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ABSTRACT. The Texas Water Development Board, the principal water resource planning agency of the State, has been conducting extensive estuarine data collection activities and associated research to determine the required quantity and quality of fresh water inflows necessary to maintain various environmental conditions in Texas estuaries to preserve the estuarine ecosystems. These activities are a consequence of a statutory directive to the Board to make provisions in its State Water Plan for the effects of upstream water resource development on the associated estuaries. This paper reports on the results of the first phase of an extensive estuarine research project. The objectives of the research project are to (1) define the interrelationships between estuarine ecosystems and fresh water and nutrient inflows, and (2) develop and test quantitative simulation techniques which describe these relationships. In order to accomplish the first objective, physical and chemical water quality data and biological data on the estuarine ecosystems are being collected, compiled and analyzed. The second objective is being satisfied by the development of hydrodynamic and ecologic simulation models of the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since 1957, Texans have had the opportunity to vote on eight referenda concerning the allocation of state funds for water resources development and the maintenance of water quality. In 1976, a water development amendment and a water quality amendment were presented simultaneously to the voters of Texas, affording a unique opportunity for electoral-geographic comparison of county-level returns on the two issues. In this paper, cartographic and statistical analyses of the county-level voting outcomes for each referendum are presented. In both cases, the referenda were supported by voters in water-deficient West Texas, especially those counties dependent on irrigated crop production. In contrast, urban voters and East Texans tended to oppose both amendments. However, support for the water quality amendment in the urbanized areas of Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and San Antonio enabled this amendment to pass statewide while its counterpart failed. The results highlight the importance of local differences in perceived water policy needs, and in doing so they illustrate that geographical anlaysis of returns from initiatives and referenda is a useful tool for understanding the locational conflicts underlying water resources and other policy efforts.  相似文献   

The Sierra Club, which has long fought selected water resource projects that it believes would be environmentally damaging, has come to the conclusion in recent years that much more basic reforms are required in water resources development activities if the demands for environmental quality now evidenced by the American people are to be satisfied. These reforms should not be limited to those that would have a direct effect on the environmental aspects of proposed projects, but also many others long advocated by the economics profession that would have favorable indirect effects. Among the urgent reforms with indirect effects are those involving revision of the procedures used in evaluating proposed projects. These procedures should be revised so that future evaluations will much more accurately reflect the economic and environmental merits of proposed projects. Basic reforms of tax policies are also needed that will eliminate most of the private profit available to those who can persuade the government to increase the value of their land through the construction of water projects. Finally, some additional actions can be taken that will have a direct impact on lessening the adverse environmental impact of water projects beyond the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The production of videotape as a product of a water resources seminar is an innovative approach to graduate education. The research effort required builds upon the traditional graduate seminar approach. The videotape production requires research effort to be focused into a coherent body of information which may be widely disseminated and effectively communicates information to the public. The use of outside speakers and field trips blends very well into the preparation of a videotape. The requriement to present the many sides of a complex water resource issue in a fair and equitable manner requires maturity and professional capability on the part of the students. The research effort requires the students to meet their professional obligation to present an objective, factual, and accurate statement of the issues studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A research project was undertaken for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the relative utility and effectiveness of four well-known multicriteria decision making (MCDM) models for applications in realistic water resources planning settings. A series of experiments was devised to examine the impact of rating and ranking procedures on the decision making behavior of users (e.g., planners, managers, analysts, etc.) when faced with situations involving multiple evaluation criteria and numerous alternative planning projects. The four MCDM models tested were MATS-PC, EXPERT CHOICE, ARIADNE, and ELECTRE. Two groups of analysts and decision makers were tested. One group consisted of experienced U.S. Army Corps planners, while the other was comprised of graduate students. Based on a series of nonparametric statistical tests, the results identified EXPERT CHOICE as the preferred MCDM model by both groups based largely on ease of use and understandability. ARIADNE fostered the largest degree of agreement within and among the two groups of individuals tested. The tests also lend support to the claim that rankings are not affected significantly by the choice of decision maker (i.e., who uses any of these MCDM models) or which of these four models is used.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Access to clean and sufficient amounts of water is a critical problem in many countries. A watershed approach is vital in understanding pollution pathways affecting water resources and in developing participatory solutions. Such integration of information with participatory approaches can lead to more sustainable solutions than traditional “crisis‐to‐crisis” management approaches. This study aims at applying a watershed based joint action approach to manage water resources. Since most watersheds have urban and rural sources of pollution and a wide disparity in access to and use of water, alternative solutions need to take an integrated approach through cooperative actions. An institutional model was applied to seven subwatersheds in Honduras to evaluate various sources and effects of water contamination and water shortages. Two specific pathways of water resources degradation were studied (contamination from coffee pulp manufacturing and urban nonpoint sources) to develop alternative solutions that mitigate downstream impacts of access to clean water. A locally driven joint mechanism to reuse coffee pulp in farming systems is proposed. Such an institutional solution can maximize benefits to both farms and the coffee pulp industry. A combination of education and investment in sanitary facilities in urbanizing areas is proposed to minimize urban sources of water contamination.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Australia's extremely limited water resources highlight the need for policy guidelines for management. During the 1970s, there was the gradual evolution of a national water resources policy, facilitated by a nationally agreed statement of objectives and culminating in a federal policy statement presented in 1979. However, the Australian constitution gives major responsibility for water resources to the states. Further, the federal policy statement seems to assume that each state has a water resources policy and that it accords with the nationally agreed objectives. This is not the case, and the practical management of Australia's water resources falls short of the principles set out in the policy document. The River Murray, the nation's major water resource, provides ample evidence of this fact. With very limited water resources, Australia urgently needs to reduce the disparity between principle and practice in their management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The increased agricultural efficiency of the American farmer has been a substantial impetus to this nation's rapid urbanization. In many western regions where total water supplies are limited, urbanization has required the transfer of heretofore agricultural water rights to the urban use. A major problem in such transfers has been the value or price of the water. A management level model of a typical urban water system was developed to optimize water supply, distribution, and wastewater treatment alternatives. The values of agricultural transfers were determined as the cost advantages of increasing allowable reuse levels of urban effluents which imply the use of a downstream right. This procedure is justified by the economic theory of alternative cost. Results for a test application to the Denver, Colorado area indicate values on the order of $1,000 per acre-foot of transferable water depending on effluent water quality restrictions and operational policies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A procedure to apply genetic algorithm to optimize operation rules is proposed and applied to the LiYuTan Reservoir in Taiwan. The designed operation rules are operation zones with discount rates of water supply. The first step of the procedure is to predefine the shape of boundary curves of operation zones according to reservoir storage routing. Then, relatively fewer variables are used to describe the curves, and a last genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to optimize the curves. The procedure is applied to the newly built LiYuTan Reservoir for increasing domestic water demands. Shortage index is used to evaluate the performance of operation zones. A year is divided into 36 operational periods, with each month containing three operational periods. The shortage indexes calculated in operational periods are 9.81, 8.27, and 7.13, respectively, for the reservoir without operation rules, applying operation zones optimized by GA with encoding 36 storage levels for each curve, and adopting operation zones optimized by GA with encoding the curves with predefined shape. The average deficits for the three cases are 77.2, 43.6, and 33.3 (104 m3/day), respectively. The results indicate that operation zones optimized by the proposed procedure have smaller shortage indexes and lower average deficits. In addition, the optimized operation zones have less variation and thus are more practical for operation. Conclusively, the proposed procedure utilizing GA to optimize operation zones with predefined shape can provide better and realistic outcomes through limited iterations.  相似文献   

The study of the optimal expansion of existing water resources systems is of continuing importance because of the rising demand and limited supply of water in many areas of the world, particularly in the southwestern part of the United States of America. This study is concerned with the investigation of the optimal expansion of a realistic water resources system to meet an increasing demand for municipal and industrial use, irrigation, energy, and recreation over a planning horizon of T years. A number of possible dam sites are available for the further regulation of river (canal) flows in the basin and/or the regulation of imported waters into the basin. To maximize, over the set of alternative projects, the sum of discounted present value of net earnings subject to the demands and various institutional, physical and budgetary limits, an optimization problem (Problem I) was formed as a 0-1 mixed integer programming problem and was decomposed into the set of all feasible combinations (Problem II). The economic return was determined for each combination (Problem III). Problem II was solved by a branch and bound procedure which selected each feasible combination of dams while the optimal return for each such combination (Problem III) was found by a network analysis code.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The tri‐state river basins, shared by Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, are being modeled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to help facilitate agreement in an acrimonious water dispute among these different state governments. Modeling of such basin reservoir operations requires parallel understanding of several river system components: hydropower production, flood control, municipal and industrial water use, navigation, and reservoir fisheries requirements. The Delphi method, using repetitive surveying of experts, was applied to determine fisheries' water and lake‐level requirements on 25 reservoirs in these interstate basins. The Delphi technique allowed the needs and requirements of fish populations to be brought into the modeling effort on equal footing with other water supply and demand components. When the subject matter is concisely defined and limited, this technique can rapidly assess expert opinion on any natural resource issue, and even move expert opinion toward greater agreement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Individuals involved in state water resource planning generally have avoided any development of a comprehensive public water planning investment model that would set the stage for quantitative recommendations of a “what ought to be” tone for future water strategies. Three New Hampshire towns were selected to illustrate the usefulness of a mixed integer multiperiod programming model that utilizes hydrologic and economic data for identifying the discounted least cost of water supply, distribution, and scheduling. Comparisons are made regarding the feasibility of a regional water system approach versus independent “town by town” water supplies that presently prevail. To analyze the sensitivity of optimal water planning solutions to projected water demands, variations in these demands are made.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Governments of Nigeria have planned to build 395 dams in the next five years. Such water resources development may increase the incidence of Schistosomiasis, Malaria, Onchocerciasis, and Trypanosomiasis. Adequate measures should be taken to minimize adverse effects of the projects on the public health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The production of a documentary video in a graduate seminar offers advantages over the traditional term paper. These advantages derive from the nature of the videotape medium. The most distinct difference between a written document and a video production is the use of the video camera to record events. In using the camera, the student is required to become involved both in front of the video camera, for example, as an interviewer, and behind the camera as a camera operator. Next, as an editor, the student is required to review the events that she/he has taped for inclusion in the final product. By participating in these three roles, the student has the opportunity to learn interviewing skills while interacting with professionals in the field, to learn videotaping skills, and to see him/herself as he/she appears to others. The student can use the video feedback to improve his/her professional presentation; posture, dress, gestures, speech, and facial expressions all have an impact on how we are perceived by others. Additionally, the painstaking process of reviewing the taped material leads to an intimate knowledge of the topic, and the process of choosing portions out of entire interviews hones the ability to select the crucial or central themes and ideas from any discussion. Finally, the power of video lies in its ability to communicate information to a wide audience. Although the nature of video for the general public does not permit highly detailed or rigorous coverage of any topic, it is a major source of information. Accordingly, video is an important tool that can be used to inform the public about the importance of wise water resource management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Extensive investigations have been undertaken to determine the utility of Landsat data for detecting and analyzing hydrologic characteristics of an interior watershed of Iran that drains to Daryachehye-Namak (salt lake). This interior playa serves as the terminus for surface water discharging to it from the Karaj, Shur, Saveh, and Ghom Rivers and ground water from their underlying aquifers. These drainage systems encompass heavily populated and industrial sectors of west central Iran, including Tehran. The result of this investigation demonstrates the applicability of Landsat data for mapping and monitoring water regimen as an aid in interpreting hydrologic conditions throughout this arid region. Fluctuation of water area in a playa lake, occupying the lowest part of this closed basin, was monitored on repetitive Landsat coverage. As the result of field investigations combined with optical and digital analyses of the Landsat data, fluctuating water depths were determined in order to estimate the volume of water present in this lake during various seasons. A comparison between stream discharge rates and the estimated volume of standing water make it possible to quantitatively evaluate the hydrologic regimen and to detect the significance of ground water discharge.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mathematical models are formulated for selection of water resources projects to meet the future additional water requirements of a given region at the minimum present worth cost. The projects available are surface water reservoirs and desalination plants. The modles are used for selecting both the development sequence of projects and their optimum sizes. Decisions with regard to planning time horizon and discount rates are made outside of the mathematical model. The algorithm used for solving these models is an integer programming routine using the implicit enumeration technique. Some computational results are presented for a hypothetical case.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent developments in multiple objective decision making methods presented in the upcoming sequence of research papers are evaluated and compared with respect to their usefulness in addressing challenging problems in water resources management. Because many of the decision making techniques originated in the field of operational research, the historical evolution of this field is outlined and the current need for developing a wide range of techniques for employment in strategic decision making is pointed out. Informative attributes for classifying decision making techniques are given to allow a practitioner to select decision aids that can best model the key characteristics of the particular problems under study. By systematically applying a wide variety of multiple objective decision making techniques to many different kinds of water resources problems, the authors of the papers clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing these methods for assisting in making both tactical and strategic decisions in water resources management.  相似文献   

.Fish and wildlife enhancement through water resources development implies fish and wildlife will be enhanced or benefit directly from such development. As a matter of practicality, the opposite may be the case in that wildlife lands of prime value and stream fisheries are often lost or severely altered as a result of reservoir construction or stream channelization. Additionally, estuarine fish and wildlife can also suffer from water resources development due to reductions in volume of fresh waters reaching the estuaries and adjacent marshes. In some instances waterfowl habitat can be created by reservoir construction and with good planning waterfowl habitat and use may be enhanced. To offset losses of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat when a river system is to be totally harnessed, planners could set aside sufficiently large natural areas dedicated for use by wildlife. This, however, would be replacement rather than enhancement. Reservoir fisheries can be enhanced with good planning to include timber clearing, shoreline clearing, boat road clearing, variable level drawoff devices and tailrace escapement channels. To sum up, it is possible for some species offish and wildlife to be enhanced through water resources development but only at the expense of others, and then only through careful and integrated planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An analytic methodology utilizing models from three disciplines is developed to assess the viability of brush control for water yield in the Frio River basin, Texas. Ecological, hydrologic, and economic models are used to portray changes in forage production and water supply resulting from brush control, and to value supplemental water produced through brush control. Site‐specific biophysical characteristics are used to simulate water yields from brush control across the watershed. Economic benefits from increased animal production for ranchers undertaking brush control are assessed. Benefits to Corpus Christi residential water consumers from ranchers' brush control activities are evaluated using the change in consumer surplus resulting from supplemental water produced through brush control. Results indicate an increase in water yield with brush control on 35 percent of the land area in the basin. However, the cost of brush control is more than the increase in returns it fosters on most range sites. Consumer surplus change for Corpus Christi residents over 25 years is zero under baseline conditions, implying subsidies for brush control in the Frio basin are not worthwhile at this time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water is a vital water resource in the Choushui River alluvial fan in Taiwan. A significantly increased demand for water, resulting from rapid economic development, has led to large scale ground water extraction. Overdraft of ground water has considerably lowered the ground water level, and caused seawater intrusion, land subsidence, and other environmental damage. Sound ground water management thus is essential. This study presents a decision support system (DSS) for managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan. This DSS integrates geographic information, ground water simulation, and expert systems. The geographic information system effectively analyzes and displays the spatially varied data and interfaces with the ground water simulation system to compute the dynamic behavior of ground water flow and solute transport in the aquifer. Meanwhile, a ground water model, MODFLOW‐96, is used to determine the permissible yield in the Choushui River alluvial fan. Additionally, an expert system of DSS employs the determined aquifer permissible yield to assist local government agencies in issuing water rights permits and managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan.  相似文献   

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