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Radon-222 was measured in groundwater sources of Extremadura (Spain), analyzing 350 samples from private and public springs, wells, and spas by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and gamma spectrometry. The 222Rn activity concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1168 Bq L−1. The statistical analysis showed a log-normal distribution with a mean of (111 ± 7) Bq L−1 and a median of (36 ± 3) Bq L−1. A hydrogeological study revealed correlations between the activity concentration and the aquifer material's characteristics. A map of 222Rn in groundwater was elaborated and compared with the natural gamma radiation map for this region. About 35% of the samples showed 222Rn activity concentrations above the Euratom recommended limit of 100 Bq L−1. Three uranium series radionuclides (238U, 234U, and 226Ra) were also assayed by alpha-particle spectrometry, estimating the annual effective dose due to the presence of these natural radionuclides in drinking water.  相似文献   

Galicia (NW Spain) is a radon-prone area in the Iberian Peninsula. Measurements were carried out at a rural dwelling, with an annual average of radon concentration over 4000 Bq m−3 and a maximum of 9000 Bq m−3, found during a radon screening campaign held in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. We performed a detailed study to identify the main contamination source and the behaviour of the radon concentration, in which a linear dependence with temperature was verified, once corrected for relative humidity. We used different passive methods (charcoal canisters and two types of etched track detectors) as well as a radon concentration monitor that provided continuous measurement. Subsequent to this characterization, and in order to reduce the high radon concentration, a remedial action was developed using different passive and forced ventilation methods. A modified subslab depressurization technique was found to be the most effective remedy, providing a radon concentration reduction of around 96%. This method also has the advantages of being inexpensive and reliable over time.  相似文献   

Using the closed-can technique, radon exhalation rate measurements have been carried out for shale and coal samples collected from various mines located in the Chakwal and Makarwal areas of Pakistan. For the two areas, the measured average values of the exhalation rates from shale are 1.45±0.13 and 0.67±0.25 Bq m−2 h−1 and for coal are 1.0±0.03 and 0.65±0.32 Bq m−2 h−1, respectively. These values are much lower than the measured exhalation rates from alum-shale-based Nordic concrete which has values in the 50–200 Bq m−2 h−1 range. The lower values of the measured exhalation rates from the shale and coal deposits in the Chakwal and Makarwal areas are indicative of their lower uranium contents and mine workers in these areas do not face any abnormal health hazard due to radon since the exhalation rates have been found to be on the low side.  相似文献   

Galician soils are among those with the highest (222)Rn exhalation rates in Spain. A year-round study of the indoor (222)Rn concentration in buildings in the Santiago de Compostela area (Galicia, Northwest of Spain) was performed. The study is based on systematic samplings with active charcoal canisters, following a modified EPA 520/5-87-005 protocol. These measurements were complemented by others obtained using etched track dosimeters. Each data set follows a log-normal distribution, with a geometric mean of (253+/-3)Bqm(-3) for charcoal canisters and (285+/-2.5)Bqm(-3) for etched track detectors. After correcting for the different measuring conditions, the mean value of both methods differed by only 2%. A careful analysis of the seasonal dependence of our measurements did not reveal any significant seasonal variations in the (222)Rn concentration. Parallel to these measurements, different meteorological parameters were recorded, which revealed a direct correlation between the indoor radon concentration and the outdoor temperature derivative with respect to time.  相似文献   

A common approach for remediation of groundwater contamination with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is contaminant stripping by means of in situ air sparging (IAS). For VOC stripping, pressurized air is injected into the contaminated groundwater volume, followed by the extraction of the contaminant-loaded exhaust gas from the vadose soil zone and its immediate on-site treatment. Progress assessment of such remediation measure necessitates information (i) on the spatial range of the IAS influence and (ii) on temporal variations of the IAS efficiency. In the present study it was shown that the naturally occurring noble gas radon can be used as suitable environmental tracer for achieving the related spatial and temporal information. Due to the distinct water/air partitioning behaviour of radon and due to its straightforward on-site detectability, the radon distribution pattern in the groundwater can be used as appropriate measure for assessing the progression of an IAS measure as a function of space and time. The presented paper discusses both the theoretical background of the approach and the results of an IAS treatment accomplished at a VOC contaminated site lasting six months, during which radon was applied as efficiency indicator.  相似文献   

When characterizing environmental radioactivity, whether in the soil or within concrete building structures undergoing remediation or decommissioning, it is highly desirable to know the radionuclide depth distribution. This is typically modeled using continuous analytical expressions, whose forms are believed to best represent the true source distributions. In situ gamma ray spectroscopic measurements are combined with these models to fully describe the source. Currently, the choice of analytical expressions is based upon prior experimental core sampling results at similar locations, any known site history, or radionuclide transport models. This paper presents a method, employing multiple in situ measurements at a single site, for determining the analytical form that best represents the true depth distribution present. The measurements can be made using a variety of geometries, each of which has a different sensitivity variation with source spatial distribution. Using non-linear least squares numerical optimization methods, the results can be fit to a collection of analytical models and the parameters of each model determined. The analytical expression that results in the fit with the lowest residual is selected as the most accurate representation. A cursory examination is made of the effects of measurement errors on the method.  相似文献   

Radon concentration levels in a two-storey detached single-family dwelling in Northamptonshire, UK, were monitored continuously throughout a 5-week period during which active sub-slab depressurisation remediation measures were installed. Remediation of the property was accomplished successfully, with both the mean radon levels and the diurnal variability greatly reduced both upstairs and downstairs. Following remediation, upstairs and downstairs radon concentrations were 33% and 18% of their pre-remediation values respectively: the mean downstairs radon concentration was lower than that upstairs, with pre- and post-remediation values of the upstairs/downstairs concentration ratio, R(U/D), of 0.81 and 1.51 respectively. Cross-correlation between upstairs and downstairs radon concentration time-series indicates a time-lag of the order of 1 h or less, suggesting that diffusion of soil-derived radon from downstairs to upstairs either occurs within that time frame or forms a relatively insignificant contribution to the upstairs radon level. Cross-correlation between radon concentration time-series and the corresponding time-series for local atmospheric parameters demonstrated correlation between radon concentrations and internal/external pressure difference prior to remediation; this correlation disappears following remediation. Overall, these observations provide further evidence that radon concentration levels within a dwelling are not necessarily wholly determined by the effects of soil-gas advection, and further support the suggestion that, depending on the precise content of the building materials, upstairs radon levels, in particular, may be dominated by radon exhalation from the walls of the dwelling, especially in areas of low soil-gas radon.  相似文献   

Radon is emitted to the atmosphere with quasi constant emission rates depending on the radium concentration in the earth's crust and soil physical properties. In this way, the 222Rn and 220Rn concentration in air reflects significantly the thickness of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The aerosol-associated, beta-emitting progeny nuclides of 222Rn were measured daily in the framework of the atmospheric radioactivity monitoring program of NIMH at Sofia. The 214Pb concentration was estimated from the measured short-lived beta activity of 24-h filter samples, changed daily at 6:00 GMT. The impact of some meteorological factors such as wind direction, wind velocity, humidity, and temperature on short-lived beta radionuclides is estimated, and the results show no simple statistical relationship. A seasonal pattern was observed with winter minima and late summer-early autumn maxima. High variability in daily morning concentrations and mean monthly values was observed. There were well pronounced differences between years. The height of the convective ABL was estimated from daily radio-soundings at 12:00 GMT for the period 2001-2006 and from seven soundings per day during the experimental campaign in Sofia in October 2003. In general, concentrations of short-lived 222Rn progeny nuclides decreased with increased convective ABL height.  相似文献   

We constructed a survey system of radon/methane/nitrate/salinity to find sites of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and groundwater nitrate input. We deployed the system in Waquoit Bay and Boston Harbor, MA where we derived SGD rates using a mass balance of radon with methane serving as a fine resolution qualitative indicator of groundwater. In Waquoit Bay we identified several locations of enhanced groundwater discharge, out of which two (Childs and Quashnet Rivers) were studied in more detail. The Childs River was characterized by high nitrate input via groundwater discharge, while the Quashnet River SGD was notable but not a significant source of nitrate. Our radon survey of Boston Harbor revealed several sites with significant SGD, out of these Inner Harbor and parts of Dorchester Bay and Quincy Bay had groundwater fluxes accompanied by significant water column nitrogen concentrations. The survey system has proven effective in revealing areas of SGD and non-point source pollution.  相似文献   

The scope for using Tellus Project airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and soil geochemical data to predict the probability of houses in Northern Ireland having high indoor radon concentrations is evaluated, in a pilot study in the southeast of the province, by comparing these data statistically with in-house radon measurements. There is generally good agreement between radon maps modelled from the airborne radiometric and soil geochemical data using multivariate linear regression analysis and conventional radon maps which depend solely on geological and indoor radon data. The radon maps based on the Tellus Project data identify some additional areas where the radon risk appears to be relatively high compared with the conventional radon maps. One of the ways of validating radon maps modelled on the Tellus Project data will be to carry out additional indoor measurements in these areas.  相似文献   

A high volume aerosol sampler ("Grey Owl") has been designed and developed at the Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada. Its design guidance is based on the need for a low operational cost and reliable sampler to provide daily aerosol monitoring samples that can be used as reference samples for radiological studies. It has been developed to provide a constant air flow rate at low pressure drops (∼3 kPa for a day sampling) with variations of less than ±1% of the full scale flow rate. Its energy consumption is only about 1.5 kW for a filter sampling over 22,000 standard cubic meter of air. It has been demonstrated in this Fukushima nuclear accident related aerosol radioactivity monitoring study at Sidney station, B.C. that the sampler is robust and reliable. The results provided by the new monitoring system have been used to support decision-making in Canada during an emergency response.  相似文献   

A shallow-land radioactive waste repository operated in boggy forest environment from 1963 to 1989. During the operation period, a considerable amount of technogenic radionuclides, in solidified state, was disposed into the vault established in the geological structure at the depth of up to 3 m. Environmental monitoring activities started after the closure of the repository in 1989. Recent investigations revealed transfer of radiocarbon and plutonium to the groundwater in the prevailing flow direction. Activity concentration of 239,240Pu in non-filtered fraction of the groundwater from observation well no. 4 determined by alpha-spectrometry was 6.4 × 10−5 Bq l−1 in 2005, and 3.2 × 10−4 Bq l−1 in 2006. Further analysis of colloid-facilitated transport of plutonium is planned. Variation of 14C activity concentration in the same well was monitored in 2006. It varied from 0.2 ± 0.1 Bq l−1 in October to 2.8 ± 0.6 Bq l−1 in June and July. Results imply further research into radiocarbon transfer to atmosphere and selected plant species.  相似文献   

This paper describes a quantitative radioactivity analysis method especially suitable for environmental samples with low-level activity. The method, consisting of a multi-group approximation based on total absorption and Compton spectra of gamma rays, is coherently formalized and a computer algorithm thereof designed to analyze low-level activity NaI(Tl) gamma ray spectra of environmental samples. Milk powder from 1988 was used as the example case. Included is a special analysis on the uncertainty estimation. Gamma sensitiveness is defined and numerically evaluated. The results reproduced the calibration data well, attesting to the reliability of the method. The special analysis shows that the uncertainty of the assessed activity is tied to that of the calibration activity data. More than 77% of measured 1461-keV photons of 40K were counted in the range of clearly lower energies. Pile-up of single line photons (137Cs) looks negligible compared to that of a two-line cascade (134Cs). The detection limit varies with radionuclide and spectrum region and is related to the gamma sensitiveness of the detection system. The best detection limit always lies in a spectrum region holding a line of the radionuclide and the highest sensitiveness. The most radioactive milk powder sample showed a activity concentration of 21 ± 1 Bq g−1for 137Cs, 323 ± 13 Bq g−1 for 40K and no 134Cs.  相似文献   

PM(10) concentration and chemical composition (ions and carbon compounds) at three sampling stations in Rome and in its surroundings was determined daily during a one-month field study, carried out during December 2003. PM concentration at the traffic station was considerably higher than at the urban background and semi-rural stations; elemental carbon was detected as one of the chemical components responsible for this increase. The difference in the concentration of sulphate and ammonium was negligible, as it was expected for secondary pollutants. A negative artefact in the determination of ammonium nitrate by means of heated automatic monitors was highlighted. The dilution properties of the lower atmosphere were traced by means of a natural radioactivity monitor. This parameter has been found to play an essential role in pollution buildup. A considerable increase in PM concentration was observed to coincide with periods of atmospheric stability. The main difference in PM composition between periods of high concentration and periods of "clean" air was found to be in the increase of ammonium nitrate concentration.  相似文献   

Concentrations of uranium-238 and thorium-232 in soil, water, grass, moss and oil-palm fruit samples collected from an area of high background radiation were determined using neutron activation analysis (NAA). U-238 concentration in soil ranged from 4.9 mg kg(-1) (58.8 Bq kg(-1)) to 40.4 mg kg(-1) (484.8 Bq kg(-1)), Th-232 concentration ranged from 14.9 mg kg(-1) (59.6 Bq kg(-1)) to 301.0 mg kg(-1) (1204 Bq kg(-1)). The concentration of U-238 in grass samples ranged from below the detection limit to 0.076 mg kg(-1) (912 mBq kg(-1)), and Th-232 ranged from 0.008 mg kg(-1) (32 mBq kg(-1)) to 0.343 mg kg(-1) (1.372 Bq kg(-1)). U-238 content in water samples ranged from 0.33 mg kg(-1) (4.0 Bq L(-1)) to 1.40 mg kg(-1) (16.8 Bq L(-1)), and Th-232 ranged from 0.19 mg kg(-1) (0.76 Bq L(-1)) to 0.66 mg kg(-1) (2.64 Bq L(-1)). It can be said that the concentrations of environmental U-238 and Th-232 in grass and water samples in the study area are insignificant. Mosses were found to be possible bio-radiological indicators due to their high absorption of the heavy radioelements from the environment.  相似文献   

The calibration of scintillation detectors for gamma radiation in a well characterized setup can be transferred to other geometries using Monte Carlo simulations to account for the differences between the calibration and the other geometry. In this study a calibration facility was used that is constructed from bricks of well-known activity concentrations of 40K and of radionuclides from the 238U- and 232Th-series. Transfer of the calibration was attempted to a Marinelli beaker geometry with the detector inside a lead shield and to an in situ application with the detector positioned on a sand bed. In general this resulted in good correspondence (within 5-10%) between the activity concentrations derived using the transferred calibration and activities that were derived by independent measurements. Some discrepancies were identified that were attributed to coincident summing in the natural decay series and interference of radon.  相似文献   

Ra isotopes are a powerful tool for quantifying the flux of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) into the sea. Previous studies of 223Ra and 224Ra mass balances in coastal embayments have shown that the Ra balance is dominated by supply via SGD, exchange with the open ocean and radioactive decay. The current study shows that a single time series over a tidal cycle at the principal inlet to Great South Bay (NY, US) is sufficient to determine the net flux of Ra across the inlet, and also can be used to estimate the decay of short-lived Ra in the bay. Estimates of the net Ra flux obtained from a single tidal time-series by using three different approaches agree with those determined from a more time-consuming survey of Ra within the bay, and may represent a first step of estimating SGD in bays and coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating the genotoxicity of the urban environment is proposed. The method is based on the analysis of the lipid peroxidation (LPO) rate in leaves of woody plants. The mutagenicity of the urban environment was estimated using standard test systems, including plant root meristem (kidney beans germinated in water with suspended particles collected at different points along the Temernik River) and the Ames test (silt samples were tested). Sensitivities of elm, willow, and poplar leaf meristem cells to unidentified environmental mutagenes were compared. Frequencies of chromosome aberrations (CAs) in leaves of woody plants growing at different points along the Temernik River within the Rostov-on-Don city districts differed from those in the control zone. The frequency of CAs was found to correlate with the concentration of LPO products. This allows a biochemical estimation of the malonic dialdehyde (MDA) concentration in woody plants to be used as an express test for the mutagenicity of environmental factors. An advantage of the proposed test is the possibility of monitoring the level of unidentified environmental mutagens over many years, independently of its sporadic temporal variations.  相似文献   

The main goals of this paper are to (1) highlight the need for sustainable development as a means to conserve natural resources and the environment, which often represent the basis for tourism development, (2) illustrate the importance of assessing tourists' preferences when designing programs and policies central to the sustainable development of a tourism area, and (3) study tourists' interests in sustainable development. With these goals in mind, 180 tourists from Europe, Latin America, and North America were interviewed as they were leaving the resort region of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. The main factors that they considered when deciding where to go on a beach vacation were evaluated, as well as their preferences regarding four programs designed to improve recreational and environmental management of the area. Preferences by tourists were elicited both in monetary and non-monetary terms. This paper reports the non-monetary analysis of the data. The results indicate that clean ocean water and beaches, quality of services, and price are the most important factors considered by the respondents before deciding to come to Punta Cana. It was not possible to obtain reliable responses on how tourists perceived the four programs contributing to the sustainable development of Punta Cana. Nevertheless, they expressed high interest and willingness to pay for two of these programs: the outdoor aquarium and the Water Management Program. The results reported in this paper show how important it is to elicit tourists' preferences of programs central to the sustainable development of tourism areas since these preferences can drive managers' development decisions in more sustainable directions.  相似文献   

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