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Summary The current views on whether environmental law is a subject of study at the Universities is discussed in this paper. The author traces the development of environmental law, and maintains that legal science is one, and that it has been grounded into branches for teaching and research purposes. A case for the teaching of environmental law at the universities is made. A teaching programme is suggested which brings out the relationships of environmental law with ecology, social science, economics, management science, technology and other branches of legal science.Born in Argentina, with a Doctor of Law from the University of Buenos Aires. Has held professorships in Water and Mining Laws, Agrarian and Mining Law, Natural Resources Law, in several universities in Argentina. He was a visiting professor in the period 1967–71, at Delft Technological Institute, The Netherlands.From 1969–70, he was Secretary of State for Water Resources of Argentina, and in 1970, Vice-Chairman of the UN Committee on Natural Resources. Consultant on Environmental Law for FAO in 1970. He is at present (1980–82) President of the International Water Resources Association.He has been a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Policy, Law and Administration since 1978, is President of the Inter American Commission on Environmental Law and Administration, and Regional Governor (Latin America) of the International Council on Environmental Law.In 1978 he was awarded the Elizabeth Haub Prix on Environmental law.He is author of several books and papers on environmental, natural resources and water laws. These include Code on Natural Resources (Province of Corrientes Argentina, 1980) and co-author of Code on the Renewable Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Colombia, 1974.  相似文献   

Summary This is a paper about problem-solving styles in Environmental Management and the specific deficiencies in these styles that might be groupd under the label ‘tunnel vision’. The latter, a form of selective attention, contributes to inadequate problem-formulation, partial solutions to complex problems and to the generation of even more intractable, additional problems. Examples of tunnel vision in military and environmental decision-making are discussed, together with the situational, personal and educational factors that exacerbate its influence. The paper concludes with some recommendations for changes in professional education that might help to recduce the occurrence of tunnel vision. Dr Alan Miller who is now associate professor at the University of New Brunswick received his training in biology (in England) and ecology (in Canada). He then spent several years pursuing research at the Northwest Institute for Medical Research in Chicago, USA. A growing interest in the human aspects of environmental and medical problems led to a further graduate study in psychology, followed by teaching positions in Ireland and Canada. His current interests include: the education of environmental professional; the psychosocial problems involved in environmental management, and, the problems inherent in interdisciplinary project groups.  相似文献   

In 1994, after more than twenty years of work, the International Law Commission of the United Nations adopted a set of thirty-three draft articles on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. In the same year, the draft articles were submitted to the General Assembly with a view to the adoption of an international convention. The present paper analyzes and comments upon some of the major issues dealt with in the draft articles, devoting special attention to the substantive legal principles governing the utilization of international rivers and the protection of related ecosystems. Various questions still remain open for consideration by the Working Group convened by the General Assembly in 1996–1997 for the elaboration of a definitive convention. In spite of this, the draft articles adopted by the International Law Commission stand as an important achievement in the effort at codification of the law of international water resources. The present article was written within the framework of the research project "Technical aspects of the international law of the sea" which is being carried out at the Faculty of Law, University of Milan, Italy.  相似文献   

Summary When people are in government, they are always involved in some type of information communication, but for more than five years now I have been involved with the Congressional Research Service, CRS, an institution which is totally committed to research and transfer of information to the United States Congress. The Congressional Research Service works exclusively for congress—for al the members and all the committees; and CRS’s scope—information, reference and research—covers all subject areas, including environmental issues, which are of congressional interest. The inquiries from members and staff—by phone, letter or in person—exceed 400 000 a year, and the number of requests has increased at an average rate of almost 9 percent each year over the past decade. Small wonder the service employs about 825 people, 550 of whom are professionals. Gilbert Gude is Director of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, appointed by Librarian Daniel J. Boorstin in January 1977. Mr Gude’s career in public service began in 1953 when he was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates; he served as a Member of the Maryland State Senate from 1962–1966, before being elected to the US House of Representatives for the 8th District of Maryland in 1967. During his 10-year career in the House he served as ranking member of the Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy and Natural Resources of the Government Operations Committee and ranking member of the Committee on the District of Columbia; he was also a member of the Select Committee on Aging. Mr Gude’s legislative work concentrated in the areas of urban and regional affairs and environmental issues. He was a key sponsor of the bill creating the C&O Canal National Historical Park and developed a number of legislative initiatives involving the Potomac River. Mr Gude is Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Catholic University of America and a member of the National Academy of Public Administration. He is a former member of Members of Congress for Peace Through Law and former chairman of the 1976 Anglo-American Conference on Africa. Mr Gude received a B.S. from Cornell University in 1948 and an M.A. in public administration from George Washington University in 1958.  相似文献   

Summary With the passage of the Land Commission Act in April 1974, the province of British Columbia emerged as one of the leading innovators in agricultural land protection in North America. The British Columbia programme is unique, in that it encompasses a variety of incentives and disincentives to restrict the development of agricultural resources. While evidence suggests that the program has been quite successful, administrative weaknesses could endanger long-term viability. Regardless of the potential problems, British Columbia's experiences provide valuable lessons for other North American governments.Owen J. Furuseth is an Assistant Professor of Geography & Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He received his A.B. degree (1971) in geography and urban planning from East Carolina University and an MA (1973) from the same institution in geography. His Ph.D. (1978) was earned in geography at Oregon State University.Prior to his current academic appointment he was an Associate Planner with the Jacksonville Area Planning Board in Jacksonville, Florida. His responsibilities with the agency included land use and environmental planning.His primary research interests are in the areas of agricultural land alienation, and policies to reduce these losses. During 1980–1981, Furuseth was a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow affiliated with the graduate program in Natural Resources Management at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. The research reported in this paper was carried out and completed while he was in Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Pesticide residues in soil, water, food, wildlife and other media have been analysed in several monitoring studies. The purpose was to establish the distribution of these residues across a defined area, ascertain their trend over a specific period and use the results to assess environmental compliance and safety. In the present review the availability of information on pesticide residues in various Canadian environmental components was sought. With the possible exception of localized pesticide contamination of some private water supply wells, ground and surface water, most analyses revealed concentrations below guideline limits. Only a few cases were reported of mishandling, misuse and poisoning from pesticides. Continuing surveillance programmes and in-depth and well-organized monitoring studies, with special focus on areas that are vulnerable to contamination, by both provincial and federal governments, are largely responsible for the encouraging results. This experience in the control of pesticide use and monitoring of residues in the environment should be of particular interest in developing countries.Dr A.Y. Sangodoyin is a senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Ibadan. He was recently involved in a study visit to the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G7, where his co-author Dr D.W. Smith is a member of staff in the Department of Civil-Engineering.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of Survey of India topo-maps of 1929 and land satellite imageries in False Colour Combination (FCC) of 1975 indicates a loss of 43% and 46% of the reserved forest around Sambalpur and Jharsuguda respectively, besides other forest types in a radius of twenty miles. Deforestation is found to be an accelerating process where the rate of loss is estimated to be more during 1970–75 and 1960–70 in comparison to 1950–60 from a semilogarithmic trend curve between 1929 and 1975. This curve also fits to a hypothesis that the rate of deforestation is faster after 1950 (after developmental plan periods came into force). An analysis of the climatic data indicates a decrease in rainfall and number of rainy days, and morning relative humidity. The mean minimum and maximum temperature, evening relative humidity and atmospheric pressure show increasing trends. Relationships between forest loss and climatic parameters are significant for morning relative humidity, rainy days, maximum temperature and atmospheric pressure. Considering the loss of storage capacity of the Hirakud reservoir due to severe deforestation in the catchment area, suggestions are given for natural forest preservation. Arttabandhu Mishra graduated in Science (Zoology Honours) and Education from Utkal University; postgraduated from Berhampur University, India. At present he is a Lecturer in School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University and Secretary of Orissa Environmental Consciousness Society. His fields of interests are Productivity and Energetics of Forest Ecosystems, Environmental Education and Community Education. He has published seven papers on the above fields and a number bf popular articles. He tries to use folk literature as media to carry scientific messages. Madhab C. Dash, obtained his B.Sc. (Hens), M.Sc. from Utkal University, India and Ph.D. from University of Calgary, Canada. At present he is Professor and Head, School of Life Sciences, Sambalpur University, a fellow of the Zoological Society of India, the National Institute of Ecology and the National Academy of Sciences, India. His major areas of research and writing are on the functional role of soil organisms in the decomposer subsystem of ecosystems, He has published seventy-five papers on taxonomy, biology, population ecology, metabolic functions, energy flow modelling, role in soft fertility and waste conditioning ability of Oligochaetes, nematodes, protozoa and soil microorganisms. Professor Dash has contributed specialised chapters in major treaties published by Cambridge University Press, UK; John Wiley and Sons, USA; and Academic Press, New York, USA.  相似文献   

Central to the environmental and health hazards created by the expanding use of pesticides in developing countries is the weakness of national regulatory agencies. This article reviews current international efforts aimed at supporting these institutions and describes the contribution that an external “hazard auditor” might make in assessing the pesticide industry's adherence to accepted standards of health and environmental protection. An independent evaluation of this kind may prove attractive to all parties in the long-standing confrontation over the control of pesticide technology: the industry, public interest groups, developing and developed countries, and international agencies. The article outlines one approach to operationalizing the concept and examines initial responses to the proposal. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Commission on Occupational Health/International Development Research Centre Symposium on the Impact of Pesticide Use on Health in Developing Countries, 17–21 September 1990, Ottawa, Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Although risk management is interdisciplinary in nature, in practice it is excessively compartmentalized. For instance, two quite different orientations to risk management are commonly seen, the relationship between them being one of suspicious rivalry rather than cooperation. Thus, anyone interested in developing a more integrated form of risk management is faced with the problem of trying to understand why these opposed factions have developed and what sustains their mutual antagonism. Hopefully, this paper makes a contribution in this regard by discussing the psychological and socio-political roots of environmental ideology.Dr Alan Miller is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of New Brunswick. He received his early training in biology (in England) and ecology (in Canada). He subsequently spent several years pursuing research at the Northwest Institute for Medical Research in Chicago, USA. A growing interest in the human aspects of environmental and medical problems led to a further graduate study in psychology, followed by teaching positions in Ireland and Canada. His current interests include: the education of environmental professionals; the psychosocial problems involved in environmental management, and the problems inherent in interdisciplinary project groups.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental issues are rarely straightforward. The construction of the Tellico Dam not only proved to be an exceptionally complex environmental problem but also developed into a major political issue in its own right. Following the discovery of a previously unknown species of fish near the site of the nearly completed dam, environmentalists began a long legal battle to halt construction work and protect the habitat of the fish. The United States Supreme Court found in their favour, but local political interests, through a series of clever manoeuvres, succeeded in exempting the dam from all legislation to secure its completion. The blatant use of political expediency to resolve an environmental dilemma makes the Tellico Dam a classic case study for students of environmental policy and decision-making.Graham Bennett was born in London in 1948 and graduated from the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia where he also completed his doctoral research. Since 1980 he has been working in The Netherlands as an Associate in the Department of Environmental Science at the Catholic University of Nijmegen. His research interests lie in the field of environmental management and he is currently involved in the study of environmental policy making in Britain and The Netherlands with particular reference to the control of pollution by local authorities.  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures have been in existence in the People's Republic of China over the last decade. The impetus for China's introduction of EIA was provided by the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted by the Fifth National People's Congress in 1979. The EIA process, which is administrative and not statutorily mandated, has been applied primarily to construction projects. Four stages are typically involved in an EIA investigation: design of the investigation, evaluation of background environmental quality, prediction of environmental impacts, and an assessment and analysis of the environmental impacts. A variety of approaches is used for predicting and analyzing environmental impacts, ranging from ad hoc methods to fairly sophisticated mathematical models. The results of the EIA investigation are compiled in an environmental impact statement, which is used as the basis for decision making by personnel in environmental protection departments. The EIA process does not include provisions for citizen notification or involvement. Views differ concerning the effectiveness of the EIA program in protecting China's natural, social, and cultural environments. Some hold that the EIA program has brought about improvement in environmental protection, while critics contend that the program has had little effect in the prevention of pollution. However, most, if not all, observers seem to feel that the program should be continued and improved. A major avenue for improvement is to place the evaluation of a particular project in a regional context. An earlier version of this paper was distributed at a workshop on Environmental Assessment Development Planning held in conjunction with the VII Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Brisbane, Australia, July 5–8, 1988.  相似文献   

Summary Agro-ecosystems in many of the developing economies are coming under increased pressure, especially in areas where population demands, weak economic growth, and debt burdens, are resulting in mass rural poverty and assault on environmental resources. The loss of forests is a double-edge blow for most rural and agricultural systems. The forests provide the resource substitutes for the many manufactured products which are scarce or physically and economically inaccessible, and they also provide congenial environments which support rural food systems by way of productive agricultural land opportunities.In many of the rural areas of Africa, in particular, forest stability is more threatened, and this requires both local and external responses to make sustainable development a possibility. This paper, which is based on a field study in Ghana by the author, identifies emerging socio-economic constraints in woodfuel systems in environments where demands on forest ecosystems are high. The degree to which such local socio-economic processes affect stability of forest ecosystems, and the conditions within which the research information could assist planners and resource managers towards sustainable use of forest ecosystems are analysed.Dr William Y. Osei was born in Ghana where he obtained a BA (Hons) Geography from the University of Ghana. He subsequently obtained an MA from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and a PhD from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. With teaching experience in Geography at the Canadian universities of Western Ontario, Brandon and Victoria, he currently holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at Algoma University College.  相似文献   

Summary This paper looks at the problems of science and technology education in Mexico, and proposes ways in which the quality of education at every level can be improved. It advocates an interdisciplinary approach, and from that approach to science education, the development of environmental education.Prof. Gutiérrez-Vázquez received his training in microbiology and biochemistry in the National Polytechnic Institute in his native Mexico City, receiving his degree in 1954. He went from instructor to assistant professor (1950–1960), becoming a full professor, deputy dean and then dean of the Faculty of Biology in the same Institute (1961–1969); he published two books and some 20 papers dealing with the physiology of tubercle bacillus and other mycobacteria, as well as with other topics on microbiology. More recently (1970 to date), he became a full professor in the Center for Advanced Studies of the same Institute, where he has been head of the Department of Educational Research (1972–1981) and carried out research and development projects on science education for children and adolescents. During this period he has published some 20 more books and 30 odd papers, and written more than 80 science programmes for commercial television.  相似文献   

/ Siting hazardous waste facilities is an extremely complex and difficult endeavor. Public aversion to the construction of these facilities in or near their community often results in concerted opposition, referred to as the NIMBY syndrome. For the most part, siting processes do not fail because of inadequate environmental or technical considerations, but because of the adversarial decision-making strategies employed by the proponents. Innovative siting processes used in the provinces of Alberta and Manitoba offer tangible evidence of the successful application of an innovative siting approach based on the principles of decentralization of decision-making authority and full and meaningful public involvement. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate four Canadian siting processes from the perspective of public participation and access to decision-making authority. Examples of siting processes related to hazardous waste management facilities are provided from the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Ontario. Siting has evolved from approaches dominated by top-down decision making to increasing decentralized and pluralistic approaches. Focusing on social and political concerns of potentially affected communities and on the process of decision making itself are fundamental to achieving siting success. In Alberta initially, and later in Manitoba, this new "open approach" to siting has resulted in the construction of the first two comprehensive hazardous waste treatment facilities in Canada.KEY WORDS: Hazardous waste facilities; Siting methodologies; Public participation  相似文献   

Summary Environmental management is defined as a mechanism for alleviating the worst of environmental damage and reducing the most unacceptable aspects of social inequalities but without really altering the patterns of political and economic power. It is now increasingly regarded as accepted practice in development partly because it is economically and socially counterproductive to ignore it. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the difficulties involved in incorporating environmental management into economic growth with special reference to development assistance. Much environmental damage in the Third World is a product of the forces of development rather than the fault of the people, and in the past development assistance projects have often inadvertently led to environmental destruction and social distress. Case examples are given. The paper argues that among the many impediments to the full incorporation of environmental management into development are the following: the administrative structure of the agencies involved, suspicions in the past of receiving nation governments and the risky nature, and expensive labour intensity of programmes aimed at integrated rural development and appropriate technology. Some recommendations are advanced involving administrative reorganisation, new training skills and diplomacy, although no major breakthroughs are expected to come quickly.Geography graduate from the University of Edinburgh, Harkness Fellowship and Carnegie Scholarship to study at Cambridge (UK) and Cornell (USA). University appointments in Canada and UK. Authority in the field of Resource Management. Author of Progress in Resource Management and Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

Bryan Norton’s 2005 book Sustainability describes a pragmatic approach to environmental philosophy that stresses philosophy’s role as one of mediating between scientific and ordinary language. But on two topics, Norton’s approach is not pragmatic enough. In the case of his discussion of risk, he accedes to a scientific notion that fails to acknowledge the way that ordinary usage of the word risk involves pragmatic links to human action and moral responsibility. With respect to the word sustainability, his analysis fails to acknowledge important scientific work that characterizes the functional integrity of system cycling, opting instead for usage grounded either in economic accounting or in an even less substantive sense of a broad social movement for environmental improvement. On each of these topics, adherence to the pragmatic orientation of Norton’s philosophy results in a different analysis of the concepts in question.  相似文献   

The sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions from all sources in Alberta, Canada, during 1982 amounted to 488,297 and 353,511 tonnes, respectively. During this year deposition of wet sulphate from all stations in the province, 8 kg ha–1 yr–1, compares well with the five-year average (1978–1982) value of 10 kg ha–1 yr–1. These measurements are about one-half of the wet sulphate deposition criteria of 20 kg ha–1 yr–1 established for protecting the moderately sensitive aquatic ecosystem in eastern Canada. Due to dry, cold, continental climate conditions of Alberta, dry sulphate or sulphur deposition is equally or more important than wet deposition. No effects of the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRTAP) on the ecosystems in Alberta have been observed to date. Atmospheric deposition target loadings of SO4 –2, NO3 , and H+ for Alberta and western Canadian environmental conditions should be developed to protect the highly sensitive ecosystems. Some future research and monitoring priorities for Alberta and western Canada are outlined.  相似文献   

Summary In the spring of 1981, Tufts University and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature began teaching the World Conservation Strategy to environmentalists working at the local level. The fourteen-week course that they offered was the first of a series of initiatives to increase public awareness of the need for local action toward the solution of global environmental problems. The success of the first course has encouraged other groups to adapt it to their own social and ecological settings, but there is a pressing need for even more public education. While several aids to teaching the World Conservation Strategy are now being developed to give local conservation educators access to the Strategy, the initiative for bringing the World Conservation Strategy to the public should continue to come from these local leaders. Frank Thibodeau is an environmental biologist and policy analyst with MA and PhD degrees from Tufts University. He is currently a Research Associate in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts, preparing a book on the World Conservation Strategy as a foundation for local environmental initiative under the auspicies of IUCN and the World Wildlife Fund. In addition to his writing and teaching related to the Strategy, he maintains an active research program examining the development of national and international strategies for the preservation of genetic diversity. Hermann H. Field, an urban planner and Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, was director of the Planning Office of the Tufts-New England Medical Center in downtown Boston for 12 years. In 1972 he initiated and then directed a new graduate department of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University. Since 1978 he has been Professor Emeritus in Environmental Planning there. In addition to continued involvement in his department he is active on a range of levels in conservation from the local to the international, including membership on IUCN's Commission on Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

Governments differ significantly in their attempts to mitigate the effects of mining disturbance. The approaches of Australia, Canada and the United States are reviewed here, relative to coal-mining reclamation. State and provincial examples (Queensland, Alberta and Montana) are used to illustrate legislation and planning below the national level. This paper explores three main issues that contribute to coal-mining reclamation: governmental level of legislation and planning; legislative scope; and inter-governmental co-ordination. The legislative histories vary, but are young and evolving. All require the submission of a reclamation plan before granting mining permits, enforce reclamation standards by security deposits and contain provisions for non-compliance. Australia and Canada are only beginning to address reclamation planning at the national level, whereas the United States has done so since 1977. The relationship to the environmental impact assessment process is uneven across the three nations. The United States and Canada have a larger percentage of their mined landscapes in a reclamation process, due partly to more stringent regulation. Reclamation effectiveness seems to centre less on centralization versus decentralization, and more on comprehensive scope, preventive approaches and multi-level governmental co-ordination.  相似文献   

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