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Monetizing ecological benefits of reducing impingement and entrainment (I&E) at cooling water intake structures presents both ecological and economic challenges. Ecological challenges arise because it is difficult to demonstrate and measure these impacts. Economic challenges arise because of these ecological uncertainties and because many of the potentially affected ecosystem services cannot be valued using traditional methods. Under a recently promulgated U.S. regulation certain power generation and industrial water permit applicants may be required to monetize these “nonuse” benefits. However, stated preference (SP) surveys, the only method available for valuing nonuse services have not seen acceptance by mainstream economists. This paper describes an approach to valuation that incorporates the ecological service function approach advocated by the USEPA Science Advisory Board to characterize impacts. Data and models are used to quantify, to the extent possible, direct and indirect impacts of I&E on ecosystem services. Nonuse values are then estimated by an SP survey that measures respondents’ willingness to pay for reducing I&E. Methods are proposed for calibrating and validating results including identifying the source of nonuse values from commonly ascribed motivations (i.e. existence, bequest, altruistic), considering the role of pre-survey awareness of impacts, and evaluating results in the context of respondent willingness to pay for other nonuse benefits.  相似文献   

Steam-electric power plants drawing cooling water from surface waters entrain a variety of plankton and weak-swimming nekton. These small organisms pass through the intake screens and are carried along with the cooling water through the plant and are subjected to thermal, physical, and chemical (biocide) stresses. In once-through cooling systems, entrained organisms are returned to the source water body, where they are subjected to rapidly decreasing temperatures as cooling waters are mixed into receiving waters. With 4316(b) of the Clean Water Act as the impetus, studies were conducted at many power plants to quantify the number of entrained organisms. Early studies focused on simple abundance, and assumed total mortality. By the late 1970s and early 1980s, advances in sampling technology demonstrated that many entrained organisms survived. Continuing refinement of sampling techniques revealed impressive survival statistics for many species (>90% in some cases), with concomitant reductions in perceived impacts. This paper reviews state-of-the-art sampling methods and results of field entrainment studies at seven power plants. This review demonstrates that high entrainment survival of a variety of aquatic organisms does, in fact, occur and specifies the plant-operating and environmental conditions under which high survival occurs.  相似文献   

Because of the infeasibility of barriers to entrapment at the offshore intakes of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, the goal of Edison’s ‘behavioral barriers’ research is to increase the proportion of fish that enter a bypass system that returns fish to the ocean. Laboratory experiments showed that fish species commonly entrapped at the station will move toward light. Fish were attracted to light in the range of intensities from about 100 lux down to about 10−6 lux. The lower limit was set by experimental protocols, and there is evidence that even dimmer signals might affect fish behavior. Based on these results, a bank of lights was installed in the power station screen well to provide a stimulus within the range of experimentally determined intensities such that entrapped fish might move toward the side opposite the traveling screens and thereby move more readily into the bypass system. Monitoring will consist of paired 24-h biomass estimates from salvage system and screen wash sources, with lights on in one day and off the next. This statistically powerful monitoring design takes advantage of temporal autocorrelation to test for effects of the light array in increasing fish bypass.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂铅的迁移转化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采集我国6台有代表性电站锅炉的烟气以及燃煤、飞灰、底渣、脱硫石膏等样品,通过测试燃煤和燃煤副产物中铅含量以及烟气中铅的形态分布,考察了燃煤电厂铅的迁移转化规律及烟气常规污染物控制技术对大气铅排放的影响.结果表明,煤粉炉燃煤过程中,煤中铅释放强度高,平均释放率为97.11%;循环流化床锅炉铅的释放率相对较低,约为84.99%.锅炉出口烟气中铅主要为颗粒态铅(Pbp),比例高达86%~92%,并且与燃煤中氯含量具有正相关性.烟气污染物控制装置对大气铅具有协同脱除效果,尤其是除尘装置.静电除尘对铅的平均脱除效率为91.85%,布袋除尘为95.12%.石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫装置可脱除35.67%~77.81%铅,脱除效率主要与脱硫塔操作条件有关.燃煤中的铅经过燃烧和烟气污染物控制装置后,81.97%~90.18%转移到飞灰中,具有高富集性;脱硫石膏中的铅占3.94%~11.82%;只有1.75%~5.40%通过烟囱排入大气.  相似文献   

Transformation of mercury speciation through the SCR system in power plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Coal-fired utility boilers are now identified as the largest source of mercury in the United States. There is speculation that the installation of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for reduction of NOx can also prompt the oxidation and removal of mercury. In this paper, tests at six full-scale power plants with similar type of the SCR systems are conducted to investigate the effect of the SCR on the transformation of mercury speciation. The results show that the SCR system can achieve more than 70%-80% oxidation of elemental mercury and enhance the mercury removal ability in these units. The oxidation of elemental mercury in the SCR system strongly depends on the coal properties and the operation conditions of the SCR systems. The content of chloride in the coal is the key factor for the oxidization process and the maximum oxidation of elemental mercury is found when chloride content changes from 400 to 600 ppm. The sulfur content is no significant impact on oxidation of elemental mercury.  相似文献   

京津冀地区火电企业的大气污染影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以在线监测、环评、验收等火电企业排放数据为基础,自下而上编制京津冀火电企业排放清单,利用气象模式WRF生成中尺度气象数据,采用CALPUFF空气质量模式模拟了不同情境下京津冀地区火电企业排放SO2、NOx、一次PM10,以及二次生成硫酸盐、硝酸盐等污染情况.结果显示,2011年京津冀地区火电行业排放污染物对京津冀西南部地区影响较大,各污染物年均最大浓度均出现在石家庄市;采取减排措施后,京津冀地区火电排放量SO2、NOx、烟粉尘总量与2011年火电排放现状相比 ,分别下降了33%、71%、68%;减排后火电行业对各城市SO2、NOx、一次PM10,以及二次生成硫酸盐、硝酸盐年均贡献浓度均大幅度减少,年均贡献最大值分别降低46.34%、78.43%、76.34%、39.49%、73.87%.  相似文献   

SO_2 in flue gas needs to be eliminated to alleviate air pollution. As the quality of coal decreases and environmental standard requirements become more stringent, the highefficiency desulfurization of flue gas faces more and more challenges. As an economical and environmentally friendly solution, the effect of calcium formate as an additive on desulfurization efficiency in the wet flue gas desulfurization(WFGD) process was studied for the first time. Improvement of the desulfurization efficiency was achieved with limited change in p H after calcium formate was added into the reactor, and it was found to work better than other additives tested. The positive effects were further verified in a power plant, which showed that adding calcium formate could promote the dissolution of calcium carbonate, accelerate the growth of gypsum crystals and improve the efficiency of desulfurization. Thus, calcium formate was proved to be an effective additive and can potentially be used to reduce the amount of limestone slurry required, as well as the energy consumption and operating costs in industrial desulfurization.  相似文献   




燃煤电厂烟尘铅排放状况外场实测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
裴冰 《环境科学学报》2013,33(6):1697-1702
选取30台燃煤电厂锅炉开展燃料铅含量及烟尘铅排放浓度的系列外场测试.结果表明,燃煤电厂燃料铅含量均值为8.50 mg·kg-1,烟尘铅平均排放浓度为0.0081 mg·m-3,排放因子为0.0643 g·t-1.不同机组容量及有无选择性催化还原(SCR)装置状况下烟尘铅排放因子无显著性差异(p>0.1),不同除尘设施类型下烟尘铅排放因子有显著性差异(p<0.1),布袋除尘(Fiber Filter,FF)电厂烟尘铅排放因子低于静电除尘(Electrostatic Precipitator,ESP)电厂.本研究中铅排放因子低于国内估算值,与AP 42燃煤电厂铅排放因子处于同一水平.基于本研究排放因子计算的全国2011年燃煤电厂烟尘铅排放量为126.76 t.  相似文献   

The metal-binding capacities of two regional soils of southern Italy were evaluated. A volcanic soil and a sample of “terra rossa” were treated with sewage sludge spiked with CdSO4 to obtain 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 ppm of total cadmium in the soil. Cadmium uptake and cadmium effects on dry-matter production of rye grass, spinach, dwarf bean and radish grown in the two soils and the effects of cadmium on soil microflora were investigated. Plant and microbial responses were considered in relation to three different analytical methods for evaluating the biologically-effective concentration of cadmium in soil.  相似文献   

中国燃煤电厂汞的物质流向与汞排放研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究中国燃煤电厂中汞的去向,基于2010年中国各省份燃煤中的汞含量、燃煤消耗量、燃煤电厂大气污染控制设备的安装比例以及粉煤灰、脱硫石膏的二次利用方式,计算了我国燃煤电厂2010年向大气、水体、土壤中排放汞的量.2010年我国电厂燃煤共输入汞271.7t (147.1~403.6t).煤炭在电厂燃烧一次排放到大气中的汞为101.3t (44.0~167.1t),进入燃煤副产物、水体的汞分别为167.4t (84.3~266.3t),3.0t (1.2~5.0t).燃煤副产物二次利用过程向大气排放的汞为32.7t (12.5~56.1t),进入土壤中的汞为58.6t (33.6~103.9t),还有76.1t (30.3~108.6t)汞留在了产品中.结果表明,粉煤灰用于水泥生产和粉煤灰制砖是副产物向大气中二次排放的重要源,分别占总二次排放量的81.7%和15.3%.  相似文献   

本文通过调研长江、黄河流域全新世古洪水研究相关文献,开展了两大流域全新世古 洪水发生频次空间对比研究。现有资料表明,两大流域全新世古洪水在6000 a BP 以前发生较 少;6000—4000 a BP 古洪水频次上升,在4000 a BP、3000 a BP 前后均出现一个洪水多灾期; 3000 a BP—1000 a BP 两大流域古洪水记录频次呈递减趋势;1000 a BP 以来,两大流域整体上 表现为递增的趋势,而值得注意的是1000 a BP 后,两大流域古洪水记录频次呈现出反相位变化 的趋势。与太阳活动记录对比,发现两个流域洪水发生均与太阳活动相关,但是两个流域洪水 发生对太阳活动的响应相反,长江流域在太阳活动较弱的时期,洪水多发,而黄河流域在太阳 活动较强的时期,洪水多发。  相似文献   

Water quality impact due to excessive nutrients has been extensively studied. In recent years, however, micro-pollutants such as pharmaceuticals and hormonal products used in animal agriculture have added an additional impact to overall water quality. Pharmaceuticals used in the poultry, swine, beef, and dairy industries have been detected in various environmental matrices such as, soil, groundwater and surface water. In this study, 26 surface water samples were collected throughout the Bosque River Watershed (BRW) with samples representing a range of land use conditions and locations of major dairy operations. Samples were analyzed using commercially available Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay test. Of the 26 samples, three samples consistently tested positive for monensin antibiotic with concentration ranging from 0.30 to 3.41 μg/L. These three samples were collected from sites that received varying amount of agriculture wastes (11.7% to 31.3%) and located downstream from sites associated with moderate levels of animal agriculture. The preliminary results suggest that there is a potential for monensin occurrence in the BRW, although initial findings indicate only very low levels.  相似文献   

为探究土壤添加低剂量生物炭对稻米中砷累积的影响及作用机理,使用矿区砷污染土壤添加小麦和棉花秸秆生物炭进行盆栽和模拟试验.盆栽试验结果表明:添加质量分数为0.5%的低剂量小麦和棉花秸秆生物炭,可以降低稻米(糙米)砷浓度(约10%),作用有限.糙米中砷浓度的降低主要是由于其生物量增加所致.模拟试验结果表明:添加质量分数为1%?—?5%的高剂量生物炭可以显著促进土壤中砷释放,相比对照组,生物炭添加组土壤溶液中砷浓度增加了69%?—?243%,推测其可能是生物炭促进了微生物作用下铁氧化物的还原,进而导致砷释放.研究表明:土壤中施加低剂量小麦和棉花秸秆生物炭对减少水稻砷累积作用可能有限,而高剂量可能增加水稻砷污染健康风险.  相似文献   

《全国土壤污染状况调查公报》显示,全国土壤环境表现总体不容乐观,部分地区土壤污染较重,耕地土壤环境质量堪忧。为了解与评价燃煤电厂周边土壤重金属的污染状况,按照点源扇形布点原则,在电厂A和电厂B周边4个方位不同距离布设采样点,以远离电厂区域为对照点,共采集32个土壤样品,检测了Cr、Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Ag、Cd、Sb、Hg和Pb等12种重金属浓度。结果表明:在2个电厂周边土壤中Mn、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Ag和Cd等8种重金属平均浓度高于安徽省土壤背景值;2个电厂周边土壤中Cd的平均浓度分别为0.230和0.172 mg/kg,与GB 15618—2018《农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》pH为6.5~≤7.5时的风险筛选值相比,平均超标倍数分别为1.79和1.49倍,最大超标点分别位于主导风下风向45°夹角500 m处和次主导风下风向500 m处;2个电厂常年主导风下风向土壤中Cr和Cd浓度高于对照点(P分别为0.03和0.04);电厂周边Cr、Cd、Ni、As、Pb和Sb等重金属存在明显空间分布差异,符合点源分布特征,其他重金属分布均匀性较好,差异不明显;2个电厂周边土壤重金属的内梅罗污染指数(PI)分别为2.7~5.0和1.5~2.4,电厂A污染程度为重度污染,电厂B为中度或轻度污染;2个电厂周边土壤重金属综合潜在生态危害指数(RI)分别为105.0~190.7和82.1~139.6,潜在生态危害为中等或轻微,Cd、Hg和As对RI的贡献较大。综合考虑电厂周边土壤中各重金属浓度和空间分布特征以及相关性分析和聚类分析结果,电厂A周边土壤中重金属可能受人类活动的影响,其污染程度和潜在生态危害整体上高于电厂B和对照点,且污染也是多方位的,不仅局限于下风向。因此对燃煤电厂监管中,应综合考虑其多方位对环境土壤和人群产生的影响。  相似文献   

针对电厂加氯工艺,在不同加氯浓度和升温幅度条件下,于实验室采用DPD法测定了海水中余氯在30 min内随时间的变量。结果表明,余氯在海水中起初(0~5 min)衰减很快,接着衰减较慢。采用一级动力学模型较二级动力学模型能更好的反映余氯在冷却水中的衰减过程。加氯浓度越高,余氯衰减越慢;水温越高,余氯衰减越快。余氯在自然海水中极不稳定,表观反应活化能(Apparent activation energy,Ea)非常低。就乐清湾海水而言,在春、夏、秋、冬季,Ea分别为632.94、701.82、388.67、565.52 J/mol。另外,还得到加氯浓度为1.00~1.80 mg/L、时间为0~30 min时,各季节海水冷却水中余氯衰减的预测公式。经线性拟合,预测值与实测值相关性较好。  相似文献   

本地化的排放因子研究对污染物的准确核算具有重要意义.因此,本文根据2009年云南省火电行业的生产现状及SO2排放情况,采用实测法与物料衡算法相结合的方法,核算出云南省火电行业的SO2产排污系数,同时给出特定工艺及规模下的SO2产排污系数;并将所得系数与《第一次全国污染源普查工业污染源产排污系数手册》(以下简称《手册》)、环境统计的相关系数进行比较.结果表明,云南省火电行业的SO2产污系数为19.64kg·t-1(以每t原料中的SO2计,下同),排污系数为2.98~7.45kg·t-1.与《手册》比较得知:本研究中煤粉炉工艺≥600MW机组的产污系数较小;51~300MW机组及≤50MW机组的产污系数与《手册》的相符;本研究中煤粉炉工艺≥600MW机组和51~300MW机组的排污系数低值均比《手册》中的大;《手册》中循环流化床锅炉工艺机组的产排污系数在本研究的产排污系数区间内.与环境统计系数比较,两者产污系数基本相符,环境统计排污系数在本研究的排污系数区间内.  相似文献   

块泽河流域属于珠江源区典型的岩溶小流域,同时也是滇东重要的煤炭产区,生态环境脆弱.加强区内水环境研究,对支撑珠江源区生态环境综合治理和水资源科学管理具有重要作用.通过系统采集地表水、岩溶地下水和矿井水样品,运用数理统计分析、相关性分析、离子比值分析以及绝对因子分析-多元线性回归受体模型(APCS-MLR)等方法,对块泽河流域水化学演化特征及控制因素进行了研究.结果表明:块泽河流域地表水pH平均值为7.8,呈弱碱性.阳离子主要以Ca2+和Na+为主,呈现Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+的特征,阴离子主要以HCO-3和SO42-为主,呈现HCO-3>SO42->NO-3>Cl-的特征.地...  相似文献   

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