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Atmospheric concentrations of major reactive nitrogen (Nr) species were quantified using passive samplers, denuders, and particulate samplers at Dongbeiwang and Quzhou, North China Plain (NCP) in a two-year study. Average concentrations of NH3, NO2, HNO3, pNH4+ and pNO3 were 12.0, 12.9, 0.6, 10.3, and 4.7 μg N m−3 across the two sites, showing different seasonal patterns of these Nr species. For example, the highest NH3 concentration occurred in summer while NO2 concentrations were greater in winter, both of which reflected impacts of N fertilization (summer) and coal-fueled home heating (winter). Based on measured Nr concentrations and their deposition velocities taken from the literature, annual N dry deposition was up to 55 kg N ha−1. Such high concentrations and deposition rates of Nr species in the NCP indicate very serious air pollution from anthropogenic sources and significant atmospheric N input to crops.  相似文献   

Possible effects of climate change on air quality are studied for two urban sites in the UK, London and Glasgow. Hourly meteorological data were obtained from climate simulations for two periods representing the current climate and a plausible late 21st century climate. Of the meteorological quantities relevant to air quality, significant changes were found in temperature, specific humidity, wind speed, wind direction, cloud cover, solar radiation, surface sensible heat flux and precipitation. Using these data, dispersion estimates were made for a variety of single sources and some significant changes in environmental impact were found in the future climate. In addition, estimates for future background concentrations of NOx, NO2, ozone and PM10 upwind of London and Glasgow were made using the meteorological data in a statistical model. These showed falls in NOx and increases in ozone for London, while a fall in NO2 was the largest percentage change for Glasgow. Other changes were small. With these background estimates, annual-average concentrations of NOx, NO2, ozone and PM10 were estimated within the two urban areas. For London, results averaged over a number of sites showed a fall in NOx and a rise in ozone, but only small changes in NO2 and PM10. For Glasgow, the changes in all four chemical species were small. Large-scale background ozone values from a global chemical transport model are also presented. These show a decrease in background ozone due to climate change. To assess the net impact of both large scale and local processes will require models which treat all relevant scales.  相似文献   

We studied the relation of trace element concentrations in soil to those in house mice (Mus musculus), common reed (Phragmites australis) and ladybugs (Coccinella septempunctata at five disposal facilities for dredged material. The sites had a wide range of soil trace element concentrations, acid soils and a depauperate fauna. They were very poor wildlife habitat because they were dominated by the common reed. Bioassay earthworms exposed to surface soils from three of the five sites died, whereas those exposed to four of five soils collected a meter deep survived, presumably because the deeper, unoxidized soil, was not as acid. Concentrations of Ni and Cr in the biota from each of the sites did not seem to be related to the concentrations of the same elements in soil. Although Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in biota were correlated with those in soil, the range of concentrations in the biota was quite small compared to that in soil. The concentrations of Pb detected in mice were about as high as the concentrations previously reported in control mice from other studies. Mice from the most contaminated site (530 ppm Pb in soil) contained only slightly more Pb (8 ppm dry wt) than did mice (2-6 ppm dry wt) from sites containing much less Pb (22-92 ppm in soil). Despite the acid soil conditions, very little Cd was incorporated into food chains. Rather, Cd was leaching from the surface soil. We concluded that even the relatively high concentrations of trace elements in the acid dredged material studied did not cause high concentrations of trace elements in the biota.  相似文献   

Nendza M 《Chemosphere》2002,48(8):865-883
An inventory of marine biotest methods for the evaluation of dredged material and sediments was compiled on behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency of Germany. Relevant assays were identified from the literature and experts from several countries contributed to a questionnaire survey on established and developing procedures. The biotest methods are applicable to whole sediment, sediment suspension, sediment elutriate, porewater and/or sediment extract. The endpoints cover acute and long-term toxicity, bioaccumulation, endocrine effects, toxic effects on reproduction, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity. Comparative analyses and evaluation of the biotest methods were conducted with regard to their sensitivity, specificity, applicability (regional specificity, availability and suitability of the test organisms), variability (physicochemical factors, natural factors and factors related to sampling and testing), cost-effectiveness, aspects of animal ethics, standardization (guidelines, intercalibration) and application for monitoring purposes in the areas of the OSPAR and Helsinki Conventions. The available information was integrated to rate the validity of the methods, their relevance for assessing impacts on ecosystems and the suitability of the methods for the evaluation of marine sediments and dredged material. Based on the rating of the individual bioassays, a tiered testing is suggested in a hierarchical approach representing a variety in taxa, biological processes and exposure routes, thereby covering the cellular, species, population and community level with a wide discriminatory and sensitivity range. The toxicological significance and complexity increases with the tiers: (1) screening and detection of impacts, (2) characterization of toxic effects, (3) verification of in situ alterations.  相似文献   

We augment discussions about the Good Environmental Status of the North Sea by developing two extreme visions and assessing their societal benefits. One vision (‘Then’) assumes restoration of benthic functioning; we contend that trawling had already degraded the southern North Sea a century ago. Available information is used to speculate about benthic functioning in a relatively undisturbed southern North Sea. The second vision (‘Now’) draws on recent benthic functioning. The supply of five ecosystem services, supported by benthic functioning, is discussed. ‘Then’ offers confidence in the sustainable supply of diverse services but restoration of past function is uncertain and likely to be paired with costs, notably trawling restraints. ‘Now’ delivers known and valued services but sustained delivery is threatened by, for example, climate change. We do not advocate either vision. Our purpose is to stimulate debate about what society wants, and might receive, from the future southern North Sea.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-014-0536-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to determine sediment properties, metal contents and transfers of Cd and Zn from dredged sediments to plants. To this end 10 deposit sites with different contexts were visited in France. The main agronomic characteristics and metal contents for surface soil layers were measured, the plant species present at the sites, such as Brassicaceae and Fabaceae, were listed, and the distribution of their root systems described. Soil characteristics such as available P (Olsen) varied between sites, with values ranging from 0.01 to 0.49 g kg(-1). Total contents and enrichment factors were studied, highlighting metal contamination in most of the sites. Despite carrying out principal component analyses, it was not possible to group deposits by age or geographical localisation. However, deposits could be distinguished as a function of proximity of industrial facilities, sediment grain size and carbonate content. Associations between metals were also highlighted: (1) Cd, Pb and Zn, and (2) Al, Cr, Cu and Fe. Consequently, we propose classifying them as technogenic anthrosols.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor (ED) that is abundant in the environment because of its extensive use in human-manufactured products. In this study, the BPA concentration was measured in the muscle and liver of five edible fish, characterized by different habitat and habits, caught in two different sites of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Our results show that: (i) fish livers are about 2.5 times more polluted than muscle; (ii) fish caught in the Gulf of Naples are more polluted than those from the Latium coasts, ranging from 1.2-fold more for White Bream to 6.6-fold for Grey Mullet; and (iii) the percentages of fish found to be BPA-polluted in the Gulf of Naples ranged from 73% (for Bass) to 90% (for Mullet), while the Latium fish range from 60% (for Bass) to 90% (for Mullet). These data indicate that consumers of fish caught in the Gulf of Naples are at a greater risk for BPA-induced endocrine pathologies compared to those who consume fish caught along the Latium coasts.  相似文献   

The environmental pollutant alpha-HCH was analysed in seawater, air and bulk deposition samples from the North Sea. Enantioselective analyses of the sample extracts gave evidence of the change of the direction of net air-water gas transfer of the contaminant in dependence on the season. Due to warmer water surface temperatures during late summer to early autumn the equilibrium of alpha-HCH between air and water is dominated rather by volatilisation than deposition. The volatilisation of non-racemic alpha-HCH, as known to occur from seawater, changes the enantiomeric ratio in air, which is reflected in the observed ratio in rain that passes the air column.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study using lichens as biomonitors to investigate the environmental distribution of uranium and other trace elements at selected Kosovo sites. The results suggested that the use of depleted uranium (DU) ammunitions in Kosovo did not cause a diffuse environmental contamination in such a way to have caused a detectable U enrichment in lichens. Also isotopic (235)U/(238)U measurements did not indicate the presence of DU particles in lichens. The present results also provided no indication of intense environmental contamination by the other trace elements analyzed, with the exception of Kosovska Mitrovica, where a diffuse environmental contamination by several heavy elements such as Pb, Zn, As and Cd was found.  相似文献   

We examined marine benthic macroinvertebrate colonization and community structure at multiple spatial scales (study areas, reference and disposal sites, and depth zones within sites) within a 3-day period at three relatively widely separated (ca 60 km) dredged material disposal areas (Mermentau and Atchafalaya Rivers and Freshwater Bayou) in coastal Louisiana. Study areas had different histories of dredged material disposal, but all three are subject to frequent natural habitat disturbances (e.g. freshets). Nine phyla and 51 taxa were represented among the three study areas at reference (R) and disposal (D) sites (Freshwater Bayou: 21(R), 18 (D); Mermentau River: 14 (R), 17 (D) and Atchafalaya River: 38 (R), 40 (D)). Only 15 taxa were common to all three study areas. At the Freshwater Bayou, average taxa richness and abundance responded to water depth, not sites. These response variables averaged higher mean values at the Mermentau River disposal than at the reference site. No consistent pattern in the average of these response variables was detected between sites at the Atchafalaya River. Multidimensional scaling ordination and non-parametric multivariate inferential analysis provided a distinctly different picture of community structure within study areas compared to parametric analyses. A relatively moderate to strong separation in community structure between sites was detected depending on study area. Non-parametric multivariate inferential analysis detected significant differences in internal community structure at the scale of stations and sites within study areas. The weight of evidence suggests that frequent natural disturbances explain differences in macrobenthic animal community structure more than effects of dredged material disposal.  相似文献   

Two measurement campaigns of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were carried out in the industrial city of Dunkerque, using Radiello passive samplers during winter (16–23 January) and summer (6–13 June) 2007. 174 compounds were identified belonging to six chemical families. Classifying sampling sites with similar chemical profiles by hierarchical ascending classification resulted in 4 groups that reflected the influence of the main industrial and urban sources of pollution. Also, the BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes) quantification allowed us to map their levels of concentration. Benzene and toluene (BT) showed high concentrations in Northern Dunkerque reflecting the influence of two industrial plants. Differences among spatial distributions of the BT concentrations over contrasted meteorological conditions were also observed. An atypical ratio of T/B in the summer samples led us to investigate the BTEX origins shedding light on the contribution of pollutants transported across various zones of VOC emissions situated in Europe.  相似文献   


A wind-directional sampler for determination of dust-deposition rates has been developed, enabling the measurement of dust-deposition caused by a specific source and, at the same time, providing information on the dust-deposition rate for the background area. The sampler is called METDUST. This paper describes the results of a field evaluation of the METDUST sampler. The field evaluation was performed in a village in Southern Jutland, Denmark, where complaints of dust-deposition had occurred close to a power plant with large stockpiles of coal. The results showed that, out of a 9-month period, increased dust-deposition occurred downwind from the stockpiles during 4 months. Episodes were identified by comparison with the background deposition rate. The METDUST sampler offers an opportunity to measure the dust-deposition rate contributed by the source and the background simultaneously. It can, therefore, be used by environmental authorities to identify the “likelihood of complaint” and to define a suitable guideline for the case in question.  相似文献   

Five intensive field measurements were carried out at two background sites in Korea; Kosan and Kangwha during spring, fall, and winters of 1996 and 1997 to investigate the characteristics of long-range transport of air pollutants in northeastern Asia. Fine particles (PM2.5) were collected by low-volume samplers and the concentrations of major ions, organic and elemental carbons, and nitric acid were quantified. The concentrations of anthropogenic species in PM2.5 measured at both sites were generally higher than those at other background areas, Nagano, Japan and San Nicolas Is., USA due to continental outflow of air pollutants, but lower than those at an urban background site, Qingdao, China. The major components of PM2.5 were sulfate, organic carbon (OC), and ammonium for Kosan and sulfate, OC, ammonium, and nitrate for Kangwha. The major fractions of sulfate at both sites are non-sea-salts (nss) sulfate. Based on the relationship among major anthropogenic species, analysis of the nss sulfate to total nitrate molar ratios, and backward air parcel trajectories, it was found that fine particles measured at both sites during the measurement periods are mainly coming from China. At Kosan, the concentrations of anthropogenic species were higher when air parcels were coming from southern China than when air parcels were from northern China. At Kangwha, however, the differences of the concentrations were not statistically significant since most air parcels were from northern China and local effects are prominent.  相似文献   

Ambient daily PM10 aerosol samples were collected at two sites in Tanzania in May and June 2005 (during the wet season), and their chemical characteristics were studied. The sites were a rural site in Morogoro and an urban kerbside site in Dar es Salaam. A Gent PM10 stacked filter unit sampler with sequential Nuclepore polycarbonate filters, providing fine and coarse size fractions, and a PM10 sampler with quartz fibre filters were deployed. Parallel collections of 24 h were made with the two samplers and the number of these collections was 13 in Morogoro and 16 in Dar es Salaam. The average mass concentration of PM10 was 27 ± 11 μg/m3 in Morogoro and 51 ± 21 μg/m3 in Dar es Salaam. In Morogoro, the mean concentrations of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were 6.8, 0.51, and 2.8 μg/m3, respectively. In contrast, higher mean concentrations (11.9, 4.6, and 3.3 μg/m3, respectively) were obtained for Dar es Salaam. At both sites, species and elements, such as black carbon, NH4+, non-sea-salt SO42?, K, and Ni (and at Dar es Salaam also V, As, Br, and Pb) were mainly present in the fine size fraction. The common crustal and sea-salt elements, including Na, Mg, Al, Si, Cl, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, and Sr, and also NO3? and P (and to a lesser extent Cu and Zn) were concentrated in the coarse particles. Aerosol chemical mass closure indicated that the PM10 mass in Morogoro consisted, on average, of 48% organic matter (OM), 44% crustal matter, 4% sea salt, and 2% EC, while in Dar es Salaam OM, crustal matter, sea salt, and EC represented 37%, 32%, 9%, and 9% of the PM10 mass. The contributions of the secondary inorganic aerosol (non-sea-salt sulphate, nitrate, and ammonium) were small, i.e., only 5% in total at each site. Carbonaceous materials and crustal matter were thus the most important components of the PM10 mass. It is suggested that biomass burning is a major contributor to the OM; at Dar es Salaam there is also a very substantial contribution from traffic. A source apportionment calculation indicated that 68% of the OC at this site originated from traffic exhaust versus 32% from charcoal burning. The crustal matter at Morogoro is likely mainly attributable to soil dust resuspension, whereas in Dar es Salaam it is likely mostly resuspended road dust.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study deals with the toxicity of the treated solutions of two types of dyes, namely, the anthraquinonic Reactive Bleu 19 dye (RB19) and the...  相似文献   

A two-tiered, Teflon/nylon filterpack system was used to characterize spatial and temporal patterns of particulate nitrates and nitric acid vapors at two monitoring sites in the Rocky Mountains. Geometric means for particulate nitrates were 38.9 and 52.8 ng/m(3) for the upper and lower sites, respectively. For nitric acid, geometric means of 70.4 ng/m(3) for the upper site and 295 ng/m(3) for the lower site were observed. The relatively low concentrations found at these two sites are comparable to published values for these materials at other remote sites. Atmospheric concentrations of nitrates and nitric acid were correlated significantly at each site, and the total nitrate concentrations (NO(3)(-) plus HNO(3)) were correlated between sites. Comparisons between the two sites indicate that nitric acid concentrations were statistically greater at the lower elevation site, whereas nitrate concentrations were not significantly different. No general seasonal or annual pattern of nitrate or nitric acid concentrations were evident when comparable sampling periods were examined.  相似文献   

Direct atmospheric fixed-nitrogen deposition can contribute to eutrophication in coastal and estuarine waters and can be enhanced by heterogeneous reactions between gaseous atmospheric nitrogen species and aerosol sea salt, which increase deposition rates. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected from two coastal sites: Weybourne, England and Mace Head, Ireland. Major-ion aerosol concentrations were determined and temporal patterns were interpreted with the use of air-mass back trajectories. Low levels of terrestrially derived material were seen during periods of clean, onshore flow, with respective concentration ranges for nitrate and ammonium of 0.47–220 and below detection limit to 340 nmol m−3. Corresponding levels of marine derived material during these periods were high, with sodium concentrations ranging from 39 to 1400 nmol m−3. Highest levels of terrestrially derived material were seen during polluted, offshore flow, where the air had passed recently over strong source regions of the UK and northern Europe, with concentration ranges of nitrate and ammonium of 5.6–790 and 9.7–1000 nmol m−3, respectively. During polluted flow ∼40–60% of the nitrate was found in the coarse mode (>1 μm diameter) and under clean marine conditions almost 100% conversion was seen. In addition, our data suggests strong evidence for dissolution/coagulation processes that also shift nitrate to the coarse mode. Furthermore, such processes are thought also to give rise to the size-shifting of aerosol ammonium, since significant coarse-mode fractions of this species (∼19–45%) were seen at both sites. A comparison of the relative importance of nitrate and ammonium in the overall dry deposition of inorganic fixed-nitrogen at each site indicates that at Weybourne the mass-weighted dry deposition velocity of the latter is around double that seen at Mace Head with its resultant contribution to the overall inorganic nitrogen dry flux exceeding that of nitrate.  相似文献   

The ability of municipal waste compost as a daily cover material to reduce the odorous emissions associated with landfill surfaces was investigated. Trials were carried out using landfill gas, a certified sulphurous gas mix and ambient air as a control. Odorous gas was passed through portable test column filled with compost at different densities (590 kg/m3 and 740 kg/m3). Gas samples were taken from the inlet, outlet and at varying column depths and examined using a combination of sensory analysis (olfactometry) and a novel analytical method (Transportable Selected Ion Flow Tube--TSIFT). Results for the trials using landfill gas showed a 69% odour reduction (OU/m3) through the column for compost with a bulk density of 590 kg/m3, and a reduction of 97% using compost with a bulk density of 740 kg/m3. TSIFT analysis showed an overall decrease in the concentration of terpenes, and sulphurous compounds in the outlet gas from the column for both bulk densities. No significant trend could be identified for the concentrations at different depths within the column. Results show the ability of compost to reduce landfill odours under differing conditions. The inconclusive data provided by TSIFT analysis may be due to the analysis of compounds that are not contributing to odour, and thus highlights the potential for synergetic effects and the importance of sensory measurement when examining odorous emissions.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Polluted sediments in rivers may be transported by the river to the sea, spread over river banks and tidal marshes or managed, i.e. actively dredged and disposed of on land. Once sedimented on tidal marshes, alluvial areas or control flood areas, the polluted sediments enter semi-terrestrial ecosystems or agro-ecosystems and may pose a risk. Disposal of polluted dredged sediments on land may also lead to certain risks. Up to a few years ago, contaminated dredged sediments were placed in confined disposal facilities. The European policy encourages sediment valorisation and this will be a technological challenge for the near future. Currently, contaminated dredged sediments are often not valorisable due to their high content of contaminants and their consequent hazardous properties. In addition, it is generally admitted that treatment and re-use of heavily contaminated dredged sediments is not a cost-effective alternative to confined disposal. For contaminated sediments and associated disposal facilities used in the past, a realistic, low cost, safe, ecologically sound and sustainable management option is required. In this context, phytoremediation is proposed in the literature as a management option. The aim of this paper is to review the current knowledge on management, (phyto)remediation and associated risks in the particular case of sediments contaminated with organic and inorganic pollutants.  相似文献   

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