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长江三角洲空问运输联系与经济结构的时空演化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对长江三角洲1985-2000年各城市客、货运量进行了分析,总结出改革开放以来该区域空间运输联系的时空演化特征。长江三角洲客运量分布的廊道效应逐渐显著,货运量极化效应减弱。空间运输联系的时空演化反映了长江三角洲经济结构的推移特点。长江三角洲走廊经济突显,成为区域经济发展的有力带动轴;区域内浙东北经济崛起,成为与苏南地区相抗衡的经济板块;长江三角洲区域经济发展天平已出现向南倾斜的趋势。针对以上结论,本文认为长江三角洲地区应加快综台交通运输网络的建设,培育具有强大辐射效应的走廊经济,推动省、市之间协调合作与共同发展。  相似文献   

在政府强化环境绩效考核的当下,科学考察中国区域生态经济投入效益时空演化规律,对于中国实现经济发展与环境保护双赢具有重要的现实意义。基于此,本文采用2003—2014年中国大陆30个省、市和自治区数据,考虑废水、化学需氧量、工业废气和工业烟(粉)尘等非期望产出,构建SBM-DEA超效率模型测算中国区域生态经济投入效益水平。并基于空间经济学的视角,对区域生态经济投入效益时空演化格局进行分析。结果显示:(1)区域生态经济投入效益呈现从东部沿海向西部内陆地区逐渐递减的地带性差异;(2)要素配置失衡导致资源投入效率存在"短板效应",各区域表现出不同的资源投入松弛量空间分布状态、生态经济投入效益无法达到最优状态;(3)空间全局Moran's I指数证实区域生态经济投入效益逐步由较强的空间集聚状态向较弱集聚状态转变;(4)Getis-Ord Gi*指数结果表明,热点和次热点区域呈现出与生态经济投入效益较为一致的地带性分布;(5)重心移动轨迹曲折,东西往复摆动,表明中国区域生态经济投入效益分布存在振荡演化趋势。这意味着:要重视省际间的经济联系,强化区域联动和产业分工,在结构转换的带动下提升资源的配置效率;逐步引导企业成为科技研发投入的主体,使研发投入与产品和市场紧密结合,高层次人力资源,培养与企业需求相结合。延长热点区域技术、人力资源等生产要素的空间溢出半径,缩小生态经济投入效益冷热点区域之间的失衡;政府要建立规范化的治污投资效益评价体系加强治污投资资金的管理和监督,注重依靠市场化的手段将区域经济发展过程中的外部性内部化,从而推动区域生态经济投入效益水平的不断提升。  相似文献   

以长三角地区16市为研究对象,从数量增长、空间格局变动及集装箱运输的空间竞争与格局演变等方面对长三角地区20世纪80年代中期以来货运量动态变化及其影响机制进行了分析。结果表明:随着经济的快速增长,长三角地区货运量、货运周转量及平均运距均大幅增长,货运量地域空间结构变动复杂,总体上极化特征突出,在时间演化上趋于区域均衡化,但同时货运量与生产地出现了一定的分离态势;集装箱运输竞争激烈,上海中心枢纽港地位初步确立,宁波港具明显的空间集聚优势,但集装箱港口体系总体空间集聚功能尚不突出。货运量动态变化在宏观层面主要受经济全球化与全球供应链及制造业模式转变的影响,在中微观尺度上,则主要受到区域经济系统与综合运输成本、区域分割与交通管理体制等的影响  相似文献   

长江三角洲海洋经济空间发展格局及其一体化发展策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋经济空间发展格局的形成与区域海洋经济发展密切相关,探讨区域海洋经济空间发展格局,提出优化策略,对提升区域海洋经济综合竞争力具有重要的意义。运用定量与定性相结合的方法,分析了长江三角洲海洋经济空间发展格局,研究结果表明长三角海洋经济发展不均衡,空间差异显著;海洋产业地域空间集聚态势明显;形成了以上海、嘉兴、杭州、绍兴、宁波和舟山为中心的三角地带,以连云港、盐城和南通为中心的北部轴线,以台州和温州为中心的南部轴线,所组成的“三角两翼”海洋经济空间发展格局。在此基础上,提出了长江三角洲海洋经济一体化发展的策略。  相似文献   

忽视了地理位置因素的传统统计分析方法无法真正反映经济要素空间差异的动态演变过程,经验贝叶斯修正的空间自相关指数有效地避免了方差不稳定性,为泛长江三角洲区域经济空间差异的定量分析提供了有力支撑。借助经验贝叶斯修正的空间自相关指数,对1999~2008年泛长江三角洲区域经济发展的总体空间差异、集聚中心和孤立点的空间转移路径以及局部空间差异进行探索性分析。研究结果表明:总体上,经济发展在泛长江三角洲区域具有较好的空间结构性和空间关联性,全局空间自相关指数呈现出波动性增大趋势;经济集聚中心和孤立点的空间转移路径存在一定的规律性,表现为传统长江三角洲地区始终作为高值集聚中心,安徽始终作为低值集聚中心,南昌始终作为高值孤立点,泰州始终作为低值孤立点;从局部来看,区域经济发展表现出十分明显的局部空间差异,表现为传统长江三角洲地区的高值指向性与新扩容省份的低值指向性  相似文献   

长江三角洲的经济发展与农业密不可分 ,农业生产的大宗粮食和多种农产品为区域经济发展提供了重要的物质基础 ,随着工业、商业的兴起 ,一系列城镇密布于长江三角洲 ,又带动了农村经济的发展。近 2 0年来 ,长江三角洲经济快速发展 ,农村与农业和整个区域一样 ,出现了许多新的特点。本文着重阐述了长江三角洲的农村经济基础 ,分析了农村工业在国民经济中的重要地位与农村城市化 ,指明了农业生产结构的变化。根据长江三角洲的区位条件、经济与社会发展水平、科技与文化、教育实力 ,认为长江三角洲应在我国率先实现现代化 ,农村的城市化水平将进一步提高 ,长江三角洲亦将成为我国农业现代化的示范基地。针对当前农村与农业的发展 ,文章从三方面提出了问题和对策 :1.土地资源的保护与再开发 ,分析耕地减少的三种类型 ,强调杜绝盲目、无序开发造成的浪费 ;2 .产业结构调整和加强技术进步等方面提高农村经济增长的动力 ;3 .长江三角洲的农村正处于工业化和城市化的加速发展阶段 ,而生态与环境问题很突出 ,必须加强生态、环境建设 ,提高农村可持续发展能力  相似文献   

长江经济带经济演进的时空分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江经济带横跨我国东中西部,与沿海经济带共同构成我国国土开发和经济建设的“T”字形宏观格局,是全国经济联系的中心区域,在我国经济发展中具有极其重要的战略地位。改革开放以来,我国率先实施了沿海经济发展战略,地处我国沿海经济带上的长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和环渤海地区得到了超常规发展,带动了全国经济的繁荣,而作为我国另一条发展主轴线的长江沿岸地区,区域发展战略及相关政策的提出则相对较晚。通过对长江经济带的时空分析,选择1992~2010年作为时间序列,以长江经济带作为空间序列,运用定性与定量相结合的手段,在概括长江经济带整体经济发展情况的基础上,分析长江经济带空间分异的变化过程,以期对长江经济带的发展提供可行性的线索和建议  相似文献   

长江三角洲的农村经济特点与发展对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
长江三角洲的经济发展与农业密不可分,农业生产的可宗粮食和多种农产品为区域经济发展提供了重要的物质基础,随着工业、商业的兴起,一系列城镇密布于长江三角洲,又带动了农村经济的发展。近20年来,长江三角洲经济快速发展,农村与农业和整个区域一样,出现了许多新的特点。着重阐述了长江三角洲的农村经济基础,分析了农村工业的国民经济中的重要地位与农村城市化,指明了农业生产结构的变化。根据长江三角洲的区位条件、经济与社会发展水平、科技与文化、教育实力,认为长江三角洲应在我国率先实现现代化,农村的城市化水平将进一步提高,长江三角洲亦将成为我国农业现代化的示范基地。针对当前农村与农业的发展,从三方面提出了问题和对策:1.土地资源的保护与再开发,分析耕地减小的三种类型,强调杜绝盲目、无序开发造成的浪费;2.产业结构调整和加强技术进步等方面提高农村经济增长的动力;3.长江三角洲的农村正处于工业化和城市化的加速发展阶段,而生态与环境问题很突出,必须加强生态 、环境建设,提高农村可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

长江经济带经济发展的时空分异及驱动机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于"空间—要素"的理论框架,综合运用ESDA空间统计、变异系数、基尼系数等方法研究长江经济带1994~2017年经济发展差异时空演变及经济发展阶段判读,运用全局回归(OLS)与地理加权回归模型(GWR)分析经济发展差异影响因素的空间异质性和驱动机理。研究表明:(1)长江经济带的经济发展差异从强集聚向弱集聚转变,经历了"萌芽—兴起—繁荣—转型"4个经济发展阶段,并呈现自我建设发展、区域大开发、趋同竞争、产业转型的阶段特征,区域经济呈现"均衡—不均衡—逐步均衡"态势。(2)长三角城市群为核心热点区,成渝城市群和滇中城市群为核心和次核心冷点区。经济发展经历集聚效应和涓滴效应交替,区域经济差异先扩大后减小而趋于均衡,符合"不平衡增长理论"规律。(3)地理加权结果表明,人口集聚、产业结构、外商投资、政府调控、交通发展、科技教育、金融状况是区域经济发展时空演化的正向内在动力,发展成本和地形条件是制约因素。产业结构是核心驱动力,科技教育是重要推动力,地形条件是发展基础。制定区域发展政策时,要考虑不同行政区和不同驱动要素的异质性和特殊性。  相似文献   

以长江三角洲城市群26个城市为研究单元,综合运用主成分因子分析、可达性分析、改进的场强模型、地理探测器模型等方法对2000~2016年长江三角洲城市群区域旅游场强时空格局的演化及其形成机理展开研究。结果表明:(1)长三角城市群城市旅游综合规模差异化显著,但趋于均衡化发展态势;(2)区域旅游场强具有明显的时空异质性,交通“轴线”扩散明显,空间结构由最初的“Z”字型发展为“网状”,最后演变为“树枝状”,旅游场强类型呈现稳定的圈层包围结构,不断地由低级向高级演变;(3)旅游场强格局演化主要由交通优势度、旅游产业发展水平、地区经济发展水平、旅游资源禀赋和政策导向等多方面因素共同作用形成的结果。  相似文献   

空间依赖、碳排放与人均收入的空间计量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用较为前沿的空间计量方法研究我国29个省区2000-2008年间人均碳排放与人均收入之间的关系。研究结果表明:①我国人均碳排放和人均收入均表现出明显的空间集群特征,特别是人均收入的空间依赖性表现出加强的趋势。②人均碳排放与人均收入呈"倒U"型曲线关系,拐点为人均收入16 953元。并进一步计算了我国各省区的人均碳排放拐点,发现各地区人均碳排放拐点在时间路径上存在明显差异性,东部地区的多数省区较早地到达拐点,而中西部地区则要经历较长时间。③城市化水平、就业人员比重和技术进步是导致我国人均碳排放量增长的重要因素。④对外贸易程度在一定程度上减少了人均碳排放。因此,提出了大力倡导低碳生活方式、优化产业结构、积极开发低碳技术、转变贸易结构以及将地区的空间依赖性纳入到碳排放的政策制定中等政策建议。  相似文献   

城市是大量闲暇业集中的空间区域,是城市居民和外来游客最重要的闲暇空间.虽然已有相关文献涉及到城市闲暇空间的研究,但多以宏观尺度定性的描述为主.通过构建闲暇指数、多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数四个数理模型,对镇江市中心13条街区1192家业态进行实地调研与量化分析,探索一种定量方法.来研究城市不同街区微观尺度上所具有的闲暇功能、优势闲暇类型及其空间分异规律和不同闲暇业类型在城市街区上的空间布局规律.研究突破了以往的概念描述和集中在RBD的研究方式.将闲暇研究拓展到定量化手段和一般城市空间分异格局的探索.定量化研究的方法和分析结果对城市闲暇空间的规划者、管理者与政策制订者将有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

Unquestionably, aircraft industry plays an important part in both economy and security of a nation. However, few of articles have dealt with the spatial development of this industry sector. The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of agglomeration and diffusion of aircraft industry.In a historical view, with some spatial analysis methods, this research discusses the characteristics and patterns of aircraft industry's spatial organization and evolution, globally, nationally and regionally respectively. We find out there is a 'Matthew effect' in aircraft industry of the world, and the spatial evolution of the industry is consistent with the nation's industrialization process. Then, it concludes that the main agglomeration forces consist of capital, talents, technology and cluster's advantages, and the main diffusion forces include comparative advantages, cost and risk sharing, emerging markets, development policy for backward regions and military requirements. All the factors can be divided into market forces making the spatial development of aircraft industry normal and non-market forces making that irregular. In particular, lessons from the USA and France are expected to be conducive to the rise of China's aircraft industry in the future.  相似文献   

The spatial variability of annual and seasonal precipitation in the conterminous land of Spain has been evaluated by using correlation decay distance analysis (CDD). The CDD analysis essentially explores how the correlation between neighbouring stations varies according to distance. We analysed CDD independently for the decades 1956–1965, 1966–1975, 1976–1985, 1986–1995, and 1996–2005 using only those stations with no missing values for each decade. To this end, 972, 1,174, 1,242, 773 and 695 complete series were used for each decade, respectively. In particular, for each station and decade, we calculated the threshold distance at which the common variance between target (i) and neighbour series is higher than 50 % (r 2  = 0.5) to evaluate whether current density of the climate data set captures the spatial variability of precipitation within the study area. Results indicate that, at an annual scale, neighbouring stations with 50 % of common variance are restricted on average to about 105 km, but this distance can vary from 28 to 251 km within the study area. The lowest variability is located to the SW and in winter, while the higher spatial variability is found to the north, in the Cantabrian area, and to the east, in the Mediterranean and Pyrenees, during summer. Our results suggest that current density of climate stations (those operating in 2005) is good enough to study precipitation variability at an annual scale for winter, spring and autumn, but not enough for summer.  相似文献   

Sustainability indicators are mostly derived from parameters which are, in the spatial dimension, more or less distribution-free. In the majority of cases, the indicators are based on statistical data on production, consumption, pollutants emission, land use, etc. This statistical approach is liable to mask sustainability risks which are primarily caused by specific spatial and temporal patterns of landscape and land use structure, such as degradation of soil functions, disturbances in the landscape's water balance, and losses in functional habitat quality.Sustainability risks due to ecologically non-adapted spatial landuse patterns require measures on regional to local scales, based on disaggregated, spatially explicit indicators. Depending on the respective planning and decision level, different levels of spatial aggregation/disaggregation have to be considered.In the concept presented here, a differentiated approach is proposed. For an aggregated assessment of landscape sustainability, long term monitoring of the dynamics of water flow and matter load at the outlet point of river catchments is recommended. A prerequisite for analyzing those measurements in terms of the catchments' land cover and land use pattern, as well as changes thereof, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) holding relevant up-to-date geodata sets. For a spatially more detailed indication of sustainability risks, an approach of GIS-based functional landscape assessment was demonstrated in a regional case study.The results show GIS on regional to local scales together with satellite remote sensing data on land cover and landuse to be a powerful data basis for spatially explicit landscape evaluation, provided that suitable models for assessing specific landscape functions are applied.  相似文献   


The construction of an ecological city has two foundational platforms: the small platform, namely urban district or simply called as “city ecosystem”; and the big platform, namely around city district in certain region scope or also referred to as “city-region ecosystem”. The construction of an ecological city must be launched in the dual spatial criteria: in city (urban district) criterion—optimizing the city ecosystem; in city-region (city territory) criterion—optimizing the city-region ecosystem. Luoyang has the bright characteristic and the typical image within cities of China, and even in the world. The construction of an ecological city in dual spatial criteria—the city and the city-region—has the vital significance to urbanization advancement and sustainable development in Luoyang. In city-region criterion, the primary mission of Luoyang's ecological city construction is to create a fine ecological environment platform in its city territory. In city criterion, the basic duty of Luoyang's ecologic city construction is to enhance the ecological capacity and benefit of the central city.  相似文献   

With the further development of socialist market economy, the mobility of factor markets in China, especially the labor market, is strengthened. Externalities interacts with the agglomeration of productive factors. Under the framework of new economic geography, this article presents a theoretical model involving the endogenous population density affected by urban externalities. Results show that the population density is more concentrated around the center because the degree and extent of interaction between individuals intensifies when the distance from the center decreases. When there are several externalities resources, the aggregation of externalities changes the configuration of spatial factor allocation. These results fit well with the empirical facts about the decreasing density of floating population along the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province which is situated in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta. We fred that under the impacts of externalities released from Hong Kong into the coast, floating population was more concentrated around Shenzhen and Dongguan, which are more adjacent to Hong Kong compared with Guangzhou City.  相似文献   

The construction of an ecological city has two foundational platforms: the small platform, namely urban district or simply called as "city ecosystem"; and the big platform, namely around city district in certain region scope or also referred to as "city-region ecosystem". The construction of an ecological city must be launched in the dual spatial criteria: in city (urban district) criterion--optimizing the city ecosystem; in city-region (city territory) criterion-optimizing the city-region ecosystem. Luoyang has the bright characteristic and the typical image within cities Of China, and even in the world. The construction of an ecological city in dual spatial criteria--the city and the cityregion has the vital significance to urbanization advancement and sustainable development in Luoyang. In city-region criterion, the primary mission of Luoyang's ecological city construction is to create a fine ecological environment platform in its city territory. In city criterion, the basic duty of Luoyang's ecologic city construction is to enhance the ecological capacity and benefit of the central city.  相似文献   

Microscale Spatial Variation in Forest Litter Phytotoxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial variation (within a 100 × 100 m plot) in the pollution of forest litter with heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn), its acidity, and phytotoxicity (measured by the results of the root test using seedlings from a genetically homogeneous sample of common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale s.l.) have been estimated. Forest litter has been sampled in three zones differing in the toxic impact of long-term polymetal pollution by emissions from a copper-smelting plant emissions in the Middle Urals. The phytotoxicity variation is maximum in a moderately polluted plot, where both very high and very low pollution levels were observed, which determines a substantially nonlinear dose–effect relationship. The litter phytotoxicity is mainly accounted for by exchangeable forms of metals. Biological testing of samples from the most polluted plot has demonstrated marked antagonism between heavy metals and acidity.  相似文献   

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