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An environmental risk assessment has been carried out for musk ketone and musk xylene according to the EU Technical Guidance Document for Environmental Risk Assessment for New and Existing Substances [1]. Musk ketone and musk xylene are used in fragrances for cosmetics and household products. For the fragrance industry these are important fragrance ingredients because of their excellent substantivity as well as for their unique smell, which determines largely the odor of a product.

The initial environmental risk assessment is based on information provided by the fragrance industry as represented in the Netherlands by its association NEA, by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and data reported in the international open literature. The risk assessment includes an evaluation of the risks for aquatic organisms in surface water and sediment and for soil organisms in soil after application of sewage sludge. Secondary poisoning of fish-eating birds and mammals is considered as well. For each compartment the Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC) is compared to the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) to obtain PEC/PNEC ratios. Since monitoring data are available in water, sediment and fish, similar ratios are obtained with measured concentrations instead of the predicted ones.

For both substances, PEC/PNEC ratios are at or below 0.1 for organisms in the aquatic environment, including sediment organisms. PEC/PNEC ratios for fish-eating predators are 0.01. Ratios based on monitoring data are below 0.01 for all of these organisms. For soil organisms the PEC/PNEC ratio is 0.5 for musk ketone and 1.3 for musk xylene. Although in the Netherlands (as well as in some other European countries), sewage sludge presently finds no application as fertilizer on agricultural soil, the aim of environmental policy is to upgrade the sludge quality to enable future applications on agricultural and grassland. The reliability of the predicted soil concentrations can be greatly improved by obtaining experimental data on fate and behaviour of musk ketone and musk xylene in digested sludge and soil.

The risk assessment provides reassurance for the aquatic compartment while pointing the way for obtaining aditional data for the soil compartment.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical products for humans and animals, as well as their related metabolites end up in the aquatic environment after use. Recent investigations show that concentrations of pharmaceuticals are detectable in the order of ng/l-mug/l in municipal wastewater, groundwater and also drinking water. Little is known about the effects, and the hazard of long-term exposure to low concentrations of pharmaceuticals for non-target aquatic organisms. This study was designed to assess the ecotoxicity of furosemide, a potent diuretic agent, and its photoproduct in the aquatic environment. Bioassays were performed on bacteria, algae, rotifers and microcrustaceans to assess acute and chronic toxicity, while the SOS Chromotest and the Ames test were utilized to detect the genotoxic potential of the investigated compounds. A first approach to risk characterization was to calculate the environmental impact of furosemide by measured environmental concentration and predicted no effect concentration ratio (MEC/PNEC). To do so we used occurrence data reported in the literature and our toxicity results. The results showed that acute toxicity was in the order of mg/l for the crustaceans and absent for bacteria and rotifers. Chronic exposure to these compounds caused inhibition of growth population on the consumers, while the algae did not seem to be affected. A mutagenic potential was found for the photoproduct compared to the parental compound suggesting that byproducts ought to be considered in the environmental assessment of drugs. The risk calculated for furosemide suggested its harmlessness on the aquatic compartment.  相似文献   

A risk assessment on 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene was carried out specifically for the marine environment according to the methodology laid down in the EU Risk Assessment Regulation 1488/94 and the Guidance Documents of the EU Existing Substances Regulation 793/93. The study consists of the collection and evaluation of data on effects and environmental concentrations from analytical monitoring programs in large rivers and estuaries in the North Sea area. The risk is indicated by comparing the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) with the predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC) for the marine aquatic environment. A PNECwater) value of 0.3 microg/l and a PNECsed value of 38 microg/kgdw were derived from the results of toxicological studies in organisms representing three trophic levels, i.e. aquatic plants, invertebrates and fish. Based on monitoring data two situations are distinguished: a typical case and a worst case with a PECwater of <0.047 and 0.1 microg/l, respectively, and a PECsed of 40 and 90 microg/kgdw, respectively. The calculated PEC/PNEC ratios were 0.16 and 0.3 for water and 1 and 2.4 for sediment, respectively. It was concluded that no risks are expected for aquatic organisms. Based on the combination of worst-case assumptions risks to benthic organisms could not be fully excluded, but since all open uses of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene will be ended following the EU risk assessment outcome of 2001 any potential risk is expected to be reduced accordingly. 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene is not considered toxic according to the EU criteria and the available data on persistence of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene indicate a half-life in water of a few days and a significant biodegradation potential. The bioaccumulation potential is low to moderate with most BCF ratios for fish ranging from 600 to 1400 and one highest of 2020. Based on an extensive evaluation of persistence, biodegradation and bioaccumulation data it is concluded that 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene is not a PBT, since it does not fulfill any of the EU criteria. Biomagnification in the food chain is not expected due to the relatively high elimination rate constants.  相似文献   

Five estrogenic hormones (unconjugated?+?conjugated fractions) and 10 beta blockers were analyzed in three wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and receiving river waters in the area of Lyon, France. In the different samples, only two estrogens were quantified: estrone and estriol. Some beta blockers, such as atenolol, acebutolol, and sotalol, were almost always quantified, but others, e.g., betaxolol, nadolol, and oxprenolol were rarely quantified. Concentrations measured in river waters were in the nanogram per liter range for estrogens and between 0.3 and 210 ng/L for beta blockers depending on the substance and the distance from the WWTP outfall. The impact of the WWTP on the receiving rivers was studied and showed a clear increase in concentrations near the WWTP outfall. For estrogens, the persistence in surface waters was not evaluated given the low concentrations levels (around 1 ng/L). For beta blockers, concentrations measured downstream of the WWTP outfall were up to 16 times higher than those measured upstream. Also, the persistence of metoprolol, nadolol, and propranolol was noted even 2 km downstream of the WWTP outfall. The comparison of beta blocker fingerprints in the samples collected in effluent and in the river also showed the impact of WWTP outfall on surface waters. Finally, a tentative environmental risk evaluation was performed on 15 sites by calculating the ratio of receiving water concentrations to predicted non-effect concentrations (PNEC). For estrogens, a total PNEC of 5 ng/L was considered and these substances were not linked to any potential environmental risk (only one site showed an environmental risk ratio above 1). Unfortunately, few PNECs are available and risk evaluation was only possible for 4 of the 10 beta blockers studied: acebutolol, atenolol, metoprolol, and propranolol. Only propranolol presented a ratio near or above 1, showing a possible environmental risk for 4 receiving waters out of 15.  相似文献   

A risk assessment for freshwater and marine ecosystems is presented for 48 pharmaceutical compounds, belonging to 16 therapeutic classes, and prescribed in northwestern France. Ecotoxicity data were obtained on two freshwater organisms, i.e., crustacean Daphnia magna and the green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, and on two marine organisms, i.e., the crustacean Artemia salina and the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Measured environmental concentrations (MEC), in the Orne River and sea off Merville-Franceville in the Basse-Normandie region, were compared to the predicted environmental concentrations (PEC). Predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC) were derived from acute data for each compound. Then, a risk assessment for each compound and the mixture was performed by calculating risk quotients (RQ as PEC or MEC/PNEC ratio). Results showed that no immediate acute toxicities were expected even if some compounds displayed strong toxicities at very low concentrations. Antibiotics, antidepressants, and antifungals would deserve attention because of their high or median ecological risk suspected on marine and freshwater ecosystems. Marine ecosystems would be more sensitive to pharmaceutical residues.  相似文献   

Most of the existing chemicals of high priority have been released into the environment for many years. Risk assessments for existing chemicals are now conducted within the framework of the German Existing Chemicals Program and by the EC Regulation on Existing Substances. The environmental assessment of a chemical involves:
  1. exposure assessment leading to the derivation of a predicted environmental concentration (PEC) of a chemical from releases due to its production, processing, use, and disposal. The calculation of a PEC takes into account the dispersion of a chemical into different environmental compartments, elimination and dilution processes, as well as degradation. Monitoring data are also considered.
  2. effects assessment. Data obtained from acute or long-term toxicity tests are used for extrapolation on environmental conditions. In order to calculate the concentration with expectedly no adverse effect on organisms (Predicted No Effect Concentration, PNEC) the effect values are divided by an assessment factor. This assessment factor depends on the quantity and quality of toxicity data available.
In the last step of the initial risk assessment, the measured or estimated PEC is compared with the PNEC. This “risk characterization” is conducted for each compartment separately (water, sediment, soil, and atmosphere). In case PEC > PNEC an attempt should be made to revise data of exposure and/or effects to conduct a refined risk characterization. In case PEC is again larger than PNEC risk reduction measures have to be considered.  相似文献   

By means of GREAT-ER (Geo-Referenced Regional Exposure Assessment Tool for European Rivers) aquatic chemical fate simulations can be performed for river basins. To apply the resulting digital maps with local (river stretch specific) predicted concentrations in regional aquatic exposure and risk assessment, the output has to be aggregated to a (single) value representative of exposure in the catchment. Two spatially aggregated PEC definitions are proposed for this purpose: PECinitial (unweighted aggregation of concentrations just downstream of wastewater emissions) and PECcatchment (weighted aggregation of all average stretch concentrations). These PECs were tested using simulations for two pilot study catchments (Calder and Went, UK). This confirmed the theoretical considerations which led to the definitions, and it illustrated the need for weighting to resolve scale-dependencies.  相似文献   

The toxicity and hazard of a mixture of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), including fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertraline, to zooplankton communities were evaluated using 120,00l outdoor microcosms. Acute (day 4) and chronic (day 35) zooplankton abundance and species richness were assessed for Rotifera, Cladocera, and Copepoda. For acute SSRI exposures, rotifers were the most sensitive zooplankton taxa to changes in abundance (predicted no effect concentration (PNEC)=19 nM); however, no effects in zooplankton species richness were observed for this treatment period. A decrease in Copepoda abundance and species richness was observed following chronic exposures of SSRIs (PNEC=9.1 nM). A 99th-centile predicted environmental concentration (PEC=0.51 nM) yielded HQs at least two orders of magnitude below 1. Therefore, mixtures of SSRIs do not appear to present a hazard to zooplankton communities at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical concentration data for Indian surface waters are currently scarce. Sewage often enters Indian rivers without prior treatment, and so previously reported environmental concentrations from regions with routinely implemented sewage treatment cannot simply be used to predict concentrations in Indian surface water. Improved knowledge of pharmaceutical concentrations in Indian waters would enable determination of potential risks posed to aquatic wildlife and human health in this region. The concentrations of five common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs; diclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen, and acetylsalicylic acid) were determined in surface waters from 27 locations of the Kaveri, Vellar, and Tamiraparani Rivers in southern India. The samples were extracted by solid-phase extraction and analyzed by GC-MS. The measured concentrations of four of the five drugs in this reconnaissance were relatively similar to those reported elsewhere (ND–200 ng/l); however, acetylsalicylic acid, the most readily degradable of the investigated drugs, was found at all sites and at considerably higher concentrations (up to 660 ng/l) than reported in European surface waters. This is the first report on the occurrence of NSAIDs in Indian rivers. The finding of elevated concentrations of acetylsalicylic acid is most likely a result of direct discharges of untreated sewage. Therefore, readily degradable pharmaceuticals may present larger concern in regions without consistent sewage treatment. Based on measured environmental concentrations, the risks of direct toxicity to aquatic wildlife and of humans consuming the water are discussed.  相似文献   

Monensin is a carboxylic polyether ionophore used in the poultry industry as a coccidiostat. It enters the environment via manure from broiler farms. In spite of its potential presence in the environment, information concerning monensin residues in manure and soil and its toxicity to soil organisms are insufficient. In the present study, two beneficial soil invertebrate species, earthworms (Eisenia andrei) and woodlice (Porcellio scaber), were used to assess the toxicity of monensin. Animals were exposed to a range of monensin concentrations via soil or food. Earthworm reproduction was found to be the most susceptible endpoint (NOEC=3.5 mg kg(-1) dry soil; EC(50)=12.7 mg kg(-1) dry soil), while no adverse effects were recorded in isopods (NOEC?849mgkg(-1) dry soil, NOEC?357mgkg(-1) dry food). The obtained toxicity data were compared with potential concentrations of monensin in soil. In view of this, manure from broiler chickens treated with monensin at a poultry farm was sampled. According to monensin and nitrogen concentrations in the chicken manure and the degradation time of monensin, the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) was calculated. PEC of monensin is around 0.013 mg kg(-1) soil if manure is used after 3 months of composting and 0.05 mg kg(-1) soil if used without storage. Data for earthworm reproduction was used to estimate the predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC). If fresh chicken manure is applied to terrestrial ecosystems, the risk quotient (PEC/PNEC ratio) is above 1, which indicates that monensin might pose an environmental risk under certain conditions. To prevent this, it is strongly recommended to compost chicken manure for several months before using it as fertiliser.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the existing knowledge on the occurrence of tire wear particles in the environment, and their ecotoxicological effects. A meta-analysis on tire components in the environment revealed that tire wear particles are present in all environmental compartments, including air, water, soils/sediments, and biota. The maximum Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PECs) of tire wear particles in surface waters range from 0.03 to 56 mg l−1 and the maximum PECs in sediments range from 0.3 to 155 g kg−1 d.w. The results from our previous long-term studies with Ceriodaphnia dubia and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were used to derive Predicted No Effect Concentrations (PNECs). The upper ranges for PEC/PNEC ratios in water and sediment were >1, meaning that tire wear particles present potential risks for aquatic organisms. We suggest that management should be directed towards development and production of more environmentally friendly tires and improved road runoff treatment.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a thorough evaluation of the environmental fate and effects of azilsartan are presented. Azilsartan medoxomil is administered as a pro-drug for the treatment of patients with essential hypertension. The pro-drug is converted by hydrolysis to the active pharmaceutical ingredient azilsartan. Laboratory tests to evaluate the environmental fate and effects of azilsartan medoxomil were conducted with azilsartan and performed in accordance with OECD test guidelines. The predicted environmental concentration (PEC) in surface water was estimated at 0.32 μg L−1 (above the action limit of 0.01 μg L−1), triggering a Phase II assessment. Azilsartan is not readily biodegradable. Results of the water sediment study demonstrated significant shifting of azilsartan metabolites to sediment. Based on the equilibrium partitioning method, metabolites are unlikely to pose a risk to sediment-dwelling organisms. Ratios of the predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) to the predicted-no-effect concentrations (PNECs) did not exceed the relevant triggers, and the risk to aquatic, sewage treatment plant (STP), groundwater and sediment compartments was concluded acceptable. A terrestrial assessment was not triggered. Azilsartan poses an acceptable risk to the environment.  相似文献   

Ibuprofen is amongst the most worldwide consumed pharmaceuticals. The present work presents the first data in the occurrence of ibuprofen in Portuguese surface waters, focusing in the north area of the country, which is one of the most densely populated areas of Portugal. Analysis of ibuprofen is based on pre-concentration of the analyte with solid phase extraction and subsequent determination with liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection. A total of 42 water samples, including surface waters, landfill leachates, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), and hospital effluents, were analyzed in order to evaluate the occurrence of ibuprofen in the north of Portugal. In general, the highest concentrations were found in the river mouths and in the estuarine zone. The maximum concentrations found were 48,720 ng?L?1 in the landfill leachate, 3,868 ng?L?1 in hospital effluent, 616 ng?L?1 in WWTP effluent, and 723 ng?L?1 in surface waters (Lima river). Environmental risk assessment was evaluated and at the measured concentrations only landfill leachates reveal potential ecotoxicological risk for aquatic organisms. Owing to a high consumption rate of ibuprofen among Portuguese population, as prescribed and non-prescribed medicine, the importance of hospitals, WWTPs, and landfills as sources of entrance of pharmaceuticals in the environment was pointed out. Landfill leachates showed the highest contribution for ibuprofen mass loading into surface waters. On the basis of our findings, more studies are needed as an attempt to assess more vulnerable areas.  相似文献   

In the last 5 years, naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac have been the subject of investigation in the South African water resources. In this study, their occurrence in river water, sediments and aquatic plants was investigated. The concentrations of compounds detected in river water and sediments varied from 0.59 to 2.3 µg L?1 and 0.2 to 9.2?ng g?1, respectively. The partitioning coefficients (L kg?1) for naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac varied from one sampling location to the other in ranges of 3.36–4, 1.3–1.9 and 0.13–0.91, respectively. This indicates that the fate of these pharmaceuticals can be influenced by the surrounding conditions such as climate and presence of other water pollutants as well as differences in physicochemical parameters. In the aquatic plant species (Eichhornia crassipes), the concentrations of target compounds varied in different parts of the plant material (roots, stems and leaves). Naproxen was the most abundant in Eichhornia crassipes, with the maximum concentration of 12.0?ng g?1 found in leaves. In this initial assessment, we found no rational trend for the concentrations detected in various parts of Eichhornia crassipes, however, it is speculated that these pharmaceuticals diffuse from water into the roots of the aquatic plants and get translocated into the stem and leaves. Overall, the occurrence of naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac in river water, sediments and Eichhornia crassipes was observed, which is an indication that Eichhornia crassipes has the ability to reduce water pollution through the uptake of pharmaceuticals through plant roots.  相似文献   

Lin AY  Yu TH  Lin CF 《Chemosphere》2008,74(1):131-141
This is a comprehensive study of the occurrence of antibiotics, hormones and other pharmaceuticals in water sites that have major potential for downstream environmental contamination. These include residential (hospitals, sewage treatment plants, and regional discharges), industrial (pharmaceutical production facilities), and agricultural (animal husbandries and aquacultures) waste streams. We assayed 23 Taiwanese water sites for 97 targeted compounds, of which a significant number were detected and quantified. The most frequently detected compounds were sulfamethoxazole, caffeine, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, followed closely by cephalexin, ofloxacin, and diclofenac, which were detected in >91% of samples and found to have median (maximum) concentrations of 0.2 (5.8), 0.39 (24.0), 0.02 (100.4), 0.41 (14.5), 0.15 (31.4), 0.14 (13.6) and 0.083 (29.8) microg/L, respectively. Lincomycin and acetaminophen had high measured concentrations (>100 microg/L), and 35 other pharmaceuticals occurred at the microg/L level. These incidence and concentration results correlate well with published data for other worldwide locations, as well as with Taiwanese medication usage data, suggesting a human contamination source. Many pharmaceuticals also occurred at levels exceeding predicted no-effect concentrations (PNEC), warranting further investigation of their occurrence and fate in receiving waters, as well as the overall risks they pose for local ecosystems and human residents. The information provided here will also be useful for development of strategies for regulation and remediation.  相似文献   

Environmental safety data are presented for [S,S]-Ethylene Diamine Disuccinate ([S,S]EDDS), a new, biodegradable, strong transition metal chelator. An environmental risk assessment for its use in detergent applications, which takes into account the chelating properties of [S,S]-EDDS, is proposed.

A property of [S,S]-EDDS that distinguishes it from other strong transition metal chelators is its, “ready” and transparent (no recalcitrant metabolites) biodegradation profile. Because its sorption to activated sludge solids is low ( Kp of 40 1/kg), removal of [S,S]EDDS during sewage treatment, which is greater than 96% as determined by the Continuous Activated Sludge test , is mainly ascribed to biodegradation. At projected use volumes in detergent applications [S,S] - EDDS predicted steady-state concentration in rivers leaving the mixing zone will be below 5 pg/I due to rapid biodegradation. [S,S]-EDDS exhibits low toxicity to fish and Daphnia ( both EC50s> 1000 mg/l). By contrast, due to limitation of the algal test for chelators apparent toxicity was observed (EC50 = 0.290 mg/l, NOEC - No observable Effect Concentration = 0.125 mg/l). Schowanek et al. [1] demonstrated that this is not toxicity sensu stricto but a chelation effect of trace metals in the test medium and of resulting essential nutrients limitation. This requires specific attention when the results of algal toxicity are to be extrapolated to a field situation to perform realistic risk assessment. Metal speciation calculations, using MINEQL+, show that at the predicted environmental concentrations of [S,S] - EDDS (1–5 μg/l), such a chelation effect would be insignificant. These calculations allow to estimate the NOEC for chelation effects in the field to be in the range of 0.250-0.500 mg/l, depending on the background water chemistry. These values are well above the laboratory NOEC.

An environmental risk assessment was performed using the EUSES (1.0) program. EUSES is currently the EU recommended tool for conducting risk assessments (TGD 1995). It was applied to estimate the river water and soil concentrations from production, formulation and private use life stages. The estimated PEC/PNEC ratio in all relevant environmental compartments is smaller than 1, indicating “no immediate concern” at the anticipated usage level.  相似文献   

Methyl tertiary hexyl ether (MtHxE) and methyl tertiary octyl ether (MtOcE) are currently being developed as replacement oxygenates for methyl tertiary butyl ether (MtBE) in gasoline. As was the case with MtBE, the introduction of these ethers into fuel supplies guarantees their introduction into the environment as well. In this study, a screening-level risk assessment was performed by comparing predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of these ethers to concentrations that might cause adverse effects to humans or ecosystems. A simple box model that has successfully estimated urban air concentrations of MtBE was adapted to predict atmospheric concentrations of MtHxE and MtOcE. Expected atmospheric concentrations of these ethers were also estimated using the European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) multimedia fate model, which simultaneously calculates PECs in the various environmental compartments of air, water, soil, and sediment. Because little or no data are available on the physicochemical, environmental, and toxicological properties of MtHxE and MtOcE, estimation methods were used in conjunction with EUSES to predict both the PECs and the concentrations at which these ethers might pose a threat. The results suggest that these ethers would contaminate the air of a moderately sized U.S. city (Boston, MA) at levels similar to those found previously for MtBE. The risk assessment module in EUSES predicted risk characterization ratios of 10(-3) and 10(-2) for MtHxE and MtOcE, respectively, in Boston, and 10(-2) and 10(-1) in very large urban centers, suggesting that these ethers pose only a minimal threat to ecosystems at the anticipated environmental concentrations. The assessment also indicates that these compounds are possible human carcinogens and that they may be present in urban air at concentrations that pose an unacceptable cancer risk. Therefore, testing of the toxicological properties of these compounds is recommended before they replace MtBE in gasoline.  相似文献   

In previous studies, boron compounds were considered to be of comparatively low toxicity in the aquatic environment, with predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) values ranging around 1 mg B/L (expressed as boron equivalent). In the present study, we describe an evaluation of toxicity data for boron available for the aquatic environment by different methods.For substances with rich datasets, it is often possible to perform a species sensitivity distribution (SSD). The typical outcome of an SSD is the Hazardous Concentration 5% (HC5), the concentration at which 95% of all species are protected with a probability of 95%. The data set currently available on the toxic effects of boron compounds to aquatic organisms is comprehensive, but a careful evaluation of these data revealed that chronic data for aquatic insects and plants are missing. In the present study both the standard assessment factor approach as well as the SSD approach were applied. The standard approach led to a PNEC of 0.18 mg B/L (equivalent to 1.03 mg boric acid/L), while the SSD approach resulted in a PNEC of 0.34 mg B/L (equivalent to 1.94 mg boric acid/L). These evaluations indicate that boron compounds could be hazardous to aquatic organisms at concentrations close to the natural environmental background in some European regions. This suggests a possible high sensitivity of some ecosystems for anthropogenic input of boron compounds. Another concern is that the anthropogenic input of boron could lead to toxic effects in organisms adapted to low boron concentration.  相似文献   

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