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本文对大学生就业存在的自身问题、高校办学专业设置和培养模式问题、用人单位的误区问题以及现今的社会问题等进行了理性分析,并提出了加强对大学生的就业指导,引导大学生树立科学理性的就业观,广泛疏通就业途径和集聚多方力量鼓励大学生自主创业的对策。  相似文献   

本文在阐述政府生态规制的内容和方法的基础上,尝试建立生态市场规制体系。  相似文献   

介绍了可持续发展理念的形成过程,分析了目前国内外能源产业状况及存在的问题。结合中国发展的实际情况,提出了中国能源产业在可持续理念下的六大战略,即:(1)在发展模式上,要实现从计划经济向市场经济、从粗放型向集约型发展模式的两个根本性转变,实施科技战略;(2)在能源消费上,要立足中国实际,在能源结构调整的同时,实施煤、油、气等多能源并举的多样化战略;(3)在能源供给上,考虑到世界经济全球化的大背景,应当加大实施"走出去"的战略;(4)在能源生产上,要积极开发各种能源,尤其是对新能源的开发和利用,实施新能源战略;(5)在能源产业上,要做到开发与节约并举,积极开展节能活动,实施节能优先战略;(6)在全局发展上,结合中国经济发展的实J际情况,要实施能源安全战略。  相似文献   

海洋环境保护是国际环境保护的重要组成部分,而国际社会的合作是构建海洋环境保护国际法制的有效路径。本研究梳理了海洋环境保护立法的历史演变,分析了《联合国海洋法公约》在海洋环境保护中的意义,从陆地来源、船舶、倾倒、远洋油气和矿产资源开发造成海上污染的四个方面着重论述了海洋环境污染与国际法保护问题,最后总结了国际海洋环境保护立法中的教训。  相似文献   

罗蓉 《四川环境》2004,23(4):75-77
本文通过对我国土地现状、土地政策的特点以及土地政策与法律的区别来阐述土地政策亟需规范的必要性,并提出了相应的对策、措施,以期有助于缓解我国目前土地政策因缺乏规范、监控而造成大量土地被非法征用、开发、转让的局面。  相似文献   

Many government agencies and other organizations hold large tracts of surplus land. Some are investigating ways to lower expenses by selling the land or transferring management responsibility. There is no generally recognized process used to decide what land can be decommissioned and what future use would be best. This paper provides guidance for land‐use decisions in the form of a checklist. The checklist questions address both the socio‐economic resources and current land use in the region, and the ecological resources and suitability of the tract itself. The answers will clarify regional public needs and the economic and ecological values of the land.  相似文献   

In the UK for the period 1994-99, a broad range of environmental projects were given financial support through the European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund under the Objective 1 and Objective 5b programmes. This paper is concerned with the ex-post evaluation of these projects set within a Sustainable Development framework. The aim was to identify project types or characteristics that offered the greatest return on investment. A classification of six broad project types was adopted. The evaluation revealed that there were significant differences between individual projects with respect to the type and scale, and temporal and social distribution of the benefits they delivered. In particular, as well as delivering environmental and economic benefits, many projects made a significant contribution to the development of human and social capital. The paper concludes that it is possible to improve the basis for future project selection in order to maximise the returns on environmental investments in the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   


In the UK for the period 1994-99, a broad range of environmental projects were given financial support through the European Agriculture Guidance and Guarantee Fund under the Objective 1 and Objective 5b programmes. This paper is concerned with the ex-post evaluation of these projects set within a Sustainable Development framework. The aim was to identify project types or characteristics that offered the greatest return on investment. A classification of six broad project types was adopted. The evaluation revealed that there were significant differences between individual projects with respect to the type and scale, and temporal and social distribution of the benefits they delivered. In particular, as well as delivering environmental and economic benefits, many projects made a significant contribution to the development of human and social capital. The paper concludes that it is possible to improve the basis for future project selection in order to maximise the returns on environmental investments in the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   

《物权法》对国家环境资源的法律规制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家自然资源不仅需要公法保护,而且需要以私法形式进行规制.以私法形式规范环境资源的保护,实现公法与私法的结合,可使自然资源的可持续利用获得多重保障手段.物权法即是重要的私法保护手段之一.物权法可从所有权、用益物权等方面对国家环境资源进行有效的保护.  相似文献   

当前,我国资源破坏和环境污染问题相当严重,要实现中国跨世纪环保政策目标和可持续发展战略,必须有健全的环境保护法律制度作保障。我国现行《环境保护法》制定于20世纪80年代末,已经不能适应现阶段的经济发展要求。本文从环境保护法的立法目的、基本原则、环境法律制度等方面对《环境保护法》的修改进行了论述。  相似文献   

污染防治与生态环境保护并重是我国环境保护的一项基本原则,为了促进我国的生态建设与生态保护工作,应该尽快建立生态补偿制度。本文对实施生态补偿的必要性、生态补偿的基本原则、中国的生态补偿政策等问题进行了较为深入的论述。  相似文献   

利用最优控制充分条件 ,对一类市场营销最优控制模型进行了分析研究 ,最后改进并得出了与实际相符的市场营销调控模型 ,为企业最优广告策略和最优寿命提供了决策支持信息。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,对2013年8月申报社会体育指导与管理专业的9所高校本科课程设置现状与问题进行分析,以期提高本专业的人才培养质量。结果表明,各院校的人才培养方案专业必修课和选修课能够满足教育部对本专业课程的规定,但部分院校选修方向与职业联系不密切;选修方向课程学分均不超过总学分比例的10%,不能满足就业需求;课程开设时期普遍偏晚,不利于专业职业技能的形成。建议专业方向课程应与职业教育密切相连,并满足职业教育的需求。  相似文献   

为加强对环保专业工程设计人员的管理,保证环保工程质量,维护社会公共利益和人民生命财产安全,建设部、人事部、国家环境保护总局于2005年7月13日联合发布了关于《注册环保工程师制度暂行规定》(国人发[2005]56号)(以下简称《规定》),同时发布的还有《注册环保工程师资格考试实  相似文献   

Since its introduction into Danish planning in 1989, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been widely discussed. At the centre of the debate the question has been whether EIA has actually offered anything new and there has been a great deal of scepticism about the efficacy of the instrument. Although, in principle EIA offers a holistic and proactive methodology, it does not seem to lead to a more holistic and proactive regulation which covers more ground than traditional planning and environmental regulation. In an evaluation of Danish experiences, this study has looked more closely at the effects of EIA. Three types of effects on projects have been examined: changes occurring prior to the formal application; changes during the EIA process; and the mitigation measures that are demanded of projects. The general conclusion is that EIA does generate a significant number of changes to projects. In approximately half of the cases studied, modifications are made prior to the formal application. During the formal EIA process, modifications were made in more than 90% of the cases. However, most of these could be considered as minor. EIA is characterized by being based upon a broad concept of the environment. It was found that a progressive narrowing of the concept of environment takes place during the course of the EIA process.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护法律的有效执行,应立足于具体规制工具的设计。生物多样性保护立法涉及三个主要法律领域——物种保育法、自然保护地法和生物安全法,从法律规范层面分析,这三个法律领域对规制工具的偏好与选择呈现出"硬者极硬,刑罚优先,软者无力"的整体格局。本文以生物多样性保护原理对现行规制工具进行检验,物种保育法和自然保护地法应以规制领域的去极端化为导向进行规制工具更新,一方面要软化甚至去除极硬规制,与此同时应建立完善行政合同、行政指导、行政奖励等柔性规制工具,赋予其可操作性,使之柔而有力。  相似文献   

我国土壤污染风险规制在专家遴选标准、建设用地和农用地污染风险管控要求,以及风险管控措施等方面存在不同程度的行政裁量。社会理性和科学理性的缺失形成了土壤污染风险行政裁量困局。土壤污染信息制度中“适时公开”的规定使得公众缺乏必要污染信息,弱化其参与程度,导致对行政决定合法性的质疑。此外,土壤污染风险管控标准中专家遴选标准和论证规则的欠缺导致土壤污染风险规制科学理性的缺失。为此,需要建构关照事实和规范的协商式行政裁量模式,强调公众的实质性参与以弥合技术理性和公众理性的鸿沟。同时,在程序上确定专家遴选标准和风险管控标准的论证规则以保证土壤污染风险管控的科学性和客观性。在不妨碍行政裁量权灵活性和能动性的前提下,规范行政裁量权的行使,控制行政裁量权的滥用。  相似文献   

为控制和减少电子信息产品废弃后对环境造成的污杂,推进电子信息产业结构调整,加速产品升级换代,实现清洁生产。积极应对欧盟指令的实施,信息产业部会同国家发展改革委、商务部、海关总暑、质检总局、环保总局六部委于2006年2月28日联合发布了《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》。该办法对电子信息产品六种有毒、有害物质的替代使用提出了要求,使电子信息产品的生产逐步与欧盟等国际主流相一致。现将《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》全文刊登如下:[编者按]  相似文献   

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