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卫星遥感气溶胶虽然空间覆盖度高,但不同产品数据在准确性和适用性上存在显著差异.为了能够科学定量的衡量各个产品的优劣,选择最合适的气溶胶产品,该研究以数学统计为基础,提出了一种卫星遥感气溶胶产品评估体系,并依此确定了全球6个人口密集地区的最优卫星数据集,在此基础上开展了近10年的(2009—2018)气溶胶时空变化分析.结果表明暗像元算法在植被覆盖度高的地区表现最好,深蓝算法在亮地表的沙漠干旱地区更占优势,而暗像元-深蓝融合算法在土地类型复杂且气溶胶来源多变时得以突出.人口密集的6个区域中,除了区域A和区域B,其它地区的大气污染水平整体偏高.其中,A、B、E的气溶胶负荷呈下降变化,区域F基本不变,其余区域上升变化.评估体系的建立为气溶胶遥感产品的选取提供了新的衡量方法,且该文关于气溶胶时空分布及变化的分析可以为区域性气溶胶研究提供一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

利用安徽及邻区的10个GPS连续观测站数据,分析了站点NEU坐标时间序列、基线座标时间序列变化特征。结果显示,站点的NEU座标时间序列水平方向变化趋势与"中国大陆构造环境观测网络"25个站点的研究结果是一致的;基线座标时间序列在各个构造地质区域内的变化特征是不同的。  相似文献   

Acid deposition in the eastern U.S. during a spring frontal storm from 1 to 5 May 1985 is analysed using the STEM-II acid deposition model. Nitrate formation is dominated by gas-phase production processes, with wet and dry deposition contributing equally to the total domain nitrate deposition. In-cloud sulfate production accounts for 60% of the total sulfate production, while wet deposition dominates the total sulfate deposition. Oxidation of S(IV) by hydrogen peroxide is the most important sulfate formation pathway. Hydrogen peroxide is found to exist in excess of S(IV) in cloud and rainwater in the storm front and at altitudes above 2 km. Production rates of sulfate in the high sulfur source regions are significantly lower (up to an order of magnitude) than in the moderate or low source regions. Model predictions are shown to capture the major features of the observed deposition.  相似文献   

美国水环境质量基准体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
美国依据《清洁水法》建立了一套较完善的水环境质量基准体系,并开展了水生生物基准、人体健康基准、营养物基准、沉积物质量基准、细菌基准、生物学基准、野生生物基准和物理基准等方面的研究. 在重点分析美国水环境质量基准体系、基准制定方法和研究进展的基础上,提出了我国开展水环境质量基准研究的建议,即提高对我国开展水环境质量基准研究的迫切性和重要性的认识,并根据我国的实际情况,建立一套适合我国国情的水环境基准体系和基准制订工作指南,同时做好国外水环境质量基准的采用与验证工作.   相似文献   

Changing the patterns of energy use requires investigating how energy consumers - not experts - conceive of energy challenges. This article explores the varying beliefs, attitudes, and views on energy security in the United States among experts and residents. Based primarily on an academic literature review to distill expert views, and a survey distributed to hundreds of residents in the U.S. to capture consumer views, the study begins by explaining its methodology before identifying seven suppositions related to energy security. These suppositions involve security of fuel supply, energy democracy, energy research and development, affordability of energy services, environmental pollution, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. The second section of the study tests these suppositions with a survey distributed to 427 respondents in the United States. Three suppositions are supported, two are unsupported, and two are neither supported nor unsupported. The final section of the study offers implications for U.S. energy policy and scholarship.  相似文献   

Emissions trading is anattractive candidate for implementinggreenhouse gas mitigation, because it canpromote both efficiency and equity. Thispaper analyzes the interregional impacts ofalternative allocations of carbon dioxideemission permits within the U.S. Theanalysis is performed with the aid of anonlinear programming model for ten EPARegions and for six alternative permitdistribution formulas. The reason thatvarious alternatives need to be consideredis that there is no universal consensus onthe best definition of equity. Advanceknowledge of absolute and relative regionaleconomic impacts provides policy-makerswith a stronger basis for making thechoice. The analysis yields several usefulresults. First, the simulations indicatethat no matter how permits are allocated,this policy instrument can substantiallyreduce the cost of GHG mitigation for theU.S. in comparison to a system of fixedquotas for each of its regions. Interestingly, the welfare impacts ofseveral of the allocation formulas differonly slightly despite the large differencesin their philosophical underpinnings. Also, the results for some equity criteriadiffer greatly from their application inthe international domain. For example, theEgalitarian (per capita) criterion resultsin the relatively greatest cost burdenbeing incurred by one of the regions of theU.S. with the lowest per capita income.  相似文献   

Cell-free fetal DNA-based noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) could significantly change the paradigm of prenatal testing and screening. Intellectual property (IP) and commercialization promise to be important components of the emerging debate about clinical implementation of these technologies. We have assembled information about types of testing, prices, turnaround times, and reimbursement of recently launched commercial tests in the United States from the trade press, news articles, and scientific, legal, and business publications. We also describe the patenting and licensing landscape of technologies underlying these tests and ongoing patent litigation in the United States. Finally, we discuss how IP issues may affect clinical translation of NIPT and their potential implications for stakeholders. Fetal medicine professionals (clinicians and researchers), genetic counselors, insurers, regulators, test developers, and patients may be able to use this information to make informed decisions about clinical implementation of current and emerging noninvasive prenatal tests. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

魏旭  邱新 《世界环境》2009,(3):59-61
起源 20世纪60年代末70年代初的环境社会运动象征着美国环境意识的逐步觉醒。也成为了许多环境法律制度的起源。在此期间,针对频繁而缺乏管制的大气污染、水污染、森林覆盖率急剧降低、野生物种快速减少等严重环境问题,美国国会在社会压力之下通过了现有主要的联邦环境法律。而整个社会环保意识的提高对环境法学者和学生带来了新的使命,  相似文献   

Diurnal curves of tropospheric ozone are characterized for the areas near coniferous forests in the western U.S. A given day of hourly data can be placed into one of 17 classes of diurnal curves simply by knowing the 24-h mean and coefficient of variation of range, or more precisely, by applying equations derived from our discriminant analysis. The variation among curves is known to be related to theory of ozone formation, scavenging, and transport. Season, latitude, and position relative to source areas affect the form of the diurnal curve.  相似文献   

Increased use of renewable energy is one of several promising methods for reducing emissions of local, regional, and global air pollutants, including greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil-fuel based electricity production. Among the available options for encouraging renewable electricity generation, the renewables portfolio standard (RPS) has become especially popular in recent years. The RPS is a newly established policy mechanism, however, and experience with its use has not been widely documented and evaluated. This paper describes and evaluates the design, impacts, and early experience of 13 U.S. state RPS policies. These 13 policies share a common goal of encouraging renewable energy supply, but each specific RPS is designed differently. Our evaluation shows both successes and failures with this policy mechanism; some state RPS policies are positively impacting renewable energy development, while others have been poorly designed and will do little to advance renewable energy markets.We emphasize the importance of policy design details, and specifically highlight critical design pitfalls that have been commonly experienced. Though experience with the RPS is still limited, we have now gained some knowledge of the conditions and design features necessary to make an RPS policy work. An important objective of this article is therefore to identify and describe broad policy design principles and specific best practice design elements that might be used to guide the design of future renewables portfolio standards.  相似文献   

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