with mixed results by the various stakeholders. In the context of an anti-regulatory climate in the United States, the Administrative Procedures Act has been amended to allow “negotiated rulemaking” in achieving regulatory agency mandates. However, even before this legal innovation, regulatory agencies have been negotiating regulations. Independent of this legal avenue, negotiated compliance with industry associations is being fostered through the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) “Commonsense Initiative” and with individual firms through “EPA's Project XL”, again with mixed reception.The proposed paper describes and analyses negotiated agreements in the United States in the context of (1) EPA efforts to ensure environmental protection and (2) the Occupational Safety and Health Administration efforts to ensure worker health and safety. These agreements can be described according to the following taxonomy: (a) Negotiated regulation (either preceding formal regulation or as a substitute for formal regulation); (b) Negotiated compliance (implementing regulation or informal agreements) (i) the means and timetable for coming into compliance with emission, effluent, or concentration requirements (ii) negotiation in the context of an enforcement action in which the firm is out of legal compliance (for example, encouraging cleaner production through the leveraging of penalty reductions).The criteria for evaluation include: environmental or health and safety outcomes, effects on stimulating technological change, time for development (time to completion)/implementation (likelihood of court challenge), stakeholder influence (ability of large firms to dominate outcome, environmentalists–industry, or labour–management balance of power),and administrative features.  相似文献   

过去不健全的环境法律制度对环境保护的推进作用不明显,对环境污染企业的惩罚力度较低,健全的法律制度对环境保护可以起到一定的引导作用,对环境产业的组织管理机构起到全面组织和引导环境保护推行的作用;在提高经济发展的同时还能够带动国民其它行业和部门的发展。健全的法律制度可以很好的规范环保产业市场发展,创新环境的公共管理。通过《环保法》对环境治理做出了一系列要求,加强环境保护推进的力量,促使环保产业和经济快速发展。  相似文献   

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