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Over the last five years, insurance products have been expanded to assist companies better manage environmental liabilities. The most progressive of these products is a finite‐structured program whereby the convergence of insurance and financial markets expand the meaning of “alternative risk transfer.” Finite programs blend financial markets and banking concepts with risk transfer concepts to more effectively and efficiently allow the insured to manage the financial implications of its environmental liabilities. This article presents the advantages of using finite‐structured environmental insurance policies and discusses how potential insureds can protect against several types of remediation project risks, including cleanup costs, inflation uncertainty, and variability in investment returns. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A significant hindrance to reuse of brownfields properties is the risk associated with redevelopment,specifically the uncertainty associated with environmental cleanup. This article explores an approach tomanaging environmental risk through a combination of risk quantification, environmental insurance, and theTriad Approach to site sampling and data interpretation. The expected costs of environmental liabilities areestimated using the Marsh Peer ReviewSM risk quantification process that employs statistical techniques andhighly experienced technical staff. The outputs of the process indicate premiums and attachment points forinsurance products, but they also point to “critical uncertainties” that drive the insurancepremiums. Insurance premiums are often linked to site delineation deficiencies, such as the magnitude ofimpacted soil or the size of a groundwater plume. The Triad Approach is an integrated site characterizationprocess developed by the Environmental Protection Agency that combines systematic planning, dynamic or adaptivefield decision making and field analytical methods (FAMs). The real‐time data produced by FAMsallow for in‐field resolution of uncertainty about sample location, which in turn provides morerepresentative delineation of contaminant distribution. The trade‐off of using slightly less accuratebut substantially lower cost FAMs is an increase in sampling frequency or density, thereby reducing the risk ofincomplete detection or delineation while yielding a “data set” that is more powerful than fewerindividual data points analyzed through traditional methods. Employing the Triad Approach to analyze the“critical uncertainties” identified in the Peer Review Process can impact insurance premiums andallow for better terms of coverage. The combination of using the Triad Approach and environmental insuranceproducts can lead to more predictable and profitable Brownfield transactions. © 2003 Wiley Peridicals,Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental professionals are often tasked with projecting the cost to bring a contaminated site or portfolio of sites to regulatory closure. Fortunately, there are a number of useful guidance documents and industry publications available to assist in such cost projections. However, the usefulness of such tools is limited when adequate costing information is lacking, such as (a) the nature and extent of contamination; (b) regulatory requirements; (c) the remedial approach to be implemented; and/or (d) the duration of operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities. Despite the lack of such information, cost‐to‐closure estimates are nevertheless routinely needed and generated for internal assessments or audits, regulatory disclosures, property acquisitions, insurance claims, litigation, and other business transactions. Cost estimates are also often needed in bankruptcy proceedings where the trier of fact must estimate the total future costs associated with an environmental legacy portfolio to determine the overall value (or solvency in the case of evaluating the potential bankruptcy) of a company. This article presents a solution for developing cleanup costs for single sites or a portfolio of sites using a comprehensive, three‐tiered method that is effective over a wide range of site information. Real‐world examples of the successful application of this method are then provided, based on detailed environmental analyses that were completed for a recent bankruptcy proceeding and a case in which an estimated cleanup cost was needed in a legal proceeding. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Leaking underground storage tank systems at service stations have resulted in tens of thousands of petroleum releases and associated groundwater chemical plumes often extending hundreds of feet off‐site. Technical and engineering approaches to assess and clean up releases from underground tanks, product lines, and dispensers using technologies such as soil vapor extraction, air sparging, biostimulation, and monitored natural attenuation are well understood and widely published throughout the literature. This article summarizes life‐cycle environmental response costs typically encountered using site‐specific cost estimation or metric‐based cost categories considering the overall complexity of site conditions: (1) simple sites where response actions require smaller scale assessments and/or remediation and have limited or no off‐site impacts; (2) average sites where response actions require larger scale assessments and/or remediation typical of petroleum releases; (3) complex sites where response actions require greater on‐site and/or off‐site remediation efforts; and (4) mega sites where petroleum plumes have impacted public or private water supplies or where petroleum vapors have migrated into occupied buildings. Associated cleanup cost estimates rely upon appropriate combinations of individual work elements and the duration of operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities. These cost estimates can be offset by state reimbursement funds, coverage in purchase agreements, and insurance policies. A case study involving a large service station site portfolio illustrates the range of site complexity and life‐cycle environmental response costs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

余江 《化工环保》1996,16(1):48-50
回顾了市场营销对企业发展的核心作用;讨论了环保意识的增强对营销活动的影响以及环保法规与经济调控对企业的巨大压力;介绍了适应时代要求的社会环境营销观的内容及对现代化工企业的影响,并对化工企业如何树立新型营销观进行了探讨。  相似文献   

EPA's use of a 1 part per billion (ppb) level for dioxin contamination in residential soils is shown to be too high and not protective of public health. It was derived in a 1984 cancer risk assessment by another federal agency, but it is inconsistent with risk-based levels of 2 to 4 parts per trillion (ppt) obtained by using EPA's standard risk assessment methods. EPA has called the 1 ppb level a policy-based level, which correctly distinguishes it from a risk or health-based cleanup standard. The 1984 assessment is shown in this article to have considerable shortcomings. For over a decade, dioxins have been left in soils at levels posing health risks and sometimes at levels that EPA is legally required to address. Moreover, noncancer effects have been ignored, but recent work has shown them to support action at low ppt levels. To protect public health, be consistent with current scientific knowledge and other EPA policies, reduce confusion in the environmental management community, and be responsive to public demands for stringent dioxin cleanups, new EPA policy guidance for dioxin soil cleanups is needed, and key elements are presented in this article. In an ad hoc fashion, EPA Region 4 has recently used a 200 ppt dioxin cleanup level for residential soil, acknowledged to correspond to a one-in-ten-thousand cancer risk, at two Superfund sites, which environmental professionals should be aware of. This suggests a shift in EPA policy.  相似文献   

Contrary to many's expectations, the Republican-led 104th Congress passed a substantial amount of environmental legislation. In addition to a variety of bills that received limited public attention, two major environmental laws—the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments and the Food Quality Protection Act—were passed and signed into law. Still, many important legislative efforts were left unfinished at the end of the second session and will resurface in the 105th Congress. This article discusses the environmental legislation that passed in the 104th Congress and explores what environmental legislative initiatives will be addressed in the 105th Congress. (While not intended to be all-inclusive, the article mentions most major environmental legislation, with a particular focus on waste issues.)  相似文献   

Corporations often become potentially responsible parties (PRPs) at hazardous waste sites because of their past transportation or disposal of hazardous substances at such sites. Determining a PRP's potential liability for the assessment and cleanup of hazardous waste sites is a challenging effort and often results in disputes among other PRPs regarding appropriate allocation of response action costs to each party. Further, public companies have an obligation to report probable and reasonably estimable costs under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for environmental liabilities at their current or prior hazardous waste sites. The first step in such an evaluation is to determine whether or not a PRP can extricate themselves from any association with the subject site or, alternatively, demonstrate de minimis status. This article describes the methods by which PRPs can extricate themselves from liability associated with response action costs at contaminated sites, including: evaluating a PRP's prior settlements or indemnifications with other PRPs; identifying insurance coverage or other financial assurance instruments for the disposal facility; and examining applicable statutes of limitations against when a PRP received notification from the regulatory agency. The article also presents a case study discussing how a PRP with a portfolio of 72 hazardous waste disposal sites was able to extricate itself from the majority of these sites, resulting in only four sites where the PRP was determined to be a PRP and where an associated allocable share was assigned. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Industrialization and urbanization result in significant changes in lifestyle. These lifestyle changes seem to lead to unsustainable consumption patterns and increase the generation of various kinds of environmental loads, especially the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW). Taiwan is a small island with scarce natural resources. The economic development in Taiwan has resulted in the generation of large amounts of MSW. As a result, the Taiwan Environmental Pollution Administration (TEPA) has produced regulations for waste minimization and has imposed several important policy measures that have successfully reduced the MSW discard rate in recent years and have established a public recycling network as a part of the MSW collection. Nowadays, the objective of the MSW policies in Taiwan is to develop a “zero-waste society.” This article aims to review the MSW management progress in Taiwan and to project future MSW discards up to 2011 based on the national plan and assumed scenarios for socioeconomic variables. According to the analysis results, a more sustainable consumption pattern can be proposed and the corresponding MSW management system can be planned so as to develop a low-waste-discard society.  相似文献   

The risks associated with environmental remediation projects are of concern to engineers, consultants, contractors, owners, and the public. The cost, scheduling, and other uncertainties inherent in performance of construction at sites contaminated by hazardous substances dictate caution with respect to contract terms. Further, the possibility that conditions will be exacerbated by the work, or the public or workers exposed to on-site substances, makes remediation projects of particular concern to those who will be held accountable for the effects and impacts of such substances. This article discusses particularly important contractual issues and suggests approaches for liability allocation and incentives. Practical, effective, realistic approaches to management of environmental remediation are presented, including the form of contract utilized, negotiated terms, attention to contractor selection and management, and the parties' relative economic strength.  相似文献   

Towns concentrate around 50% of world-wide population and the trend is oriented to underscore an urban profile of population. In addition, towns have become important for their economic contribution to the Gross Internal Product. The negative side of towns is the environmental and social impacts as a result of productive and domestic activities, besides the lack of available data. In order to overcome these shortcomings, the United Nations has established a project of urban monitoring throughout the Global Network of Urban Observatories; Mexico joined the project in 2005. The Local Urban Observatory of Mexicali has the task to produce information about cities that is useful to design public policies. Some of this information deals with a set of environmental indicators in the United Nations Habitat Agenda, which includes solid wastes. Therefore, this paper deals with two main topics; firstly, from the Habitat Agenda, a comparative urban analysis of waste production and coverage of domestic waste collection services; secondly, from the Local Agenda, the identification and ranking of environmental problems according to public perception coming from people involved in the municipal planning and decision making process. Results will be used to develop local indicators and public environmental policies.  相似文献   

The intentional dissemination of Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) spores at multiple locations in the United States in the fall of 2001 resulted not only in several deaths and illnesses (including psychological effects), but likely changed lifestyles and attitudes, and increased the public's awareness of individual vulnerability. While federal resources had previously been committed to preparing local public health agencies for counter‐terrorism activities and to enhance environmental and medical response, these release episodes have increased the consistency of environmental and medical response activities, and increased government resources for homeland security. This article abstracts current information from many sources that summarize the environmental responses to the anthrax releases. The article discusses the international agreements and the U.S. regulations concerning biological weapons, the characteristics of the anthrax organism, potential exposure pathways, adverse health conditions resulting from inhalation exposure, the environmental response to two specific release episodes, environmental sampling and analytical procedures, recommended personal protective equipment, and the subsequent federal efforts to improve response capabilities. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article discusses a framework and tools for evaluating ecological resources and the effects of cleanup on hazardous waste sites, particularly those with ecological buffer lands. Environmental professionals are faced with assessing the risks of contamination to humans and ecological receptors (organisms and ecosystems) at hazardous waste sites. While exposure assessment has focused largely on human receptors, environmental managers have recently taken a broader view, recognizing the intrinsic value and aesthetic importance of ecological resources and services, and of including a range of stakeholders in remediation decisions. The assessment process involves understanding exposure pathways from source to receptor, and determining how best to interdict these pathways. Environmental characterization and exposure assessment, indicator and biomarker identification, and biomonitoring and surveillance are the major components of ecological assessments. Using the Department of Energy as a case study, this article offers a framework for ecological exposure assessment, recognizing that humans are important components of ecosystems and, like other biota, are exposed to contaminants that move through environmental media. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Directive 2008/98/EC released by the European Union represents a significant step forward in all relevant aspects of waste management. Under the already established, extended produced responsibility (EPR) principle, new policies have been enunciated to continuously achieve better overall environmental performance of key products throughout their life phases. This paper discusses how the directive is being articulated in Spain by the main integrated management system (IMS) for end-of-life (EOL) tyres since its creation in 2006. Focusing on the IMS technological, economic and legal aspects, the study provides a global perspective and evaluation of how the IMS is facing the current issues to resolve, the new challenges that have appeared and the management vision for the coming years.  相似文献   

The wide variety of activities at healthcare facilities generates different types of waste. There is always a danger of spreading infection due to mishandling of infectious waste or sharps. Hence, a variety of policies and actions have been taken to improve healthcare waste management systems. A large body of literature is available which suggests methods for tackling different problematic situations but management is confronted with a variety of complex problems, such as the choice of technological options to control infection, legal and budget restrictions and the timely removal of waste, which can, at times, conflict with each other. Hence, a planning model is presented that is based on a trans-shipment goal programming approach wherein the waste flow is optimized for multiple objectives under different priority structures or with different relative importance (weights). The use of the model is demonstrated as a decision-making tool that would help the management to understand the effects of their policies on the system performance. The model is validated for a case application representing a real-life situation. It can be easily seen that, in the case in which the management is biased toward a higher level of safety protection towards infection control, they have to compromise on cost control and to some extent on environmental pollution control.  相似文献   

This article discusses the appropriateness of using landfills as part of remediating hazardous chemical and Superfund sites, with particular emphasis on providing for true long‐term public health and environmental protection from the wastes and contaminated soils that are placed in the landfills. On‐site landfilling or capping of existing wastes is typically the least expensive approach for gaining some remediation of existing hazardous chemical/Superfund sites. The issues of the deficiencies in US EPA and state landfilling approaches discussed herein are also applicable to the landfilling of municipal and industrial solid “nonhazardous” wastes. These deficiencies were presented in part as “Problems with Landfills for Superfund Site Remediation” at the US EPA National Superfund Technical Assistance Grant Workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in February 2003. They are based on the author's experience in investigating the properties of landfill liners and the characteristics of today's landfills, relative to their ability to prevent groundwater pollution and to cause other environmental impacts. Discussed are issues related to both solid and hazardous waste landfills and approaches for improving the ability of landfills to contain wastes and monitor for leachate escape from the landfill for as long as the wastes in the landfill will be a threat. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article discusses a process for finding insights that will allow federal agencies and environmental professionals to more effectively manage contaminated sites. The process is built around what Etzioni (1968) called mixed‐scanning, that is, perpetually doing both comprehensive and detailed analyses and periodically re‐scanning for new circumstances that change the decision‐making environment. The article offers a checklist of 127 items, which is one part of the multiple‐stage scanning process. The checklist includes questions about technology; public, worker, and ecological health; economic cost and benefits; social impacts; and legal issues. While developed for a DOE high‐level radioactive waste application, the decision‐making framework and specific questions can be used for other large‐scale remediation and management projects. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Risk assessment has been increasingly applied as a tool in making risk management decisions that affect cleanup of contaminated sites, property transactions, and liability issues. As a site-specific evaluation, risk assessment takes into account the unique characteristics and intended future uses for site property in evaluating chemical concentrations which may remain in place without risk to public health and the environment. The results of a risk assessment can be used to determine reuse options for a property, facilitate site closure, and reduce liabilities (Copeland and Robles, 1994; Copeland et al., 1993a). This article describes the risk assessment process, the role of risk assessment in determining the need for remedial action and identifying site-specific cleanup goals, and the cost effectiveness of applying risk assessment in remedial decisions. Because of the prevalence of former UST sites throughout the United States, this article focuses on risk assessment and remediation of UST sites. However, the process can be applied at sites where other chemicals have been released. Three case studies are presented to illustrate the application of risk assessment in achieving cost-effective site closure at sites containing leaking underground storage tanks.  相似文献   

The following quote from Abraham Lincoln, dated 1850, should be kept in mind by all environmental attorneys: “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser—in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good [person]. There will still be business enough.” This article discusses mediation and mediation skills as invaluable tools for settling and managing environmental issues.  相似文献   

Based on a review of hundreds of environmental restoration program optimization reviews, this article describes management tools found in successful and efficient remediation programs. Projects that consistently struggled to achieve their objectives were observed to be missing certain, or to have inadequately used, these tools. The tools are articulated as best practices because when they are present and actively used, project shortcomings were minimal. Priority objectives for site owners and project managers include improving efficiency and effectiveness through performance management, reducing resource usage and energy consumption, ensuring protectiveness, and reducing uncertainty in management decision making. Restoring environmental resources damaged by historic waste management practices began in earnest in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the broad recognition of the problems caused by environmental discharges and spills when wastes are not managed appropriately. Under new regulations, soil and groundwater remediation projects could be, and were, conducted within a defined framework. The number and variety of restoration projects that were launched resulted in a slew of projects progressing through the stages of characterization, decision, and cleanup, and more were added to the cleanup process each year. In the 1990s, the Department of Defense noted that many cleanup efforts were projected to incur substantial operational, maintenance, and monitoring costs for decades into the future. This was correctly perceived as an opportunity to optimize those systems and programs, minimize costs, and reduce health and environmental risks. The best practices outlined in this article address management tools that were identified in optimization efforts that led to effective and efficient environmental remediation projects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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